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ATMI Java Server User Interfaces

ATMI Java Server User Interfaces
This topic includes the following sections:
TuxedoJavaServer is an abstract class, which should be inherited by all the user-defined classes that implement the services.
Oracle Tuxedo Java Context
To access the TJATMI primitives provided by Oracle Tuxedo Java server, you need to get a TuxAppContext object that implements all the TJATMI primitives.
Because the service class inherits from TuxedoJavaServer, you can call getTuxAppContext() in the service to get the context object. However, you cannot get TuxAppContext in tpsvrinit() because the TuxAppContext is not ready at this time. If you try to get the TuxAppContext object in tpsvrinit(), tpsvrinit() will fail and throw an exception.
TJATMI Primitives for Tuxedo Java Applications
TJATMI is a set of primitives that provides communication between clients and servers, such as calling the services, starting and ending transactions, getting the connection to DataSource, logging, and etc.
For more information, see Java Server Javadoc.
Table 2‑2 TJATMI Primitives
Routine for setting when tpcommit() should return
The service continues running after tpreturn ends execution. It is recommended put tpreturn() as the last executive statement in the service.
Java API Programming Examples
Most Tuxedo Java APIs must be invoked in a valid Tuxedo context. Before invoking these APIs, a valid Tuxedo context must be acquired.
The following examples present the ways to program with Java APIs.
Listing 2‑1 Example for Invoking APIs in Server Initialization and Termination Stage
public int tpsvrinit()
TuxAppContext myAppCtxt = null;
try {
int cd;
TypedString rqstData = new TypedString("hello”);
TuxATMIReply rply = null;
myAppCtxt = getTuxAppContext();
cd = myAppCtxt.tpacall("data_process", rqstData, 0);
rply = myAppCtxt.tpgetrply(cd, 0);
} catch (TuxATMITPException ex) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return 0;
public void tpsvrdone()
TuxAppContext myAppCtxt = null;
try {
TypedString rqstData = new TypedString("hello”);
TuxATMIReply rply = null;
myAppCtxt = getTuxAppContext();
rply = myAppCtxt.tpcall("data_process", rqstData, 0);
} catch (TuxATMITPException ex) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Listing 2‑2 Example for Invoking APIs in Service Routine
public void MYSERVICE(TPSVCINFO rqst)
TuxAppContext myAppCtxt = null;
try {
TypedFML32 rqstData = (TypedFML32)rqst.getServiceData();
TuxATMIReply rply = null;
TypedFML32 rplyData = null;
myAppCtxt = getTuxAppContext();
rply = myAppCtxt.tpcall("data_process", rqstData, 0);
rplyData = (TypedFML32)rply.getReplyBuffer();
myAppCtxt.tpreturn(TPSUCCESS, 0, rplyData, 0);
} catch (TuxATMITPException ex) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Listing 2‑3 Example for Forwarding Service Requests
public void MYSERVICE(TPSVCINFO rqst)
TuxAppContext myAppCtxt = null;
try {
TypedFML32 rqstData = (TypedFML32)rqst.getServiceData();
TuxATMIReply rply = null;
TypedFML32 rplyData = null;
myAppCtxt = getTuxAppContext();
rply = myAppCtxt.tpcall("data_process", rqstData, 0);
rplyData = (TypedFML32)rply.getReplyBuffer();
myAppCtxt.tpforward("FWD_SVC", rplyData, 0);
} catch (TuxATMITPException ex) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
Listing 2‑4 Example for Invoking APIs in an Application Server Thread
public class SimpServTuxAppThread implements Runnable, TuxATMIConstants {
public void run() {
try {
TPINIT tpinfo = null;
int rtn = 0;
rtn = TuxAppContextUtil.tpappthrinit(tpinfo);
TuxAppContext myAppCtxt = null;
myAppCtxt = TuxAppContextUtil.getTuxAppContext();
TuxATMIReply rply = null;
TypedString rqStr = new TypedString("Is_is_simple_appThread_test");
rply = myAppCtxt.tpcall("SVC", rqStr, TPNOTIME|TPSIGRSTRT);
rtn = TuxAppContextUtil.tpappthrterm();
} catch (TuxATMITPException ex) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
In the above example, a valid Tuxedo application context can be created by invoking TuxAppContextUtil.tpappthrinit() in an application created Java server thread. After the invocation of TuxAppContextUtil.tpappthrinit() is successfully completed, you can get a valid Tuxedo application context by invoking TuxAppContextUtil.getTuxAppContext() method and then Tuxedo Java APIs can be called in the context.
TypedBuffers for Tuxedo Java Applications
ATMI Java server reuses the Oracle WebLogic Tuxedo Connector TypedBuffers that corresponds to Oracle Tuxedo typed buffers. Messages are passed to servers in typed buffers. The ATMI Java server provides the following buffer types in Table 2‑3:
Table 2‑3 TypedBuffers
For more information, see the Package of "".
Additionally, "Using FML with Oracle Tuxedo Java Server" and "Using VIEW with Oracle Tuxedo Java Server" in Reference are useful for you to use TypedFML/TypedFML32 and/or TypedView/TypedView32 in Java server class.
Limitations for Typedbuffer Support
Fldid()/Fname() for the TypedFML32 which is embedded in another TypedFML32 cannot work. To work around this issue, you can use the fieldtable class instead for name/id transferring.
The class is not available for the present.
Get/Set Service Information
Use the TPSVCINFO class to get/set service information sent by the Oracle Tuxedo client.
Table 2‑4 Getter Functions
Use TuxATMIReply to get the reply data and meta-data from a service invocation.
Return the tpurcode returned from a service
You need to catch the exception thrown by JATMI primitives in the service, such as tpcall(). There are two types of exceptions that JATMI can throw:
TuxATMITPException: Exception thrown that represents a TJATMI failure.
TuxATMITPReplyException: Exception thrown if there was a service failure (TPESVCFAIL or TPSVCERROR) and user data may be associated with the exception.
For more information, see Java Server Javadoc.
You also need to export TMTRACE=atmi:ulog as you have done for traditional Tuxedo ATMI. The TJATMI API traces are written into ULOG as other ATMI traces.
See Also
Java Server Javadoc
Oracle Tuxedo Java Server Administration
Oracle Tuxedo Java Server Configuration
Appendix: Java Server Configuration File Schema
Programming an Oracle Tuxedo Application Using Java

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