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Section 3c - C Functions

Section 3c - C Functions
Converts a tm structure to a calendar time
Routine for retrieving service and parameter information from a Tuxedo repository file.
Routine for setting when tpcommit() should return
Gets the value for environment variable TPMBACONV in the process environment
Sets the value for environment variable TPMBACONV in the process environment
Sets commit_return characteristic
Sets transaction_control characteristic
Sets transaction_timeout characteristic
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface
The Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface (ATMI) provides the interface between the application and the transaction processing system. This interface is known as the ATMI interface. It provides function calls to open and close resources, manage transactions, manage typed buffers, and invoke request/response and conversational service calls.
Communication Paradigms
The function calls described in the ATMI reference pages imply a particular model of communication. This model is expressed in terms of how client and server processes can communicate using request and reply messages.
There are two basic communication paradigms: request/response and conversational. Request/response services are invoked by service requests along with their associated data. Request/response services can receive exactly one request (upon entering the service routine) and send at most one reply (upon returning from the service routine). Conversational services, on the other hand, are invoked by connection requests along with a means of referring to the open connection (that is, a descriptor used in calling subsequent connection routines). Once the connection has been established and the service routine invoked, either the connecting program or the conversational service can send and receive data as defined by the application until the connection is torn down.
Note that a process can initiate both request/response and conversational communication, but cannot accept both request/response and conversational service requests. The following sections describe the two communication paradigms in greater detail.
In various parts of the Oracle Tuxedo documentation we refer to threads. When this term is used in a discussion of multithreaded applications, it is self-explanatory. In some instances, however, the term is used in a discussion of a topic that is relevant for both single-threaded and multithreaded applications. In such cases, readers who are running single-threaded applications may assume that the term thread refers to an entire process.
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI System Request/
Response Paradigm for Client/Server
With regard to request/response communication, a client is defined as a process that can send requests and receive replies. By definition, clients cannot receive requests nor send replies. A client can send any number of requests, and can wait for the replies synchronously or receive (some limited number of) the replies at its convenience. In certain cases, a client can send a request that has no reply. tpinit() and tpterm() allow a client to join and leave an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system application.
A request/response server is a process that can receive one (and only one) service request at a time and send at most one reply to that request. (If the server is multithreaded, however, it can receive multiple requests at one time and issue multiple replies at one time.) While a server is working on a particular request, it can act like a client by initiating request/response or conversational requests and receiving their replies. In such a capacity, a server is called a requester. Note that both client and server processes can be requesters (in fact, a client can be nothing but a requester).
A request/response server can forward a request to another request/response server. Here, the server passes along the request it received to another server and does not expect a reply. It is the responsibility of the last server in the chain to send the reply to the original requester. Use of the forwarding routine ensures that the original requester ultimately receives its reply.
Servers and service routines offer a structured approach to writing Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system applications. In a server, the application writer can concentrate on the work performed by the service rather than communications details such as receiving requests and sending replies. Because many of the communication details are handled by Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s main, the application must adhere to certain conventions when writing a service routine. At the time a server finishes its service routine, it can send a reply using tpreturn() or forward the request using tpforward(). A service is not allowed to perform any other work nor is it allowed to communicate with any other process after this point. Thus, a service performed by a server is started when a request is received and ended when either a reply is sent or the request is forwarded.
Concerning request and reply messages, there is an inherent difference between the two: a request has no associated context before it is sent, but a reply does. For example, when sending a request, the caller must supply addressing information, whereas a reply is always returned to the process that originated the request, that is, addressing context is maintained for a reply and the sender of the reply can exert no control over its destination. The differences between the two message types manifest themselves in the parameters and descriptions of the routines described in tpcall().
When a request message is sent, it is sent at a particular priority. The priority affects how a request is dequeued: when a server dequeues requests, it dequeues the one with the highest priority. To prevent starvation, the oldest request is dequeued every so often regardless of priority. By default, a request’s priority is associated with the service name to which the request is being sent. Service names can be given priorities at configuration time (see UBBCONFIG(5)). A default priority is used if none is defined. In addition, the priority can be set at run time using a routine, tpsprio(). By doing so, the caller can override the configuration or default priority when the message is sent.
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI System Conversational Paradigm for Client/Server
With regard to conversational communication, a client is defined as a process that can initiate a conversation but cannot accept a connection request.
A conversational server is a process that can receive connection requests. Once the connection has been established and the service routine invoked, either the connecting program or the conversational service can send and receive data as defined by the application until the connection is torn down. The conversation is half-duplex in nature such that one side of the connection has control and can send data until it gives up control to the other side. In a single-threaded server, while the connection is established, the server is “reserved” such that no other process can establish a connection with it. When a connection is established to a multithreaded server, however, that server is not reserved for exclusive use by one process. Instead, it can accept requests from multiple client threads.
As with a request/response server, the conversational server can act as a requester by initiating other requests or connections with other servers. Unlike a request/response server, a conversational server cannot forward a request to another server. Thus, a conversational service performed by a server is started when a request is received and ended when the final reply is sent via tpreturn().
Once the connection is established, the connection descriptor implies any context needed regarding addressing information for the participants. Messages can be sent and received as needed by the application. There is no inherent difference between the request and reply messages and no notion of priority of messages.
Message Delivery
Sending and receiving messages, whether in conversation mode or request/response mode, implies communication between two units of an application. The great majority of messages lead to a reply or at least an acknowledgment, so that is an assurance that the message was received. There are, however, certain messages (some originated by the system, others originated by an application) where a reply or acknowledgment is not expected. For example, the system can send an unsolicited message using tpnotify() without the TPACK() flag, or an application can send a message using tpacall() with the TPNOREPLY() flag. If the message queue of the receiving program is full, the message is dropped.
If the sending and receiving side are on different machines, the communication takes place between bridge processes that send and receive messages across a network. This raises the additional possibility of non-delivery due to a circuit failure. Even when either of these conditions leads to the positing of an event or to a ULOG message, it is not easy to associate the event or ULOG message with the non-arrival of a particular message.
Because the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is designed to handle large volumes of messages across broad networks, it is not programmed to detect and correct the small percentage of failures-to-deliver described in the preceding paragraphs. For that reason, there can be no guarantee that every message will be delivered.
Message Sequencing
In the conversational model, for messages being exchanged using tpsend() and tprecv(), a sequence number is added to the message header and messages are received in the order in which they are sent. If a server or client gets a message out of order, the conversation is stopped, any transaction in progress is rolled back, and message 1572 in LIBTUX, “Bad Conversational Sequence Number,” is logged.
In the Request/Response model, messages are not sequenced by the system. If the application logic implies a sequence, it is the responsibility of the application to monitor and control it. The parallel message transmission made possible by the support of multiple network addresses for bridge processes increases the possibility that messages will not be received in the order sent. An application that is concerned about this may choose to specify a single network address for each bridge process, add sequence numbers to their messages or require periodic acknowledgments.
Queued Message Model
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system queued message model allows for enqueuing a request message to stable storage for subsequent processing without waiting for its completion, and optionally getting a reply via a queued response message. The ATMI functions that queue messages and dequeue responses are tpenqueue() and tpdequeue(). They can be called from any type of Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system application processes: client, server, or conversational. The functions tpenqueue() and tpdequeue() can also be used for peer-to-peer communication where neither the enqueuing application nor the dequeuing application are designated as server or client.
The queued message facility is an XA-compliant resource manager. Persistent messages are enqueued and dequeued within transactions to ensure one-time-only processing.
ATMI Transactions
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system supports two sets of mutually exclusive functions for defining and managing transactions: the Oracle Tuxedo system’s ATMI transaction demarcation functions (the names of which include the prefix tp) and X/Open’s TX Interface functions (the names of which include the prefix tx_). Because X/Open used ATMI’s transaction demarcation functions as the base for the TX Interface, the syntax and semantics of the TX Interface are quite similar to those of the ATMI. This section is an overview of ATMI transaction concepts. The next section introduces additional concepts about the TX Interface.
In the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system, a transaction is used to define a single logical unit of work that either wholly succeeds or has no effect whatsoever. A transaction allows work performed in many processes, possibly at different sites, to be treated as an atomic unit of work. The initiator of a transaction normally uses tpbegin() and either tpcommit() or tpabort() to delineate the operations within a transaction.
The initiator may also suspend its work on the current transaction by issuing tpsuspend(). Another process may take over the role of the initiator of a suspended transaction by issuing tpresume(). As a transaction initiator, a process must call one of the following: tpsuspend(), tpcommit(), or tpabort(). Thus, one process can start a transaction that another may finish.
If a process calling a service is in transaction mode, then the called service routine is also placed in transaction mode on behalf of the same transaction. Otherwise, whether the service is invoked in transaction mode or not depends on options specified for the service in the configuration file. A service that is not invoked in transaction mode can define multiple transactions between the time it is invoked and the time it ends. On the other hand, a service routine invoked in transaction mode can participate in only one transaction, and work on that transaction is completed upon termination of the service routine. Note that a connection cannot be upgraded to transaction mode: if tpbegin() is called while a conversation exists, the conversation remains outside of the transaction (as if tpconnect() had been called with the TPNOTRAN() flag).
A service routine joining a transaction that was started by another process is called a participant. A transaction can have several participants. A service can be invoked to do work on the same transaction more than once. Only the initiator of a transaction (that is, a process calling either tpbegin() or tpresume()) can call tpcommit() or tpabort(). Participants influence the outcome of a transaction by using tpreturn() or tpforward(). These two calls signify the end of a service routine and indicate that the routine has finished its part of the transaction.
TX Transactions
Transactions defined by the TX Interface are practically identical with those defined by the ATMI functions. An application developer may use either set of functions when writing clients and service routines, but should not intermingle one set of functions with the other within a single process (that is, a process cannot call tpbegin() and later call tx_commit()).
The TX Interface has two calls for opening and closing resource managers in a portable manner, tx_open() and tx_close(), respectively. Transactions are started with tx_begin() and completed with either tx_commit() or tx_rollback(). tx_info() is used to retrieve transaction information, and there are three calls to set options for transactions: tx_set_commit_return(), tx_set_transaction_control(), and tx_set_transaction_timeout(). The TX Interface has no equivalents to ATMI’s tpsuspend() and tpresume().
In addition to the semantics and rules defined for ATMI transactions, the TX Interface has some additional semantics that are worth introducing here. First, service routine writers wanting to use the TX Interface must supply their own tpsvrinit() routine that calls tx_open(). The default Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system-supplied tpsvrinit() calls tpopen(). The same rule applies for tpsvrdone(): if the TX Interface is being used, then service routine writers must supply their own tpsvrdone() that calls tx_close().
Second, the TX Interface has two additional semantics not found in ATMI. These are chained and unchained transactions, and transaction characteristics.
Chained and Unchained Transactions
The TX Interface supports chained and unchained modes of transaction execution. By default, clients and service routines execute in the unchained mode; when an active transaction is completed, a new transaction does not begin until tx_begin() is called.
In the chained mode, a new transaction starts implicitly when the current transaction completes. That is, when tx_commit() or tx_rollback() is called, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system coordinates the completion of the current transaction and initiates a new transaction before returning control to the caller. (Certain failure conditions may prevent a new transaction from starting.)
Clients and service routines enable or disable the chained mode by calling tx_set_transaction_control(). Transitions between the chained and unchained mode affect the behavior of the next tx_commit() or tx_rollback() call. The call to tx_set_transaction_control() does not put the caller into or take it out of transaction mode.
Since tx_close() cannot be called when the caller is in transaction mode, a caller executing in chained mode must switch to unchained mode and complete the current transaction before calling tx_close().
Transaction Characteristics
A client or a service routine may call tx_info() to obtain the current values of their transaction characteristics and to determine whether they are executing in transaction mode.
The state of an application process includes several transaction characteristics. The caller specifies these by calling tx_set_*() functions. When a client or a service routine sets the value of a characteristic, it remains in effect until the caller specifies a different value. When the caller obtains the value of a characteristic via tx_info(), it does not change the value.
Error Handling
Most of the ATMI functions have one or more error returns. An error condition is indicated by an otherwise impossible returned value. This is usually -1 or error, or 0 for a bad field identifier (BADFLDID) or address. The error type is also made available in the external integer tperrno. tperrno is not cleared on successful calls, so it should be tested only after an error has been indicated.
The tpstrerror() function is provided to produce a message on the standard error output. It takes one argument, an integer (found in tperrno) and returns a pointer to the text of an error message in LIBTUX_CAT. The pointer can be used as an argument to userlog().
tperrordetail() can be used as the first step of a three step procedure to get additional detail about an error in the most recent Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system call on the current thread. tperrordetail() returns an integer which is then used as an argument to tpstrerrordetail() to retrieve a pointer to a string that contains the error message. The pointer can then be used as an argument to userlog or to fprintf().
The error codes that can be produced by an ATMI function are described on each ATMI reference page. The F_error() and F_error32() functions are provided to produce a message on the standard error output for FML errors. They take one parameter, a string; print the argument string appended with a colon and a blank; and then print an error message followed by a newline character. The error message displayed is the one defined for the error number currently in Ferror() or Ferror32(), which is set when errors occur.
Fstrerror(), and its counterpart, Fstrerror32(), can be used to retrieve the text of an FML error message from a message catalog; it returns a pointer that can be used as an argument to userlog.
The error codes that can be produced by an FML function are described on each FML reference page.
There are three types of timeouts in the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system: one is associated with the duration of a transaction from start to finish. A second is associated with the maximum length of time a blocking call will remain blocked before the caller regains control. The third is a service timeout and occurs when a call exceeds the number of seconds specified in the SVCTIMEOUT parameter in the SERVICES section of the configuration file.
The first kind of timeout is specified when a transaction is started with tpbegin(). (See tpbegin(3c) for details.) The second kind of timeout can occur when using the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system communication routines defined in tpcall(3c). Callers of these routines typically block when awaiting a reply that has yet to arrive, although they can also block trying to send data (for example, if request queues are full). The maximum amount of time a caller remains blocked is determined by an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system configuration file parameter. (See the BLOCKTIME parameter in UBBCONFIG(5) for details.)
Blocking timeouts are performed by default when the caller is not in transaction mode. When a client or server is in transaction mode, it is subject to the timeout value with which the transaction was started and is not subject to the blocking timeout value specified in the UBBCONFIG file.
When a transaction timeout occurs, replies to asynchronous requests made in transaction mode become invalid. That is, if a process is waiting for a particular asynchronous reply for a request sent in transaction mode and a transaction timeout occurs, the descriptor for that reply becomes invalid. Similarly, if a transaction timeout occurs, an event is generated on the connection descriptor associated with the transaction and that descriptor becomes invalid. On the other hand, if a blocking timeout occurs, the descriptor is still valid and the waiting process can reissue the call to await the reply.
The service timeout mechanism provides a way for the system to kill processes that may be frozen by some unknown or unexpected system error. When a service timeout occurs in a request/response service, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system kills the server process that is executing the frozen service and returns error code TPESVCERR. If a service timeout occurs in a conversational service, the TP_EVSVCERR event is returned.
If a transaction has timed out, the only valid communications before the transaction is aborted are calls to tpacall() with TPNOREPLY, TPNOTRAN, and TPNOBLOCK set.
Since release 6.4, some additional detail has been provided beyond the TPESVCERR error code. If a service fails due to exceeding the timeout threshold, an event, .SysServiceTimeout, is posted.
Dynamic Service Advertisements
By default, a server’s services are advertised when it is booted and unadvertised when it is shut down. If a server needs to control the set of services that it offers at run time, it can do so by calling tpadvertise() and tpunadvertise(). These routines affect only the services offered by the calling server unless that server belongs to a Multiple Server, Single Queue (MSSQ) set. Because all servers in an MSSQ set must offer the same set of services, these routines also affect the advertisements of all servers sharing the caller’s MSSQ set.
Buffer Management
Initially, a process has no buffers. Before sending a message, a buffer must be allocated using tpalloc(). The sender’s data can then be placed in the buffer and sent. This buffer has a specific structure. The particular structure is denoted by the type argument to the tpalloc() function. Since some structures can need further classification, a subtype can also be given (for example, a particular type of C structure).
When receiving a message, a buffer is required into which application data can be received. This buffer must be one originally gotten from tpalloc(). Note that an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server, in its main, allocates a buffer whose address is passed to a request/response or conversational service upon invoking the service. (See tpservice(3c) for details on how this buffer is treated.)
Buffers used for receiving messages are treated slightly differently than those used for sending: the size and address usually change upon receipt of a message, since the system internally swaps the buffer passed into the receive call with internal buffers it used to process the buffer. A buffer may grow or shrink when it receives data. Whether it grows or shrinks depends on the amount of data sent by the sender, and the internal data flow needed to get the data from sender to receiver. Many factors can affect the buffer size, including compression, receiving a message from a different type of machine, and the action of the postrecv() function for the type of buffer being used (see buffer(3c)). The buffer sizes in Workstation clients are usually different from those in native clients.
It is best to think of the receive buffer as a placeholder, rather than the actual container that will receive the message. The system sometimes uses the size of the buffer you pass as a hint, so it does help if it is big enough to hold the expected reply.
On the sending side, buffer types that might be filled to less than their allocated capacity (for example, FML or STRING buffers) send only the amount used. A 100K FML32 buffer with one integer field in it is sent as a much smaller buffer, containing only that integer.
This means that the receiver will receive a buffer smaller than what was originally allocated by the sender, yet larger than the data that was sent. For example, if a STRING buffer of 10K bytes is allocated, and the string “HELLO” is copied into it, only the six bytes are sent, and the receiver will probably end up with a buffer that is around 1K or 4K bytes. (It may be larger or smaller, depending on other factors.) The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system guarantees only that a received message will contain all of the data that was sent; it does not guarantee that the message will contain all the free space it originally contained.
The process receiving the reply is responsible for noting size changes in the buffer (using tptypes()) and reallocating the buffer if necessary. All Oracle Tuxedo ATMI functions change a receiver’s buffer return information about the amount of data in the buffer, so it should become standard practice to check the buffer size every time a reply is received.
One can send and receive messages using the same data buffer. Alternatively, a different data buffer can be allocated for each message. It is usually the responsibility of the calling process to free its buffers by invoking tpfree(). However, in limited cases, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system frees the caller’s buffer. For more information about buffer usage, see the descriptions of communication functions such as tpfree().
Buffer Type Switch
The tmtype_sw_t structure provides the description required when adding new buffer types to tm_typesw(), the buffer type switch for a process. The switch elements are defined in typesw(5). The function names used in this entry are templates for the actual function names defined by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system or by applications in which custom buffer types are created. These function names can be mapped easily to switch elements: to create a template name simply add the prefix _tm to the element name of a function pointer. For example, the template name for the element initbuf is _tminitbuf.
The type element must be non-NULL and at most 8 characters in length. If this element is not unique in the switch, then subtype() must be non-NULL.
The subtype() element can be NULL, a string of at most 16 characters, or * (the wildcard character). The combination of type() and subtype() must uniquely identify an element in the switch.
A given type can have multiple subtypes. If all subtypes are to be treated the same for a given type, then the wildcard character, “*”, can be used. Note that the tptypes() function can be used to determine a buffer’s type and subtype if subtypes need to be distinguished. If some subset of the subtypes within a particular type are to be treated individually, and the rest are to be treated identically, then those that are to be singled out with specific subtype values should appear in the switch before the subtype designated with the wildcard. Thus, searching for types and subtypes in the switch is done from top to bottom, and the wildcard subtype entry accepts any “leftover” type matches.
The dfltsize() element is used when allocating or reallocating a buffer. The semantics of tpalloc() and tprealloc() are such that the larger of the following two values is used to create or reallocate a buffer: the value of dfltsize() or the value of the size parameter for the tpalloc() and tprealloc() functions. For some types of structures, such as a fixed-sized C structure, the buffer size should equal the size of the structure. If dfltsize() is set to this value, then the caller may not need to specify the buffer’s length to routines in which a buffer is passed. dfltsize() can be 0 or less. However, if tpalloc() or tprealloc() is called and the size parameter for the function being called is also less than or equal to 0, then the routine will fail. We recommend setting dfltsize() to a value greater than 0.
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system provides five basic buffer types:
CARRAY—a character array, possibly containing NULL characters, which is neither encoded nor decoded during transmission
STRING—a NULL-terminated character array
FML—fielded buffers (FML or FML32)
XML—XML document or datagram buffer
VIEW—simple C structures (VIEW or VIEW32); all views are handled by the same set of routines. The name of a particular view is its subtype name.
Two of these buffer types have synonyms: X_OCTET is a synonym for CARRAY, and both X_C_TYPE and X_COMMON are synonyms for VIEW. X_C_TYPE supports all the same elements as VIEW, whereas X_COMMON supports only longs, shorts, and characters. X_COMMON should be used when both C and COBOL programs are communicating.
An application wishing to supply its own buffer type can do so by adding an instance to the tm_typesw() array. Whenever adding or deleting a buffer type, be careful to leave a NULL entry at the end of the array. Note that a buffer type with a NULL name is not permitted. An application client or server is linked with the new buffer type switch by explicitly specifying the name of the source or object file on the buildserver() or buildclient() command line using the -f option.
Unsolicited Notification
There are two methods for sending messages to application clients outside the boundaries of the client/server interaction defined above. The first is the broadcast mechanism supported by tpbroadcast(). This function allows application clients, servers, and administrators to broadcast typed buffer messages to a set of clients selected on the basis of the names assigned to them. The names assigned to clients are determined in part by the application (specifically, by the information passed in the TPINIT typed buffer at tpinit() time) and in part by the system (based on the processor through which the client accesses the application).
The second method is the notification of a particular client as identified from an earlier or current service request. Each service request contains a unique client identifier that identifies the originating client for the service request. Calls to the tpcall() and tpforward() functions from within a service routine do not change the originating client for that chain of service requests. Client identifiers can be saved and passed between application servers. The tpnotify() function is used to notify clients identified in this manner.
Single or Multiple Application Contexts per Process
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system allows client programs to create an association with one or more applications per process. If tpinit() is called with the TPMULTICONTEXTS parameter included in the flags field of the TPINIT structure, then multiple client contexts are allowed. If tpinit() is called implicitly, is called with a NULL parameter, or the flags field does not include TPMULTICONTEXTS, then only a single application association is allowed.
In single-context mode, if tpinit() is called more than once (that is, if it is called after the client has already joined the application), no action is taken and success is returned.
In multicontext mode, each call to tpinit() creates a new application association. The application can obtain a handle representing this application association by calling tpgetctxt(). Any thread in the same process can call tpsetctxt() to set that thread’s context.
Once an application has chosen single-context mode, all calls to tpinit() must specify single-context mode until all application associations are terminated. Similarly, once an application has chosen multicontext mode, all calls to tpinit() must specify multicontext mode until all application associations are terminated.
Server programs can be associated with only a single application and cannot act as clients. However, within each server program, there may be multiple server dispatch contexts. Each server dispatch context works in its own thread.
Table 2 shows the transitions that may occur, within a client process, among the following states: the uninitialized state, the initialized in single-context mode state, and the initialized in multicontext mode state.
tpinit without TPMULTICONTEXTS
S1 (error)
Implicit tpinit
S2 (error)
tpterm—not last association
tpterm—last association
tpterm—no association
Context State Changes for a Client Thread
In a multicontext application, calls to various functions result in context state changes for the calling thread and any other threads that are active in the same context as the calling process. The following diagram illustrates the context state changes that result from calls to the tpinit(), tpsetctxt(), and tpterm() functions. (The tpgetctxt() function does not produce any context state changes.)
Multicontext State Transitions
When tpterm() is called by a thread running in the multicontext state (TPMULTICONTEXTS), the calling thread is placed in the NULL context state (TPNULLCONTEXT). All other threads associated with the terminated context are switched to the invalid context state (TPINVALIDCONTEXT).
Table 3 lists all possible context state changes produced by calling tpinit(), tpsetctxt(), and tpterm(). These states are thread-specific; different threads can be in different states when they are part of a multicontexted application. By contrast, each context state listed in the preceding table (“Per-Process Context Modes”) applies to an entire process.
tpinit without TPMULTICONTEXTS
tpsetctxt to TPNULLCONTEXT
tpsetctxt to context 0
tpsetctxt to context > 0
Implicit tpinit
tpterm in this thread
tpterm in a different thread of this context
Support for Threads Programming
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system supports multithreaded programming in several ways. If the process is using single-context mode, then as the application creates new threads, those threads share the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI context for the process. In a client, after a thread issues a tpinit() call in single-context mode, other threads may then proceed to issue ATMI calls. For example, one thread may issue a tpacall() and a different thread in the same process may issue a tpgetrply().
When in multicontext mode, threads initially are not associated with an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI application. A thread can either join an existing application association by calling tpsetctxt() or create a new association by calling tpinit() with the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag set.
Whether running in single-context mode or multicontext mode, the application is responsible for coordinating its threads so that ATMI operations are performed at the appropriate time.
An application may create additional threads within a server by using OS thread functions. These threads may operate independently of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system, or they may operate in the same context as one of the server dispatch threads. Initially, application-created server threads are not associated with any server dispatch context. An application-created server thread may call tpsetctxt() to associate itself with a server dispatch thread. The application-created server thread must complete all of its ATMI calls before the dispatched thread calls tpreturn() or tpforward(). A server thread dispatched by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system may not call tpsetctxt(). In addition, application-created threads may not make ATMI calls that would cause an implicit tpinit() when not associated with a context. On the other hand, this failure to make ATMI calls does not occur with dispatcher-created threads because those threads are always associated with a context. All server threads are prohibited from calling tpinit().
In a multithreaded application, a thread that is operating in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is prohibited from calling many ATMI functions. The following lists specify which functions may and may not be called under these circumstances.
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system allows a thread operating in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state to call the following functions:
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system does not allow a thread operating in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state to call the following functions:
C Language ATMI Return Codes and Other Definitions
The following return code and flag definitions are used by the ATMI routines. For an application to work with different transaction monitors without change or recompilation, each system must define its flags and return codes as follows:
* The following definitions must be included in atmi.h

/* Flags to service routines */

#define TPNOBLOCK 0x00000001 /* non-blocking send/rcv */
#define TPSIGRSTRT 0x00000002 /* restart rcv on interrupt */
#define TPNOREPLY 0x00000004 /* no reply expected */
#define TPNOTRAN 0x00000008 /* not sent in transaction mode */
#define TPTRAN 0x00000010 /* sent in transaction mode */
#define TPNOTIME 0x00000020 /* no timeout */
#define TPABSOLUTE 0x00000040 /* absolute value on tmsetprio */
#define TPGETANY 0x00000080 /* get any valid reply */
#define TPNOCHANGE 0x00000100 /* force incoming buffer to match */
#define RESERVED_BIT1 0x00000200 /* reserved for future use */
#define TPCONV 0x00000400 /* conversational service */
#define TPSENDONLY 0x00000800 /* send-only mode */
#define TPRECVONLY 0x00001000 /* recv-only mode */
#define TPACK 0x00002000 /* */

/* Flags to tpreturn - also defined in xa.h */
#define TPFAIL 0x20000000 /* service FAILURE for tpreturn */
#define TPEXIT 0x08000000 /* service FAILURE with server exit */
#define TPSUCCESS 0x04000000 /* service SUCCESS for tpreturn */

/* Flags to tpscmt - Valid TP_COMMIT_CONTROL
* characteristic values
#define TP_CMT_LOGGED 0x01 /* return after commit
* decision is logged */
#define TP_CMT_COMPLETE 0x02 /* return after commit has
* completed */

/* client identifier structure */
struct clientid_t {
long clientdata[4]; /* reserved for internal use */
typedef struct clientid_t CLIENTID;
/* context identifier structure */
typedef long TPCONTEXT_T;
/* interface to service routines */
struct tpsvcinfo {
long flags; /* describes service attributes */
char *data; /* pointer to data */
long len; /* request data length */
int cd; /* connection descriptor
* if (
flags TPCONV) true */
long appkey; /* application authentication client
* key */
CLIENTID cltid; /* client identifier for originating
* client */

typedef struct tpsvcinfo TPSVCINFO;

/* tpinit(3c) interface structure */
#define MAXTIDENT 30

struct tpinfo_t {
char usrname[MAXTIDENT+2]; /* client user name */
char cltname[MAXTIDENT+2]; /* app client name */
char passwd[MAXTIDENT+2]; /* application password */
long flags; /* initialization flags */
long datalen; /* length of app specific data */
long data; /* placeholder for app data */
typedef struct tpinfo_t TPINIT;

/* The transactionID structure passed to tpsuspend(3c) and tpresume(3c) */
struct tp_tranid_t {
long info[6]; /* Internally defined */

typedef struct tp_tranid_t TPTRANID;

/* Flags for TPINIT */
#define TPU_MASK 0x00000007 /* unsolicited notification
* mask */
#define TPU_SIG 0x00000001 /* signal based
* notification */
#define TPU_DIP 0x00000002 /* dip-in based
* notification */
#define TPU_IGN 0x00000004 /* ignore unsolicited
* messages */
#define TPU_THREAD 0x00000040 /* THREAD notification */
#define TPSA_FASTPATH 0x00000008 /* System access ==
* fastpath */
#define TPSA_PROTECTED 0x00000010 /* System access ==
* protected */
#define TPMULTICONTEXTS 0x00000020 /* multiple context associa-
* tions per process */
/* /Q tpqctl_t data structure */
#define TMQNAMELEN 127
#define TMMSGIDLEN 32
#define TMCORRIDLEN 32

struct tpqctl_t { /* control parameters to queue primitives */
long flags; /* indicates which values are set */
long deq_time; /* absolute/relative time for dequeuing */
long priority; /* enqueue priority */
long diagnostic; /* indicates reason for failure */
char msgid[TMMSGIDLEN]; /* ID of message before which to queue */
char corrid[TMCORRIDLEN]; /* correlation ID used to identify message */
char replyqueue[TMQNAMELEN+1]; /* queue name for reply message */
char failurequeue[TMQNAMELEN+1]; /* queue name for failure message */
CLIENTID cltid; /* client identifier for */
/* originating client */
long urcode; /* application user-return code */
long appkey; /* application authentication client key */
long delivery_qos; /* delivery quality of service */
long reply_qos; /* reply message quality of service */
long exp_time /* expiration time */
typedef struct tpqctl_t TPQCTL;

/* /Q structure elements that are valid - set in flags */
#define TPNOFLAGS 0x00000 /* no flags set -- no get */
#define TPQCORRID 0x00001 /* set/get correlation ID */
#define TPQFAILUREQ 0x00002 /* set/get failure queue */
#define TPQBEFOREMSGID 0x00004 /* enqueue before message ID */
#define TPQGETBYMSGIDOLD 0x00008 /* deprecated */
#define TPQMSGID 0x00010 /* get msgid of enq/deq message */
#define TPQPRIORITY 0x00020 /* set/get message priority */
#define TPQTOP 0x00040 /* enqueue at queue top */
#define TPQWAIT 0x00080 /* wait for dequeuing */
#define TPQREPLYQ 0x00100 /* set/get reply queue */
#define TPQTIME_ABS 0x00200 /* set absolute time */
#define TPQTIME_REL 0x00400 /* set relative time */
#define TPQGETBYCORRIDOLD 0x00800 /* deprecated */
#define TPQPEEK 0x01000 /* non-destructive dequeue */
#define TPQDELIVERYQOS 0x02000 /* delivery quality of service */
#define TPQREPLYQOS 0x04000 /* reply msg quality of service*/
#define TPQEXPTIME_ABS 0x08000 /* absolute expiration time */
#define TPQEXPTIME_REL 0x10000 /* relative expiration time */
#define TPQEXPTIME_NONE 0x20000 /* never expire */
#define TPQGETBYMSGID 0x40008 /* dequeue by msgid */
#define TPQGETBYCORRID 0x80800 /* dequeue by corrid */

/* Valid flags for the quality of service fields in the TPQCTL structure */
#define TPQQOSDEFAULTPERSIST 0x00001 /* queue's default persistence */
/* policy */
#define TPQQOSPERSISTENT 0x00002 /* disk message */
#define TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT 0x00004 /* memory message */

/* error return codes */
extern int tperrno;
extern long tpurcode;

/* tperrno values - error codes */
* The reference pages explain the context in which the following
* error codes can return.

#define TPMINVAL 0 /* minimum error message */
#define TPEABORT 1
#define TPEBADDESC 2
#define TPEBLOCK 3
#define TPEINVAL 4
#define TPELIMIT 5
#define TPENOENT 6
#define TPEOS 7
#define TPEPERM 8
#define TPEPROTO 9
#define TPESVCERR 10
#define TPESVCFAIL 11
#define TPESYSTEM 12
#define TPETIME 13
#define TPETRAN 14
#define TPGOTSIG 15
#define TPERMERR 16
#define TPEITYPE 17
#define TPEOTYPE 18
#define TPERELEASE 19
#define TPEHAZARD 20
#define TPEEVENT 22
#define TPEMATCH 23
#define TPEMIB 25
#define TPMAXVAL 26 /* maximum error message */

/* conversations - events */
#define TPEV_DISCONIMM 0x0001
#define TPEV_SVCERR 0x0002
#define TPEV_SVCFAIL 0x0004
#define TPEV_SVCSUCC 0x0008
#define TPEV_SENDONLY 0x0020

/* /Q diagnostic codes */
#define QMEINVAL -1
#define QMEBADRMID -2
#define QMENOTOPEN -3
#define QMETRAN -4
#define QMEBADMSGID -5
#define QMESYSTEM -6
#define QMEOS -7
#define QMEABORTED -8
#define QMEPROTO -9
#define QMEBADQUEUE -10
#define QMENOMSG -11
#define QMEINUSE -12
#define QMENOSPACE -13
#define QMERELEASE -14
#define QMEINVHANDLE -15
#define QMESHARE -16

/* EventBroker Messages */
#define TPEVSERVICE 0x00000001
#define TPEVQUEUE 0x00000002
#define TPEVTRAN 0x00000004
#define TPEVPERSIST 0x00000008

/* Subscription Control Structure */
struct tpevctl_t {
long flags;
TPQCTL qctl;
typedef struct tpevctl_t TPEVCTL;
C Language TX Return Codes and Other Definitions
The following return code and flag definitions are used by the TX routines. For an application to work with different transaction monitors without change or recompilation, each system must define its flags and return codes as follows:
#define TX_H_VERSION 0 /* current version of this
* header file */

* Transaction identifier
#define XIDDATASIZE 128 /* size in bytes */
struct xid_t {
long formatID; /* format identifier */
long gtrid_length; /* value not to exceed 64 */
long bqual_length; /* value not to exceed 64 */
char data[XIDDATASIZE];
typedef struct xid_t XID;
* A value of -1 in formatID means that the XID is null.

* Definitions for tx_ routines
/* commit return values */
typedef long COMMIT_RETURN;

/* transaction control values */
#define TX_UNCHAINED 0
#define TX_CHAINED 1

/* type of transaction timeouts */

/* transaction state values */
#define TX_ACTIVE 0

/* structure populated by tx_info */
struct tx_info_t {
XID xid;
COMMIT_RETURN when_return;
TRANSACTION_CONTROL transaction_control;
TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT transaction_timeout;
TRANSACTION_STATE transaction_state;
typedef struct tx_info_t TXINFO;

* tx_ return codes
* (transaction manager reports to application)
#define TX_NOT_SUPPORTED 1 /* option not supported */
#define TX_OK 0 /* normal execution */
#define TX_OUTSIDE -1 /* application is in an RM
* local transaction */
#define TX_ROLLBACK -2 /* transaction was rolled
* back */
#define TX_MIXED -3 /* transaction was
* partially committed and
* partially rolled back */
#define TX_HAZARD -4 /* transaction may have been
* partially committed and
* partially rolled back */
#define TX_PROTOCOL_ERROR -5 /* routine invoked in an
* improper context */
#define TX_ERROR -6 /* transient error */
#define TX_FAIL -7 /* fatal error */
#define TX_EINVAL -8 /* invalid arguments were given */
#define TX_COMMITTED -9 /* transaction has
* heuristically committed */

#define TX_NO_BEGIN -100 /* transaction committed plus
* new transaction could not
* be started */
/* transaction rollback plus
* new transaction could not
* be started */
/* mixed plus new transaction
* could not be started */
/* hazard plus new transaction
* could not be started */
/* heuristically committed plus
* new transaction could not
* be started */
ATMI State Transitions
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system keeps track of the state for each process and verifies that legal state transitions occur for the various function calls and options. The state information includes the process type (request/response server, conversational server, or client), the initialization state (uninitialized or initialized), the resource management state (closed or open), the transaction state of the process, and the state of all asynchronous request and connection descriptors. When an illegal state transition is attempted, the called function fails, setting tperrno to TPEPROTO. The legal states and transitions for this information are described in the following tables.
Table 4 indicates which functions may be called by request/response servers, conversational servers, and clients. Note that tpsvrinit(), tpsvrdone(), tpsvrthrinit(), and tpsvrthrdone() are not included in this table because they are not called by applications (that is, they are application-supplied functions that are invoked by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system).
Y (in application-
created threads
Y (in application-
created threads
The remaining state tables are for both clients and servers, unless otherwise noted. Keep in mind that because some functions cannot be called by both clients and servers (for example, tpinit()), certain state transitions shown below may not be possible for both process types. The above table should be consulted to determine whether the process in question is allowed to call a particular function.
The following state table indicates whether or not a thread in a client process has been initialized and registered with the transaction manager. Note that this table assumes the use of tpinit(), which is optional in single-context mode. That is, a single-context client may implicitly join an application by issuing one of many ATMI functions (for example, tpconnect() or tpcall()). A client must use tpinit() when one of the following is true:
Application authentication is required. (See tpinit(3c) and the description of the SECURITY keyword in UBBCONFIG(5) for details.)
A server is placed in the initialized state by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s main() before its tpsvrinit() function is invoked, and it is placed in the uninitialized state by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s main() after its tpsvrdone() function has returned. Note that in all of the state tables shown below, an error return from a function causes the thread to remain in the same state, unless otherwise noted.
(set to a non-NULL context)
(with the TPNULLCONTEXT context set)
(in this thread)
(in a different thread of this context)
The remaining state tables assume a precondition of state I1 (regardless of whether a process arrived in this state via tpinit(), tpsetctxt(), or the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s main()).
Table 6 indicates the state of a client or server with respect to whether or not a resource manager associated with the process has been initialized.
tpservice with flag TPTRAN
Table 7 indicates the state of a process with respect to whether or not the process is associated with a transaction. For servers, transitions to states T1and T2 assume a precondition of state R1 (for example, tpopen() has been called with no subsequent call to tpclose() or tpterm()).
tpservice with flag TPTRAN
tpservice (not in transaction mode)
Table 8 indicates the state of a single request descriptor returned by tpacall().
A0 a
A0 b
A0 b
A1 c
a This state change occurs only if the descriptor is not associated with the caller’s transaction.
b This state change occurs only if the descriptor is associated with the caller’s transaction.
c If the descriptor is associated with the caller’s transaction, then tpsuspend() returns a protocol error.
Table 9 indicates the state of a connection descriptor returned by tpconnect() or provided by a service invocation in the TPSVCINFO structure. For primitives that do not take a connection descriptor, the state changes apply to all connection descriptors, unless otherwise noted.
The states are as follows:
C0—No descriptor
C1tpconnect() descriptor send-only
C2tpconnect() descriptor receive-only
C3TPSVCINFO descriptor send-only
C4TPSVCINFO descriptor receive-only
tpconnect with TPSENDONLY
C1 a
tpconnect with TPRECVONLY
C2 a
tpservice with flag TPSENDONLY
C3 b
tpservice with flag TPRECVONLY
C4 b
tprecv/no event
tpsend/no event
tpsend with flag TPRECVONLY
tpterm (client only)
tpcommit (originator only)
C0 c
tpsuspend (originator only)
C1 d
C2 d
tpabort (originator only)
C0 c
C0 c
tpreturn (CONV server)
tpforward (CONV server)
a If process is in transaction mode and TPNOTRAN is not specified, the connection is in transaction mode.
b If the TPTRAN flag is set, the connection is in transaction mode.
c If the connection is not in transaction mode, no state change.
d If the connection is in transaction mode, then tpsuspend() returns a protocol error.
TX State Transitions
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system ensures that a process calls the TX functions in a legal sequence. When an illegal state transition is attempted (that is, a call from a state with a blank transition entry), the called function returns TX_PROTOCOL_ERROR. The legal states and transitions for the TX functions are shown in Table 10. Calls that return failure do not make state transitions, unless they are described by specific state table entries. Any Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system client or server is allowed to use the TX functions.
The states are defined below:
S0: No RMs have been opened or initialized. An application association cannot start a global transaction until it has successfully called tx_open.
S1: An application association has opened its RM but is not in a transaction. Its transaction_control characteristic is TX_UNCHAINED.
S2: An application association has opened its RM but is not in a transaction. Its transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
S3: An application association has opened its RM and is in a transaction. Its transaction_control characteristic is TX_UNCHAINED.
S4: An application association has opened its RM and is in a transaction. Its transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
tx_commit −> TX_SET1
tx_commit −> TX_SET2
tx_rollback −> TX_SET1
tx_rollback −> TX_SET2
TX_SET1 denotes any of the following: TX_OK, TX_ROLLBACK, TX_MIXED, TX_HAZARD, or TX_COMMITTED. TX_ROLLBACK is not returned by tx_rollback() and TX_COMMITTED is not returned by tx_commit().
TX_SET2 denotes any of the following: TX_NO_BEGIN, TX_ROLLBACK_NO_BEGIN, TX_MIXED_NO_BEGIN, TX_HAZARD_NO_BEGIN, or TX_COMMITTED_NO_BEGIN. TX_ROLLBACK_NO_BEGIN is not returned by tx_rollback() and TX_COMMITTED_NO_BEGIN is not returned by tx_commit().
If TX_FAIL is returned on any call, the application process is in an undefined state with respect to the above table.
When tx_info() returns either TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY or TX_TIMEOUT_ROLLBACK_ONLY in the transaction state information, the transaction is marked rollback-only and will be rolled back whether the application program calls tx_commit() or tx_rollback().
See Also
buffer(3c), tpadvertise(3c), tpalloc(3c), tpbegin(3c), tpcall(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpgetctxt(3c), tpinit(3c), tpopen(3c), tpservice(3c), tpsetctxt(3c), tuxtypes(5), typesw(5)
AEMsetblockinghook()—Establishes an application-specific blocking hook function.
#include <atmi.h>
int AEMsetblockinghook(_TM_FARPROC)
AEMsetblockinghook() is an “ATMI Extension for Mac” that allows a Mac task to install a new function which the ATMI networking software uses to implement blocking ATMI calls. It takes a pointer to the procedure instance address of the blocking function to be installed.
A default function, by which blocking ATMI calls are handled, is included. The function AEMsetblockinghook() gives the application the ability to execute its own function at “blocking” time in place of the default function. If called with a NULL pointer, the blocking hook function is reset to the default function.
When an application invokes a blocking ATMI operation, the operation is initiated and then a loop is entered which is equivalent to the following pseudocode:
for(;;) {
execute operation in non-blocking mode
if error
if operation complete
Return Values
AEMsetblockinghook() returns a pointer to the procedure-instance of the previously installed blocking function. The application or library that calls the AEMsetblockinghook() function should save this return value so that it can be restored if necessary. (If “nesting” is not important, the application may simply discard the value returned by AEMsetblockinghook() and eventually use AEMsetblockinghook(NULL) to restore the default mechanism.) AEMsetblockinghook() returns NULL on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Under failure, AEMsetblockinghook() sets tperrno to the following value:
AEMsetblockinghook() was called while a blocking operation was in progress.
This interface is supported only in Mac clients.
The blocking function is reset after tpterm(3c) is called by the application.
AEOaddtypesw()—Installs or replaces a user-defined buffer type at execution time.
#include <atmi.h>
#include <tmtypes.h>

int FAR PASCAL AEOaddtypesw(TMTYPESW *newtype)
AEOaddtypesw() is an “ATMI Extension for OS/2” that allows an OS/2 client to install a new, or replace an existing, user-defined buffer type at execution time. The argument to this function is a pointer to a TMTYPESW structure that contains the information for the buffer type to be installed.
If the type() and the subtype() match an existing buffer type already installed, then all the information is replaced with the new buffer type. If the information does not match the type() and the subtype() fields, then the new buffer type is added to the existing types registered with the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system. For new buffer types, make sure that the WSH and other Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system processes involved in the call processing have been built with the new buffer type.
The function pointers in the TMTYPESW array should appear in the Module Definition file of the application in the EXPORTS section.
The application can also use the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s defined buffer type routines. The application and the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s buffer routines can be intermixed in one user defined buffer type.
Return Values
Upon success, AEOaddtypesw() returns the number of user buffer types in the system Upon failure, AEOaddtypesw() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, AEOaddtypesw() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
AEOaddtypesw() was called and the type parameter was NULL.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
This interface is supported only in Windows clients. The preferred way to install a type switch is to add it to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system type switch DLL. Please refer to Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application for more information.
FAR PASCAL is used only for the 16-bit OS/2 environment.
#include <os2.h>
#include <atmi.h>
#include <tmtypes.h>

int FAR PASCAL Nfinit(char FAR *, long);
int (FAR PASCAL * lpFinit)(char FAR *, long);
int FAR PASCAL Nfreinit(char FAR *, long);
int (FAR PASCAL * lpFreinit)(char FAR *, long);
int FAR PASCAL Nfuninit(char FAR *, long);
int (FAR PASCAL * lpFuninit)(char FAR *, long);

TMTYPESW newtype =
“MYFML”, ““, 1024, NULL, NULL,
NULL, _fpresend, _fpostsend, _fpostrecv, _fencdec,

newtype.initbuf = Nfinit;
newtype.reinitbuf = Nfreinit;
newtype.uninitbuf = Nfuninit;

if(AEOaddtypesw(newtype) == -1) {
userlog(“AEOaddtypesw failed %s”, tpstrerror(tperrno));
Nfinit(char FAR *ptr, long len)

Nfreinit(char FAR *ptr, long len)

Nfuninit(char FAR *ptr, long mdlen)
The application Module Definition File:




See Also
buildwsh(1), buffer(3c), typesw(5)
AEPisblocked()—Determines if a blocking call is in progress.
#include <atmi.h>
int far pascal AEPisblocked(void)
AEPisblocked() is an “ATMI Extension for OS/2 Presentation Manager” that allows a OS/2 PM task to determine if it is executing while waiting for a previous blocking call to complete.
Return Values
If there is an outstanding blocking function awaiting completion, AEPisblocked() returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0.
No errors are returned.
This interface is supported only in OS/2 PM clients.
Although a blocking ATMI call appears to an application as though it “blocks,” the OS/2 PM ATMI DLL has to relinquish the processor to allow other applications to run. This means that it is possible for the application which issued the blocking call to be reentered, depending on the message(s) it receives. In this instance, the AEPisblocked() function can be used to ascertain whether the task has been reentered while waiting for an outstanding blocking call to complete. Note that ATMI prohibits more than one outstanding call per thread.
See Also
AEWsetunsol()—Posts a Windows message for Oracle Tuxedo ATMI unsolicited event.
#include <windows.h>
#include <atmi.h>
int far pascal AEWsetunsol(HWND hWnd, WORD wMsg)
In certain Microsoft Windows programming environments, it is natural and convenient for the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s unsolicited messages to be posted to the Windows event message queue.
AEWsetunsol() controls which window to notify, hWnd, and which Windows message type to post, wMsg. When an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI unsolicited message arrives, a Windows message is posted. lParam() is set to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system buffer pointer, or zero if none. If lParam() is non-zero, the application must call tpfree() to release the buffer.
If wMsg is zero, any future unsolicited messages will be logged and ignored.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to AEWsetunsol().
Return Values
Upon failure, AEWsetunsol() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, AEWsetunsol() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
This interface is supported only in Microsoft Windows clients.
AEWsetunsol() posting of Windows messages may not be activated simultaneously with a tpsetunsol() callback routine. The most recent tpsetunsol() or AEWsetunsol() request controls how unsolicited messages will be handled.
See Also
buffer()—Semantics of elements in tmtype_sw_t.
int /* Initialize a new data buffer */
_tminitbuf(char *ptr, long len)
int /* Reinitialize a reallocated data buffer */
_tmreinitbuf(char *ptr, long len)
int /* Uninitialize a data buffer to be freed */
_tmuninitbuf(char *ptr, long len)
long /* Process buffer before sending */
_tmpresend(char *ptr, long dlen, long mdlen)
void /* Process buffer after sending */
_tmpostsend(char *ptr, long dlen, long mdlen)
long /* Process buffer after receiving */
_tmpostrecv(char *ptr, long dlen, long mdlen)
long /* Encode/decode a buffer to/from a transmission format */
_tmencdec(int op, char *encobj, long elen, char *obj, long olen)
int /* Determine server group for routing based on data */
_tmroute(char *routing_name, char *service, char *data, long \ len, char *group)
int /* Evaluate boolean expression on buffer’s data */
_tmfilter(char *ptr, long dlen, char *expr, long exprlen)
int /* Extract buffer’s data based on format string */
_tmformat(char *ptr, long dlen, char *fmt, char *result, long \ maxresult)
long /* Process buffer before sending, possibly generating copy */
_tmpresend2(char *iptr, long ilen, long mdlen, char *optr, long olen, long *flags )
long /* Multibyte code-set encoding conversion */
_tmconvmb(char *ibufp, long ilen, char *enc_name, char *obufp, long olen, long
This page describes the semantics of the elements and routines defined in the tmtype_sw_t structure. These descriptions are necessary for adding new buffer types to a process buffer type switch, tm_typesw. The switch elements are defined in typesw(5). The function names used in this entry are templates for the actual function names defined by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system as well as by applications adding their own buffer types. The names map to the switch elements very simply: the template names are made by taking each function pointer’s element name and prepending _tm (for example, the element initbuf has the function name _tminitbuf()).
The element type must be non-NULL and up to 8 characters in length. The element subtype can be NULL, a string of up to 16 characters, or the wildcard character, “*”. If type is not unique in the switch, then subtype must be used; the combination of type and subtype must uniquely identify an element in the switch.
A given type can have multiple subtypes. If all subtypes are to be treated the same for a given type, then the wildcard character, “*”, can be used. Note that the function tptypes() can be used to determine a buffer’s type and subtype if subtypes need to be distinguished. If some subset of the subtypes within a particular type are to be treated individually, and the rest are to be treated identically, then those which are to be singled out with specific subtype values should appear in the switch before the subtype designated with the wildcard. Thus, searching for types and subtypes in the switch is done from top to bottom, and the wildcard subtype entry accepts any “leftover” type matches.
dfltsize() is used when allocating or reallocating a buffer. The larger of dfltsize() and the routines’ size parameter is used to create or reallocate a buffer. For some types of structures, like a fixed sized C structure, the buffer size should equal the size of the structure. If dfltsize() is set to this value, then the caller may not need to specify the buffer’s length to routines in which a buffer is passed. dfltsize() can be 0 or less; however, if tpalloc() or tprealloc() is called and its size parameter is also less than or equal to 0, then the routine will fail. It is not recommended to set dfltsize() to a value less than 0.
Routine Specifics
The names of the functions specified below are template names used within the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system. Any application adding new routines to the buffer type switch must use names that correspond to real functions, either provided by the application or library routines. If a NULL function pointer is stored in a buffer type switch entry, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system calls a default function that takes the correct number and type of arguments, and returns a default value.
_tminitbuf() is called from within tpalloc() after a buffer has been allocated. It is passed a pointer to the new buffer, ptr, along with its size so that the buffer can be initialized appropriately. len is the larger of the length passed into tpalloc() and the default specified in dfltsize() in that type’s switch entry. Note that ptr will never be NULL due to the semantics of tpalloc() and tprealloc(). Upon successful return, ptr is returned to the caller of tpalloc().
If a single switch entry is used to manipulate many subtypes, then the writer of _tminitbuf() can use tptypes() to determine the subtype.
If no buffer initialization needs to be performed, specify a NULL function pointer.
Upon success, _tminitbuf() returns 1. If the function fails, it returns -1 causing tpalloc() to also return failure setting tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
_tmreinitbuf() behaves the same as _tminitbuf() except it is used to reinitialize a reallocated buffer. It is called from within tprealloc() after the buffer has been reallocated.
If no buffer reinitialization needs to be performed, specify a NULL function pointer.
Upon success, _tmreinitbuf() returns 1. If the function fails, it returns -1 causing tprealloc() to also return failure setting tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
_tmuninitbuf() is called by tpfree() before the data buffer is freed. _tmuninitbuf() is passed a pointer to the application portion of a data buffer, along with its size, and can be used to clean up any structures or state information associated with that buffer. ptr will never be NULL due to tpfree()’s semantics. Note that _tmuninitbuf() should not free the buffer itself. The tpfree() function is called automatically for any FLD_PTR fields in the data buffer.
If no processing needs to be performed before freeing a buffer, specify a NULL function pointer.
Upon success, _tmuninitbuf() returns 1. If the function fails, it returns -1 causing tpfree() to print a log message.
_tmpresend() is called before a buffer is sent in tpcall(), tpacall(), tpconnect(), tpsend(), tpbroadcast(), tpnotify(), tpreturn(), or tpforward(). It is also called after _tmroute() but before _tmencdec(). If ptr() is non-NULL, preprocessing is performed on a buffer before it is sent. _tmpresend()’s first argument, ptr, is the application data buffer passed into the send call. Its second argument, dlen, is the data’s length as passed into the send call. Its third argument, mdlen, is the actual size of the buffer in which the data resides.
One important requirement on this function is that it ensures that when the function returns, the data pointed to by ptr can be sent “as is.” That is, since _tmencdec() is called only if the buffer is being sent to a dissimilar machine, _tmpresend() must ensure upon return that no element in ptr’s buffer is a pointer to data that is not contiguous to the buffer.
If no preprocessing needs to be performed on the data and the amount of data the caller specified is the same as the amount that should be sent, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine returns dlen and does nothing to the buffer.
If _tmpresend2() is not NULL, _tmpresend() is not called and _tmpresend2() is called in its place.
Upon success, _tmpresend() returns the amount of data to be sent. If the function fails, it returns -1 causing _tmpresend()’s caller to also return failure setting tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
_tmpostsend() is called after a buffer is sent in tpcall(), tpbroadcast(), tpnotify(), tpacall(), tpconnect(), or tpsend(). This routine allows any post-processing to be performed on a buffer after it is sent and before the function returns. Because the buffer passed into the send call should not be different upon return, _tmpostsend() is called to repair a buffer changed by _tmpresend(). This function’s first argument, ptr, points to the data sent as a result of _tmpresend(). The data’s length, as returned from _tmpresend(), is passed in as this function’s second argument, dlen. The third argument, mdlen, is the actual size of the buffer in which the data resides. This routine is called only when ptr is non-NULL.
If no post-processing needs to be performed, specify a NULL function pointer.
_tmpostrecv() is called after a buffer is received, and possibly decoded, in tpgetrply(), tpcall(), tprecv(), or in the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system’s server abstraction, and before it is returned to the application. If ptr is non-NULL, _tmpostrecv() allows post-processing to be performed on a buffer after it is received and before it is given to the application. Its first argument, ptr, points to the data portion of the buffer received. Its second argument, dlen, specifies the data’s size coming in to _tmpostrecv(). The third argument, mdlen, specifies the actual size of the buffer in which the data resides.
If _tmpostrecv() changes the data length in post-processing, it must return the data’s new length. The length returned is passed up to the application in a manner dependent on the call used (for example, tpcall() sets the data length in one of its arguments for the caller to check upon return).
The buffer’s size might not be large enough for post-processing to succeed. If more space is required, _tmpostrecv() returns the negative absolute value of the desired buffer size. The calling routine then resizes the buffer, and calls _tmpostrecv() a second time.
If no post-processing needs to be performed on the data and the amount of data received is the same as the amount that should be returned to the application, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine returns dlen and does nothing to the buffer.
On success, _tmpostrecv() returns the size of the data the application should be made aware of when the buffer is passed up from the corresponding receive call. If the function fails, it returns -1 causing _tmpostrecv()’s caller to return failure, setting tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
_tmencdec() is used to encode/decode a buffer sent/received over a network to/from a machine having different data representations. The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system recommends the use of XDR; however, any encoding/decoding scheme can be used that obeys the semantics of this routine.
This function is called by tpcall(), tpacall(), tpbroadcast(), tpnotify(), tpconnect(), tpsend(), tpreturn(), or tpforward() to encode the caller’s buffer only when it is being sent to an “unlike” machine. In these calls, _tmencdec() is called after both _tmroute() and _tmpresend(), respectively. Recall from the description of _tmpresend() that the buffer passed into _tmencdec() contains no pointers to data that is not contiguous to the buffer.
On the receiving end, tprecv(), tpgetrply(), the receive half of tpcall() and the server abstraction all call _tmencdec() to decode a buffer after they have received it from an “unlike” machine but before calling _tmpostrecv().
_tmencdec()’s first argument, op, specifies whether the function is encoding or decoding data. op can be one of TMENCODE or TMDECODE.
When op is TMENCODE, encobj points to a buffer allocated by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system where the encoded version of the data will be copied. The unencoded data resides in obj. That is, when op is TMENCODE, _tmencdec() transforms obj to its encoded format and places the result in encobj. The size of the buffer pointed to by encobj is specified by elen and is at least four times the size of the buffer pointed to by obj whose length is olen. olen is the length returned by _tmpresend. _tmencdec() returns the size of the encoded data in encobj (that is, the amount of data to actually send). _tmencdec() should not free either of the buffers passed into the function.
When op is TMDECODE, encobj points to a buffer allocated by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system where the encoded version of the data resides as read off a communication endpoint. The length of the buffer is elen. obj points to a buffer that is at least the same size as the buffer pointed to by encobj into which the decoded data is copied. The length of obj is olen. As obj is the buffer ultimately returned to the application, this buffer may be grown by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system before calling _tmencdec() to ensure that it is large enough to hold the decoded data. _tmencdec() returns the size of the decoded data in obj. After _tmencdec() returns, _tmpostrecv() is called with obj passed as its first argument, _tmencdec()’s return value as its second, and olen as its third. _tmencdec() should not free either of the buffers passed into the function.
_tmencdec() is called only when non-NULL data needs to be encoded or decoded.
If no encoding or decoding needs to be performed on the data even when dissimilar machines exist in the network, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine returns either olen (op equals TMENCODE) or elen (op equals TMDECODE).
On success, _tmencdec() returns a non-negative length as described above. If the function fails, it returns -1 causing _tmencdec()’s caller to return failure, setting tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
The default for message routing is to route a message to any available server group that offers the desired service. Each service entry in the UBBCONFIG file can specify the logical name of some routing criteria for the service using the ROUTING parameter. Multiple services can share the same routing criteria. In the case that a service has a routing criteria name specified, _tmroute() is used to determine the server group to which a message is sent based on data in the message. This mapping of data to server group is called “data-dependent routing.” _tmroute() is called before a buffer is sent (and before _tmpresend() and _tmencdec() are called) in tpcall(), tpacall(), tpconnect(), and tpforward().
routing_name is the logical name of the routing criteria (as specified in the UBBCONFIG file) and is associated with every service that needs data dependent routing. service is the name of the service for which the request is being made. The parameter data points to the data that is being transmitted in the request and len is its length. Unlike the other routines described in these pages, _tmroute() is called even when ptr is NULL. The group parameter is used to return the name of the group to which the request should be routed. This group name must match one of the group names listed in the UBBCONFIG file (and one that is active at the time the group is chosen). If the request can go to any available server providing the specified service, group should be set to the NULL string and the function should return 1.
If data dependent routing is not needed for the buffer type, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine sets group to the NULL string and returns 1.
Upon success, _tmroute() returns 1. If the function fails, it returns -1 causing _tmroute()’s caller to also return failure; as a result, tperrno is set to TPESYSTEM. If _tmroute() fails because a requested server or service is not available, tperrno is set to TPENOENT.
If group is set to the name of an invalid server group, the function calling _tmroute() will return an error and set tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
_tmfilter() is called by the EventBroker server to analyze the contents of a buffer posted by tppost(). An expression provided by the subscriber (tpsubscribe()) is evaluated with respect to the buffer’s contents. If the expression is true, _tmfilter() returns 1 and the EventBroker performs the subscription’s notification action. Otherwise, if _tmfilter() returns 0, the EventBroker does not consider this posting a “match” for the subscription.
If exprlen is -1, expr is interpreted as a NULL-terminated character string. Otherwise expr is interpreted as exprlen bytes of binary data. An exprlen of 0 indicates no expression.
If filtering does not apply to this buffer type, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine returns 1 if there is no expression or if expr is an empty NULL-terminated string. Otherwise the default routine returns 0.
_tmformat() is called by the EventBroker server to convert a buffer’s data into a printable string, based on a format specification named fmt. The EventBroker converts posted buffers to strings as input for userlog or system notification actions.
The output is stored as a character string in the memory location pointed to by result. Up to maxresult bytes are written in result, including a terminating NULL character. If result is not large enough, _tmformat() truncates its output. The output string is always NULL terminated.
On success, _tmformat() returns a non-negative integer. 1 means success, 2 means the output string is truncated. If the function fails, it returns -1 and stores an empty string in result.
If formatting does not apply to this buffer type, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine succeeds and returns an empty string in result.
_tmpresend2() is called before a buffer is sent in tpcall(), tpacall(), tpconnect(), tpsend(), tpbroadcast(), tpnotify(), tpreturn(), and tpforward(). It is also called after _tmroute() but before _tmencdec(). If iptr is not NULL, preprocessing is performed on a buffer before the buffer is sent.
The first argument to _tmpresend2(), iptr, is the application data buffer passed into the send call. The second argument, ilen, is the length of the data as passed into the send call. The third argument, mdlen, is the actual size of the buffer in which the data resides.
Unlike _tmpresend(), _tmpresend2() receives a pointer, optr, which is used to pass a pointer to a buffer into which the data in iptr can be placed, after any required processing is done. Use this pointer if you want to use a new buffer for the data modified by _tmpresend2() instead of modifying the input buffer. The fifth argument, olen, is the size of the optr buffer. The sixth argument, flags, tells _tmpresend2() whether the buffer being processed is the parent buffer (the one being sent). The flags argument is returned by _tmpresend2() to indicate the results of processing.
The size of the optr buffer may not be large enough for successful postprocessing. If more space is required, _tmpresend2() returns the negative absolute value of the desired buffer size. All olen bytes of the optr buffer are preserved. The calling routine then resizes the buffer and calls _tmpresend2() a second time.
If no postprocessing needs to be performed on the data, and the amount of data received is the same as the amount that should be returned to the application, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine returns ilen and does not modify the buffer.
The following is a valid flag on input to _tmpresend2():
This is the parent buffer (the one being sent).
The flags returned in flags specify the results of _tmpresend2(). Possible values are:
_tmpresend2() was successful: the processed data is in the buffer referenced by iptr, and the return value contains the length of the data to be sent.
_tmpresend2() was successful: the processed data is in the buffer referenced by optr, and the return value contains the length of the data to be sent.
If TMUSEOPTR is returned, the processing done after messages are transmitted is different from the processing done by _tmpresend(): the iptr buffer remains unchanged and _tmpostsend() is not called. If TMUSEIPTR is returned, _tmpostsend() is called, as it is called for _tmpresend(). It is the responsibility of the caller to allocate and to free or cache the optr buffer.
There are several reasons why you may want to use this approach for a typed buffer:
The _tmpresend2() function ensures that when a function returns, the data in the buffer to be sent can be sent without further processing. Because _tmencdec() is called only if the buffer is being sent to a dissimilar machine, _tmpresend2() ensures, upon return, that all data is stored contiguously in the buffer to be sent.
If no preprocessing needs to be performed on the data, and the amount of data specified by the caller is the same as the amount that should be sent, specify a NULL function pointer for _tmpresend2() in the buffer type switch. If _tmpresend2() is NULL, _tmpresend() is called by default.
Upon success, _tmpresend2() returns the amount of data to be sent or, if a larger buffer is needed, the negative absolute value of the desired buffer size. If the function fails, it returns -1, causing the caller of _tmpresend2() to also return failure, setting tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
_tmconvmb() is called after tmpostrecv() to convert multibyte data from a source encoding to a target encoding. The first argument to _tmconvmb(), ibufp, is a pointer to a stream of bytes—the multibyte data—to be converted. The second argument, ilen, is the number of bytes in ibufp. The third argument, enc_name, is one of the encoding names used in the processing. For an MBSTRING buffer, the third argument is the target encoding name; for an FML32 buffer, the third argument is the source encoding name.
_tmconvmb() receives a pointer, obufp, which is used to pass a pointer to a buffer into which the data in ibufp can be placed, after any required code-set encoding conversion is done. Use this pointer if you want to use a new buffer for the data converted by _tmconvmb() instead of modifying the input pointer. The fifth argument, olen, is the size of the obufp buffer. The flags argument is returned by _tmconvmb() to indicate the results of processing.
The size of the obufp buffer may not be large enough for successful post processing. If more space is required, _tmconvmb() returns the negative absolute value of the desired buffer size. All ilen bytes of the ibufp buffer are preserved. The calling routine then resizes the buffer and calls _tmconvmb() a second time.
If no code-set encoding conversion needs to be performed on the data, and the encoding name of the sending process is the same as the encoding name of the receiving process, specify a NULL function pointer. The default routine returns ilen and does not convert the buffer. If this function does not know how to convert the code-set encoding, it returns -1.
The value returned in flags specifies the result of _tmconvmb(). Possible values are:
_tmconvmb() was successful: the processed data is in the buffer referenced by ibufp, and the return value contains the length of the converted data to be passed to the service.
_tmconvmb() was successful: the processed data is in the buffer referenced by obufp, and the return value contains the length of the data to be converted. It is the responsibility of the caller to allocate and to free or cache the obufp buffer.
Upon success, _tmconvmb() returns the amount of data buffer that had code-set encoding conversion or, if a larger buffer is needed, the negative absolute value of the desired buffer size. If the function fails, it returns -1, causing the caller of _tmconvmb() to also return failure, setting tperrno to TPESYSTEM.
See Also
tpacall(3c), tpalloc(3c), tpcall(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpdiscon(3c), tpfree(3c), tpgetrply(3c), tpgprio(3c), tprealloc(3c), tprecv(3c), tpsend(3c), tpsprio(3c), tptypes(3c), tuxtypes(5)
catgets()—Reads a program message.
#include <nl_types.h>
char *catgets (nl_catd catd, int set_num, int msg_num, char *s)
catgets() attempts to read message msg_num, in set set_num, from the message catalogue identified by catd. catd is a catalogue descriptor returned from an earlier call to catopen(). s points to a default message string which will be returned by catgets() if the identified message catalogue is not currently available.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to catgets() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
If the identified message is retrieved successfully, catgets() returns a pointer to an internal buffer area containing the NULL terminated message string. If the call is unsuccessful because the message catalogue identified by catd is not currently available, a pointer to s is returned.
See Also
catopen, catclose(3c)
catopen, catclose(3c)
catopen(), catclose()—Opens/closes a message catalogue.
#include <nl_types.h>
nl_catd catopen (char *name, int oflag)
int catclose (nl_catd catd)
catopen() opens a message catalogue and returns a catalogue descriptor. name specifies the name of the message catalogue to be opened. If name contains a “/” then name specifies a pathname for the message catalogue. Otherwise, the environment variable NLSPATH is used. If NLSPATH does not exist in the environment, or if a message catalogue cannot be opened in any of the paths specified by NLSPATH, then the default path is used (see nl_types(5)).
The names of message catalogues, and their location in the filestore, can vary from one system to another. Individual applications can choose to name or locate message catalogues according to their own special needs. A mechanism is therefore required to specify where the catalogue resides.
The NLSPATH variable provides both the location of message catalogues, in the form of a search path, and the naming conventions associated with message catalogue files. For example:
The metacharacter % introduces a substitution field, where %L substitutes the current setting of the LANG environment variable (see following section), and %N substitutes the value of the name parameter passed to catopen(). Thus, in the above example, catopen() will search in /nlslib/$LANG/, then in /nlslib/name/$LANG, for the required message catalogue.
NLSPATH will normally be set up on a system wide basis (for example, in /etc/profile) and thus makes the location and naming conventions associated with message catalogues transparent to both programs and users.
The following table lists the full set of metacharacters.
The LANG environment variable provides the ability to specify the user’s requirements for native languages, local customs and character set, as an ASCII string in the form LANG=language[_territory[.codeset]]
A user who speaks German as it is spoken in Austria and has a terminal that operates in ISO 8859/1 codeset, would want the setting of the LANG variable to be as follows:
With this setting it should be possible for the user to find relevant catalogues if they exist.
If the LANG variable is not set then the value of LC_MESSAGES as returned by setlocale(3c) is used. If this is NULL then the default path as defined in nl_types(5) is used.
oflag() is reserved for future use and should be set to 0. The results of setting this field to any other value are undefined.
catclose() closes the message catalogue identified by catd.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to catopen() or catclose() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
If successful, catopen() returns a message catalogue descriptor for use on subsequent calls to catgets() and catclose(). Otherwise catopen() returns (nl_catd) -1. catclose() returns 0 if successful, otherwise -1.
See Also
catgets(3c), setlocale(3c), nl_types(5)
decimal()—Decimal conversion and arithmetic routines.
#include “decimal.h”
lddecimal(cp, len, np) /* load a decimal */
char*cp; /* input: location of compacted format */
len; /* input: length of compacted format */
dec_t*np; /* output: location of dec_t format */
stdecimal(np, cp, len) /* store a decimal */
dec_t*np; /* input: location of dec_t format */
char*cp; /* output: location of compacted format */
int len; /* input: length of compacted format */
deccmp(n1, n2) /* compare two decimal numbers */
dec_t*n1; /* input: number to be compared */
dec_t*n2; /* input: number to be compared */
dectoasc(np, cp, len, right) /* convert dec_t to ascii */
dec_t*np; /* input: number to be converted */
char*cp; /* output: number after conversion */
int len; /* input: length of output string */
int right; /* input: number of places to right of decimal point */
deccvasc(cp, len, np) /* convert ascii to dec_t */
char*cp; /* input: number to be converted */
int len; /* input: maximum length of number to be converted */
dec_t*np; /* output: number after conversion */
dectoint(np, ip) /* convert int to dec_t */
dec_t*np; /* input: number to be converted */
int *ip; /* output: number after conversion */
deccvint(in, np) /* convert dec_t to int */
int in; /* input: number to be converted */
dec_t*np; /* output: number after conversion */
dectolong(np, lngp) /* convert dec_t to long */
dec_t*np; /* input: number to be converted */
long*lngp; /* output: number after conversion */
deccvlong(lng, np) /* convert long to dec_t */
longlng; /* input: number to be converted */
dec_t*np; /* output: number after conversion */
dectodbl(np, dblp) /* convert dec_t to double */
dec_t*np; /* input: number to be converted */
double *dblp; /* output: number after conversion */
deccvdbl(dbl, np) /* convert double to dec_t */
double *dbl; /* input: number to be converted */
dec_t*np; /* output: number after conversion */
dectoflt(np, fltp) /* convert dec_t to float */
dec_t*np; /* input: number to be converted */
float*fltp; /* output: number after conversion */
deccvflt(flt, np) /* convert float to dec_t */
double *flt; /* input: number to be converted */
dec_t*np; /* output: number after conversion */
decadd(*n1, *n2, *n3) /* add two decimal numbers */
dec_t*n1; /* input: addend */
dec_t*n2; /* input: addend */
dec_t*n3; /* output: sum */
decsub(*n1, *n2, *n3) /* subtract two decimal numbers */
dec_t*n1; /* input: minuend */
dec_t*n2; /* input: subtrahend */
dec_t*n3; /* output: difference */
decmul(*n1, *n2, *n3) /* multiply two decimal numbers */
dec_t*n1; /* input: multiplicand */
dec_t*n2; /* input: multiplicand */
dec_t*n3; /* output: product */
decdiv(*n1, *n2, *n3) /* divide two decimal numbers */
dec_t*n1; /* input: dividend */
dec_t*n2; /* input: divisor */
dec_t*n3; /* output: quotient */
These functions allow storage, conversion, and manipulation of packed decimal data on the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system. Note that the format in which the decimal data type is represented on the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is different from its representation under CICS.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to any of the decimal conversion functions while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Native Decimal Representation
Decimals are represented on native Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system nodes using the dec_t structure. This definition of this structure is as follows:
#define DECSIZE 16
struct decimal {
short dec_exp; /* exponent base 100 */
short dec_pos; /* sign: 1=pos, 0=neg, -1=null */
short dec_ndgts; /* number of significant digits */
char dec_dgts[DECSIZE]; /* actual digits base 100 */
typedef struct decimal dec_t;
It should never be necessary for programmers to directly access the dec_t structure, but it is presented here nevertheless to give an understanding of the underlying data structure. If large amounts of decimal data need to be stored, the stdecimal() and lddecimal() functions may be used to obtain a more compact format. dectoasc(), dectoint(), dectolong(), dectodbl(), and dectoflt() allow the conversion of decimals to other data types. deccvasc(), deccvint(), deccvlong(), deccvdbl(), and deccvflt() allow the conversion of other data types to the decimal data type. deccmp() is the function which compares two decimals. It returns -1 if the first decimal is less than the second, 0 if the two decimals are equal, and 1 if the first decimal is greater than the second. A negative value other than -1 is returned if either of the arguments is invalid. decadd(), decsub(), decmul(), and decdiv() perform arithmetic operations on decimal numbers.
Return Value
Unless otherwise stated, these functions return 0 on success and a negative value on error.
getURLEntityCacheDir() - Specifies a Xerces class method for getting the absolute path to the location where the DTD, schema and Entity files are cached.
char * getURLEntityCacheDir()
getURLEntityCacheDir() is a method that is called to find out the location where the DTD, schema and Entity files are cached. It returns the absolute path to the cached file location. This method is exclusively used in conjunction with the following two Xerces objects:
GetURLEntityCaching() - Specifies a Xerces class method for getting the caching mechanism for DTD, schema and Entity files.
bool getURLEntityCaching()
GetURLEntityCaching() is a method that is called to find out if caching of the DTD, schema and Entity files are turned on or off. It returns true if caching is turned on and false if caching is turned off. This method is exclusively used in conjunction with the following two Xerces objects:
gp_mktime()—Converts a tm structure to a calendar time.
#include <time.h>
time_t gp_mktime (struct tm *timeptr);
gp_mktime() converts the time represented by the tm structure pointed to by timeptr into a calendar time (the number of seconds since 00:00:00 Universal Coordinated Time—UTC, January 1, 1970).
The tm structure has the following format:
struct tm {
int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute [0, 61] */
int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour [0, 59] */
int tm_hour; /* hour since midnight [0, 23] */
int tm_mday; /* day of the month [1, 31] */
int tm_mon; /* months since January [0, 11] */
int tm_year; /* years since 1900 */
int tm_wday; /* days since Sunday [0, 6] */
int tm_yday; /* days since January 1 [0, 365] */
int tm_isdst; /* flag for daylight savings time */
In addition to computing the calendar time, gp_mktime() normalizes the supplied tm structure. The original values of the tm_wday and tm_yday components of the structure are ignored, and the original values of the other components are not restricted to the ranges indicated in the definition of the structure. On successful completion, the values of the tm_wday and tm_yday components are set appropriately, and the other components are set to represent the specified calendar time, but with their values forced to be within the appropriate ranges. The final value of tm_mday is not set until tm_mon and tm_year are determined.
The original values of the components may be either greater than or less than the specified range. For example, a tm_hour of -1 means 1 hour before midnight, tm_mday of 0 means the day preceding the current month, and tm_mon of -2 means 2 months before January of tm_year.
If tm_isdst is positive, the original values are assumed to be in the alternate time zone. If it turns out that the alternate time zone is not valid for the computed calendar time, then the components are adjusted to the main time zone. Likewise, if tm_isdst is zero, the original values are assumed to be in the main time zone and are converted to the alternate time zone if the main time zone is not valid. If tm_isdst is negative, the correct time zone is determined and the components are not adjusted.
Local time zone information is used as if gp_mktime() had called tzset().
gp_mktime() returns the specified calendar time. If the calendar time cannot be represented, the function returns the value (time_t)-1.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to gp_mktime() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
What day of the week is July 4, 2001?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

static char *const wday[] = {
"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "-unknown-"

struct tm time_str;
time_str.tm_year = 2001 - 1900;
time_str.tm_mon = 7 - 1;
time_str.tm_mday = 4;
time_str.tm_hour = 0;
time_str.tm_min = 0;
time_str.tm_sec = 1;
time_str.tm_isdst = -1;
if (gp_mktime(time_str) == -1)
printf("%s\en", wday[time_str.tm_wday]);
tm_year of the tm structure must be for year 1970 or later. Calendar times before 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 or after 03:14:07 UTC, January 19, 2038 cannot be represented.
On systems where the C compilation system already provides the ANSI C mktime() function, gp_mktime() simply calls mktime() to do the conversion. Otherwise, the conversion is provided directly in gp_mktime().
In the latter case, the TZ environment variable must be set. Note that in many installations, TZ is set to the correct value by default when the user logs on. The default value for TZ is GMT0. The format for TZ is the following:
std and dst
Three or more bytes that designate the standard time zone (std) and daylight savings time time zone (dst). Only std is required. If dst is missing, then daylight savings time does not apply in this locale. Uppercase and lowercase letters are allowed. Any characters except a leading colon (:), digits, a comma (,), a minus (-) or a plus (+) are allowed.
Indicates the value one must add to the local time to arrive at Coordinated Universal Time. The offset has the following form: hh[:mm[:ss]]. The minutes (mm) and seconds (ss) are optional. The hour (hh) is required and may be a single digit. The offset following std is required. If no offset follows dst, daylight savings time is assumed to be one hour ahead of standard time. One or more digits may be used; the value is always interpreted as a decimal number. The hour must be between 0 and 24, and the minutes (and seconds) if present, between 0 and 59. Out of range values may cause unpredictable behavior. If preceded by a “-”, the time zone is east of the Prime Meridian; otherwise it is west (which may be indicated by an optional preceding “+” sign).
Indicates when to change to and back from daylight savings time, where start/time describes when the change from standard time to daylight savings time occurs, and end/time describes when the change back happens. Each time field describes when, in current local time, the change is made.
The formats of start and end are one of the following:
The Julian day n (1 n 365). Leap days are not counted. That is, in all years, February 28 is day 59 and March 1 is day 60. It is impossible to refer to the occasional February 29.
The zero-based Julian day (0 n 365). Leap days are counted, and it is possible to refer to February 29.
Day d (0 d 6) of week n of month m in the year (1 n 5, 1 m 12), where week 5 means “the last d-day in month m,” which may occur in either the fourth or the fifth week). Week 1 is the first week in which day d occurs. Day 0 (zero) is Sunday.
Implementation specific defaults are used for start and end if these optional fields are not given.
The time has the same format as offset except that no leading sign (“-” or “+”) is allowed. The default, if time is not specified, is 02:00:00.
See Also
ctime(3c), getenv(3c), timezone(4) in a UNIX system reference manual
nl_langinfo()—Language information.
#include <nl_types.h>
#include <langinfo.h>

char *nl_langinfo (nl_item item);
nl_langinfo() returns a pointer to a NULL-terminated string containing information relevant to a particular language or cultural area defined in the programs locale. The manifest constant names and values of item are defined by langinfo.h.
For example:
nl_langinfo (ABDAY_1);
returns a pointer to the string “Dim” if the identified language is French and a French locale is correctly installed; or “Sun” if the identified language is English.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to nl_langinfo() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
If setlocale() has not been called successfully, or if langinf0() data for a supported language is either not available or item is not defined therein, then nl_langinfo() returns a pointer to the corresponding string in the C locale. In all locales, nl_langinfo() returns a pointer to an empty string if item contains an invalid setting.
The array pointed to by the return value should not be modified by the program. Subsequent calls to nl_langinfo() may overwrite the array.
See Also
setlocale(3c), strftime(3c), langinfo(5), nl_types(5)
rpc_sm_allocate, rpc_ss_allocate(3c)
rpc_sm_allocate(), rpc_ss_allocate()—Allocates memory within the RPC stub memory management scheme.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
idl_void_p_t rpc_sm_allocate(unsigned32 size, unsigned32 *status)
idl_void_p_t rpc_ss_allocate(unsigned32 size)
Applications call rpc_sm_allocat3() to allocate memory within the RPC stub memory management scheme. The input parameter, size, specifies in bytes, the size of memory to be allocated. Before a call to this routine, the stub memory management environment must have been established. For service code that is called from the server stub, the stub itself normally establishes the necessary environment. When rpc_sm_allocate() is used by code that is not called from the stub, the application must establish the required memory management environment by calling rpc_sm_enable_allocate().
Specifically, if the parameters of a server stub include any pointers other than those used for passing parameters by reference or the [enable_allocate] attribute is specified for the operation in the ACS file, then the environment is automatically set up. Otherwise, the environment must be set up by the application by calling rpc_sm_enable_allocate().
When the stub establishes the memory management environment, the stub itself frees any memory allocated by rpc_sm_allocate(). The application can free such memory before returning to the calling stub by calling rpc_sm_free().
When the application establishes the memory management environment, it must free any memory allocated, either by calling rpc_sm_free() or by calling rpc_sm_disable_allocate().
The output parameter, status, returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not. Possible status codes and their meanings include:
Always returned. The return value is used to determine failure.
rpc_ss_allocate() is the exception-returning version of this function and has no status output parameter. No exceptions are raised.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to rpc_sm_allocate() or rpc_ss_allocate() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon success, the routines return a pointer to the allocated memory. Note that in the ISO standard C environments, idl_void_p_t is defined as void * and in other environments it is defined as char *.
If there is insufficient memory, the routines return a NULL pointer.
See Also
rpc_sm_disable_allocate, rpc_ss_disable_allocate(3c), rpc_sm_enable_allocate, rpc_ss_enable_allocate(3c), rpc_sm_free, rpc_ss_free(3c)
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC
rpc_sm_client_free, rpc_ss_client_free(3c)
rpc_sm_client_free(), rpc_ss_client_free()—Frees memory returned from a client stub.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
void rpc_sm_client_free (idl_void_p_t node_to_free, unsigned32 *status)
void rpc_ss_client_free (idl_void_p_t node_to_free)
The rpc_sm_client_free() routine releases memory allocated and returned from a client stub. The input parameter, node_to_free, specifies a pointer to memory returned from a client stub. Note that in the ISO standard C environments, idl_void_p_t is defined as void * and in other environments is defined as char *.
This routine enables a routine to deallocate dynamically allocated memory returned by an RPC call without knowledge of the memory management environment from which it was called.
Note that this routine is always called from client code, even if the code can is executing as part of a server.
The output parameter, status, returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not. Possible status codes and their meanings include:
rpc_ss_client_free() is the exception-returning version of this function and has no status output parameter. No exceptions are raised.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to rpc_sm_client_free() or rpc_ss_client_free() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
See Also
rpc_sm_free, rpc_ss_free(3c), rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free, rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free(3c), rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free, rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free(3c)
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC
rpc_sm_disable_allocate, rpc_ss_disable_allocate(3c)
rpc_sm_disable_allocate(), rpc_ss_disable_allocate()—Releases resources and allocated memory within the stub memory management scheme.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
void rpc_sm_disable_allocate(unsigned32 *status);
void rpc_ss_disable_allocate(void);
The rpc_sm_disable_allocate() routine releases all resources acquired by a call to rpc_sm_enable_allocate(), and any memory allocated by calls to rpc_sm_allocate() after the call to rpc_sm_enable_allocate() was made.
The rpc_sm_enable_allocate() and rpc_sm_disable_allocate() routines must be used in matching pairs. Calling this routine without a previous matching call to rpc_sm_enable_allocate() results in unpredictable behavior.
The output parameter, status, returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not. Possible status codes and their meanings include:
rpc_ss_disable_allocate() is the exception-returning version of this function and has no status output parameter. No exceptions are raised.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to rpc_sm_disable_allocate() or rpc_ss_disable_allocate() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
See Also
rpc_sm_allocate, rpc_ss_allocate(3c), rpc_sm_enable_allocate, rpc_ss_enable_allocate(3c)
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC
rpc_sm_enable_allocate, rpc_ss_enable_allocate(3c)
rpc_sm_enable_allocate(), rpc_ss_enable_allocate()—Enables the stub memory management environment.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
void rpc_sm_enable_allocate(unsigned32 *status)
void rpc_ss_enable_allocate(void)
Applications can call rpc_sm_enable_allocate() to establish a stub memory management environment in cases where one is not established by the stub itself. A stub memory management environment must be established before any calls are made to rpc_sm_allocate(). For service code called from the server stub, the stub memory management environment is normally established by the stub itself. Code that is called from other contexts needs to call rpc_sm_enable_allocate() before calling rpc_sm_allocate() (for example, if the service code is called directly instead of from the stub).
The output parameter, status, returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not. Possible status codes and their meanings include:
Insufficient memory available to set up necessary data structures.
rpc_ss_enable_allocate() is the exception-returning version of this function and has no status output parameter. The following exceptions are raised by this routine:
Insufficient memory available to set up necessary data structures.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to rpc_sm_enable_allocate() or rpc_ss_enable_allocate() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
See Also
rpc_sm_allocate, rpc_ss_allocate(3c), rpc_sm_disable_allocate, rpc_ss_disable_allocate(3c)
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC
rpc_sm_free, rpc_ss_free(3c)
rpc_sm_free, rpc_ss_free()—Frees memory allocated by the rpc_sm_allocate() routine.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
void rpc_sm_free(idl_void_p_t node_to_free, unsigned32 *status)
void rpc_ss_free(idl_void_p_t node_to_free)
Applications call rpc_sm_free() to release memory allocated by rpc_sm_allocate(). The input parameter, node_to_free, specifies a pointer to memory allocated by rpc_sm_allocate(). Note that in ISO standard C environments, idl_void_p_t is defined as void * and in other environments is defined as char *.
When the stub allocates memory within the stub memory management environment, service code called from the stub can also use rpc_sm_free() to release memory allocated by the stub.
Unpredictable behavior results if rpc_ss_free() is called with a pointer to memory not allocated by rpc_sm_allocate() or memory allocated by rpc_sm_allocate(), but not the first address of such an allocation.
The output parameter, status, returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not. Possible status codes and their meanings include:
rpc_ss_free is the exception-returning version of this function and has no status output parameter. No exceptions are raised.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to rpc_sm_free() or rpc_ss_free() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
See Also
rpc_sm_allocate, rpc_ss_allocate(3c)
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC
rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free, rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free(3c)
rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free(), rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free()—Sets the memory allocation and freeing mechanisms used by the client stubs.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
void rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free(idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(unsigned long size), void (*p_free) (idl_void_p_t ptr), unsigned32 *status)
void rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free(idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(unsigned long size), void (*p_free) (idl_void_p_t ptr))
The rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free() routine overrides the default routines that the client stub uses to manage memory. The input parameters, p_allocate and p_free specify memory allocator and free routines. The default memory management routines are ISO C malloc() and free() except when the remote call occurs within server code in which case the memory management routines must be rpc_ss_allocate() and rpc_ss_free().
The output parameter, status, returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not. Possible status codes and their meanings include:
Insufficient memory available to set up necessary data structures.
rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free is the exception-returning version of this function and has no status output parameter. The following exceptions are raised by this routine:
Insufficient memory available to set up necessary data structures.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free() or rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
See Also
rpc_sm_allocate, rpc_ss_allocate(3c), rpc_sm_free, rpc_ss_free(3c)
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC
rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free, rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free(3c)
rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free(), rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free()—Exchanges current memory allocation and freeing mechanism used by client stubs with one supplied by client.
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
void rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free(idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(unsigned long size),
void (*p_free) (idl_void_p_t ptr), idl_void_p_t (**p_p_old_allocate)(unsigned long size),
void (**p_p_old_free)( idl_void_p_t ptr), unsigned32 *status)
void rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free(idl_void_p_t (*p_allocate)(unsigned long size),
void (*p_free) (idl_void_p_t ptr), idl_void_p_t (**p_p_old_allocate)(unsigned long size),
void (**p_p_old_free)( idl_void_p_t ptr))
The rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free() routine exchanges the current allocate and free mechanisms used by the client stubs for routines supplied by the caller. The input parameters, p_allocate and p_free, specify new memory allocation and free routines. The output parameters, p_p_old_allocate and p_p_old_free return the memory allocation and free routines in use before the call to this routine.
When a callable routine is an RPC client, it may need to ensure which allocate and free routines are used, despite the mechanism its caller had selected. This routine allows scoped replacement of the allocation/free mechanism to allow this.
The output parameter, status, returns the status code from this routine. This status code indicates whether the routine completed successfully or, if not, why not. Possible status codes and their meanings include:
Insufficient memory available to set up necessary data structures.
rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free is the exception-returning version of this function and has no status output parameter. The following exceptions are raised by this routine:
Insufficient memory available to set up necessary data structures.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to rpc_sm_swap_client_alloc_free() or rpc_ss_swap_client_alloc_free() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
See Also
rpc_sm_allocate, rpc_ss_allocate(3c), rpc_sm_free, rpc_ss_free(3c), rpc_sm_set_client_alloc_free, rpc_ss_set_client_alloc_free(3c)
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC.
setlocale()—Modifies and queries a program’s locale.
#include <locale.h>
char *setlocale (int category, const char *locale);
setlocale() selects the appropriate piece of the program’s locale as specified by the category and locale arguments. The category argument may have the following values:
These names are defined in the locale.h header file. For the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system compatibility functions, setlocale() allows only a single locale for all categories. Setting any category is treated the same as LC_ALL, which names the program’s entire locale.
A value of “C” for locale specifies the default environment.
A value of "" for locale specifies that the locale should be taken from an environment variable. The environment variable LANG is checked for a locale.
At program startup, the equivalent of
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C")
is executed. This has the effect of initializing each category to the locale described by the environment “C”.
If a pointer to a string is given for locale, setlocale() attempts to set the locale for all the categories to locale. The locale must be a simple locale, consisting of a single locale. If setlocale() fails to set the locale for any category, a NULL pointer is returned and the program’s locale for all categories is not changed. Otherwise, locale is returned.
A NULL pointer for locale causes setlocale() to return the current locale associated with the category. The program’s locale is not changed.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to setlocale() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
$TUXDIR/locale/C/LANGINFO - time and money database for the C locale
locale/* - locale specific information for each
locale $TUXDIR/locale/C/*_CAT - text messages for the C locale
A composite locale is not supported. A composite locale is a string beginning with a “/”, followed by the locale of each category, separated by a “/”.
See Also
ctime(3c), ctype(3c), getdate(3c), localeconv(3c), strftime(3c), strtod(3c), printf(3S), environ(5) in a UNIX system reference manual
setURLEntityCacheDir() - Specifies a Xerces class method for setting the directory where the DTD, schema and Entity files are to be cached.
void setURLEntityCacheDir (const char* cachedir)
setURLEntityCacheDir() is method called when caching is turned on and you want the DTD, schema and Entity files to be cached to a specific directory. cachedir specifies the absolute path to the location of the files.
If this method is not called and caching is turned on either by calling the method setURLEntityCaching() or by not setting the environment variable, then the files are cached in the current directory. This method is exclusively used in conjunction with the following two Xerces objects:
setURLEntityCaching() - Specifies a Xerces class method for setting or unsetting DTD, schema or Entity file caching for the XML parser.
void setURLEntityCaching (bool UseCache)
setURLEntityCaching()is a method that caches the DTD, schema and Entity files by default. It allows you to turn caching of the files on or off. UseCache is set to false if caching is to be turned off and set to true if caching is to be turned on. This method is exclusively used in conjunction with the following two Xerces objects:
strerror()—Gets error message string.
#include <string.h>
char *strerror (int errnum);
strerror maps the error number in errnum to an error message string, and returns a pointer to that string. strerror uses the same set of error messages as perror. The returned string should not be overwritten.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to strerror() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
See Also
perror(3) in a UNIX system reference manual
strftime()—Converts date and time to string.
#include <time.h>

size_t *strftime (char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *timeptr);
strftime() places characters into the array pointed to by s as controlled by the string pointed to by format. The format string consists of zero or more directives and ordinary characters. All ordinary characters (including the terminating NULL character) are copied unchanged into the array. For strftime(), no more than maxsize characters are placed into the array.
If format is (char *)0, then the locale’s default format is used. The default format is the same as "%c".
Each directive is replaced by appropriate characters as described in the following list. The appropriate characters are determined by the LC_TIME category of the program’s locale and by the values contained in the structure pointed to by timeptr.
The difference between %U and %W lies in which day is counted as the first of the week. Week number 01 is the first week in January starting with a Sunday for %U or a Monday for %W. Week number 00 contains those days before the first Sunday or Monday in January for %U and %W, respectively.
If the total number of resulting characters including the terminating NULL character is not more than maxsize, strftime(), returns the number of characters placed into the array pointed to by s not including the terminating NULL character. Otherwise, zero is returned and the contents of the array are indeterminate.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to strftime() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Selecting the Output Language
By default, the output of strftime(), appears in U.S. English. The user can request that the output of strftime() be in a specific language by setting the locale for category LC_TIME in setlocale().
Time Zone
The time zone is taken from the environment variable TZ. See ctime(3c) for a description of TZ.
The example illustrates the use of strftime(). It shows what the string in str would look like if the structure pointed to by tmptr contains the values corresponding to Thursday, August 28, 1986 at 12:44:36 in New Jersey.
strftime (str, strsize, "%A %b %d %j", tmptr)
This results in str containing "Thursday Aug 28 240".
$TUXDIR/locale/locale/LANGINFO—file containing compiled locale-specific date and time information
See Also
mklanginfo(1), setlocale(3c)
tpabort()—Routine for aborting current transaction.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpabort(long flags)
tpabort() signifies the abnormal end of a transaction. When this call returns, all changes made to resources during the transaction are undone. Like tpcommit(), this function can be called only by the initiator of a transaction. Participants (that is, service routines) can express their desire to have a transaction aborted by calling tpreturn() with TPFAIL.
If tpabort() is called while call descriptors exist for outstanding replies, then upon return from the function, the transaction is aborted and those descriptors associated with the caller’s transaction are no longer valid. Call descriptors not associated with the caller’s transaction remain valid.
For each open connection to a conversational server in transaction mode, tpabort() will send a TPEV_DISCONIMM event to the server, whether or not the server has control of a connection. Connections opened before tpbegin() or with the TPNOTRAN flag (that is, not in transaction mode) are not affected.
Currently, the sole argument to the tpabort()function, flags, is reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpabort().
Return Values
Upon failure, tpabort() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpabort() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
flags is not equal to 0. The caller’s transaction is not affected.
Due to a heuristic decision, the work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially aborted.
Due to some failure, the work done on behalf of the transaction could have been heuristically completed.
tpabort() was called improperly (for example, by a participant).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
When using tpbegin(), tpcommit(), and tpabort() to delineate an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction, it is important to remember that only the work done by a resource manager that meets the XA interface (and is linked to the caller appropriately) has transactional properties. All other operations performed in a transaction are not affected by either tpcommit() or tpabort().
See Also
tpbegin(3c), tpcommit(3c), tpgetlev(3c)
tpacall()—Routine for sending a service request.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpacall(char *svc, char *data, long len, long flags)
tpacall() sends a request message to the service named by svc. The request is sent out at the priority defined for svc unless overridden by a previous call to tpspri(). If data is non-NULL, it must point to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc() and len should specify the amount of data in the buffer that should be sent. Note that if data points to a buffer of a type that does not require a length to be specified, (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored (and may be 0). If data is NULL, len is ignored and a request is sent with no data portion. The type and subtype of data must match one of the types and subtypes recognized by svc. Note that for each request sent while in transaction mode, a corresponding reply must ultimately be received.
The following is a list of valid flags:
If the caller is in transaction mode and this flag is set, then when svc is invoked, it is not performed on behalf of the caller’s transaction. If svc belongs to a server that does not support transactions, then this flag must be set when the caller is in transaction mode. Note that svc may still be invoked in transaction mode but it will not be the same transaction: a svc may have as a configuration attribute that it is automatically invoked in transaction mode. A caller in transaction mode that sets this flag is still subject to the transaction timeout (and no other). If a service fails that was invoked with this flag, the caller’s transaction is not affected.
Informs tpacall() that a reply is not expected. When TPNOREPLY is set, the function returns 0 on success, where 0 is an invalid descriptor. When the caller is in transaction mode, this setting cannot be used unless TPNOTRAN is also set.
The request is not sent if a blocking condition exists (for example, the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full). When TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpacall().
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpacall() returns a descriptor that can be used to receive the reply of the request sent.
Upon failure, tpacall() returns a value of -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpacall() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
Invalid arguments were given (for example, svc is NULL, data does not point to space allocated with tpalloc(), or flags are invalid).
Cannot send to svc because it does not exist or is a conversational service.
The type and subtype of data is not one of the allowed types and subtypes that svc accepts.
The caller’s request was not sent because the maximum number of outstanding asynchronous requests has been reached.
svc belongs to a server that does not support transactions and TPNOTRAN was not set.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpacall() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpacall() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred. If a message queue on a remote location is filled, TPEOS may be returned even if tpacall() returned successfully.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpcall(3c), tpcancel(3c), tpgetrply(3c), tpgprio(3c), tpsprio(3c)
tpadmcall()—Administers unbooted application.
#include <atmi.h>
#include <fml32.h>
#include <tpadm.h>

int tpadmcall(FBFR32 *inbuf, FBFR32 **outbuf, long flags)
tpadmcall() is used to retrieve and update attributes of an unbooted application. It may also be used in an active application to perform direct retrievals of a limited set of attributes without requiring communication to an external process. This function provides sufficient capability such that complete system configuration and administration can take place through system provided interface routines.
inbuf is a pointer to an FML32 buffer previously allocated with tpalloc() that contains the desired administrative operation and its parameters.
outbuf is the address of a pointer to the FML32 buffer that should contain the results. outbuf must point to an FML32 buffer originally allocated by tpalloc(). If the same buffer is to be used for both sending and receiving, outbuf should be set to the address of inbuf.
Currently, tpadmcall()’s last argument, flags, is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
MIB(5) should be consulted for generic information on construction of administrative requests. TM_MIB(5) and APPQ_MIB(5) should be consulted for information on the classes that are accessible through tpadmcall().
There are four modes in which calls to tpadmcall() can be made.
Mode 1: Unbooted, Unconfigured Application:
The caller is assumed to be the administrator of the application. The only operations permitted are to SET a NEW T_DOMAIN class object, thus defining an initial configuration for the application, and to GET and SET objects of the classes defined in APPQ_MIB().
Mode 2: Unbooted, Configured Application:
The caller is assigned administrator or other privileges based on a comparison of their UID/GID to that defined in the configuration for the administrator on the local system. The caller may GET and SET any attributes for any class in TM_MIB() and APPQ_MIB() for which they have the appropriate permissions. Note that some classes contain only attributes that are inaccessible in an unbooted application and attempts to access these classes will fail.
Mode 3: Booted Application, Unattached Process:
The caller is assigned administrator or other privileges based on a comparison of their UID/GID to that defined in the configuration for the administrator on the local system. The caller may GET any attributes for any class in TM_MIB() for which they have the appropriate permissions. Similarly, the caller may GET and SET any attributes for any class in APPQ_MIB(), subject to class-specific restrictions. Attributes accessible only while ACTIVE will not be returned.
Mode 4: Booted Application, Attached Process:
Permissions are determined from the authentication key assigned at tpinit() time. The caller may GET any attributes for any class in TM_MIB() for which they have the appropriate permissions. Additionally, the caller may GET and SET any attributes for any class in APPQ_MIB(), subject to class-specific restrictions.
Access to and update of binary Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system application configuration files through this interface routine is controlled through the use of UNIX system permissions on directory names and filenames.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpadmcall().
Environment Variables
The following environment variables must be set prior to calling this routine:
Name of the file or device on which the binary Oracle Tuxedo system configuration file for this application is or should be stored.
Use of the TA_OCCURS attribute on GET requests is not supported when using tpadmcall(). GETNEXT requests are not supported when using tpadmcall().
Return Values
tpadmcall() returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
Upon failure, tpadmcall() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Except for TPEINVAL, the caller’s output buffer, outbuf, will be modified to include TA_ERROR, TA_STATUS, and possibly TA_BADFLD attributes to further qualify the error condition. See MIB(5), TM_MIB(5), and APPQ_MIB(5) for an explanation of possible error codes returned in this fashion.
Invalid arguments were specified. The flags value is invalid or inbuf or outbuf are not pointers to typed buffers of type “FML32.”
The administrative request failed. outbuf is updated and returned to the caller with FML32 fields indicating the cause of the error as is discussed in MIB(5) and TM_MIB(5).
tpadmcall() was called improperly.
tpadmcall() was called with the TUXCONFIG environment variable pointing to a different release version configuration file.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog().
This interface supports access and update to the local configuration file and bulletin board only; therefore, there are no interoperability concerns.
This interface is available only on UNIX system sites running Oracle Tuxedo ATMI release 5.0 or later.
The following library files are required:
${TUXDIR}/lib/libtmib.a, ${TUXDIR}/lib/libqm.a, ${TUXDIR}/lib/<rel>, ${TUXDIR}/lib/<rel>, ${TUXDIR}/lib/libtmib.lib, ${TUXDIR}/lib/libqm.lib
The libraries must be linked manually when using buildclient. The user must use: -L${TUXDIR}/lib -ltmid -lqm
See Also
Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application
Administering an Oracle Tuxedo Application at Run Time
tpadvertise()—Routine for advertising a service name.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpadvertise(char *svcname, void (*func)(TPSVCINFO *))
tpadvertise() allows a server to advertise the services that it offers. By default, a server’s services are advertised when it is booted and unadvertised when it is shutdown.
All servers belonging to a Multiple Server, Single Queue (MSSQ) set must offer the same set of services. These routines enforce this rule by affecting the advertisements of all servers sharing an MSSQ set.
tpadvertise() advertises svcname for the server (or the set of servers sharing the caller’s MSSQ set). svcname should be 127 characters or less, but cannot be NULL or the NULL string (“”). (See *SERVICES section of UBBCONFIG(5).)func is the address of an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system service function. This function will be invoked whenever a request for svcname is received by the server. func cannot be NULL. Explicitly specified function names (see servopts(5)) can be up to 128 characters long. Names longer than 127 characters are accepted and truncated to 127 characters. Users should make sure that truncated names do not match other service names.
If svcname is already advertised for the server and func matches its current function, then tpadvertise() returns success (this includes truncated names that match already advertised names). However, if svcname is already advertised for the server but func does not match its current function, then an error is returned (this can happen if truncated names match already advertised names).
Service names starting with dot (.) are reserved for administrative services. An error will be returned if an application attempts to advertise one of these services.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpadvertise() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpadvertise() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
svcname is NULL or the NULL string (“”),or begins with a “.” or func is NULL.
svcname cannot be advertised because of space limitations. (See MAXSERVICES in the RESOURCES section of UBBCONFIG(5).)
svcname is already advertised for the server but with a function other than func. Although the function fails, svcname remains advertised with its current function (that is, func does not replace the current function).
tpadvertise() was called in an improper context (for example, by a client).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpservice(3c), tpadvertisex(3c), tpunadvertise(3c)
tpadvertisex()—Routine for advertising a service with unique service name in a domain, or advertising a service on the secondary queue of a Tuxedo server.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpadvertisex(char *svcname, void (*func)(TPSVCINFO *), long flags)
tpadvertisex() allows a server to:
Return Values
Upon failure, tpadvertisex() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpadvertisex() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
svcname is already advertised for the other server instance in the current domain.
svcname is advertised on the secondary request queue of server , but SECONDARYRQ was not set, and the secondary request queue does not exist.
See Also
tpservice(3c), tpadvertise(3c), tpunadvertise(3c)
tpalloc()—Routine for allocating typed buffers.
#include <atmi.h>
char * tpalloc(char *type, char *subtype, long size)
tpalloc() returns a pointer to a buffer of type type. Depending on the type of buffer, both subtype and size are optional. The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system provides a variety of typed buffers, and applications are free to add their own buffer types. Consult tuxtypes(5) in Oracle Tuxedo File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference for more details.
If subtype is non-NULL in tmtype_sw for a particular buffer type, then subtype must be specified when tpalloc() is called. The allocated buffer will be at least as large as the larger of size and dfltsize, where dfltsize is the default buffer size specified in tmtype_sw for the particular buffer type. For buffer type STRING the minimum is 512 bytes; for buffer types FML and VIEW the minimum is 1024 bytes.
Note that only the first eight bytes of type and the first 16 bytes of subtype are significant.
Because some buffer types require initialization before they can be used, tpalloc() initializes a buffer (in an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system-specific manner) after it is allocated and before it is returned. Thus, the buffer returned to the caller is ready for use. Note that unless the initialization routine cleared the buffer, the buffer is not initialized to zeros by tpalloc().
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpalloc() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpalloc() returns a pointer to a buffer of the appropriate type aligned on a long word; otherwise, it returns NULL and sets tperrno to indicate the condition.
Upon failure, tpalloc() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, type is NULL).
No entry in tmtype_sw matches type and, if non-NULL, subtype.
tpalloc() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
If buffer initialization fails, the allocated buffer is freed and tpalloc() fails returning NULL.
This function should not be used in concert with malloc(), realloc(), or free() in the C library (for example, a buffer allocated with tpalloc() should not be freed with free()).
Two buffer types are supported by any compliant implementation of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system extension. Details are in the Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface.
See Also
tpfree(3c), tprealloc(3c), tptypes(3c)
tpappthrinit() - Routine for creating and initializing a new Tuxedo context in an application-created server thread
#include <atmi.h>
int tpappthrinit(TPINIT *tpthrinfo);
tpappthrinit() creates a new Tuxedo context in an application-created server thread. The context created by tpappthrinit() connects to the domain that the application server is in. It also sets the context of current application thread to the newly created context.
Before an application-created thread in a Tuxedo server process can use Tuxedo ATMI system communication or transaction routines, it first must call tpappthrinit(), or associate itself with a valid context using tpsetctxt().
After tpappthrinit() successfully returns, the application-created server thread can initiate service requests and define transactions.
The application thread cannot call tpreturn() or tpforward(). The application thread may send, but cannot receive unsolicited messages.
After tpappthrinit() successfully returns, the application-created server thread can get the current context by calling tpgetctxt() and pass it as a tpsetctxt() parameter called by another application-created server thread to associate itself to the context.
It is not allowed to set the context created by tpappthrinit() in service routine.
The tpappthrinit() argument, tpthrinfo, is a pointer to a TPINIT buffer type and a NULL subtype. TPINIT is a buffer type is defined in the atmi.h header file. The buffer must be allocated via tpalloc() prior to calling tpappthrinit(). It should be released using tpfree() after calling tpappthrinit().
Please refer to the tpinit() routine for description of TPINIT structure. The tpthrinfo members usrname, data, and datalen are used to pass authentication information to tpappthrinit(). When SECURITY is set to USER_AUTH or above, the TPINIT buffer passed to tpappthrinit() is passed to the authentication service configured for the application. Whether or not a particular field in the TPINIT buffer is used by the authentication services depends on the implementation. At security levels NONE and APP_PW, the tpthrinfo members cltname, grpname, and passwd are currently not used and must be set to 0-length strings. The TPINIT member flags is also not used by tpappthrinit().
tpappthrinit() can only be called in an application created server-thread. The server must be built using the buildserver -t option.
tpappthrinit() is not allowed in service routines.
Return Values
Upon successfully creating and initializing a Tuxedo context, tpappthrinit() returns 0.
Upon failure, it leaves the calling thread in TPNULLCONTEXT, returns -1, and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpappthrinit() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were specified. For example: tpthrinfo is non-NULL but does not point to a TPINIT typed buffer.
tpappthrinit() has been called improperly. For example: it is called in client program, or service routine, or the server is not built with the buildserver -t option.
The context cannot be created due to space limitations.
The context cannot be created because of authentication failure.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpappthrterm(3c), tpinit(3c), tpterm(3c),tpgetctxt(3c), tpsetctxt(3c)
Programming a Multithreaded and Multicontexted ATMI application
tpappthrterm() - Routine for terminating Tuxedo context created by tpappthrinit() in an application-created server thread.
int tpappthrterm(void);
tpappthrterm() removes the current Tuxedo context, and sets the context of a current application-created server thread to TPNULLCONTEXT. If the application thread is in transaction mode, then the transaction is rolled back. When tpappthrterm() returns successfully, the caller can no longer perform most Tuxedo ATMI operations. Any outstanding conversations are immediately disconnected.
tpappthrterm() can only be used to terminated a context which is created by tpappthrinit(), and it can only be invoked in an application-created server thread, the server must be built using the buildserver -t option .
tpappthrterm() is not allowed in service routine, or in application-created server thread which is currently associated with a server-dispatched context.
It is important to avoid calling tpappthrterm() on a context while other application created server-threads are still working on that context.
Return Values
Upon successfully terminating a Tuxedo context, tpappthrterm()returns 0 and sets current context to TPNULLCONTEXT.
Upon failure, tpappthrterm() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpappthrterm() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
tpappthrterm() has been called improperly. For example, it is called in client program, or service routine, or it is called in an application-created server thread which is currently associated with a server-dispatched context.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpappthrinit(3c), tpinit(3c), tpgetctxt(3c), tpsetctxt(3c), tpterm(3c)
Programming a Multithreaded and Multicontexted ATMI application
tpatz()—Resource access control.
#include <atmi.h>
tpatz(char *restype, char *resname, char *action, long flag)
tpatz() checks whether users are allowed to access specified resources. This function can only be called in server side and can be called with multiple threads. This API forwards requests to authorization service for authorization. tpatz() can work with servers (such as XAUTHSVR or EAUTHSVT) to complete authorization.
restype is the resource type defined by users or Tuxedo system. resname is a string pointer indicating the resource name. action is resources operation. flag is reserved.
Valid string length is listed as below:
Return Values
Upon system failure, tpatz() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments are given (for example, string length exceeds valid length).
This API builds a cache in each application server to improve efficiency. The following environment variables control this cache to meet user requirements.
For more information, please refer to Setting Up the Authorization Cache.
tpbegin()—Routine for beginning a transaction.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpbegin(unsigned long timeout, long flags)
A transaction in the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is used to define a single logical unit of work that either wholly succeeds or has no effect whatsoever. A transaction allows work being performed in many processes, at possibly different sites, to be treated as an atomic unit of work. The initiator of a transaction uses tpbegin() and either tpcommit() or tpabort() to delineate the operations within a transaction. Once tpbegin() is called, communication with any other program can place the latter (of necessity, a server) in “transaction mode” (that is, the server’s work becomes part of the transaction). Programs that join a transaction are called participants. A transaction always has one initiator and can have several participants. Only the initiator of a transaction can call tpcommit() or tpabort(). Participants can influence the outcome of a transaction by the return values (rvals) they use when they call tpreturn(). Once in transaction mode, any service requests made to servers are processed on behalf of the transaction (unless the requester explicitly specifies otherwise).
Note that if a program starts a transaction while it has any open connections that it initiated to conversational servers, these connections will not be upgraded to transaction mode. It is as if the TPNOTRAN flag had been specified on the tpconnect() call.
tpbegin()’s first argument, timeout, specifies that the transaction should be allowed at least timeout seconds before timing out. Once a transaction times out it must be marked abort-only. If timeout is 0, then the transaction is given the maximum number of seconds allowed by the system before timing out (that is, the timeout value equals the maximum value for an unsigned long as defined by the system).
Currently, tpbegin()’s second argument, flags, is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpbegin().
Return Values
Upon failure, tpbegin() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpbegin() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
flags is not equal to 0.
The caller cannot be placed in transaction mode because an error occurred starting the transaction.
tpbegin() was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is already in transaction mode).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
When using tpbegin(), tpcommit(), and tpabort() to delineate an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction, it is important to remember that only the work done by a resource manager that meets the XA interface (and is linked to the caller appropriately) has transactional properties. All other operations performed in a transaction are not affected by either tpcommit() or tpabort(). See buildserver() for details on linking resource managers that meet the XA interface into a server such that operations performed by that resource manager are part of an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction.
See Also
tpabort(3c), tpcommit(3c), tpgetlev(3c), tpscmt(3c)
tpbroadcast()—Routine to broadcast notification by name.
#include <atmi.h>

int tpbroadcast(char *lmid, char *usrname, char *cltname,
char *data, long len, long flags)
tpbroadcast() allows a client or server to send unsolicited messages to registered clients within the system. The target client set consists of those clients matching identifiers passed to tpbroadcast(). Wildcards can be used in specifying identifiers.
lmid, usrname, and cltname are logical identifiers used to select the target client set. A NULL value for any argument constitutes a wildcard for that argument. A wildcard argument matches all client identifiers for that field. A 0-length string for any argument matches only 0-length client identifiers. Each identifier must meet the size restrictions defined for the system to be considered valid, that is, each identifier must be between 0 and MAXTIDENT characters in length.
The data portion of the request is pointed to by data, a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc(). len specifies how much of data to send. Note that if data points to a buffer type that does not require a length to be specified (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored (and may be 0). Also, data may be NULL, in which case len is ignored. The buffer passes through the typed buffer switch routines just as any other outgoing or incoming message would; for example, encode/decode are performed automatically.
The following is a list of valid flags:
The request is not sent if a blocking condition exists (for example, the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued. Upon successful return from tpbroadcast(), the message has been delivered to the system for forwarding to the selected clients. tpbroadcast() does not wait for the message to be delivered to each selected client.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpbroadcast().
Return Values
Upon failure, tpbroadcast() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpbroadcast()sends no broadcast messages to application clients and sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, identifiers too long or invalid flags). Note that use of an illegal LMID will cause tpbroadcast() to fail and return TPEINVAL. However, non-existent user or client names will simply successfully broadcast to no one.
A blocking timeout occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
A blocking condition was found on the call and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpbroadcast() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
The interfaces described in tpnotify(3c) are supported on native site UNIX-based processors. In addition, the routines tpbroadcast() and tpchkunsol() as well as the function tpsetunsol() are supported on UNIX and MS-DOS workstation processors.
Clients that select signal-based notification may not be signal-able by the system due to signal restrictions. When this occurs, the system generates a log message that it is switching notification for the selected client to dip-in and the client is notified then and thereafter via dip-in notification. (See the description of the RESOURCES NOTIFY parameter in UBBCONFIG() for a detailed discussion of notification methods.)
Because signaling of clients is always done by the system, the behavior of notification is always consistent, regardless of where the originating notification call is made. Therefore to use signal-based notification:
The ID for the application administrator is identified as part of the configuration for the application.
If signal-based notification is selected for a client, then certain ATMI calls can fail, returning TPGOTSIG due to receipt of an unsolicited message if TPSIGRSTRT is not specified. See UBBCONFIG(5) and tpinit(3c) for more information on notification method selection.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpinit(3c), tpnotify(3c), tpterm(3c), UBBCONFIG(5)
tpcacheget - get the Oracle Tuxedo typed buffer associated with the key from a cache
#include "atmi.h"
int tpcacheget(TCACHE* tc, char* key, char** odata, long* olen, long flags);
tpcacheget(3c) gets the Oracle Tuxedo typed buffer associated with the key from a cache. tc is returned by tpgetcache(3c). odata is the address of a pointer to the buffer where the data of the key is read into. It must point to a buffer originally allocated by tpalloc(3c). olen points to the length of the data. flags is reserved and must be 0L.
Return Values
Upon success, tpcacheget(3c) returns 0.
Upon failure, tpcacheget(3c) returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(3c), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Invalid arguments were given.
The requested cache does not exist.
This error code indicates that a timeout has occurred.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is added to the ULOG.
An operating system error has occurred.
The Oracle Tuxedo cache server meets an error. tpurcode contains the exact error value. The possible values of tpurcode are list below:
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache does not exist.
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache is unavailable.
The error code indicates the requested entry does not exist according to the specified key.
tpcachemremove - remove cache entries associated with the parameter keyarray from a cache
#include "atmi.h"
int tpcachemremove(TCACHE* tc, char* keyarray[], int size, long flags);
tpcachemremove(3c) removes cache entries associated with the parameter keyarray from a cache. tc is returned by tpgetcache(3c). keyarray is an array of keys to be removed. size is the size of the keyarray. flags is reserved and must be 0L.
Return Values
Upon success, tpcachemremove(3c) returns 0.
Upon failure, tpcachemremove(3c) returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(3c), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Invalid arguments were given.
The requested cache does not exist.
This error code indicates that a timeout has occurred.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is added to the ULOG.
An operating system error has occurred.
The Oracle Tuxedo cache server meets an error. tpurcode contains the exact error value. The possible values of tpurcode are list below:
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache does not exist.
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache is unavailable.
tpcacheput - put an Oracle Tuxedo typed buffer into a cache, associating that buffer with a key
#include "atmi.h"
int tpcacheput(TCACHE* tc, char* key, char* data, long len, long flags);
tpcacheput(3c) puts an Oracle Tuxedo typed buffer into a cache, associating that buffer with a key. tc is returned by tpgetcache(3c). data points to the tuxedo typed buffer allocated by tpalloc(3c). len is the length of the data. If the type of the data does not require a length to be specified (for example, an FML fielded buffer), len is ignored (and may be 0). flags is reserved and must be 0L.
Return Values
Upon success, tpcacheput(3c) returns 0.
Upon failure, tpcacheput(3c) returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(3c), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Invalid arguments were given.
The requested cache does not exist.
This error code indicates that a timeout has occurred.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is added to the ULOG.
An operating system error has occurred.
The Oracle Tuxedo cache server meets an error. tpurcode contains the exact error value. The possible values of tpurcode are list below:
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache does not exist.
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache is unavailable.
tpcacheremove - remove the cache entry associated with the parameter key from a cache
#include "atmi.h"
int tpcacheremove(TCACHE* tc, char* key, long flags);
tpcacheremove(3c) removes the cache entry associated with the parameter key from a cache. tc is returned by tpgetcache(3c). flags is reserved and must be 0L.
Return Values
Upon success, tpcacheremove(3c) returns 0.
Upon failure, tpcacheremove(3c) returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(3c), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Invalid arguments were given.
The requested cache does not exist.
This error code indicates that a timeout has occurred.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is added to the ULOG.
An operating system error has occurred.
The Oracle Tuxedo cache server meets an error. tpurcode contains the exact error value. The possible values of tpurcode are list below:
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache does not exist.
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache is unavailable.
tpcacheremoveall - remove all cache entries from a cache
#include "atmi.h"
int tpcacheremoveall(TCACHE* tc, long flags);
tpcacheremoveall(3c) removes all entries from a cache. tc is returned by tpgetcache(3c). flags is reserved and must be 0L.
Return Values
Upon success, tpcacheremoveall(3c) returns 0.
Upon failure, tpcacheremoveall(3c) returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(3c), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Invalid arguments were given.
The requested cache does not exist.
This error code indicates that a timeout has occurred.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is added to the ULOG.
An operating system error has occurred.
The Oracle Tuxedo cache server meets an error. tpurcode contains the exact error value. The possible values of tpurcode are list below:
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache does not exist.
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache is unavailable.
tpcall()—Routine for sending service request and awaiting its reply.
int tpcall(char *svc, char *idata, long ilen, char **odata, long \
*olen, long flags)
tpcall() sends a request and synchronously awaits its reply. A call to this function is the same as calling tpacall() immediately followed by tpgetrply(). tpcall() sends a request to the service named by svc. The request is sent out at the priority defined for svc unless overridden by a previous call to tpspri(). The data portion of a request is pointed to by idata, a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc(). ilen specifies how much of idata to send. Note that if idata points to a buffer of a type that does not require a length to be specified, (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then ilen is ignored (and may be 0). Also, idata may be NULL, in which case ilen is ignored. The type and subtype of idata must match one of the types and subtypes recognized by svc.
If application needs to use an XML buffer as the send buffer in a tpcall(), the sendlen parameter must be specified to accurate length, which is string length of the XML buffer + 1.
odata is the address of a pointer to the buffer where a reply is read into, and olen points to the length of that reply. *odata must point to a buffer originally allocated by tpalloc(). If the same buffer is to be used for both sending and receiving, odata should be set to the address of idata. FML and FML32 buffers often assume a minimum size of 4096 bytes; if the reply is larger than 4096, the size of the buffer is increased to a size large enough to accommodate the data being returned. Also, if idata and *odata were equal when tpcall() was invoked, and *odata is changed, then idata no longer points to a valid address. Using the old address can lead to data corruption or process exceptions. As of release 6.4, the default allocation for buffers is 1024 bytes. Also, historical information is maintained on recently used buffers, allowing a buffer of optimal size to be reused as a return buffer.
Buffers on the sending side that may be only partially filled (for example, FML or STRING buffers) will have only the amount that is used send. The system may then enlarge the received data size by some arbitrary amount. This means that the receiver may receive a buffer that is smaller than what was originally allocated by the sender, yet larger than the data that was sent.
The receive buffer may grow, or it may shrink, and its address almost invariably changes, as the system swaps buffers around internally. To determine whether (and how much) a reply buffer changed in size, compare its total size before tpgetrply() was issued with *len. See “Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface” for more information about buffer management.
If *olen is 0 upon return, then the reply has no data portion and neither *odata nor the buffer it points to were modified. It is an error for *odata or olen to be NULL.
The following is a list of valid flags:
If the caller is in transaction mode and this flag is set, then when svc is invoked, it is not performed on behalf of the caller’s transaction. Note that svc may still be invoked in transaction mode but it will not be the same transaction: a svc may have as a configuration attribute that it is automatically invoked in transaction mode. A caller in transaction mode that sets this flag is still subject to the transaction timeout (and no other). If a service fails that was invoked with this flag, the caller’s transaction is not affected.
By default, if a buffer is received that differs in type from the buffer pointed to by *odata, then *odata’s buffer type changes to the received buffer’s type so long as the receiver recognizes the incoming buffer type. When this flag is set, the type of the buffer pointed to by *odata is not allowed to change. That is, the type and subtype of the received buffer must match the type and subtype of the buffer pointed to by *odata.
The request is not sent if a blocking condition exists (for example, the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full). Note that this flag applies only to the send portion of tpcall(): the function may block waiting for the reply. When TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. However, if the caller is in transaction mode, this flag has no effect; it is subject to the transaction timeout limit. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
This flag is only available for Exalogic and used when the Use of Shared Memory for Inter Process Communication feature is enabled (see SHMQ option in UBBCONFIG(5)). It indicates Tuxedo not making safe copy for request buffer during message sending process, thus saving cost of copying large buffers. However, in the event that tpcall() fails, causing the caller application unable to access the request buffer anymore, it is recommended you call tpfree() to release the request buffer. If Use of Shared Memory for Inter Process Communication is not enabled, this flag has no effect.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpcall().
Return Values
Upon successful return from tpcall() or upon return where tperrno is set to TPESVCFAIL, tpurcode() contains an application defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn().
Upon failure, tpcall() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Upon failure, tpcall() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
Invalid arguments were given (for example, svc is NULL or flags are invalid).
Cannot send to svc because it does not exist, or it is a conversational service, or the name provided begins with a dot (.).
The type and subtype of idata is not one of the allowed types and subtypes that svc accepts.
Either the type and subtype of the reply are not known to the caller; or, TPNOCHANGE was set in flags and the type and subtype of *odata do not match the type and subtype of the reply sent by the service. Neither *odata, its contents, nor *olen is changed. If the service request was made on behalf of the caller’s current transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only since the reply is discarded.
svc belongs to a server that does not support transactions and TPNOTRAN was not set.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpcall() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.) In either case, no changes are made to *odata, its contents, or *olen.
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
The service routine sending the caller’s reply called tpreturn() with TPFAIL. This is an application-level failure. The contents of the service’s reply, if one was sent, is available in the buffer pointed to by *odata. If the service request was made on behalf of the caller’s current transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only. Note that regardless of whether the transaction has timed out, the only valid communications before the transaction is aborted are calls to tpacall() with TPNOREPLY, TPNOTRAN, and TPNOBLOCK set.
A service routine encountered an error either in tpreturn(3c) or tpforward(3c) (for example, bad arguments were passed). No reply data is returned when this error occurs (that is, neither *odata, its contents, nor *olen is changed). If the service request was made on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, TPNOTRAN was not set), then the transaction is marked abort-only. Note that regardless of whether the transaction has timed out, the only valid communications before the transaction is aborted are calls to tpacall() with TPNOREPLY, TPNOTRAN, and TPNOBLOCK set. If either SVCTIMEOUT in the UBBCONFIG file or TA_SVCTIMEOUT in the TM_MIB is non-zero, TPESVCERR is returned when a service timeout occurs.
A blocking condition was found on the send call and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpcall() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred. If a message queue on a remote location is filled, TPEOS may be returned even if tpcall() returned successfully.
See Also
tpacall(3c),tpalloc(3c), tperrordetail(3c), tpforward(3c), tpfree(3c), tpgprio(3c), tprealloc(3c), tpreturn(3c), tpsprio(3c), tpstrerrordetail(3c), tptypes(3c)
tpcancel()—Routine for canceling a call descriptor for outstanding reply.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpcancel(int cd)
tpcancel() cancels a call descriptor, cd, returned by tpacall(). It is an error to attempt to cancel a call descriptor associated with a transaction.
Upon success, cd is no longer valid and any reply received on behalf of cd will be silently discarded.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpcancel().
Return Values
Upon failure, tpcancel() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpcancel() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
cd is an invalid descriptor.
cd() is associated with the caller’s transaction. cd remains valid and the caller’s current transaction is not affected.
tpcancel() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpchkauth()—Routine for checking if authentication required to join an application.
#include <atmi.h>

int tpchkauth(void)
tpchkauth() checks if authentication is required by the application configuration. This is typically used by application clients prior to calling tpinit() to determine if a password should be obtained from the user.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpchkauth().
Return Values
Upon success, tpchkauth() returns one of the following non-negative values:
Indicates that no authentication is required.
Indicates that system authentication only is required.
Indicates that both system and application specific authentication are required.
Upon failure, tpchkauth() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpchkauth() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
tpchkauth() is available only on sites running release 4.2 or later.
The interfaces described in tpchkauth(3c) are supported on UNIX, Windows, and MS-DOS operating systems.
See Also
tpchkunsol()—Routine for checking for unsolicited message.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpchkunsol(void)
tpchkunsol() is used by a client to trigger checking for unsolicited messages. Calls to this routine in a client using signal-based notification do nothing and return immediately. This call has no arguments. Calls to this routine can result in calls to an application-defined unsolicited message handling routine by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system libraries.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpchkunsol().
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpchkunsol() returns the number of unsolicited messages dispatched; otherwise it returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpchkunsol() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
tpchkunsol() was called in an improper context (for example, from within a server).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
The interfaces described in tpnotify(3c) are supported on native site UNIX-based processors. In addition, the routines tpbroadcast() and tpchkunsol() as well as the function tpsetunsol() are supported on UNIX and MS-DOS workstation processors.
Clients that select signal-based notification may not be signal-able by the system due to signal restrictions. When this occurs, the system generates a log message that it is switching notification for the selected client to dip-in and the client is notified then and thereafter via dip-in notification. (See the description of the RESOURCES NOTIFY parameter in UBBCONFIG(5) for a detailed discussion of notification methods.)
Because signaling of clients is always done by the system, the behavior of notification is always consistent, regardless of where the originating notification call is made. Therefore to use signal-based notification:
The ID for the application administrator is identified as part of the configuration for the application.
If signal-based notification is selected for a client, then certain ATMI calls can fail, returning TPGOTSIG due to receipt of an unsolicited message if TPSIGRSTRT is not specified. See UBBCONFIG(5) and tpinit(3c) for more information on notification method selection.
See Also
tpbroadcast(3c),tpinit(3c), tpnotify(3c), tpsetunsol(3c)
tpclose()—Routine for closing a resource manager.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpclose(void)
tpclose() tears down the association between the caller and the resource manager to which it is linked. Since resource managers differ in their close semantics, the specific information needed to close a particular resource manager is placed in a configuration file.
If a resource manager is already closed (that is, tpclose() is called more than once), no action is taken and success is returned.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpclose().
If the current server is built with the -M option, tpclose tries to close all of opened RMs including opened by tprmopen(3c) routine in runtime stage.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpclose() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpclose() fails and sets tperrno to one of the following values:
A resource manager failed to close correctly. More information concerning the reason a resource manager failed to close can be obtained by interrogating a resource manager in its own specific manner. Note that any calls to determine the exact nature of the error hinder portability.
tpclose() was called in an improper context (for example, while the caller is in transaction mode).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpopen(3c), tprmopen(3c), tprmclose(3c), tprmstart(3c), tprmend(3c)
tpcommit()—Routine for committing current transaction.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpcommit(long flags)
tpcommit() signifies the end of a transaction, using a two-phase commit protocol to coordinate participants. tpcommit() can be called only by the initiator of a transaction. If any of the participants cannot commit the transaction (for example, they call tpreturn() with TPFAIL), then the entire transaction is aborted and tpcommit() fails. That is, all of the work involved in the transaction is undone. If all participants agree to commit their portion of the transaction, then this decision is logged to stable storage and all participants are asked to commit their work.
Depending on the setting of the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic (see tpscmt(3c)), tpcommit() can return successfully either after the commit decision has been logged or after the two-phase commit protocol has completed. If tpcommit() returns after the commit decision has been logged but before the second phase has completed (TP_CMT_LOGGED), then all participants have agreed to commit the work they did on behalf of the transaction and should fulfill their promise to commit the transaction during the second phase. However, because tpcommit() is returning before the second phase has completed, there is a hazard that one or more of the participants can heuristically complete their portion of the transaction (in a manner that is not consistent with the commit decision) even though the function has returned success.
If the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic is set such that tpcommit() returns after the two-phase commit protocol has completed (TP_CMT_COMPLETE), then its return value reflects the exact status of the transaction (that is, whether the transaction heuristically completed or not).
Note that if only a single resource manager is involved in a transaction, then a one-phase commit is performed (that is, the resource manager is not asked whether or not it can commit; it is simply told to commit). In this case, the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic has no bearing and tpcommit() will return heuristic outcomes if present.
If tpcommit() is called while call descriptors exist for outstanding replies, then upon return from the function, the transaction is aborted and those descriptors associated with the caller’s transaction are no longer valid. Call descriptors not associated with the caller’s transaction remain valid.
tpcommit() must be called after all connections associated with the caller’s transaction are closed (otherwise TPEABORT is returned, the transaction is aborted and these connections are disconnected in a disorderly fashion with a TPEV_DISCONIMM event). Connections opened before tpbegin() or with the TPNOTRAN flag (that is, connections not in transaction mode) are not affected by calls to tpcommit() or tpabort().
Currently, tpcommit()’s sole argument, flags, is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpcommit().
Return Values
Upon failure, tpcommit() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpcommit() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
The transaction could not commit because either the work performed by the initiator or by one or more of its participants could not commit. This error is also returned if tpcommit() is called with outstanding replies or open conversational connections.
Due to some failure, the work done on behalf of the transaction could have been heuristically completed.
Due to a heuristic decision, the work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially aborted.
flags is not equal to 0. The caller’s transaction is not affected.
An operating system error has occurred.
tpcommit() was called in an improper context (for example, by a participant).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
The transaction has timed out and its status is unknown: it may have been either committed or aborted. If a transaction has timed out and its status is known to be aborted, then TPEABORT is returned.
When using tpbegin(), tpcommit(), and tpabort() to delineate an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction, it is important to remember that only the work done by a resource manager that meets the XA interface (and is linked to the caller appropriately) has transactional properties. All other operations performed in a transaction are not affected by either tpcommit() or tpabort(). See buildserver(1) for details on linking resource managers that meet the XA interface into a server such that operations performed by that resource manager are part of an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction.
See Also
tpabort(3c), tpbegin(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpgetlev(3c), tpreturn(3c), tpscmt(3c)
tpconnect()—Routine for establishing a conversational service connection.
#include <atmi.h>

int tpconnect(char *svc, char *data, long len, long flags)
tpconnect() allows a program to set up a half-duplex connection to a conversational service, svc. The name must be one of the conversational service names posted by a conversational server.
As part of setting up a connection, the caller can pass application-defined data to the listening program. If the caller chooses to pass data, then data must point to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc(). len specifies how much of the buffer to send. Note that if data points to a buffer of a type that does not require a length to be specified, (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored (and may be 0). Also, data can be NULL in which case len is ignored (no application data is passed to the conversational service). The type and subtype of data must match one of the types and subtypes recognized by svc. data and len are passed to the conversational service via the TPSVCINFO structure with which the service is invoked; the service does not have to call tprecv() to get the data.
The following is a list of valid flags:
If the caller is in transaction mode and this flag is set, then when svc is invoked, it is not performed on behalf of the caller’s transaction. Note that svc may still be invoked in transaction mode but it will not be the same transaction: a svc may have as a configuration attribute that it is automatically invoked in transaction mode. A caller in transaction mode that sets this flag is still subject to the transaction timeout (and no other). If a service fails that was invoked with this flag, the caller’s transaction is not affected.
The caller wants the connection to be set up initially such that it can only send data and the called service can only receive data (that is, the caller initially has control of the connection). Either TPSENDONLY or TPRECVONLY must be specified.
The caller wants the connection to be set up initially such that it can only receive data and the called service can only send data (that is, the service being called initially has control of the connection). Either TPSENDONLY or TPRECVONLY must be specified.
The connection is not established and the data is not sent if a blocking condition exists (for example, the data buffers through which the message is sent are full). Note that this flag applies only to the send portion of tpconnect(); the function may block waiting for an acknowledgement from the server. When TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a blocking timeout or transaction timeout occurs.
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts will still affect the program.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted call is reissued.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpconnect().
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpconnect() returns a descriptor that is used to refer to the connection in subsequent calls. Otherwise it returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpconnect() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
Invalid arguments were given (for example, svc is NULL, data is non-NULL and does not point to a buffer allocated by tpalloc(), TPSENDONLY or TPRECVONLY was not specified in flags, or flags are otherwise invalid).
The type and subtype of data is not one of the allowed types and subtypes that svc accepts.
The caller’s request was not sent because the maximum number of outstanding connections has been reached.
Cannot initiate a connection to svc because it does not exist or is not a conversational service.
An operating system error has occurred.
tpconnect() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpconnect() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to start new conversations, send new requests, or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
svc belongs to a program that does not support transactions and TPNOTRAN was not set.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
See Also
tpalloc(3c),tpdiscon(3c), tprecv(3c), tpsend(3c), tpservice(3c)
tpconvert()—Converts structures to/from string representations.
#include <atmi.h>
#include <xa.h>

int tpconvert(char *strrep, char *binrep, long flags)
tpconvert() converts the string representation of interface structures (strrep) to or from the binary representation (binrep).
Both the direction of the conversion and the interface structure type are determined from the flags argument. To convert a structure from binary representation to string representation, the programmer must set the TPTOSTRING bit in flags. To convert a structure from string to binary the programmer must clear the bit. The following flags are defined to indicate the particular structure type to be converted; only one may be specified at a time:
Convert CLIENTID (see atmi.h).
Convert TPTRANID (see atmi.h).
Convert XID (see xa.h).
For conversions from binary to string representation, strrep should be at least TPCONVMAXSTR characters in length.
Note that unequal string versions of TPTRANID and XID values may be considered equal by the system when accessing TM_MIB(5) classes that allow these values as key fields (for example, T_TRANSACTION or T_ULOG). Therefore, string values for these data types should not be fabricated or manipulated by application programs. TM_MIB(5) guarantees that only objects matching the global transaction identified by the string are returned when one of these values is used as a key field.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpconvert() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpconvert() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Under the following conditions, tpconvert() fails and sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were specified. strrep or binrep is a NULL pointer, or flags does not indicate exactly one structure type.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3c).
This interface is available only on Oracle Tuxedo ATMI release 5.0 or later. This interface is available on workstation platforms.
See Also
tpresume(3c), tpservice(3c), tpsuspend(3c), tx_info(3c), TM_MIB(5)
tpconvmb()—Converts encoding of characters in an input buffer to a named target encoding.
#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;
tpconvmb (char **bufp, int *len, char *target_encoding, long flags)
This function is used to convert an input buffer to a desired codeset encoding.
This function is added for user convenience and is not required for normal codeset data conversion that is done automatically.
The bufp argument is a valid pointer to an MBSTRING typed buffer message. This pointer will be reallocated internally if the size of the buffer is insufficient to handle the output data of the converted buffer.
The len argument, on input, contains the number of bytes that need to be converted. Upon successful completion of conversion it will contain the number of bytes used in bufp.
The target_encoding argument is the target codeset encoding name used to convert the typed buffer provided in the bufp message.
The flags argument is not used by the Tuxedo conversion code. It will be passed along to the buffer type switch function for user defined conversion functions.
Return Values
Upon success, tpconvmb() returns 0. This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno as described below. The function may fail for the following reasons.
target_encoding, len, or bufp arguments are NULL. len or target_encoding is invalid.
bufp translates to a Tuxedo buffer that does not have a buffer typeswitch conversion function
A Tuxedo system error has occurred. (e.g. bufp does not correspond to a valid Tuxedo buffer).
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpgetmbenc(3c), tpsetmbenc(3c)
tpcryptpw()—Encrypts the application password in an administrative request.
#include <atmi.h>
#include <fml32.h>

int tpcryptpw(FBFR32 *buf)
tpcryptpw() is used to encrypt the application password stored in an administrative request buffer prior to sending the request for servicing. Application passwords are stored as string values using the FML32 field identifier TA_PASSWORD. This encryption is necessary to insure that clear text passwords are not compromised and that appropriate propagation of the update can take place to all active application sites. Additional system fields may be added to the callers buffer and existing fields may be modified to satisfy the request.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpcryptpw() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpcryptpw() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpcryptpw() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were specified. The buf value is NULL, does not point to a FML32 typed buffer or appdir could not be determined from the input buffer or the environment.
The calling process did not have the appropriate permissions necessary to perform the requested task.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3c).
This interface is available only on UNIX system sites running Oracle Tuxedo ATMI release 5.0 or later. This interface is not available to Workstation clients.
${TUXDIR}/lib/libtmib.a, ${TUXDIR}/lib/
See Also
MIB(5), TM_MIB(5)
Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application
Administering an Oracle Tuxedo Application at Run Time
tpdequeue()—Routine to dequeue a message from a queue.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpdequeue(char *qspace, char *qname, TPQCTL *ctl, char **data, long *len, long flags)
tpdequeue() takes a message for processing from the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space.
By default, the message at the top of the queue is dequeued. The order of messages on the queue is defined when the queue is created. The application can request a particular message for dequeuing by specifying its message identifier or correlation identifier using the ctl parameter. ctl flags can also be used to indicate that the application wants to wait for a message, in the case when a message is not currently available. It is possible to use the ctl parameter to look at a message without removing it from the queue or changing its relative position on the queue. See the section below describing this parameter.
data is the address of a pointer to the buffer into which a message is read, and len points to the length of that message. *data must point to a buffer originally allocated by tpalloc(). If a message is larger than the buffer passed to tpdequeue, the buffer is increased in size to accommodate the message. To determine whether a message buffer changed in size, compare its (total) size before tpdequeue() was issued with *len. If *len is larger, then the buffer has grown; otherwise, the buffer has not changed size. Note that *data may change for reasons other than the buffer’s size increased. If *len is 0 upon return, then the message dequeued has no data portion and neither *data nor the buffer it points to were modified. It is an error for *data or len to be NULL.
The message is dequeued in transaction mode if the caller is in transaction mode and the TPNOTRAN flag is not set. This has the effect that if tpdequeue() returns successfully and the caller’s transaction is committed successfully, then the message is removed from the queue. If the caller’s transaction is rolled back either explicitly or as the result of a transaction timeout or some communication error, then the message will be left on the queue (that is, the removal of the message from the queue is also rolled back). It is not possible to enqueue and dequeue the same message within the same transaction.
The message is not dequeued in transaction mode if either the caller is not in transaction mode, or the TPNOTRAN flag is set. When not in transaction mode, if a communication error or a timeout occurs, the application will not know whether or not the message was successfully dequeued and the message may be lost.
The following is a list of valid flags:
If the caller is in transaction mode and this flag is set, the message is not dequeued within the caller’s transaction. A caller in transaction mode that sets this flag is still subject to the transaction timeout (and no other) when dequeuing the message. If message dequeuing fails, the caller’s transaction is not affected.
The message is not dequeued if a blocking condition exists. If this flag is set and a blocking condition exists such as the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full, the call fails and tperrno is set to TPEBLOCK. If this flag is set and a blocking condition exists because the target queue is opened exclusively by another application, the call fails, tperrno is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC, and the diagnostic field of the TPQCTL structure is set to QMESHARE. In the latter case, the other application, which is based on a Oracle product other than the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system, opened the queue for exclusive read and/or write using the Queuing Services API (QSAPI).
When TPNOBLOCK is not set and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout). This blocking condition does not include blocking on the queue itself if the TPQWAIT option in flags (of the TPQCTL structure) is specified.
Setting this flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
When this flag is set, the type of the buffer pointed to by *data is not allowed to change. By default, if a buffer is received that differs in type from the buffer pointed to by *data, then *data’s buffer type changes to the received buffer’s type so long as the receiver recognizes the incoming buffer type. That is, the type and subtype of the dequeued message must match the type and subtype of the buffer pointed to by *data.
Setting this flag indicates that any underlying system calls that are interrupted by a signal should be reissued. When this flag is not set and a signal interrupts a system call, the call fails and sets tperrno to TPGOTSIG.
If tpdequeue() returns successfully, the application can retrieve additional information about the message using the ctl data structure. The information may include the message identifier for the dequeued message; a correlation identifier that should accompany any reply or failure message so that the originator can correlate the message with the original request; the quality of service the message was delivered with, the quality of service any replies to the message should be delivered with; the name of a reply queue if a reply is desired; and the name of the failure queue on which the application can queue information regarding failure to dequeue the message. These are described below.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpdequeue().
Control Parameter
The TPQCTL structure is used by the application program to pass and retrieve parameters associated with dequeuing the message. The flags element of TPQCTL is used to indicate what other elements in the structure are valid.
On input to tpdequeue(), the following elements may be set in the TPQCTL structure:
long flags; /* indicates which of the values
* are set */
char msgid[32]; /* ID of message to dequeue */
char corrid[32]; /* correlation identifier of
* message to dequeue */
The following is a list of valid bits for the flags parameter controlling input information for tpdequeue():
No flags are set. No information is taken from the control structure.
Setting this flag requests that the message with the message identifier specified by ctl−>msgid be dequeued. The message identifier may be acquired by a prior call to tpenqueue(3c). Note that a message identifier changes if the message has moved from one queue to another. Note also that the entire 32 bytes of the message identifier value are significant, so the value specified by ctl−>msgid must be completely initialized (for example, padded with NULL characters).
Setting this flag requests that the message with the correlation identifier specified by ctl−>corrid be dequeued. The correlation identifier is specified by the application when enqueuing the message with tpenqueue(). Note that the entire 32 bytes of the correlation identifier value are significant, so the value specified by ctl−>corrid must be completely initialized (for example, padded with NULL characters).
Setting this flag indicates that an error should not be returned if the queue is empty. Instead, the process should wait until a message is available. If TPQWAIT is set in conjunction with TPQGETBYMSGID or TPQGETBYCORRID, it indicates that an error should not be returned if no message with the specified message identifier or correlation identifier is present in the queue. Instead, the process should wait until a message meeting the criteria is available. The process is still subject to the caller’s transaction timeout, or, when not in transaction mode, the process is subject to the timeout specified on the TMQUEUE process by the -t option.
If a message matching the desired criteria is not immediately available and the configured action resources are exhausted, tpdequeue returns ‑1, tperrno is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC, and the diagnostic field of the TPQCTL structure is set to QMESYSTEM.
Note that each tpdequeue() request specifying the TPQWAIT control parameter requires that a queue manager (TMQUEUE) action object be available if a message satisfying the condition is not immediately available. If an action object is not available, the tpdequeue() request fails. The number of available queue manager actions are specified when a queue space is created or modified. When a waiting dequeue request completes, the associated action object associated is made available for another request.
If this flag is set, the specified message is read but is not removed from the queue. This flag implies the TPNOTRAN flag has been set for the tpdequeue() operation. That is, non-destructive dequeuing is non-transactional. Note that it is not possible to read messages enqueued or dequeued within a transaction before the transaction completes.
When a thread is non-destructively dequeuing a message using TPQPEEK, the message may not be seen by other non-blocking dequeuers for the brief time the system is processing the non-destructive dequeue request. This includes dequeuers using specific selection criteria (such as message identifier and correlation identifier) that are looking for the message currently being non-destructively dequeued.
On output from tpdequeue(), the following elements may be set in the TPQCTL structure:
long flags; /* indicates which of the values
* should be set */

long priority; /* enqueue priority */
char msgid[32]; /* ID of message dequeued */
char corrid[32]; /* correlation identifier used to
* identify the message */
long delivery_qos; /* delivery quality of service */
long reply_qos; /* reply message quality of service */
char replyqueue[128]; /* queue name for reply */
char failurequeue[128]; /* queue name for failure */
long diagnostic; /* reason for failure */
long appkey; /* application authentication client
* key */
long urcode; /* user-return code */
CLIENTID cltid; /* client identifier for originating
* client */
The following is a list of valid bits for the flags parameter controlling output information from tpdequeue(). For any of these bits, if the flag bit is turned on when tpdequeue() is called, the associated element in the structure is populated with the value provided when the message was queued, and the bit remains set. If a value is not available or the bit is not set when tpdequeue() is called, tpdequeue() completes with the flag turned off.
If this flag is set, the call to tpdequeue() is successful, and the message was queued with an explicit priority, then the priority is stored in ctl−>priority. The priority is in the range 1 to 100, inclusive, and the higher the number, the higher the priority (that is, a message with a higher number is dequeued before a message with a lower number). For queues not ordered by priority, the value is informational.
If no priority was explicitly specified when the message was queued and the call to tpdequeue() is successful, the priority for the message is 50.
If this flag is set and the call to tpdequeue() is successful, the message identifier is stored in ctl−>msgid. The entire 32 bytes of the message identifier value are significant.
If this flag is set, the call to tpdequeue() is successful, and the message was queued with a correlation identifier, then the correlation identifier is stored in ctl−>corrid. The entire 32 bytes of the correlation identifier value are significant. Any Oracle Tuxedo ATMI /Q provided reply to a message has the correlation identifier of the original request message.
If this flag is set, the call to tpdequeue() is successful, and the message was queued with a delivery quality of service, then the flag—TPQQOSDEFAULTPERSIST, TPQQOSPERSISTENT, or TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT—is stored in ctl‑>delivery_qos. If no delivery quality of service was explicitly specified when the message was queued, the default delivery policy of the target queue dictates the delivery quality of service for the message.
If this flag is set, the call to tpdequeue() is successful, and the message was queued with a reply quality of service, then the flag—TPQQOSDEFAULTPERSIST, TPQQOSPERSISTENT, or TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT—is stored in ctl‑>reply_qos. If no reply quality of service was explicitly specified when the message was queued, the default delivery policy of the ctl‑>replyqueue queue dictates the delivery quality of service for any reply.
Note that the default delivery policy is determined when the reply to a message is enqueued. That is, if the default delivery policy of the reply queue is modified between the time that the original message is enqueued and the reply to the message is enqueued, the policy used is the one in effect when the reply is finally enqueued.
If this flag is set, the call to tpdequeue() is successful, and the message was queued with a reply queue, then the name of the reply queue is stored in ctl−>replyqueue. Any reply to the message should go to the named reply queue within the same queue space as the request message.
If this flag is set, the call to tpdequeue() is successful, and the message was queued with a failure queue, then the name of the failure queue is stored in ctl−>failurequeue. Any failure message should go to the named failure queue within the same queue space as the request message.
The following remaining bits for the flags parameter are cleared (set to zero) when tpdequeue() is called: TPQTOP, TPQBEFOREMSGID, TPQTIME_ABS, TPQTIME_REL, TPQEXPTIME_ABS, TPQEXPTIME_REL, and TPQEXPTIME_NONE. These bits are valid bits for the flags parameter controlling input information for tpenqueue().
If the call to tpdequeue() failed and tperrno is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC, a value indicating the reason for failure is returned in ctl−>diagnostic. The possible values are defined below in the Diagnostics section.
Additionally on output, if the call to tpdequeue() is successful, ctl−>appkey is set to the application authentication key, ctl−>cltid is set to the identifier for the client originating the request, and ctl−>urcode is set to the user-return code value that was set when the message was enqueued.
If the ctl parameter is NULL, the input flags are considered to be TPNOFLAGS, and no output information is made available to the application program.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpdequeue() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpdequeue() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
Invalid arguments were given (for example, qname is NULL, data does not point to space allocated with tpalloc() or flags are invalid).
Cannot access the qspace because it is not available (that is, the associated TMQUEUE(5) server is not available), or cannot start a global transaction due to the lack of entries in the Global Transaction Table (GTT).
Either the type and subtype of the dequeued message are not known to the caller; or, TPNOCHANGE was set in flags and the type and subtype of *data do not match the type and subtype of the dequeued message. In either case, *data, its contents, and *len are not changed. When the call is made in transaction mode and this error occurs, the transaction is marked abort-only, and the message remains on the queue.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpdequeue() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.) In either case, no changes are made to *data, its contents, or *len.
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to perform further conversational work, send new requests, or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpdequeue() was called improperly. There is no effect on the queue or the transaction.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file. There is no effect on the queue.
An operating system error has occurred. There is no effect on the queue.
Dequeuing a message from the specified queue failed. The reason for failure can be determined by the diagnostic value returned via ctl structure.
The following diagnostic values are returned during the dequeuing of a message:
An invalid flag value was specified.
An invalid resource manager identifier was specified.
The resource manager is not currently open.
The call was not in transaction mode or was made with the TPNOTRAN flag set and an error occurred trying to start a transaction in which to dequeue the message. This diagnostic is not returned by queue managers from Oracle Tuxedo release 7.1 or later.
An invalid message identifier was specified for dequeuing.
A system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
The operation was aborted. When executed within a global transaction, the global transaction has been marked rollback-only. Otherwise, the queue manager aborted the operation.
A dequeue was done when the transaction state was not active.
An invalid or deleted queue name was specified.
No message was available for dequeuing. Note that it is possible that the message exists on the queue and another application process has read the message from the queue. In this case, the message may be put back on the queue if that other process rolls back the transaction.
When dequeuing a message by message identifier or correlation identifier, the specified message is in use by another transaction. Otherwise, all messages currently on the queue are in use by other transactions. This diagnostic is not returned by queue managers from Oracle Tuxedo release 7.1 or later.
When dequeuing a message from a specified queue, the specified queue is opened exclusively by another application. The other application is one based on an Oracle product other than the Oracle Tuxedo system that opened the queue for exclusive read and/or write using the Queuing Services API (QSAPI).
See Also
qmadmin(1), tpalloc(3c), tpenqueue(3c), APPQ_MIB(5), TMQUEUE(5)
tpdiscon()—Routine for taking down a conversational service connection.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpdiscon(int cd)
tpdiscon() immediately tears down the connection specified by cd and generates a TPEV_DISCONIMM event on the other end of the connection.
tpdiscon() can be called only by the initiator of the conversation. tpdiscon() cannot be called within a conversational service on the descriptor with which it was invoked. Rather, a conversational service must use tpreturn() to signify that it has completed its part of the conversation. Similarly, even though a program communicating with a conversational service can issue tpdiscon(), the preferred way is to let the service tear down the connection in tpreturn(); doing so ensures correct results.
tpdiscon() causes the connection to be torn down immediately (that is, abortive rather than orderly). Any data that has not yet reached its destination may be lost. tpdiscon() can be issued even when the program on the other end of the connection is participating in the caller’s transaction. In this case, the transaction must be aborted. Also, the caller does not need to have control of the connection when tpdiscon() is called.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpdiscon() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpdiscon() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
cd is invalid or is the descriptor with which a conversational service was invoked.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpdiscon() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. (Note that calling tpdiscon() on a connection in the caller’s transaction would have resulted in the transaction being marked abort-only, even if tpdiscon() had succeeded.)
If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred.
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to perform further conversational work, send new requests, or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
tpdiscon() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file. The descriptor is no longer valid.
An operating system error has occurred. The descriptor is no longer valid.
See Also
tpabort(3c), tpcommit(3c), tpconnect(3c), tprecv(3c), tpreturn(3c), tpsend(3c)
tpenqueue()—Routine to enqueue a message.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpenqueue(char *qspace, char *qname, TPQCTL *ctl, char *data, long len, long flags)
tpenqueue() stores a message on the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space. A queue space is a collection of queues, one of which must be qname.
When the message is intended for an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server, the qname matches the name of a service provided by the server. The system provided server, TMQFORWARD(5), provides a default mechanism for dequeuing messages from the queue and forwarding them to servers that provide a service matching the queue name. If the originator expects a reply, then the reply to the forwarded service request is stored on the originator’s queue, unless otherwise specified. The originator will dequeue the reply message at a subsequent time. Queues can also be used for a reliable message transfer mechanism between any pair of Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system processes (clients and/or servers). In this case, the queue name does not match a service name but some agreed upon name for transferring the message.
If data is non-NULL, it must point to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc() and len should specify the amount of data in the buffer that should be queued. Note that if data points to a buffer of a type that does not require a length to be specified (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored. If data is NULL, len is ignored and a message is queued with no data portion.
The message is queued at the priority defined for qspace unless overridden by a previous call to tpsprio().
If the caller is within a transaction and the TPNOTRAN flag is not set, the message is queued in transaction mode. This has the effect that if tpenqueue() returns successfully and the caller’s transaction is committed successfully, then the message is guaranteed to be available subsequent to the transaction completing. If the caller’s transaction is rolled back either explicitly or as the result of a transaction timeout or some communication error, then the message will be removed from the queue (that is, the placing of the message on the queue is also rolled back). It is not possible to enqueue then dequeue the same message within the same transaction.
The message is not queued in transaction mode if either the caller is not in transaction mode, or the TPNOTRAN flag is set. Once tpenqueue() returns successfully, the submitted message is guaranteed to be in the queue. When not in transaction mode, if a communication error or a timeout occurs, the application will not know whether or not the message was successfully stored on the queue.
The order in which messages are placed on the queue is controlled by the application via ctl data structure as described below; the default queue ordering is set when the queue is created.
The following is a list of valid flags:
If the caller is in transaction mode and this flag is set, the message is not queued within the caller’s transaction. A caller in transaction mode that sets this flag is still subject to the transaction timeout (and no other) when queuing the message. If message queuing fails, the caller’s transaction is not affected.
The message is not enqueued if a blocking condition exists. If this flag is set and a blocking condition exists such as the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full, the call fails and tperrno is set to TPEBLOCK. If this flag is set and a blocking condition exists because the target queue is opened exclusively by another application, the call fails, tperrno is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC, and the diagnostic field of the TPQCTL structure is set to QMESHARE. In the latter case, the other application, which is based on an Oracle product other than the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system, opened the queue for exclusive read and/or write using the Queuing Services API (QSAPI).
When TPNOBLOCK is not set and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout). If a timeout occurs, the call fails and tperrno is set to TPETIME.
Setting this flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If this flag is set and a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, the interrupted system call is reissued. If TPSIGRSTRT is not set and a signal interrupts a system call, tpenqueue() fails and tperrno is set to TPGOTSIG.
Additional information about queuing the message can be specified via ctl data structure. This information includes values to override the default queue ordering placing the message at the top of the queue or before an enqueued message; an absolute or relative time after which a queued message is made available; an absolute or relative time when a message expires and is removed from the queue; the quality of service for delivering the message; the quality of service that any replies to the message should use; a correlation identifier that aids in correlating a reply or failure message with the queued message; the name of a queue to which a reply should be enqueued; and the name of a queue to which any failure message should be enqueued.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpenqueue().
Control Parameter
The TPQCTL structure is used by the application program to pass and retrieve parameters associated with enqueuing the message. The flags element of TPQCTL is used to indicate what other elements in the structure are valid.
On input to tpenqueue(), the following elements may be set in the TPQCTL structure:
long flags; /* indicates which of the values
* are set */
long deq_time; /* absolute/relative for dequeuing */
long priority; /* enqueue priority */
long exp_time /* expiration time */
long delivery_qos /* delivery quality of service */
long reply_qos /* reply quality of service */
long urcode; /* user-return code */
char msgid[32]; /* ID of message before which to queue
* request */
char corrid[32]; /* correlation identifier used to
* identify the msg */
char replyqueue[128]; /* queue name for reply message */
char failurequeue[128]; /* queue name for failure message */
The following is a list of valid bits for the flags parameter controlling input information for tpenqueue():
No flags or values are set. No information is taken from the control structure.
Setting this flag indicates that the queue ordering be overridden and the message placed at the top of the queue. This request may not be granted depending on whether or not the queue was configured to allow overriding the queue ordering. TPQTOP and TPQBEFOREMSGID are mutually exclusive flags.
Setting this flag indicates that the queue ordering be overridden and the message placed in the queue before the message identified by ctl−>msgid. This request may not be granted depending on whether or not the queue was configured to allow overriding the queue ordering. TPQTOP and TPQBEFOREMSGID are mutually exclusive flags. Note that the entire 32 bytes of the message identifier value are significant, so the value identified by ctl−>msgid must be completely initialized (for example, padded with NULL characters).
If this flag is set, the message is made available after the time specified by ctl−>deq_time. The deq_time is an absolute time value as generated by time(2), mktime(3C), or gp_mktime(3c) (the number of seconds since 00:00:00 Universal Coordinated Time—UTC, January 1, 1970). TPQTIME_ABS and TPQTIME_REL are mutually exclusive flags. The absolute time is determined by the clock on the machine where the queue manager process resides.
If this flag is set, the message is made available after a time relative to the completion of the enqueuing operation. ctl−>deq_time specifies the number of seconds to delay after the enqueuing completes before the submitted message should be available. TPQTIME_ABS and TPQTIME_REL are mutually exclusive flags.
If this flag is set, the priority at which the message should be enqueued is stored in ctl−>priority. The priority must be in the range 1 to 100, inclusive. The higher the number, the higher the priority (that is, a message with a higher number is dequeued before a message with a lower number). For queues not ordered by priority, this value is informational.
If this flag is not set, the priority for the message is 50 by default.
If this flag is set, the correlation identifier value specified in ctl−>corrid is available when a message is dequeued with tpdequeue(). This identifier accompanies any reply or failure message that is queued so that an application can correlate a reply with a particular request. Note that the entire 32 bytes of the correlation identifier value are significant, so the value specified in ctl−>corrid must be completely initialized (for example, padded with NULL characters).
If this flag is set, a reply queue named in ctl−>replyqueue is associated with the queued message. Any reply to the message will be queued to the named queue within the same queue space as the request message. This string must be NULL terminated (maximum 127 characters in length).
If this flag is set, a failure queue named in the ctl−>failurequeue is associated with the queued message. If (1) the enqueued message is processed by TMQFORWARD(), (2) TMQFORWARD was started with the -d option, and (3) the service fails and returns a non-NULL reply, a failure message consisting of the reply and its associated tpurcode is enqueued to the named queue within the same queue space as the original request message. This string must be NULL-terminated (maximum 127 characters in length).
If the TPQDELIVERYQOS flag is set, the flags specified by ctl‑>delivery_qos control the quality of service for delivery of the message. In this case, one of three mutually exclusive flags— TPQQOSDEFAULTPERSIST, TPQQOSPERSISTENT, or TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT—must be set in ctl‑>delivery_qos. If TPQDELIVERYQOS is not set, the default delivery policy of the target queue dictates the delivery quality of service for the message.
If the TPQREPLYQOS flag is set, the flags specified by ctl‑>reply_qos control the quality of service for any reply to the message. In this case, one of three mutually exclusive flags—TPQQOSDEFAULTPERSIST, TPQQOSPERSISTENT, or TPQQOSNONPERSISTENT—must be set in ctl‑>reply_qos. The TPQREPLYQOS flag is used when a reply is returned from messages processed by TMQFORWARD. Applications not using TMQFORWARD to invoke services may use the TPQREPLYQOS flag as a hint for their own reply mechanism.
If TPQREPLYQOS is not set, the default delivery policy of the ctl‑>replyqueue queue dictates the delivery quality of service for any reply. Note that the default delivery policy is determined when the reply to a message is enqueued. That is, if the default delivery policy of the reply queue is modified between the time that the original message is enqueued and the reply to the message is enqueued, the policy used is the one in effect when the reply is finally enqueued.
The following is the list of valid flags for ctl‑>delivery_qos and ctl‑>reply_qos:
This flag specifies that the message is to be delivered using the default delivery policy specified on the target queue.
This flag specifies that the message is to be delivered in a persistent manner using the disk-based delivery method. Setting this flag overrides the default delivery policy specified on the target queue.
This flag specifies that the message is to be delivered in a non-persistent manner using the memory-based delivery method. Specifically, the message is queued in memory until it is dequeued. Setting this flag overrides the default delivery policy specified on the target queue. If the caller is transactional, non-persistent messages are enqueued within the caller’s transaction, however, non-persistent messages are lost if the system is shut down, crashes, or the IPC shared memory for the queue space is removed.
If this flag is set, the message has an absolute expiration time, which is the absolute time when the message will be removed from the queue.
The absolute expiration time is determined by the clock on the machine where the queue manager process resides.
The absolute expiration time is indicated by the value stored in ctl‑>exp_time. The value of ctl‑>exp_time must be set to an absolute time value generated by time(2), mktime(3C), or gp_mktime(3c) (the number of seconds since 00:00:00 Universal Coordinated Time—UTC, January 1, 1970).
If an absolute time is specified that is earlier than the time of the enqueue operation, the operation succeeds, but the message is not counted for the purpose of calculating thresholds. If the expiration time is before the message availability time, the message is not available for dequeuing unless either the availability or expiration time is changed so that the availability time is before the expiration time. In addition, these messages are removed from the queue at expiration time even if they were never available for dequeuing. If a message expires while it is within a transaction, the expiration does not cause the transaction to fail. Messages that expire while being enqueued or dequeued within a transaction are removed from the queue when the transaction ends. There is no notification that the message has expired.
TPQEXPTIME_ABS, TPQEXPTIME_REL, and TPQEXPTIME_NONE are mutually exclusive flags. If none of these flags is set, the default expiration time associated with the target queue is applied to the message.
If this flag is set, the message has a relative expiration time, which is the number of seconds after the message arrives at the queue that the message is removed from the queue. The relative expiration time is indicated by the value stored in ctl‑>exp_time.
If the expiration time is before the message availability time, the message is not available for dequeuing unless either the availability or expiration time is changed so that the availability time is before the expiration time. In addition, these messages are removed from the queue at expiration time even if they were never available for dequeuing. The expiration of a message during a transaction, does not cause the transaction to fail. Messages that expire while being enqueued or dequeued within a transaction are removed from the queue when the transaction ends. There is no acknowledgment that the message has expired.
TPQEXPTIME_ABS, TPQEXPTIME_REL, and TPQEXPTIME_NONE are mutually exclusive flags. If none of these flags is set, the default expiration time associated with the target queue is applied to the message.
Setting this flag indicates that the message should not expire. This flag overrides any default expiration policy associated with the target queue. A message can be removed by dequeuing it or by deleting it via an administrative interface.
TPQEXPTIME_ABS, TPQEXPTIME_REL, and TPQEXPTIME_NONE are mutually exclusive flags. If none of these flags is set, the default expiration time associated with the target queue is applied to the message.
Setting this flag indicates that you need tpenque() function to return queue space usage when tpenque() succeeds; tpenque() will then return the queue space usage percentage in ctl->auxiliary[AUXIDX_QSPACEUSAGE] when succeeding. For example, if ctl->auxiliary[AUXIDX_QSPACEUSAGE] is 50, the current queue space usage percentage is 50%.
The returned queue space usage is the maximum between the message usage ratio and the disk usage ratio. The disk usage ratio is the current used disk divided by the effective disk space. The effective disk space is calculated by subtracting the reserved disk space (used by queue space control area) and the redundant space (50 blocks) from the overall allocated queue space disk space.
Additionally, the urcode element of TPQCTL can be set with a user-return code. This value will be returned to the application that dequeues the message.
On output from tpenqueue(), the following elements may be set in the TPQCTL structure:
long flags; /* indicates which of the values
* are set */
char msgid[32]; /* ID of enqueued message */
long diagnostic; /* indicates reason for failure */
The following is a valid bit for the flags parameter controlling output information from tpenqueue(). If this flag is turned on when tpenqueue() is called, the /Q server TMQUEUE(5) populates the associated element in the structure with a message identifier. If this flag is turned off when tpenqueue() is called, TMQUEUE() does not populate the associated element in the structure with a message identifier.
If this flag is set and the call to tpenqueue() is successful, the message identifier is stored in ctl−>msgid. The entire 32 bytes of the message identifier value are significant, so the value stored in ctl−>msgid is completely initialized (for example, padded with NULL characters). The actual padding character used for initialization varies between releases of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI /Q component.
The remaining members of the control structure are not used on input to tpenqueue().
If the call to tpenqueue() failed and tperrno is set to TPEDIAGNOSTIC, a value indicating the reason for failure is returned in ctl−>diagnostic. The possible values are defined below in the Diagnostics section.
If this parameter is NULL, the input flags are considered to be TPNOFLAGS and no output information is made available to the application program.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpenqueue() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. Otherwise, the message has been successfully queued when tpenqueue() returns.
Upon failure, tpenqueue() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
Invalid arguments were given (for example, qspace is NULL, data does not point to space allocated with tpalloc(), or flags are invalid).
Cannot access the qspace because it is not available (that is, the associated TMQUEUE(5) server is not available), or cannot start a global transaction due to the lack of entries in the Global Transaction Table (GTT).
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpenqueue() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpenqueue() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
Enqueuing a message on the specified queue failed. The reason for failure can be determined by the diagnostic returned via ctl.
The following diagnostic values are returned during the enqueuing of a message:
An invalid flag value was specified.
An invalid resource manager identifier was specified.
The resource manager is not currently open.
The call was not in transaction mode or was made with the TPNOTRAN flag set and an error occurred trying to start a transaction in which to enqueue the message. This diagnostic is not returned by queue managers from Oracle Tuxedo release 7.1 or later.
An invalid message identifier was specified.
A system error occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error occurred.
The operation was aborted. When executed within a global transaction, the global transaction has been marked rollback-only. Otherwise, the queue manager aborted the operation.
An enqueue was done when the transaction state was not active.
An invalid or deleted queue name was specified.
Due to an insufficient resource, such as no space on the queue, the message with its required quality of service (persistent or non-persistent storage) was not enqueued. QMENOSPACE is returned when any of the following configured resources is exceeded: (1) the amount of disk (persistent) space allotted to the queue space, (2) the amount of memory (non-persistent) space allotted to the queue space, (3) the maximum number of simultaneously active transactions allowed for the queue space, (4) the maximum number of messages that the queue space can contain at any one time, (5) the maximum number of concurrent actions that the Queuing Services component can handle, or (6) the maximum number of authenticated users that may concurrently use the Queuing Services component.
An attempt was made to enqueue a message to a queue manager that is from a version of the Oracle Tuxedo system that does not support a newer feature.
When enqueuing a message from a specified queue, the specified queue is opened exclusively by another application. The other application is one based on an Oracle product other than the Oracle Tuxedo system that opened the queue for exclusive read and/or write using the Queuing Services API (QSAPI).
See Also
qmadmin(1), gp_mktime(3c), tpacall(3c), tpalloc(3c), tpdequeue(3c), tpinit(3c), tpsprio(3c), APPQ_MIB(5), TMQFORWARD(5), TMQUEUE(5)
tpenvelope()—Accesses the digital signature and encryption information associated with a typed message buffer.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpenvelope(char *
data, long len, int occurrence, TPKEY *outputkey, long *status, char *timestamp, long flags)
tpenvelope() provides access to the following types of digital signature and encryption information associated with a typed message buffer:
A sending process explicitly registers a digital signature request for a message buffer by calling tpsign(), or implicitly registers a digital signature request for a message buffer by calling tpkey_open() with the TPKEY_AUTOSIGN flag specified.
Just before the message buffer is sent, the public key software generates and attaches a digital signature to the message buffer for each digital-signature registration request; a digital signature enables a receiving process to verify the signer (originator) of the message.
A sending process explicitly registers an encryption (seal) request for a message buffer by calling tpseal(), or implicitly registers an encryption (seal) request for a message buffer by calling tpkey_open() with the TPKEY_AUTOENCRYPT flag specified.
Just before the message buffer is sent, the public key software encrypts the message content and attaches an encryption envelope to the message buffer for each encryption registration request; an encryption envelope enables a receiving process to decrypt the message.
Signature and encryption information is available to both sending and receiving processes. In a sending process, digital signature and encryption information is generally in a pending state, waiting until the message is sent. In a receiving process, digital signatures have already been verified, and encryption and decryption have already been performed. Failures in decryption or signature verification might prevent message delivery, in which case the receiving process never receives the message buffer and therefore has no knowledge of the message buffer.
data must point to a valid typed message buffer either (1) previously allocated by a process calling tpalloc() or (2) delivered by the system to a receiving process. If the message buffer is self-describing, len is ignored (and may be 0). Otherwise, len must contain the length of data in data.
There may be multiple occurrences of digital-signature registration requests, digital signatures, encryption registration requests, and encryption envelopes associated with a message buffer. The occurrences are stored in sequence, with the first item at the zero position and subsequent items in consecutive positions. The occurrence input parameter indicates which item is requested. When the value of occurrence is beyond the position of the last item, tpenvelope() fails with the TPENOENT error condition. All items may be examined by calling tpenvelope() repeatedly until TPENOENT is returned.
The handle to the key associated with a digital-signature registration request, digital signature, encryption registration request, or encryption envelope is returned via outputkey. The key handle returned is a separate copy of the original key opened by calling tpkey_open(). Properties of the key, such as the PRINCIPAL attribute parameter, can be obtained by calling tpkey_getinfo(). It is the caller’s responsibility to release key handle outputkey by calling tpkey_close().
If outputkey is NULL, no key handle is returned.
The status output parameter reports the state of the digital-signature registration request, digital signature, encryption registration request, or encryption envelope. If the value of the status is not NULL, it is set to one of the following states:
A digital signature has been requested on behalf of the signer principal associated with the corresponding private key, and will be generated when the message buffer is transmitted from this process.
The digital signature has been verified.
The digital signature is not valid because the content of the message buffer has been altered.
The digital signature is not valid because the signer’s digital certificate has been altered.
The digital signature is not valid because the signer’s digital certificate has been revoked.
The digital signature is not valid because its timestamp is too far into the future.
The digital signature is not valid because the signer’s digital certificate has expired.
The digital signature is not valid because its timestamp is too old.
The digital signature is not valid because the signer’s digital certificate was issued by an unknown Certification Authority (CA).
An encryption (seal) has been requested for the recipient principal associated with the corresponding public key, and will be performed when the message buffer is transmitted from this process.
The encryption envelope is valid.
The encryption envelope is not valid because the recipient’s digital certificate has been altered.
The encryption envelope is not valid because the recipient’s digital certificate has been revoked.
The encryption envelope is not valid because the recipient’s digital certificate has expired.
The encryption envelope is not valid because the recipient’s digital certificate was issued by an unknown CA.
The timestamp output parameter contains the digital signature’s timestamp according to the local clock on the machine where the digital signature was generated. The integrity of this value is protected by the associated digital signature. The memory location indicated by timestamp is set to the NULL-terminated signature time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, where YYYY=year, MM=month, DD=day, HH=hour, MM=minute, and SS=second. timestamp may be NULL, in which case no value is returned. Encryption seals do not contain timestamps, and the memory location indicated by timestamp is unchanged.
The flags parameter may be set to one of the following values:
TPKEY_REMOVE–The item at position occurrence is removed (that is, it is no longer associated with the buffer). Output parameters outputkey, status, and timestamp related to the item are captured before the item is removed. Items at subsequent positions are shifted down by one, so there are never any gaps in the numbering of occurrence.
TPKEY_REMOVEALL–All items associated with the message buffer are removed. The output parameters outputkey, status, and timestamp are not returned.
TPKEY_VERIFY–All digital signatures associated with the message buffer are reverified. The status of a signature may change after reverification. For example, if a message buffer has been modified by a receiving process, the status of the originator’s signature changes from TPSIGN_OK to TPSIGN_TAMPERED_MESSAGE.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, the value of data is NULL or the value assigned to flags is unrecognized.
This occurrence does not exist.
An error occurred. Consult the system error log file for details.
See Also
tpkey_close(3c), tpkey_getinfo(3c), tpkey_open(3c), tpseal(3c), tpsign(3c)
tperrordetail()—Gets additional detail about an error generated from the last Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system call.
#include <atmi.h>
int tperrordetail(long flags)
tperrordetail() returns additional detail related to an error produced by the last Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system routine called in the current thread. tperrordetail() returns a numeric value that is also represented by a symbolic name. If the last Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system routine called in the current thread did not produce an error, then tperrordetail() will return zero. Therefore, tperrordetail() should be called after an error has been indicated; that is, when tperrno has been set.
Currently flags is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tperrordetail() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon failure, tperrordetail() returns a -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
These are the symbolic names and meaning for each numeric value that tperrordetail() may return. The order in which these are listed is not significant and does not imply precedence.
A Jolt client is disconnected currently. The TPACK flag is used in a tpnotify() call and the target of tpnotify() is a currently disconnected Jolt client. When tpnotify() fails, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_CLIENTDISCONNECTED.
A process receiving an encrypted message cannot decrypt the message. This error most likely occurs because the process does not have access to the private key required to decrypt the message.
When a call fails due to this error, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_DECRYPTION_FAILURE.
A domain is unreachable. Specifically, a domain configured to satisfy a request that a local domain cannot service was not reachable when a request was made. After the request failure, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_DOMAINUNREACHABLE.
The following table indicates the corresponding values returned by tperrno when calls to tpcall(), tpgetrply(), or tprecv() fail because of an unreachable domain. The error detail returned by a subsequent call to tperrordetail() is TPED_DOMAINUNREACHABLE.
Note that the TPED_DOMAINUNREACHABLE feature applies to Oracle Tuxedo Domains only. It does not apply to other domains products such as Connect OSI TP Domains and Connect SNA Domains.
A process receiving a digitally signed message cannot verify the digital signature because the associated digital certificate is invalid. This error most likely occurs because the digital certificate has expired, the digital certificate was issued by an unknown Certification Authority (CA), or the digital certificate has been altered.
When a call fails due to this error, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_INVALID_CERTIFICATE.
A process receiving a digitally signed message cannot verify the digital signature because the signature is invalid. This error most likely occurs because the message has been altered, the timestamp for the digital signature is too old, or the timestamp for the digital signature is too far into the future.
When a call fails due to this error, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_INVALID_SIGNATURE.
A thread is blocked in an ATMI call when another thread terminates its context. Specifically, any thread blocked in an ATMI call when another thread terminates its context will return from the ATMI call with a failure return; tperrno is set to TPESYSTEM. A subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_INVALIDCONTEXT.
An attempt was made to start a transaction but the NO_XA flag was turned on in this domain.
No client exists. The TPACK flag is used in a tpnotify() call but there is no target for tpnotify(). When tpnotify() fails, tperrno is set to TPENOENT. A subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_NOCLIENT.
A client does not have an unsolicited handler set. The TPACK flag is used in a tpnotify() call and the target of the tpnotify() is in an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI session, but it has not set an unsolicited notification handler. When tpnotify() fails, tperrno is set to TPENOENT. A subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_NOUNSOLHANDLER.
RDMA Msgq_daemon failure. When RDMA is enabled, requests sent through RDMA fails when the RDMA daemon process (Msgq_daemon), encounters a serious problem. tperrno then returns TPEOS/TPETIME, and a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls returns TPED_RDMA_MSGQDAEMON.
The request failure could be encountered by the following calls:
Invalid RDMA queue. When RDMA is enabled, Msgq_daemon shared memory may cause an internal error. After the request failure, tperrno returns TPEOS, and a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls return TPED_RDMA_INVALIDQUEUE. Refer to TPED_RDMA_MSGQDAEMON for the calls that could encounter this failure.
Not enough shared memory to handle RDMA request. When RDMA is enabled and Msgq_daemon starts without enough shared memory, an internal error may develop; tperrno then returns TPEOS. A subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_RDMA_NOMEMORY. Refer to TPED_RDMA_MSGQDAEMON for the calls that may possibly encounter this failure.
A server was terminated due to a service timeout. The service timeout is controlled by the value of SVCTIMEOUT in the UBBCONFIG file or TA_SVCTIMEOUT in T_SERVER and T_SERVICE classes in the TM_MIB. When a call fails due to this error, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_SVCTIMEOUT.
A Workstation client has been disconnected from the application. When a call fails due to this error, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls will return TPED_TERM.
Upon failure, tperrordetail() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
flags not set to zero
See Also
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface, tpstrerrordetail(3c), tperrno(5)
tpexport()—Converts a typed message buffer into an exportable, machine-independent string representation, that includes digital signatures and encryption envelopes.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpexport(char *
ibuf, long ilen, char *ostr, long *olen,
long flags)
tpexport() converts a typed message buffer into an externalized representation. An externalized representation is a message buffer that does not include any Oracle Tuxedo ATMI header information that is normally added to a message buffer just before the buffer is transmitted.
The externalized representation may be transmitted between processes, machines, or Oracle Tuxedo ATMI applications via any communication mechanism. It may be archived on permanent storage, and remains valid after a system shutdown and reboot.
An externalized representation includes:
Any digital signatures associated with ibuf. They are verified later when the buffer is imported.
Any encryption envelopes associated with ibuf. The buffer content remains protected by encryption. Only specified recipients with access to a valid private key for decryption may later import the buffer.
ibuf must point to a valid typed message buffer either (1) previously allocated by a process calling tpalloc() or (2) delivered by the system to a receiving process. ilen specifies how much of ibuf to export. Note that if ibuf points to a buffer type for which a length need not be specified (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then ilen is ignored (and may be 0).
ostr is a pointer to the output area that will hold an externalized representation of the buffer’s content and associated properties. If TPEX_STRING is set in flags, then the externalized format will be a string type. Otherwise, the output length is determined by *olen and may contain embedded NULL bytes.
On input, *olen specifies the maximum storage size available at ostr. On output *olen is set to the actual number of bytes written to ostr (including a terminating NULL character if TPEX_STRING is set in flags).
The flags argument may be set to TPEX_STRING if string format (base 64 encoded) is desired for the output buffer. Otherwise, the output will be binary.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, the value of ibuf is NULL or the value of flags is not set correctly.
Permission failure. The cryptographic service provider was not able to access a private key necessary to produce a digital signature.
An error occurred. Consult the system error log file for details.
Insufficient output storage was provided. *olen is set to the necessary amount of space.
See Also
tpfml32toxml()—Converts FML32 buffers to XML data
#include <fml32.h>
int tpfml32toxml (FBFR32 *fml32bufp, char *vfile, char *rtag, char **xmlbufp, long flags)
This function is used to convert FML32 buffers to XML data. It supports the following valid arguments:
This argument is a pointer to an input FML32 typed buffer.
This argument is not used for FML32 to XML conversion at this time. It is reserved for the fully qualified path name of an XML Schema file used to validate XML output when this capability is supported by Xerces.
The argument is a pointer to the input root element name for the output XML document.When a root element name is specified during conversion, it is identified and saved for use as an XML root tag with an optional Type attribute added to the root element name. If the input root name is not specified, then the default output XML root tag <FML32> is used.
This argument is a pointer to an output XML typed buffer in a pre-defined format for describing FML32 fielded buffers.
This argument is not used for FML32 to XML conversion at this time and should be set to 0.
Return Values
Upon success, tpfml32toxml() returns 0. This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpfml32toxml() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Either fml32bufp or xmlbufp is not a valid typed buffer.
A Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3). This will also indicate when a conversion to XML was unable to be done. In that instance error detail info will be added to the userlog.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
tpxmltofml32(3c), tpxmltofml(3c), tpfmltoxml(3c)
tpfmltoxml()—Converts FML buffers to XML data
#include <fml.h>
int tpfmltoxml (FBFR *fmlbufp, char *vfile, char *rtag, char **xmlbufp, long flags)
This function is used to convert FML buffers to XML data. It supports the following valid arguments:
The argument is a pointer to an input FML typed buffer.
The argument is not used for FML to XML conversion at this time. It is reserved for the fully qualified path name of an XML Schema file used to validate XML output when this capability is supported by Xerces.
This argument is a pointer to the input root element name for the output XML document.When a root element name is specified during conversion, it is identified and saved for use as an XML root tag with an optional Type attribute added to the root element name. If the input root name is not specified, then the default output XML root tag <FML> is used.
This argument is a pointer to an output XML typed buffer in a pre-defined format for describing FML fielded buffers.
This argument is not used for FML to XML conversion at this time and should be set to 0.
Return Values
Upon success, tpfmltoxml() returns 0. This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpfmltoxml() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Either fml32bufp or xmlbufp is not a valid typed buffer.
A Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3). This will also indicate when a conversion to XML was unable to be done. In that instance error detail info will be added to the userlog.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
tpxmltofml32(3c),tpfml32toxml(3c), tpxmltofml(3c)
tpforward()—Routine for forwarding a service request to another service routine.
#include <atmi.h>
void tpforward(char *svc, char *data, long len, long flags)
tpforward() allows a service routine to forward a client’s request to another service routine for further processing. tpforward() acts like tpreturn() in that it is the last call made in a service routine. Like tpreturn(), tpforward() should be called from within the service routine dispatched to ensure correct return of control to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system dispatcher. tpforward() cannot be called from within a conversational service.
This function forwards a request to the service named by svc using data pointed to by data. The service name must not begin with a dot. A service routine forwarding a request receives no reply. After the request is forwarded, the service routine returns to the communication manager dispatcher and the server is free to do other work. Note that because no reply is expected from a forwarded request, the request may be forwarded without error to any service routine in the same executable as the service that forwarded the request.
If the service routine is in transaction mode, tpforward() puts the caller portion of the transaction in a state where it may be completed when the originator of the transaction issues either tpcommit() or tpabort(). If a transaction was explicitly started with tpbegin() while in a service routine, the transaction must be ended with either tpcommit() or tpabort() before calling tpforward(). Thus, all services in a “forward chain” are either all started in transaction mode or none are.
The last server in a forward chain sends a reply back to the originator of the request using tpreturn(). In essence, tpforward() transfers to another server the responsibility of sending a reply back to the awaiting requester.
tpforward() should be called after receiving all replies expected from service requests initiated by the service routine. Any outstanding replies which are not received will automatically be dropped by the communication manager dispatcher upon receipt. In addition, the descriptors for those replies become invalid and the request is not forwarded to svc.
data points to the data portion of a reply to be sent. If data is non-NULL, it must point to a buffer previously obtained by a call to tpalloc(). If this is the same buffer passed to the service routine upon its invocation, then its disposition is up to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system dispatcher; the service routine writer does not have to worry about whether it is freed or not. In fact, any attempt by the user to free this buffer will fail. Also any attempt to reallocate this buffer in another thread is prohibited. However, if the buffer passed to tpforward() is not the same one with which the service is invoked, then tpforward() will free that buffer. len specifies the amount of the data buffer to be sent. If data points to a buffer which does not require a length to be specified, (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored (and can be 0). If data is NULL, then len is ignored and a request with zero length data is sent.
The flags argument is reserved for future use and should be set to 0 (zero).
Return Values
A service routine does not return any value to its caller, the communication manager dispatcher. Thus, tpforward() is declared as a void. See tpreturn(3c) for a more extensive discussion.
If any errors occur either in the handling of the parameters passed to the function or in its processing, a “failed” message is sent back to the original requester (unless no reply is to be sent). The existence of outstanding replies or subordinate connections, or the caller’s transaction being marked abort-only, qualify as failures which generate failed messages.
If either SVCTIMEOUT in the UBBCONFIG file or TA_SVCTIMEOUT in the TM_MIB is non-zero, the event, TPEV_SVCERR is returned when a service timeout occurs.
Failed messages are detected by the requester with the TPESVCERR error indication. When such an error occurs, the caller’s data is not sent. Also, this error causes the caller’s current transaction to be marked abort-only.
If a transaction timeout occurs, either during the service routine or while the request is being forwarded, the requester waiting for a reply with either tpcall() or tpgetrply() will get a TPETIME error return. When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction times out and is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. All further ATMI calls for that transaction will fail with TPETIME. The waiting requester will not receive any data. Service routines, however, are expected to terminate using either tpreturn() or tpforward(). A conversational service routine must use tpreturn(); it cannot use tpforward().
If a service routine returns without using either tpreturn() or tpforward() (that is, if it uses the C language return statement or simply “falls out of the function”) or if tpforward() is called from a conversational server, the server will print a warning message in a log file and return a service error to the original requester. All open connections to subordinates will be disconnected immediately, and any outstanding asynchronous replies will be marked stale. If the server was in transaction mode at the time of failure, the transaction is marked abort-only. Note also that if either tpreturn() or tpforward() are used outside of a service routine (for example, in clients, or in tpsvrinit() or tpsvrdone()), then these routines simply return having no effect.
Client/Server Affinity
If you configure service session roles that invoke tpforward, see Table 11.
LIBTUX_CAT:6835: ERROR' is printed in ULOG. The session will not initiate.
LIBTUX_CAT:6836: ERROR' is printed in ULOG. The session will not terminate between affinity client and server.
For more information see, What is Client/Server Affinity? in Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Architecture.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpreturn(3c), tpservice(3c), tpstrerrordetail(3c)
tpfree()—Routine for freeing a typed buffer.
#include <atmi.h>
void tpfree(char *ptr)
The argument to tpfree() is a pointer to a buffer previously obtained by either tpalloc() or tprealloc(). If ptr is NULL, no action occurs. Undefined results will occur if ptr does not point to a typed buffer (or if it points to space previously freed with tpfree()). Inside service routines, tpfree() returns and does not free the buffer if ptr points to the buffer passed into a service routine.
Some buffer types require state information or associated data to be removed as part of freeing a buffer. tpfree() removes any of these associations (in a communication manager-specific manner) before a buffer is freed.
Once tpfree() returns, ptr should not be passed as an argument to any Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system routine or used in any other manner.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpfree() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
When freeing an FML32 buffer using tpfree(), the routine recursively frees all embedded buffers to prevent memory leaks. In order to preserve the embedded buffers, you should assign the associated pointer to NULL before issuing the tpfree() command. As stated above, if ptr is NULL, no action occurs.
Return Values
tpfree() does not return any value to its caller. Thus, it is declared as a void.
This function should not be used in concert with malloc(), realloc(), or free() in the C library (for example, a buffer allocated with tpalloc() should not be freed with free()).
See Also
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface, tpalloc(3c), tprealloc(3c)
tpgblktime()—Retrieves a previously set, per second or millisecond, blocktime value
#include <atmi.h>
tpgblktime(long flags)
tpgblktime() retrieves a previously set blocktime value, per second or millisecond according to flag TPBLK_MILLISECOND. If tpgblktime() specifies a blocktime flag value, and no such flag value has been set, the return value is 0. A blocktime flag value less than 0 produces an error.
The following is a list of valid flags:
This flag sets the return blocktime value in milliseconds. If the unit of SCANUNIT is millisecond in TUXCONFIG, invoking tpgblktime without flag TPBLK_MILLISECOND will return an error TPEINVAL.
This flag sets the return blocktime value in seconds. This is default behavior.
This flag returns blocktime value for the previously set tpsblktime(TPBLK_NEXT)call.
This flag returns blocktime value for the previously set tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL)call.
This flag returns the applicable blocktime value for the next blocking ATMI set due to a previous tpsblktime() call without the TPBLK_NEXT or TPBLK_ALL flag blocktime value, or a system-wide default blocktime value.
When a workstation client calls a tpgblktime() 0 flag, the system-wide default blocktime value cannot be returned. A 0 value is returned instead.
Return Values
Upon success, tpgblktime() returns a positive integer indicating the blocking time value currently in effect for the corresponding flag value. A 0 return value indicates that no such blocking time override is currently in effect.
This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. The failure does not affect the existing transaction, if one exists.
Upon failure, tpgblktime() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given. For example, the flags value is negative or more than one blocktime flag value (TPBLK_NEXT, TPBLK_ALL, TPBLK_NEXT | TPBLK_MILLISECOND, TPBLK_NEXT | TPBLK_SECOND, TPBLK_ALL | TPBLK_MILLISECOND, TPBLK_ALL | TPBLK_SECOND, or 0) was specified.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
tpcall(3c), tpcommit(3c), tprecv(3c), tpsblktime(3c), UBBCONFIG(5)
tpgetcache - Get an Oracle Tuxedo Cache handle according to the configuration
#include "atmi.h"
TCACHE* tpgetcache(const char* name);
tpgetcache(3c) gets an Oracle Tuxedo cache handle according to Oracle Tuxedo cache name, which indicates the name of Oracle Tuxedo cache to be retrieved. The name must be 78 characters or less in length. tpgetcache(3c) is a thread-level API. The return handle TCACHE can only be used in the same thread.
Return Values
Upon success, tpgetcache(3c) returns a handle typed TCACHE which is an internal structure.
Upon failure, tpgetcache(3c) returns NULL and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(3c), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Invalid arguments were given (for example, conf is NULL).
The requested cache does not exist.
This error code indicates that a timeout has occurred.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is added to the ULOG.
An operating system error has occurred.
The Oracle Tuxedo cache server meets an error. tpurcode contains the exact error value. The possible values of tpurcode are list below:
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache does not exist.
The error code indicates the requested Oracle Tuxedo cache is unavailable.
tpgetadmkey()—Gets administrative authentication key.
#include <atmi.h>
long tpgetadmkey(TPINIT *tpinfo)
tpgetadmkey() is available for application use by an application specific authentication server. It returns an application security key suitable for assignment to the indicated user for the purpose of administrative authentication. This routine must be called with a client name (that is, tpinfo−>cltname) of either tpsysadm() or tpsysop(); otherwise, a valid administrative key will not be returned.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpgetadmkey().
Return Values
Upon success, tpgetadmkey() returns a non-0 value with the high-order bit (0x80000000) set; otherwise it returns 0. Zero may be returned if tpinfo is NULL, tpinfo−>cltname is not tpsysadm() or tpsysop(), or lastly if the effective user ID is not the configured application administrator for this site.
A zero return value is the only indication that a valid administrative key was not assigned.
This interface is available only on UNIX system sites running Oracle Tuxedo release 5.0 or later.
See Also
tpaddusr(1), tpusradd(1), tpinit(3c), AUTHSVR(5)
Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application
Administering an Oracle Tuxedo Application at Run Time
tpgetcallinfo()— Routine for retrieving call path message monitoring attributes.
int tpgetcallinfo(const char *msg, FBFR32 **obuf, long flags)
tpgetcallinfo() is used for call path monitoring only. It supports the following parameters:
The typed buffer use for measurement.
The FML32 buffer used to contain the fields.
Reserved for future use.
tpgetcallinfo()retrieves the message monitoring attributes when call path monitoring is enabled.
tpgetcallinfo() can be used in different scenarios to accomplish different functions. Typical usage is as follows:
Application server calls tpgetcallinfo() to check the requested message monitoring attributes. It can provide the following information:
The monitoring initiator calls tpgetcallinfo() to get the end to the monitored call end time.
tpgetcallinfo() can be called at any time for a reply buffer after a reply is received. This is especially useful with tpacall/tpgetrply.
Table 13 lists the FML monitor metrics field names.
Table 14 lists the FML custom HTTP header names.
For more information, see Oracle SALT Data Type Mapping and Message Conversion.
Return Values
Upon successfully getting a FML32 buffer containing the monitoring attributes, returns 0.
Upon failure, tpgetcallinfo() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpgetcallinfo() sets tperrno to one of the following values,
Invalid arguments were given (for example, msg is NULL or obuf is not a valid FML32 buffer)
The message input does not contain monitoring attributes. Usually this is because the call path monitoring is not turned on for the message.
An operating system error has occurred.
The following is a service-side tpgetcallinfo example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <atmi.h>
#include <userlog.h>
#include <fml32.h>
#include <tpadm.h>
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
tpsvrinit(int argc, char *argv[])
tpsvrinit(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;

       /* tpsvrinit logic */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
       FBFR32 *metainfo;
       int len = 0;
       /* Allocate the metainfo space */
       metainfo = tpalloc("FML32", NULL, 1024);
       if (metainfo == NULL ) {
              userlog("Memory allocation failed");
              tpreturn(TPFAIE, 0, 0, 0);
       /* Get the monitoring attributes*/
       if ( tpgetcallinfo(rqst->data, &metainfo, 0) == 0 )
              char *corrid;
char *msgtag;
              long laststopsec, starttimesec;
              if ((corrid = Ffind32(metainfo, TA_MONCORRID, 0, &len) ) {
                     userlog("Correlation ID = %s", corrid);
if ((msgtag = Ffind32(metainfo, TA_MSGTAG, 0, &len) ) {
userlog("Tuxedo Message Tag = %s", corrid);
              len = sizeof(starttimesec);
              if (( Fget32(metainfo, TA_MONSTARTTIMESEC, &starttimesec, &len) == 0) {
                     userlog("Message beginning time = %ld", starttimesec);
              len = sizeof(lasttimesec);
       if (( Fget32(metainfo, TA_MONLASTTIMESEC, &lasttimesec, &len) == 0) {
              userlog("Message entering my queue time = %ld", lasttimesec);
       /* rest of service processment */
The following is an example of retrieving custom HTTP headers attached to a request received by a Tuxedo service.
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
FBFR32 *metainfo;
int len = 0;
/* Allocate the metainfo space */
metainfo = tpalloc("FML32", NULL, 1024);
if (metainfo == NULL ) {
userlog("Memory allocation failed");
tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, 0, 0);
/* Get custom headers */
if ( tpgetcallinfo(rqst->data, &metainfo, 0) == 0 )
int ret;
FLDOCC32 fieldOCC = 0;
ret = Fnext32(metainfo, &fieldID, &fieldOCC, NULL, NULL);
if (ret == 1) {
do {
char fldName[1024];
char fldValue[1024];
FLDLEN32 nameLen, valueLen;
nameLen = sizeof(fldName);
valueLen = sizeof(fldValue);
/* fieldOCC contains index of name/value pair */
/* check return values and ENOSPACE */
Fget32(metainfo, TA_HTTP_HEADER_NAME,
fieldOCC, (char *) &fldName, &nameLen);
/* always come in pairs */
Fget32(metainfo, TA_HTTP_HEADER_VALUE,
fieldOCC, (char *) &fldValue, &valueLen);
userlog("retrieved: %s: %s", fldName, fldValue);
/* move to next name-value pair */
} while (Fnext32(metainfo, &fieldID, &fieldOCC, NULL, NULL);
/* rest of service processing */
See Also
tpgetctxt()—Retrieves a context identifier for the current application association.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpgetctxt(TPCONTEXT_T *
context, long flags)
tpgetctxt() retrieves an identifier that represents the current application context and places that identifier in context. This function operates on a per-thread basis in a multithreaded environment, and on a per-process basis in a non-threaded environment.
Typically, a thread:
Calls tpinit()
Calls tpgetctxt()
Handles the value of context as follows:
In a multithreaded application—passes the value of context to another thread in the same process so the other thread can call tpsetctxt().
The second argument, flags, is not currently used and must be set to 0.
tpgetctxt() may be called in single-context applications as well as in multicontext applications.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpgetctxt() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpgetctxt() returns a non-negative value. Context is set to the current context ID, which may be represented by any of the following:
TPSINGLECONTEXT, indicating that the current thread has successfully executed tpinit() without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag, or that the current thread was just created in a process that has successfully executed tpinit() without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag. The value of TPSINGLECONTEXT is 0.
TPNULLCONTEXT, indicating that the current thread is not associated with a context.
TPINVALIDCONTEXT, indicating that the current thread is in the invalid context state. If a thread in a multicontexted client issues a call to tpterm() while other threads in the same context are still working, the working threads are placed in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT context. The value of TPINVALIDCONTEXT is -1.
A thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is prohibited from issuing calls to most ATMI functions. For a complete list of functions that may and may not be called, see the Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface.
For details about the TPINVALIDCONTEXT context state, see tpterm(3c).
Upon failure, tpgetctxt() returns a value of -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpgetctxt() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments have been given. For example, the value of context is NULL or the value of flags is not 0.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error has been written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface, tpsetctxt(3c), tpterm(3c)
tpgetlev()—Routine for checking if a transaction is in progress.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpgetlev()
tpgetlev() returns to the caller the current transaction level. Currently, the only levels defined are 0 and 1.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpgetlev().
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpgetlev() returns either a 0 to indicate that no transaction is in progress, or 1 to indicate that a transaction is in progress;
Upon failure, tpgetlev() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpgetlev() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
tpgetlev() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
When using tpbegin(), tpcommit() and tpabort() to delineate an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction, it is important to remember that only the work done by a resource manager that meets the XA interface (and is linked to the caller appropriately) has transactional properties. All other operations performed in a transaction are not affected by either tpcommit() or tpabort(). See buildserver(1) for details on linking resource managers that meet the XA interface into a server such that operations performed by that resource manager are part of an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction.
See Also
tpabort(3c), tpbegin(3c), tpcommit(3c), tpscmt(3c)
tpgetmbenc()—Gets the code-set encoding name from a typed buffer.
#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;
tpgetmbenc (char *bufp, char *enc_name, long flags)
This function is used to get the codeset encoding name sent with a typed buffer. This name can be compared to a target codeset if a conversion is required (see tpconvmb(3c)).
The bufp argument is a valid pointer to a typed buffer message.
The enc_name argument will be set to the encoding name, found in bufp, upon successful execution of this function. The returned string will be NULL terminated. The user must take care to allocate a buffer large enough to hold the encoding name plus the NULL terminator (see NL_LANGMAX in <limits.h>). An MBSTRING typed buffer without the encoding name set is invalid.
The flags argument is not currently used and should be set to zero.
Return Values
Upon success, tpgetmbenc() returns a value of 0. This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno as described below for each function. The function may fail for the following reasons.
enc_name or bufp argument is NULL.
This error occurs if bufp cannot provide an encoding name.
A Tuxedo system error has occurred. (e.g. bufp does not correspond to a valid Tuxedo buffer).
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpconvmb(3c), tpsetmbenc(3c)
tpgetrepos() - retrieves service parameter information from a Tuxedo service metadata repository file.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpgetrepos(char *reposfile, FBFR32* idata, FBFR32** odata)
tpgetrepos() provides an alternative repository access interface to the .TMMETAREPOS service provided by TMMETADATA(5). It retrieves service parameters from a Tuxedo service metadata repository file. To use tpgetrepos(), the metadata repository file must reside on the native client or server that initiates the request. This allows for repository information access even when TMMETADATA(5)has not been booted.
tpgetrepos() accepts the following parameters:
specifies the path name of a file accessible on the current machine where the Tuxedo Metadata Repository is located. The caller must have read permission for this file.
specifies what type of service parameter information is retrieved, and points to an FML32 buffer.
On output, points to an FML32 buffer containing the retrieved service parameter information and operation status.
METAREPOS(5)describes the FML32 buffer format tpgetrepos()uses. It is similar to the format used by the Tuxedo MIB.
Return Value
tpgetrepos() returns 0 on success. On failure, it sets tperrno and returns -1. On most failure conditions, the TA_ERROR field in *odata is populated with information about the specific error, as is done by the Tuxedo MIB.
Upon failure, tpgetrepos() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Except for TPEINVAL, odata is modified to include TA_ERROR, TA_STATUS for each service entry to further qualify the error condition.
Invalid arguments were specified. The reposfile value is invalid or idata or odata are not pointers to FML32 typed buffers.
The MIB-like request failed. odata is updated and returned to the caller with FML32 fields indicating the cause of the error as discussed in MIB(5).
tpgetrepos() was improperly called. The reposfile file argument given is not a valid repository file.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is reported in userlog().
This interface is available only on Oracle Tuxedo release 9.0 or later.
The following library files are required:
The libraries must be linked manually when using buildclient. The user must use: -L${TUXDIR}/lib -ltrep
See Also
tpsetrepos(3c), tmloadrepos(1), tmunloadrepos(1), TMMETADATA(5), Managing The Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository in Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application
tpgetrply()—Routine for getting a reply from a previous request.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpgetrply(int *
cd, char **data, long *len, long flags)
tpgetrply() returns a reply from a previously sent request. This function’s first argument, cd, points to a call descriptor returned by tpacall(). By default, the function waits until the reply matching *cd arrives or a timeout occurs.
data must be the address of a pointer to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc() and len should point to a long that tpgetrply() sets to the amount of data successfully received. Upon successful return, *data points to a buffer containing the reply and *len contains the size of the data. FML and FML32 buffers often assume a minimum size of 4096 bytes; if the reply is larger than 4096, the size of the buffer is increased to a size large enough to accommodate the data being returned. As of release 6.4, the default allocation for buffers is 1024 bytes. Also, historical information is maintained on recently used buffers, allowing a buffer of optimal size to be reused as a return buffer.
Buffers on the sending side that may be only partially filled (for example, FML or STRING buffers) will have only the amount that is used send. The system may then enlarge the received data size by some arbitrary amount. This means that the receiver may receive a buffer that is smaller than what was originally allocated by the sender, yet larger than the data that was sent.
The receive buffer may grow, or it may shrink, and its address almost invariably changes, as the system swaps buffers around internally. To determine whether (and how much) a reply buffer changed in size, compare its total size before tpgetrply() was issued with *len. See the “Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface” for more information about buffer management.
If *len is 0, then the reply has no data portion and neither *data nor the buffer it points to were modified.
It is an error for *data or len to be NULL.
Within any particular context of a multithreaded program:
Calls to tpgetrply(TPGETANY) and tpgetrply() for a specific handle cannot be issued concurrently.
Multiple calls to tpgetrply(TPGETANY) cannot be issued concurrently.
Any tpgetrply() call that would, if issued, cause a violation of either of these restrictions, returns -1 and sets tperrno to TPEPROTO.
It is acceptable to issue:
Concurrent calls to tpgetrply() for different handles.
A call to tpgetrply(TPGETANY) in a single context concurrently with a call to tpgetrply(), with or without TPGETANY, in a different context.
The following is a list of valid flags:
This flag signifies that tpgetrply() should ignore the descriptor pointed to by cd, return any reply available and set cd to point to the call descriptor for the reply returned. If no replies exist, tpgetrply() by default will wait for one to arrive.
By default, if a buffer is received that differs in type from the buffer pointed to by *data, then *data’s buffer type changes to the received buffer’s type so long as the receiver recognizes the incoming buffer type. When this flag is set, the type of the buffer pointed to by *data is not allowed to change. That is, the type and subtype of the received buffer must match the type and subtype of the buffer pointed to by *data.
tpgetrply() does not wait for the reply to arrive. If the reply is available, then tpgetrply() gets the reply and returns. When this flag is not specified and a reply is not available, the caller blocks until the reply arrives or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely for its reply and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued.
Except as noted below, *cd is no longer valid after its reply is received.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpgetrply().
Return Values
Upon successful return from tpgetrply() or upon return where tperrno is set to TPESVCFAIL, tpurcode() contains an application defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn().
Upon failure, tpgetrply() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpgetrply() sets tperrno as indicated below. Note that if TPGETANY is not set, then *cd is invalidated unless otherwise stated. If TPGETANY is set, then cd points to the descriptor for the reply on which the failure occurred; if an error occurred before a reply could be retrieved, then cd points to 0. Also, the failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists, unless otherwise stated. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail() with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Invalid arguments were given (for example, cd, data, *data or len is NULL or flags are invalid). If cd is non-NULL, then it is still valid after this error and the reply remains outstanding.
Either the type and subtype of the reply are not known to the caller; or, TPNOCHANGE was set in flags and the type and subtype of *data do not match the type and subtype of the reply sent by the service. Regardless, neither *data, its contents nor *len are changed. If the reply was to be received on behalf of the caller’s current transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only since the reply is discarded.
cd points to an invalid descriptor.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpgetrply() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.) In either case, no changes are made to *data, its contents, or *len. *cd remains valid unless the caller is in transaction mode (and TPGETANY has not been set).
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a service fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
The service routine sending the caller’s reply called tpreturn() with TPFAIL. This is an application-level failure. The contents of the service’s reply, if one was sent, is available in the buffer pointed to by *data. If the service request was made on behalf of the caller’s transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only. Note that regardless of whether the transaction has timed out, the only valid communications before the transaction is aborted are calls to tpacall() with TPNOREPLY, TPNOTRAN, and TPNOBLOCK set.
A service routine encountered an error either in tpreturn() or tpforward() (for example, bad arguments were passed). No reply data is returned when this error occurs (that is, neither *data, its contents nor *len are changed). If the service request was made on behalf of the caller’s transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only. Note that regardless of whether the transaction has timed out, the only valid communications before the transaction is aborted are calls to tpacall() with TPNOREPLY, TPNOTRAN, and TPNOBLOCK set. If either SVCTIMEOUT in the UBBCONFIG file or TA_SVCTIMEOUT in the TM_MIB is non-zero, TPESVCERR is returned when a service timeout occurs.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified. *cd remains valid.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpgetrply() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred. If a message queue on a remote location is filled, TPEOS may possibly be returned.
See Also
tpacall(3c), tpalloc(3c), tpcancel(3c), tperrordetail(3c), tprealloc(3c), tpreturn(3c), tpstrerrordetail(3c), tptypes(3c)
tpgprio()—Routine for getting a service request priority.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpgprio(void)
tpgprio() returns the priority for the last request sent or received by the current thread in its current context. Priorities can range from 1 to 100, inclusive, with 100 being the highest priority. tpgprio() may be called after tpcall() or tpacall(), (also tpenqueue(), or tpdequeue(), assuming the queued management facility is installed), and the priority returned is for the request sent. Also, tpgprio() may be called within a service routine to find out at what priority the invoked service was sent. tpgprio() may be called any number of times and will return the same value until the next request is sent.
In a multithreaded application tpgprio() operates on a per-thread basis.
Because the conversation primitives are not associated with priorities, issuing tpsend() or tprecv() has no affect on the priority returned by tpgprio(). Also, there is no priority associated with a conversational service routine unless a tpcall() or tpacall() is done within that service.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpgprio().
Return Values
Upon success, tpgprio() returns a request’s priority;
Upon failure, tpgprio() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpgprio() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
tpgprio() was called and no requests (via tpcall() or tpacall()) have been sent, or it is called within a conversational service for which no requests have been sent.
tpgprio() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpacall(3c), tpcall(3c), tpdequeue(3c), tpenqueue(3c), tpservice(3c), tpsprio(3c)
tpimport()—Converts an externalized representation of a message buffer into a typed message buffer.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpimport(char *
istr, long ilen, char **obuf, long *olen,
long flags)
tpimport() converts an externalized representation of a message buffer into a typed message buffer. An externalized representation is a message buffer that does not include any Oracle Tuxedo ATMI header information that is normally added to a message buffer just before the buffer is transmitted. A process converts a typed message buffer into an externalized representation by calling the tpexport() function.
Any digital signatures associated with istr are verified when the buffer is imported, and are available for examination after importing via tpenvelope().
If the istr buffer representation is encrypted, the importing process must have access to a valid private key for decryption. Decryption is performed automatically during the importing process.
If TPEX_STRING is not set in flags, then ilen contains the length of the binary data contained in istr. If ilen is 0, istr is assumed to point to a NULL-terminated string, and the TPEX_STRING flag is inferred.
*obuf must point to a valid typed message buffer either (1) previously allocated by a process calling tpalloc() or (2) delivered by the system to a receiving process. The buffer will be reallocated as necessary to accommodate the result, and its buffer type or subtype may change.
*olen is set to the amount of valid data contained in the output buffer. If olen is NULL on input, it is ignored.
The flags argument should be set to TPEX_STRING if the input externalized representation is in string format (base 64 encoded). Otherwise, the input is in binary format of length ilen.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, the value of istr is NULL or the flags parameter is not set correctly.
Permission failure. The cryptographic service provider was not able to access a private key necessary for decryption.
A protocol failure occurred. The failure involves an invalid data format in istr or a digital signature that failed verification.
An error occurred. Consult the system error log file for more details.
See Also
tpenvelope(3c), tpexport(3c)
tpinit()—Joins an application.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpinit(TPINIT *tpinfo)
tpinit() allows a client to join an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system application. Before a client can use any of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system communication or transaction routines, it must first join an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system application.
tpinit() has two modes of operation: single-context mode and multicontext mode, which will be discussed in detail below. Because calling tpinit() is optional when in single-context mode, a single-context client may also join an application by calling many ATMI routines (for example, tpcall()), which transparently call tpinit() with tpinfo set to NULL. A client may want to call tpinit() directly so that it can set the parameters described below. In addition, tpinit() must be used when multicontext mode is required, when application authentication is required (see the description of the SECURITY keyword in UBBCONFIG(5)), or when the application wishes to supply its own buffer type switch (see typesw(5)). After tpinit() successfully returns, the client can initiate service requests and define transactions.
In single-context mode, if tpinit() is called more than once (that is, if it is called after the client has already joined the application), no action is taken and success is returned.
In a multithreaded client, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpinit(). To join an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI application, a multithreaded Workstation client must always call tpinit() with the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag set, even if the client is running in single-context mode.
The TPMULTICONTEXTS mode of tpinit will continue to work properly when the TMNOTHREADS environment variable is set to yes. Setting this environment variable to yes turns off multithreaded processing for applications that do not use threads.
Description of the TPINFO Structure
tpinit()’s argument, tpinfo, is a pointer to a typed buffer of type TPINIT and a NULL subtype. TPINIT is a buffer type that is typedefed in the atmi.h header file. The buffer must be allocated via tpalloc() prior to calling tpinit(). The buffer should be freed using tpfree() after calling tpinit(). The TPINIT typed buffer structure includes the following members:
char usrname[MAXTIDENT+2];
char cltname[MAXTIDENT+2];
char passwd[MAXTIDENT+2];
char grpname[MAXTIDENT+2];
long flags;
long datalen;
long data;
The values of usrname, cltname, grpname, and passwd are all NULL-terminated strings. usrname is a name representing the caller. cltname is a client name whose semantics are application defined. The value sysclient is reserved by the system for the cltname field. The usrname and cltname fields are associated with the client at tpinit() time and are used for both broadcast notification and administrative statistics retrieval. They should not have more characters than MAXTIDENT, which is defined as 30. passwd is an application password in unencrypted format that is used for validation against the application password. The passwd is limited to 30 characters. grpname is used to associate the client with a resource manager group name. If grpname is set to a 0-length string, then the client is not associated with a resource manager and is in the default client group. The value of grpname must be the NULL string (0-length string) for Workstation clients. Note that grpname is not related to ACL GROUPS.
Single-context Mode Versus Multicontext Mode
tpinit() has two modes of operation: single-context mode and multicontext mode. In single-context mode, a process may join at most one application at any one time. Multiple application threads may access this application. Single-context mode is specified by calling tpinit() with a NULL parameter or by calling it without specifying the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag in the flags field of the TPINIT structure. Single-context mode is also specified when tpinit() is called implicitly by another ATMI function. The context state for a process operating in single-context mode is TPSINGLECONTEXT.
The TPMULTICONTEXTS mode of tpinit will continue to work properly when the TMNOTHREADS environment variable is set to “yes”.
In single-context mode, if tpinit() is called more than once (that is, if it is called after the client has already joined the application), no action is taken and success is returned.
Multicontext mode is entered by calling tpinit() with the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag set in the flags field of the TPINIT structure. In multicontext mode, each call to tpinit() results in the creation of a separate application association.
An application association is a context that associates a process and an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI application. A client may have associations with multiple Oracle Tuxedo ATMI applications, and may also have multiple associations with the same application. All of a client’s associations must be made to applications running the same release of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system, and either all associations must be native clients or all associations must be Workstation clients.
For native clients, the value of the TUXCONFIG environment variable is used to identify the application to which the new association will be made. For Workstation clients, the value of the WSNADDR or WSENVFILE environment variable is used to identify the application to which the new association will be made. The context for the current thread is set to the new association.
In multicontext mode, the application can get a handle for the current context by calling tpgetctxt() and pass that handle as a parameter to tpsetctxt(), thus setting the context in which a particular thread or process will operate.
Mixing single-context mode and multicontext mode is not allowed. Once an application has chosen one of these modes, calling tpinit() in the other mode is not allowed unless tpterm() is first called for all application associations.
TPINFO Structure Field Descriptions
In addition to controlling multicontext and single-context modes, the setting of flags is used to indicate both the client-specific notification mechanism and the mode of system access. These two settings may override the application default. If these settings cannot override the application default, tpinit() prints a warning in a log file, ignores the setting, and restores the application default setting in the flags field upon return from tpinit(). For client notification, the possible values for flags are as follows:
Select unsolicited notification by signals. This flag should be used only with single-threaded, single-contexted applications; it cannot be used when the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag is set.
Select unsolicited notification by dip-in.
Select THREAD notification in a separate thread managed by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system. This flag is allowed only on platforms that support multithreading. If TPU_THREAD is specified on a platform that does not support multithreading, it is considered an invalid argument and will result in an error return with tperrno set to TPEINVAL.
Ignore unsolicited notification.
Only one of the above flags can be used at a time. If the client does not select a notification method via the flags field, then the application default method will be set in the flags field upon return from tpinit().
For setting the mode of system access, the possible values for flags are as follows:
Set system access to fastpath.
Set system access to protected.
Only one of the above flags can be used at a time. If the client does not select a notification method or a system access mode via the flags field, then the application default method(s) will be set in the flags field upon return from tpinit(). See UBBCONFIG(5) for details on both client notification methods and system access modes.
If your application uses multithreading and/or multicontexting, you must set the following flag:
See description in “Single-context Mode Versus Multicontext Mode.”
datalen is the length of the application-specific data that follows. The buffer type switch entry for the TPINIT typed buffer sets this field based on the total size passed in for the typed buffer (the application data size is the total size less the size of the TPINIT structure itself plus the size of the data placeholder as defined in the structure). data is a place holder for variable length data that is forwarded to an application-defined authentication service. It is always the last element of this structure.
A macro, TPINITNEED, is available to determine the size TPINIT buffer necessary to accommodate a particular desired application specific data length. For example, if 8 bytes of application-specific data are desired, TPINITNEED(8) will return the required TPINIT buffer size.
A NULL value for tpinfo is allowed for applications not making use of the authentication feature of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system. Clients using a NULL argument will get: defaults of 0-length strings for usrname, cltname and passwd; no flags set; and no application data.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpinit() leaves the calling process in its original context, returns -1, and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. Also, tpurcode() is set to the value returned by the AUTHSVR(5) server.
Upon failure, tpinit() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were specified. tpinfo is non-NULL and does not point to a typed buffer of type TPINIT.
The client cannot join the application because of space limitations.
The client cannot join the application because it does not have permission to do so or because it has not supplied the correct application password. Permission may be denied based on an invalid application password, failure to pass application-specific authentication, or use of restricted names. tpurcode() may be set by an application-specific authentication server to explain why the client cannot join the application.
tpinit() has been called improperly. For example: (a) the caller is a server; (b) the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag has been specified in single-context mode; or (c) the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag has not been specified in multicontext mode.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
tpchkauth() and a non-NULL value for the TPINIT typed buffer argument of tpinit() are available only on sites running release 4.2 or later.
The interfaces described in tpinit(3c) are supported on UNIX system, Windows, and MS-DOS operating systems. However, signal-based notification is not supported on 16-bit Windows or MS-DOS platforms. If it is selected at tpinit() time, then a userlog() message is generated and the method is automatically set to dip-in.
Environment Variables
Used within tpinit() when invoked by a native client. It indicates the application to which the client should connect. Note that this environment variable is referenced only when tpinit() is called. Subsequent calls make use of the application context.
Used within tpinit() when invoked by a Workstation client. It indicates a file containing environment variable settings that should be set in the caller’s environment. See compilation(5) for details on environment variable settings necessary for Workstation clients. Note that this file is processed only when tpinit() is called and not before.
Used within tpinit() when invoked by a Workstation client. It indicates the network addresses of the workstation listener that is to be contacted for access to the application. This variable is required for Workstation clients and is ignored for native clients.
TCP/IP addresses may be specified in the following forms:
In the first format, the domain finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). hostname must be the local machine, and the local name resolution facilities must unambiguously resolve hostname to the address of the local machine.
In the second format, the string #.#.#.# is in dotted-decimal format. In dotted-decimal format, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted-decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine.
In both of the above formats, port_number is the TCP port number at which the domain process will listen for incoming requests. port_number can either be a number between 0 and 65535 or a name. If port_number is a name, then it must be found in the network services database on your local machine.
The address can also be specified in hexadecimal format when preceded by the characters 0x. Each character after the initial 0x is a number between 0 and 9 or a letter between A and F (case insensitive). The hexadecimal format is useful for arbitrary binary network addresses such as IPX/SPX or TCP/IP.
The address can also be specified as an arbitrary string. The value should be the same as that specified for the NLSADDR parameter in the NETWORK section of the configuration file.
More than one address can be specified if desired by specifying a comma-separated list of pathnames for WSNADDR. Addresses are tried in order until a connection is established. Any member of an address list can be specified as a parenthesized grouping of pipe-separated network addresses. For example:
For users running under Windows, the address string looks like the following:
set WSNADDR=(//^|//,//
Because the pipe symbol (|) is considered a special character in Windows, it must be preceded by a carat ( ^ )—an escape character in the Windows environment—when it is specified on the command line. However, if WSNADDR is defined in an envfile, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system gets the values defined by WSNADDR through the tuxgetenv(3c) function. In this context, the pipe symbol (|) is not considered a special character, so you do not need to escape it with a carat (^).
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system randomly selects one of the parenthesized addresses. This strategy distributes the load randomly across a set of listener processes. Addresses are tried in order until a connection is established. Use the value specified in the application configuration file for the workstation listener to be called. If the value begins with the characters 0x, it is interpreted as a string of hex-digits; otherwise, it is interpreted as ASCII characters.
To configure /WS client to use Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) on UNIX, the address string is as follows:
$ export WSNADDR=sdp://IB_IP:port
To configure /WS client to use IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB) on UNIX, the address string is as follows:
$ export WSNADDR=//IB_IP:port
To configure /WS client to use IP over TCP/IP on UNIX, the address string is as follows:
$ export WSNADDR=//ETH_IP:port
Used within tpinit() when invoked by a Workstation client. It specifies the network address used by the Workstation client when connecting to the workstation listener or workstation handler. This variable, along with the WSFRANGE variable, determines the range of TCP/IP ports to which a Workstation client will attempt to bind before making an outbound connection. This address must be a TCP/IP address. The port portion of the TCP/IP address represents the base address from which a range of TCP/IP ports can be bound by the Workstation client. The WSFRANGE variable specifies the size of the range. For example, if this address is // and WSFRANGE is 200, then all native processes attempting to make outbound connections from this LMID will bind a port on between 30000 and 30200. If not set, this variable defaults to the empty string, which implies the operating system chooses a local port randomly.
Used within tpinit() when invoked by a Workstation client. It specifies the range of TCP/IP ports to which a Workstation client process will attempt to bind before making an outbound connection. The WSFADDR parameter specifies the base address of the range. For example, if the WSFADDR parameter is set to // and WSFRANGE is set to 200, then all native processes attempting to make outbound connections from this LMID will bind a port on between 30000 and 30200. The valid range is 1-65535. The default is 1.
Used within tpinit() when invoked by a Workstation client. It indicates the device name to be used to access the network. This variable is used by Workstation clients and ignored for native clients. Note that certain supported transport level network interfaces do not require a device name; for example, sockets and NetBIOS. Workstation clients supported by such interfaces need not specify WSDEVICE.
Used within tpinit() when invoked by a Workstation client to negotiate encode/decode responsibilities with the native site. This variable is optional for Workstation clients and ignored for native clients.
Used by tpinit() to set the maximum amount of core memory that should be used for buffering application replies before they are dumped to file. The default for this parameter 256,000 bytes. For more information, see the programming documentation for your instantiation.
Used to establish the minimum level of encryption required to connect to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system. “0” means no encryption, while “56” and “128” specify the encryption key length (in bits). The link-level encryption value of 40 bits is also provided for backward compatibility. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment will fail. The default is “0”.
Used to negotiate the level of encryption up to this level when connecting to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system. “0” means no encryption, while “56” and “128” specify the encryption length (in bits). The link-level encryption value of 40 bits is also provided for backward compatibility. The default is “128.”
Signal-based notification is not allowed in multicontext mode. In addition, signal restrictions may prevent the system from using signal-based notification even though it has been selected by a client. When this happens, the system generates a log message that it is switching notification for the selected client to dip-in and the client is notified then and thereafter via dip-in notification. (See the description of the NOTIFY parameter in the RESOURCES section of UBBCONFIG(5) for a detailed discussion of notification methods.)
Because signaling of clients is always done by the system, the behavior of notification is always consistent, regardless of where the originating notification call is made. Therefore to use signal-based notification:
The ID for the application administrator is identified as part of the configuration for the application.
If signal-based notification is selected for a client, then certain ATMI calls may fail, returning TPGOTSIG due to receipt of an unsolicited message if TPSIGRSTRT is not specified.
See Also
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface, tpgetctxt(3c), tpsetctxt(3c), tpterm(3c)
tpkey_close()—Closes a previously opened key handle.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpkey_close(TPKEY
hKey, long flags)
tpkey_close() releases a previously opened key handle and all resources associated with it. Any sensitive information, such as the principal’s private key, is erased from memory.
Key handles can be opened in one of two ways:
As output from tpenvelope()
It is the application’s responsibility to release key resources by calling tpkey_close(). Once a process closes a key, the process can no longer use the key handle to register a message buffer for digital signature or encryption. If the process opened the key using tpkey_open() with the TPKEY_AUTOSIGN or TPKEY_AUTOENCRYPT flag specified, the key handle no longer applies to future communication operations after the key is closed.
Even though a key is closed, however, the key handle continues to be valid for any associated signature or encryption request registered before the key was closed. When the last buffer associated with a closed key is freed or overwritten, resources attributable to the key are released.
The flags argument is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, the value of hKey is not a valid key.
An error occurred. Consult the system error log file for details.
See Also
tpenvelope(3c), tpkey_getinfo(3c), tpkey_open(3c), tpkey_setinfo(3c)
tpkey_getinfo()—Gets information associated with a key handle.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpkey_getinfo(TPKEY
hKey, char *attribute_name, void *value, long *value_len, long flags)
tpkey_getinfo() reports information about a key handle. A key handle represents a specific principal’s key and the information associated with it.
The key under examination is identified by the hKey input parameter. The attribute for which information is desired is identified by the attribute_name input parameter. Some attributes are specific to a cryptographic service provider, but the following core set of attributes should be supported by all providers.
An ASN.1 Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) object identifier of the public key algorithm used by the key for public key encryption.
An ASN.1 DER object identifier of the digital signature algorithm used by the key for digital signature.
An ASN.1 DER object identifier of the symmetric key algorithm used by the key for bulk data encryption.
When an algorithm with a fixed key length is set in ENCRYPT_ALG, the ENCRYPT_BITS value is automatically set to the fixed key length. For example, if ENCRYPT_ALG is set to DES, the ENCRYPT_BITS value is automatically set to 56.
An ASN.1 DER object identifier of the message digest algorithm used by the key for digital signature.
The ASN.1 DER algorithm object identifiers supported by the default public key implementation are given in the following table.
The information associated with the specified attribute_name parameter will be stored in the memory location indicated by value. The maximum amount of data that can be stored at this location is specified by the caller in value_len.
After tpkey_getinfo() completes, value_len is set to the size of the data actually returned (including a terminating NULL value for string values). If the number of bytes that need to be returned exceeds value_len, tpkey_getinfo() fails (with the TPELIMIT error code) and sets value_len to the required amount of space.
The flags argument is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, hKey is not a valid key.
An error occurred. Consult the system error log file for details.
Insufficient space was provided to hold the requested attribute value.
The requested attribute is not associated with this key.
See Also
tpkey_close(3c), tpkey_open(3c), tpkey_setinfo(3c)
tpkey_open()—Opens a key handle for digital signature generation, message encryption, or message decryption.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpkey_open(TPKEY *
hKey, char *principal_name, char *location, char *identity_proof, long proof_len, long flags)
tpkey_open() makes a key handle available to the calling process. A key handle represents a specific principal’s key and the information associated with it.
A key may be used for one or more of the following purposes:
Calling tpkey_open() with the principal’s name and either the TPKEY_SIGNATURE or TPKEY_AUTOSIGN flag returns a handle to the principal’s private key and digital certificate.
Signature verification does not require a call to tpkey_open(); the verifying process uses the public key specified in the digital certificate accompanying the digitally signed message to verify the signature.
Calling tpkey_open() with the principal’s name and either the TPKEY_ENCRYPT or TPKEY_AUTOENCRYPT flag returns a handle to the principal’s public key via the principal’s digital certificate.
Calling tpkey_open() with the principal’s name and the TPKEY_DECRYPT flag returns a handle to the principal’s private key and digital certificate.
The key handle returned by tpkey_open() is stored in *hKey, the value of which cannot be NULL.
The principal_name input parameter specifies the key owner’s identity. If the value of principal_name is a NULL pointer or an empty string, a default identity is assumed. The default identity may be based on the current login session, the current operating system account, or another attribute such as a local hardware device.
The file location of a key may be passed into the location parameter. If the underlying key management provider does not require a location parameter, the value of this parameter may be NULL.
To authenticate the identity of principal_name, proof material such as a password or pass phrase may be required. If required, the proof material should be referenced by identity_proof. Otherwise, the value of this parameter may be NULL.
The length of the proof material (in bytes) is specified by proof_len. If proof_len is 0, identity_proof is assumed to be a NULL-terminated character string.
The type of key access required for a key’s mode of operation is specified by the flags parameter:
This private key is available to generate digital signatures.
Whenever this process transmits a message buffer, the public key software uses the signer’s private key to generate a digital signature and then attaches the digital signature to the buffer. TPKEY_SIGNATURE is implied.
This public key is available to identify the recipient of an encrypted message.
Whenever this process transmits a message buffer, the public key software encrypts the message content, uses the recipient’s public key to generate an encryption envelope, and then attaches the encryption envelope to the buffer. TPKEY_ENCRYPT is implied.
This private key is available for decryption.
Any combination of one or more of these flag values is allowed. If a key is used only for encryption (TPKEY_ENCRYPT), identity_proof is not required and may be set to NULL.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, *hKey is set to a value that represents this key, for use by other functions such as tpsign() and tpseal().
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, the value of hKey is NULL or the flags parameter is not set correctly.
Permission failure. The cryptographic service provider was not able to access a private key for this principal, given the proof information and current environment.
A system error occurred. Consult the systems error log file for details.
See Also
tpkey_close(3c), tpkey_getinfo(3c), tpkey_setinfo(3c)
tpkey_setinfo()—Sets optional attribute parameters associated with a key handle.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpkey_setinfo(TPKEY
hKey, char *attribute_name, void *value, long value_len, long flags)
tpkey_setinfo() sets an optional attribute parameter for a key handle. A key handle represents a specific principal’s key and the information associated with it.
The key for which information is to be modified is identified by the hKey input parameter. The attribute for which information is to be modified is identified by the attribute_name input parameter. Some attributes may be specific to a certain cryptographic service provider, but the core set of attributes presented on the tpkey_getinfo(3c) reference page should be supported by all providers.
The information to be associated with the attribute_name parameter is stored in the memory location indicated by value. If the data content of value is self-describing, value_len is ignored (and may be 0). Otherwise, value_len must contain the length of data in value.
The flags argument is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, hKey is not a valid key or attribute_name refers to a read-only value.
The value provided is too large.
An error occurred. Consult the system error log file for details.
The requested attribute is not recognized by the key’s cryptographic service provider.
See Also
tpkey_close(3c), tpkey_getinfo(3c), tpkey_open(3c)
tpnotify()—Routine for sending notification by client identifier.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpnotify(CLIENTID *clientid, char *data, long len, long flags)
tpnotify() allows a client or server to send an unsolicited message to an individual client.
clientid is a pointer to a client identifier saved from the TPSVCINFO structure of a previous or current service invocation, or passed to a client via some other communications mechanism (for example, retrieved via the administration interface).
The data portion of the request is pointed to by data, a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc(). len specifies how much of data to send. Note that if data points to a buffer type that does not require a length to be specified, (for example, an FML fielded buffer) then len is ignored (and may be 0). Also, data may be NULL in which case len is ignored.
Upon successful return from tpnotify(), the message has been delivered to the system for forwarding to the identified client. If the TPACK flag was set, a successful return means the message has been received by the client. Furthermore, if the client has registered an unsolicited message handler, the handler will have been called.
The following is a list of valid flags:
The request is sent and the caller blocks until an acknowledgement message is received from the target client.
The request is not sent if a blocking condition exists in sending the notification (for example, the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued.
Unless the TPACK flag is set, tpnotify() does not wait for the message to be delivered to the client.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpnotify().
Return Values
Upon failure, tpnotify() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Upon failure, tpnotify() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, invalid flags).
The target client does not exist or does not have an unsolicited handler set and the TPACK flag is set.
A blocking timeout occurred and neither TPNOBLOCK nor TPNOTIME were specified, or TPACK was set but no acknowledgment was received and TPNOTIME was not specified. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
A blocking condition was found on the call and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpnotify() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
When the TPACK is set and the target is a client from a prior release of Oracle Tuxedo that does not support the acknowledgment protocol.
See Also
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface, tpalloc(3c), tpbroadcast(3c), tpchkunsol(3c), tperrordetail(3c), tpinit(3c), tpsetunsol(3c), tpstrerrordetail(3c), tpterm(3c)
tpopen()—Routine for opening a resource manager.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpopen(void)
tpopen() opens the resource manager to which the caller is linked. At most one resource manager can be linked to the caller. This function is used in place of resource manager-specific open() calls and allows a service routine to be free of calls that may hinder portability. Since resource managers differ in their initialization semantics, the specific information needed to open a particular resource manager is placed in a configuration file.
If a resource manager is already open (that is, tpopen() is called more than once), no action is taken and success is returned.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpopen().
If the current server is built with the -M option, tpopen will open all of RMs in UBBCONFIG (5) *RMS section configured as AUTO=Y related with current server group and set correspond context fields.
If opening any RM fails, tpopen returns TPERMERR.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpopen() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpopen() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
A resource manager failed to open correctly. More information concerning the reason a resource manager failed to open can be obtained by interrogating a resource manager in its own specific manner. Note that any calls to determine the exact nature of the error hinder portability.
tpopen() was called in an improper context (for example, by a client that has not joined an Oracle Tuxedo system server group).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpclose(3c),, tprmopen(3c), tprmclose(3c), tprmstart(3c), tprmend(3c)
tppost()—Posts an event.
#include <atmi.h>
int tppost(char *eventname, char *data, long len, long flags)
The caller uses tppost() to post an event and any accompanying data. The event is named by eventname and data, if not NULL, points to the data. The posted event and its data are dispatched by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI EventBroker to all subscribers whose subscriptions successfully evaluate against eventname and whose optional filter rules successfully evaluate against data.
eventname is a NULL-terminated string of at most 31 characters. eventname’s first character cannot be a dot (“.”) as this character is reserved as the starting character for all events defined by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system itself.
If data is non-NULL, it must point to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc() and len should specify the amount of data in the buffer that should be posted with the event. Note that if data points to a buffer of a type that does not require a length to be specified (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored. If data is NULL, len is ignored and the event is posted with no data.
When tppost() is used within a transaction, the transaction boundary can be extended to include those servers and/or stable-storage message queues notified by the EventBroker. When a transactional posting is made, some of the recipients of the event posting are notified on behalf of the poster’s transaction (for example, servers and queues), while some are not (for example, clients).
If the poster is within a transaction and the TPNOTRAN flag is not set, the posted event goes to the EventBroker in transaction mode such that it dispatches the event as part of the poster’s transaction. The broker dispatches transactional event notifications only to those service routine and stable-storage queue subscriptions that used the TPEVTRAN bit setting in the ctl−>flags parameter passed to tpsubscribe(). Client notifications, and those service routine and stable-storage queue subscriptions that did not use the TPEVTRAN bit setting in the ctl−>flags parameter passed to tpsubscribe(), are also dispatched by the EventBroker but not as part of the posting process’s transaction.
If the poster is outside a transaction, tppost() is a one-way post with no acknowledgement when the service associated with the event fails. This occurs even when TPEVTRAN is set for that event (using the ctl−>flags parameter passed to tpsubscribe()). If the poster is in a transaction, then tppost() returns TPESVCFAIL when the associated service fails in the event.
The following is a list of valid flags:
If the caller is in transaction mode and this flag is set, then the event posting is not made on behalf of the caller’s transaction. A caller in transaction mode that sets this flag is still subject to the transaction timeout (and no other) when posting events. If the event posting fails, the caller’s transaction is not affected.
Informs tppost() not to wait for the EventBroker to process all subscriptions for eventname before returning. When TPNOREPLY is set, tpurcode() is set to zero regardless of whether tppost() returns successfully or not. When the caller is in transaction mode, this setting cannot be used unless TPNOTRAN is also set.
The event is not posted if a blocking condition exists. If such a condition occurs, the call fails and tperrno is set to TPEBLOCK. When TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued. When TPSIGRSTRT is not specified and a signal interrupts a system call, then tppost() fails and tperrno is set to TPGOTSIG.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tppost().
Return Values
Upon successful return from tppost(), tpurcode() contains the number of event notifications dispatched by the EventBroker on behalf of eventname (that is, postings for those subscriptions whose event expression evaluated successfully against eventname and whose filter rule evaluated successfully against data). Upon return where tperrno is set to TPESVCFAIL, tpurcode() contains the number of non-transactional event notifications dispatched by the EventBroker on behalf of eventname.
Upon failure, tppost() returns -1 sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tppost() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
Invalid arguments were given (for example, eventname is NULL).
Cannot access the Oracle Tuxedo User EventBroker.
The caller is in transaction mode, TPNOTRAN was not set and tppost() contacted an EventBroker that does not support transaction propagation (that is, TMUSREVT(5) is not running in an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system group that supports transactions).
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tppost() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When tppost() fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
The EventBroker encountered an error posting a transactional event to either a service routine or to a stable storage queue on behalf of the caller’s transaction. The caller’s current transaction is marked abort-only. When this error is returned, tpurcode() contains the number of non-transactional event notifications dispatched by the EventBroker on behalf of eventname; transactional postings are not counted since their effects will be aborted upon completion of the transaction. Note that so long as the transaction has not timed out, further communication may be performed before aborting the transaction and that any work performed on behalf of the caller’s transaction will be aborted upon transaction completion (that is, for subsequent communication to have any lasting effect, it should be done with TPNOTRAN set).
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tppost() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpsubscribe(3c), tpunsubscribe(3c), EVENTS(5), TMSYSEVT(5), TMUSREVT(5)
tprealloc()—Routine to change the size of a typed buffer.
#include <atmi.h>
char * tprealloc(char *ptr, long size)
tprealloc() changes the size of the buffer pointed to by ptr to size bytes and returns a pointer to the new (possibly moved) buffer. Similar to tpalloc(), the size of the buffer will be at least as large as the larger of size and dfltsize, where dfltsize is the default buffer size specified in tmtype_sw. If the larger of the two is less than or equal to zero, then the buffer is unchanged and NULL is returned. A buffer’s type remains the same after it is reallocated. After this function returns successfully, the returned pointer should be used to reference the buffer; ptr should no longer be used. The buffer’s contents will not change up to the lesser of the new and old sizes.
Some buffer types require initialization before they can be used. tprealloc() reinitializes a buffer (in a communication manager-specific manner) after it is reallocated and before it is returned. Thus, the buffer returned to the caller is ready for use.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tprealloc() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tprealloc() returns a pointer to a buffer of the appropriate type aligned on a long word.
Upon failure, tprealloc() returns NULL and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
If the reinitialization function fails, tprealloc() fails, returning NULL and the contents of the buffer pointed to by ptr may not be valid. Upon failure, tprealloc() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, ptr does not point to a buffer originally allocated by tpalloc()).
tprealloc() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
If buffer reinitialization fails, tprealloc() fails returning NULL and the contents of the buffer pointed to by ptr may not be valid. This function should not be used in concert with malloc(), realloc() or free() in the C library (for example, a buffer allocated with tprealloc() should not be freed with free()).
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpfree(3c), tptypes(3c)
tprecv()—Routine for receiving a message in a conversational connection.
#include <atmi.h>
int tprecv(int cd, char **data, long *len, long flags, long \
tprecv() is used to receive data sent across an open connection from another program. tprecv()’s first argument, cd, specifies on which open connection to receive data. cd is a descriptor returned from either tpconnect() or the TPSVCINFO parameter to the service. The second argument, data, is the address of a pointer to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc().
data must be the address of a pointer to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc() and len should point to a long that tprecv() sets to the amount of data successfully received. Upon successful return, *data points to a buffer containing the reply and *len contains the size of the buffer. FML and FML32 buffers often assume a minimum size of 4096 bytes; if the reply is larger than 4096 bytes, the size of the buffer is increased to a size large enough to accommodate the data being returned.
Buffers on the sending side that may be only partially filled (for example, FML or STRING buffers) will have only the amount that is used sent. The system may then enlarge the received data size by some arbitrary amount. This means that the receiver may receive a buffer that is smaller than what was originally allocated by the sender, yet larger than the data that was sent.
The receive buffer may grow, or it may shrink, and its address almost invariably changes, as the system swaps buffers around internally. To determine whether (and how much) a reply buffer changed in size, compare its total size before tprecv() was issued with *len. See “Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface” for more information about buffer management.
If *len is 0, then no data was received and neither *data nor the buffer it points to were modified. It is an error for data, *data or len to be NULL.
tprecv() can be issued only by the program that does not have control of the connection.
The following is a list of valid flags:
By default, if a buffer is received that differs in type from the buffer pointed to by *data, then *data’s buffer type changes to the received buffer’s type so long as the receiver recognizes the incoming buffer type. When this flag is set, the type of the buffer pointed to by *data is not allowed to change. That is, the type and subtype of the received buffer must match the type and subtype of the buffer pointed to by *data.
tprecv() does not wait for data to arrive. If data is already available to receive, then tprecv() gets the data and returns. When this flag is not specified and no data is available to receive, the caller blocks until data arrives.
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts will still affect the program.
If a signal interrupts the underlying receive system call, then the call is reissued.
If an event exists for the descriptor, cd, then tprecv() will return setting tperrno to TPEEVENT. The event type is returned in revent. Data can be received along with the TPEV_SVCSUCC, TPEV_SVCFAIL, and TPEV_SENDONLY events. Valid events for tprecv() are as follows:
Received by the subordinate of a conversation, this event indicates that the originator of the conversation has either issued an immediate disconnect on the connection via tpdiscon(), or it issued tpreturn(), tpcommit() or tpabort() with the connection still open. This event is also returned to the originator or subordinate when a connection is broken due to a communications error (for example, a server, machine, or network failure). Because this is an immediate disconnection notification (that is, abortive rather than orderly), data in transit may be lost. If the two programs were participating in the same transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only. The descriptor used for the connection is no longer valid.
The program on the other end of the connection has relinquished control of the connection. The recipient of this event is allowed to send data but cannot receive any data until it relinquishes control.
Received by the originator of a conversation, this event indicates that the subordinate of the conversation has issued tpreturn(). tpreturn() encountered an error that precluded the service from returning successfully. For example, bad arguments may have been passed to tpreturn() or tpreturn() may have been called while the service had open connections to other subordinates. Due to the nature of this event, any application defined data or return code are not available. The connection has been torn down and is no longer a valid descriptor. If this event occurred as part of the cd recipient’s transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only.
Received by the originator of a conversation, this event indicates that the subordinate service on the other end of the conversation has finished unsuccessfully as defined by the application (that is, it called tpreturn() with TPFAIL or TPEXIT). If the subordinate service was in control of this connection when tpreturn() was called, then it can pass an application defined return value and a typed buffer back to the originator of the connection. As part of ending the service routine, the server has torn down the connection. Thus, cd is no longer a valid descriptor. If this event occurred as part of the recipient’s transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only.
Received by the originator of a conversation, this event indicates that the subordinate service on the other end of the conversation has finished successfully as defined by the application (that is, it called tpreturn() with TPSUCCESS). As part of ending the service routine, the server has torn down the connection. Thus, cd is no longer a valid descriptor. If the recipient is in transaction mode, then it can either commit (if it is also the initiator) or abort the transaction causing the work done by the server (if also in transaction mode) to either commit or abort.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tprecv().
Return Values
Upon return from tprecv() where revent is set to either TPEV_SVCSUCC or TPEV_SVCFAIL, the tpurcode global contains an application defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn().
Upon failure, tprecv() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. If a call fails with a particular tperrno value, a subsequent call to tperrordetail(), with no intermediate ATMI calls, may provide more detailed information about the generated error. Refer to the tperrordetail(3c) reference page for more information.
Upon failure, tprecv() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, data is not the address of a pointer to a buffer allocated by tpalloc() or flags are invalid).
Either the type and subtype of the incoming buffer are not known to the caller, or TPNOCHANGE was set in flags and the type and subtype of *data do not match the type and subtype of the incoming buffer. Regardless, neither *data, its contents nor *len are changed. If the conversation is part of the caller’s current transaction, then the transaction is marked abort-only because the incoming buffer is discarded.
cd is invalid.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tprecv() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.) In either case, no changes are made to *data or its contents.
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When an ATMI call fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
An event occurred and its type is available in revent. There is a relationship between the [TPETIME] and the [TPEEVENT] return codes. While in transaction mode, if the receiving side of a conversation is blocked on tprecv and the sending side calls tpabort(), then the receiving side gets a return code of [TPEVENT] with an event of TPEV_DISCONIMM. If, however, the sending side calls tpabort() before the receiving side calls tprecv(), then the transaction may have already been removed from the GTT, which causes tprecv() to fail with the [TPETIME] code.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tprecv() was called in an improper context (for example, the connection was established such that the calling program can only send data).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
A server can pass an application defined return value and typed buffer when calling tpreturn(). The return value is available in the global variable tpurcode and the buffer is available in data.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpdiscon(3c), tperrordetail(3c), tpsend(3c), tpservice(3c), tpstrerrordetail(3c)
tpresume()—Resumes a global transaction.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpresume(TPTRANID *tranid, long flags)
tpresume() is used to resume work on behalf of a previously suspended transaction. Once the caller resumes work on a transaction, it must either suspend it with tpsuspend(), or complete it with one of tpcommit() or tpabort() at a later time.
The caller must ensure that its linked resource managers have been opened (via tpopen()) before it can resume work on any transaction.
tpresume() places the caller in transaction mode on behalf of the global transaction identifier pointed to by tranid. It is an error for tranid to be NULL.
Currently, flags are reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpresume().
tpresume()can take effect in all participated resource managers including those in a multiple resource mangers server group in a global transaction.
Return Value
tpresume() returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Under the following conditions, tpresume() fails and sets tperrno to:
Either tranid is a NULL pointer, it points to a non-existent transaction identifier (including previously completed or timed-out transactions), or it points to a transaction identifier that the caller is not allowed to resume. The caller’s state with respect to the transaction is not changed.
tranid points to a transaction identifier that another process has already resumed. The caller’s state with respect to the transaction is not changed.
The Oracle Tuxedo system is unable to resume the global transaction because the caller is currently participating in work outside any global transaction with one or more resource managers. All such work must be completed before a global transaction can be resumed. The caller’s state with respect to the local transaction is unchanged.
tpresume() was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is already in transaction mode). The caller’s state with respect to the transaction is not changed.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
XA-compliant resource managers must be successfully opened to be included in the global transaction. (See tpopen(3c) for details.)
A process resuming a suspended transaction must reside on the same logical machine (LMID) as the process that suspended the transaction. For a Workstation client, the workstation handler (WSH) to which it is connected must reside on the same logical machine as the handler for the Workstation client that suspended the transaction.
See Also
tpabort(3c), tpcommit(3c), tpopen(3c), tpsuspend(3c), tprmopen(3c), tprmclose(3c), tprmstart(3c), tprmend(3c)
tpreturn()—Returns from an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system service routine.
void tpreturn(int rval, long rcode, char *data, long len, long \
tpreturn() indicates that a service routine has completed. tpreturn() acts like a return statement in the C language (that is, when tpreturn() is called, the service routine returns to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system dispatcher). It is recommended that tpreturn() be called from within the service routine dispatched to ensure correct return of control to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system dispatcher.
tpreturn() is used to send a service’s reply message. If the program receiving the reply is waiting in either tpcall(), tpgetrply(), or tprecv(), then after a successful call to tpreturn(), the reply is available in the receiver’s buffer.
For conversational services, tpreturn() also tears down the connection. That is, the service routine cannot call tpdiscon() directly. To ensure correct results, the program that connected to the conversational service should not call tpdiscon(); rather, it should wait for notification that the conversational service has completed (that is, it should wait for one of the events, like TPEV_SVCSUCC or TPEV_SVCFAIL, sent by tpreturn()).
If the service routine was in transaction mode, tpreturn() places the service’s portion of the transaction in a state from which it may be either committed or rolled back when the transaction is completed. A service may be invoked multiple times as part of the same transaction so it is not necessarily fully committed or rolled back until either tpcommit() or tpabort() is called by the originator of the transaction.
tpreturn() should be called after receiving all replies expected from service requests initiated by the service routine. Otherwise, depending on the nature of the service, either a TPESVCERR status or a TPEV_SVCERR event will be returned to the program that initiated communication with the service routine. Any outstanding replies that are not received will automatically be dropped by the communication manager. In addition, the descriptors for those replies become invalid.
tpreturn() should be called after closing all connections initiated by the service. Otherwise, depending on the nature of the service, either a TPESVCERR or a TPEV_SVCERR event will be returned to the program that initiated communication with the service routine. Also, an immediate disconnect event (that is, TPEV_DISCONIMM) is sent over all open connections to subordinates.
Since a conversational service has only one open connection which it did not initiate, the communication manager knows over which descriptor data (and any event) should be sent. For this reason, a descriptor is not passed to tpreturn().
The following is a description of the arguments for tpreturn(). rval can be set to one of the following:
The service has terminated successfully. If data is present, then it will be sent (barring any failures processing the return). If the caller is in transaction mode, then tpreturn() places the caller’s portion of the transaction in a state such that it can be committed when the transaction ultimately commits. Note that a call to tpreturn() does not necessarily finalize an entire transaction. Also, even though the caller indicates success, if there are any outstanding replies or open connections, if any work done within the service caused its transaction to be marked rollback-only, then a failed message is sent (that is, the recipient of the reply receives a TPESVCERR indication or a TPEV_SVCERR event). Note that if a transaction becomes rollback-only while in the service routine for any reason, then rval should be set to TPFAIL. If TPSUCCESS is specified for a conversational service, a TPEV_SVCSUCC event is generated.
The service has terminated unsuccessfully from an application standpoint. An error will be reported to the program receiving the reply. That is, the call to get the reply will fail and the recipient receives a TPSVCFAIL indication or a TPEV_SVCFAIL event. If the caller is in transaction mode, then tpreturn() marks the transaction as rollback-only (note that the transaction may already be marked rollback-only). Barring any failures in processing the return, the caller’s data is sent, if present. One reason for not sending the caller’s data is that a transaction timeout has occurred. In this case, the program waiting for the reply will receive an error of TPETIME. If TPFAIL is specified for a conversational service, a TPEV_SVCFAIL event is generated.
This value behaves the same as TPFAIL with respect to completing the service, but when TPEXIT is returned, the server exits after the transaction is rolled back and the reply is sent back to the requester.
When specified for a multithreaded process, TPEXIT indicates that an entire process (not only a single thread within that process) will be killed.
If the server is restartable, then the server is restarted automatically.
If rval is not set to one of these three values, then it defaults to TPFAIL.
An application defined return code, rcode, may be sent to the program receiving the service reply. This code is sent regardless of the setting of rval as long as a reply can be successfully sent (that is, as long as the receiving call returns success or TPESVCFAIL). In addition, for conversational services, this code can be sent only if the service routine has control of the connection when it issues tpreturn(). The value of rcode is available in the receiver in the variable, tpurcode().
data points to the data portion of a reply to be sent. If data is non-NULL, it must point to a buffer previously obtained by a call to tpalloc(). If this is the same buffer passed to the service routine upon its invocation, then its disposition is up to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system dispatcher; the service routine writer does not have to worry about whether it is freed or not. In fact, any attempt by the user to free this buffer will fail. Also any attempt to reallocate this buffer in another thread is prohibited. However, if the buffer passed to tpreturn() is not the same one with which the service is invoked, then tpreturn() frees that buffer. Although the main buffer is freed, any buffers referenced by embedded fields within that buffer are not freed. len specifies the amount of the data buffer to be sent. If data points to a buffer which does not require a length to be specified, (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored (and can be 0).
If data is NULL, then len is ignored. In this case, if a reply is expected by the program that invoked the service, then a reply is sent with no data. If no reply is expected, then tpreturn() frees data as necessary and returns sending no reply.
Currently, flags is reserved for future use and must be set to 0 (if set to a non-zero value, the recipient of the reply receives a TPESVCERR indication or a TPEV_SVCERR event).
If the service is conversational, there are two cases where the caller’s return code and the data portion are not transmitted:
If the connection has already been torn down when the call is made (that is, the caller has received TPEV_DISCONIMM on the connection), then this call simply ends the service routine and rolls back the current transaction, if one exists.
If the caller does not have control of the connection, either TPEV_SVCFAIL or TPEV_SVCERR is sent to the originator of the connection as described above. Regardless of which event the originator receives, no data is transmitted; however, if the originator receives the TPEV_SVCFAIL event, the return code is available in the originator's tpurcode() variable.
Return Values
A service routine does not return any value to its caller, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system dispatcher; thus, it is declared as a void. Service routines, however, are expected to terminate using either tpreturn() or tpforward(). A conversational service routine must use tpreturn(), and cannot use tpforward(). If a service routine returns without using either tpreturn() or tpforward() (that is, it uses the C language return statement or just simply “falls out of the function”) or tpforward() is called from a conversational server, the server will print a warning message in the log and return a service error to the service requester. In addition, all open connections to subordinates will be disconnected immediately, and any outstanding asynchronous replies will be dropped. If the server was in transaction mode at the time of failure, the transaction is marked rollback-only. Note also that if either tpreturn() or tpforward() are used outside of a service routine (for example, in clients, or in tpsvrinit() or tpsvrdone()), then these routines simply return having no effect.
Since tpreturn() ends the service routine, any errors encountered either in handling arguments or in processing cannot be indicated to the function’s caller. Such errors cause tperrno to be set to TPESVCERR for a program receiving the service’s outcome via either tpcall() or tpgetrply(), and cause the event, TPEV_SVCERR, to be sent over the conversation to a program using tpsend() or tprecv().
If either SVCTIMEOUT in the UBBCONFIG file or TA_SVCTIMEOUT in the TM_MIB is non-zero, the event TPEV_SVCERR is returned when a service timeout occurs.
tperrordetail() and tpstrerrordetail() can be used to get additional information about an error produced by the last Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system routine called in the current thread. If an error occurred, tperrordetail() returns a numeric value that can be used as an argument to trstrerrordetail() to retrieve the text of the error detail.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpcall(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpforward(3c), tprecv(3c), tpsend(3c), tpservice(3c), tprmopen(3c), tprmclose(3c), tprmstart(3c), tprmend(3c)
tprmclose() - Routine that closes a specified RM configured in a multiple RMs server group.
#include <atmi.h>
int tprmclose(char *rmname, long flags)
tprmclose() closes a specified resource manager by the argument rmname. If current context is in a transaction context, this routine does nothing and returns error to caller. If current RM is still not opened or already closed (that is, tprmclose() is called more than once), no action is taken and success is returned.
tprmclose() can only close those resource manager opened via tprmopen() routine.
The first parameter rmname currently must be a value which is configured in the *RMS section of UBBCONFIG. The flags must be 0.
Return Values
Upon failure, tprmclose() returns -1 and sets the tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tprmclose() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
A resource manager failed to close correctly. More information concerning the reason a resource manager failed to close can be obtained by interrogating a resource manager in its own specific manner. Note that any calls to determine the exact nature of the error hinder portability.
tprmclose() was called in a improper context. For example, it was invoked by a server which is not built specified using the -M option when executing buildserver, it was executed in an ongoing transaction context.
Invalid parameters were given (for example, the flags value is not 0, or the rmname is NULL or not a valid resource manager name configured in current *RMS section which is associated with a multiple resource managers server group).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpopen(3c), tpclose(3c)), tprmopen(3c)
tprmend() - Routine for ending current work performed on behalf of a transaction branch in a specified RM.
#include <atmi.h>
int tprmend (char *rmname, long flags);
tprmend() ends current work performed on behalf of a transaction branch in a specified RM. This routine informs the resource manager to disassociate with the transaction branch. If current RM is still not opened or current context is not in a transaction state, tprmend() does nothing and return success to caller.
The first parameter rmid currently must be a value which is configured in UBBCONFIG of this multiple resource manager group. The flags must be 0.
Return Values
Upon failure, tprmend() returns -1 and sets the tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tprmend() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
An error occurred in dissociating the transaction branch operation. Note that any calls to determine the exact nature of the error hinder portability.
tprmend() was called in a improper context (for example, it war invoked in a server which was not specified with -M option when executing buildserver).
tprmend() was called in a non-transaction context.
Invalid parameters were given (for example, the flags value is not 0, or the rmname parameter is NULL or not a valid resource manager name configured in current multiple resource managers server group).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tprmopen() - Routines for open a specified RM configured in the UBBCONFIG *RMS section which is associated with a multiple RMs server group.
#include <atmi.h>
int tprmopen(char *rmname, long flags)
tprmopen() opens a specific resource manager by name configured in the UBBCONFIG *RMS section and associated with a multiple resource managers server group. If the resource manager specified by rmname is already open (that is, tprmopen() is called more than once with this rmname, or the rmname has been opened by tpopen()), no action is taken and success is returned.
The first parameter rmname currently must be a value which is configured in UBBCONFIG of this multiple resource manager group. The flags must be 0.
Return Values
Upon failure, tprmopen() returns -1 and sets the tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tprmopen() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
A resource manager failed to open correctly. More information concerning the reason a resource manager failed to open can be obtained by interrogating a resource manager in its own specific manner. Note that any calls to determine the exact nature of the error hinder portability.
tprmopen() was called in a improper context(for example, it was invoked by a server which is not built with -M option by buildserver, it was invoked by a client process).
Invalid parameters were given (for example, the flags value is not 0, or the rmname is null or not a valid resource manager name configured in the UBBCONFIG *RMS section associated with an Multiple RMs server group).
The other case is this RM is not a CAE specification of RM.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpopen(3c), tpclose(3c), tprmclose(3c)
tprmstart() - Routine that starts work on behalf of a transaction branch of a specified RM in a MRM server.
#include <atmi.h>
int tprmstart (char *rmname, long flags)
tprmstart() informs the opened RM to join this transaction work unit on behalf of a transaction branch. If current RM is already in started state, then this routine skips the operation. If current RM is still not opened, tprmstart() does nothing and return error to caller.
The first parameter rmname currently must be a value which is configured in UBBCONFIG of this multiple resource manager group. The flags must be 0.
tprmstart() does not support old preliminary specification type of RM.
Return Values
Upon failure, tprmstart() returns -1 and sets the tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tprmopen() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
A resource manager failed to start correctly. More information concerning the reason a resource manager failed to start can be obtained by interrogating a resource manager in its own specific manner. Note that any calls to determine the exact nature of the error hinder portability.
tprmstart() was called in a improper context (for example, it was invoked by a server which is not in a Multiple RMs server group or current process was not built with -M option in buildserver, the current RM is still not open).
tprmstart() was called in a non-transaction context.
Invalid parameters were given (for example, the flags value is not 0, or rmname is NULL or not a valid resource manager name configured in the *RMS section which is associated with a multiple resource managers server group).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpsblktime()Routine for setting blocktime in seconds or milliseconds for the next service call or for all service calls
#include <atmi.h>
tpsblktime(int blktime,long flags)
tpsblktime() is used to set the blocktime value, in seconds or milliseconds, of a potential blocking API. A potential blocking API is defined as: any system API that can use the flag TBNOBLOCK as a value. It does not have any effect on transaction timeout values.
The blktime range is 0 to 32767. If the flag TPBLK_MILLISECOND is set, the scope is from 0 to 32767 milliseconds; if the flag TPBLK_SECOND is set, the scope is from 0 to 32767 seconds. Effective blocktime values are rounded up to the nearest multiple of the SCANUNIT value as depicted in the following example:
A 0 value indicates that any previously set blocking time flag value is cancelled, and the blocking time set with a different blocktime flag value prevails. If tpsblktime() is not called, the BLOCKTIME value in the *SERVICES section or the default *RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file is used.
Blocking timeouts set with tpsblktime() take precedence over the BLOCKTIME parameter set in the SERVICES and RESOURCES section of the UBBCONFIG file. The precedence for blocktime checking is as follows:
tpsblktime(TPBLK_NEXT), tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL), *SERVICES, *RESOURCES
The following is a list of valid flags:
This flag sets the blocktime value, in milliseconds. To set millisecond blocktime, second argument flags must contain TPBLK_MILLISECOND. Without that, the unit of the first argument is second. If the unit of SCANUNIT is second in TUXCONFIG, invoking tpsblktime with flag TPBLK_MILLISECOND will return an error TPEINVAL.
This flag sets the blocktime value, in seconds. This is default behavior.
This flag sets the blocktime value for the next potential blocking API.
Any API that is called containing the TPNOBLOCK flag is not effected by tpsblktime (TPBLK_NEXT)and continues to be non-blocking.
A TPBLK_NEXT flag value overrides a TPBLK_ALL flag value for those API calls that immediately follow it. For example:
tpcall(two) will have a 30 millisecond blocking timeout based on tpsblktime (30,TPBLK_NEXT|TPBLK_MILLISECOND). tpcall(one) and tpcall(three) will have a 50 second blocking timeout based on tpsblktime (50,TPBLK_ALL). tpsblktime(TPBLK_NEXT) operates on a per-thread basis. Therefore, it is not necessary for applications to use any mutex around the tpsblktime(TPBLK_NEXT) call and the subsequent API call which it affects.
This flag sets the blocktime value for the all subsequent potential blocking APIs until the next tpsblktime() is called within that context. Any API that is called containing the TPNOBLOCK flag is not effected by tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL) and continues to be non-blocking.
tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL) operates on a per-context basis. Therefore, it is necessary to call tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL) in only one thread of context that is used in multiple threads.
tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL)will not affect any context that follows after tpterm(3c) is called.
In order to perform blocking time values that are not affected by thread timing dependencies, it is best that tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL) is called in a multi-threaded context immediately after tpinit(3c) using the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag and before the return value of tpgetctxt(3c) is made available to other threads.
When tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL) is called in a service on a multi-threaded server, it will affect the currently executed thread only. To set the blocktime for all services, it is best to use tpsblktime(TPBLK_ALL) with tpsvrinit(3c) or tpsvrthrinit(3c).
Return Values
tpsblktime()returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpsblktime() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given. For example, the value of blktime is negative or more than one TPBLK_NEXT, TPBLK_ALL, TPBLK_NEXT|TPBLK_MILLISECOND, TPBLK_NEXT| TPBLK_SECOND, TPBLK_ALL|TPBLK_MILLISECOND, TPBLK_ALL|TPBLK_SECOND blocktime flag value is specified.
tpsblktime() was called in a client attached to a workstation handler running an earlier Tuxedo release.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
tpcall(3c), tpcommit(3c), tprecv(3c), tpgblktime(3c), UBBCONFIG(5)
tpscmt()—Routine for setting when tpcommit() should return.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpscmt(long flags)
tpscmt() sets the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic to the value specified in flags. The TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic affects the way tpcommit() behaves with respect to returning control to its caller. A program can call tpscmt() regardless of whether it is in transaction mode or not. Note that if the caller is participating in a transaction that another program must commit, then its call to tpscmt() does not affect that transaction. Rather, it affects subsequent transactions that the caller will commit.
In most cases, a transaction is committed only when an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system thread of control calls tpcommit(). There is one exception: when a service is dispatched in transaction mode because the AUTOTRAN variable in the *SERVICES section of the UBBCONFIG file is enabled, then the transaction completes upon calling tpreturn(). If tpforward() is called, then the transaction will be completed by the server ultimately calling tpreturn(). Thus, the setting of the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic in the service that calls tpreturn() determines when tpcommit() returns control within a server. If tpcommit() returns a heuristic error code, the server will write a message to a log file.
When a client joins an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system application, the initial setting for this characteristic comes from a configuration file. (See the CMTRET variable in the RESOURCES section of UBBCONFIG(5))
The following are the valid settings for flags:
This flag indicates that tpcommit() should return after the commit decision has been logged by the first phase of the two-phase commit protocol but before the second phase has completed. This setting allows for faster response to the caller of tpcommit() although there is a risk that a transaction participant might decide to heuristically complete (that is, abort) its work due to timing delays waiting for the second phase to complete. If this occurs, there is no way to indicate this situation to the caller since tpcommit() has already returned (although the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system writes a message to a log file when a resource manager takes a heuristic decision). Under normal conditions, participants that promise to commit during the first phase will do so during the second phase. Typically, problems caused by network or site failures are the sources for heuristic decisions being made during the second phase.
This flag indicates that tpcommit(3c) should return after the two-phase commit protocol has finished completely. This setting allows for tpcommit() to return an indication that a heuristic decision occurred during the second phase of commit.
In a multi-threaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpscmt().
Return Values
Upon success, tpscmt() returns the previous value of the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic.
Upon failure, tpscmt() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpscmt() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
flags is not one of TP_CMT_LOGGED or TP_CMT_COMPLETE.
tpscmt() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
When using tpbegin(), tpcommit() and tpabort() to delineate an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction, it is important to remember that only the work done by a resource manager that meets the XA interface (and is linked to the caller appropriately) has transactional properties. All other operations performed in a transaction are not affected by either tpcommit() or tpabort(). See buildserver(1) for details on linking resource managers that meet the XA interface into a server such that operations performed by that resource manager are part of an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system transaction.
See Also
tpabort(3c), tpbegin(3c), tpcommit(3c), tpgetlev(3c)
tpseal()—Marks a typed message buffer for encryption.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpseal(char *
data, TPKEY hKey, long flags)
tpseal() marks, or registers, a message buffer for encryption. The principal who owns hKey can decrypt this buffer and access its content. A buffer may be sealed for more than one recipient principal by making several calls to tpseal().
data must point to a valid typed message buffer either (1) previously allocated by a process calling tpalloc() or (2) delivered by the system to a receiving process. The content of the buffer may be modified after tpseal() is invoked.
When the message buffer pointed to by data is transmitted from a process, the public key software encrypts the message content and attaches an encryption envelope to the message buffer for each encryption registration request. An encryption envelope enables a receiving process to decrypt the message.
The flags argument is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, hKey is not a valid key for encrypting or data is NULL.
An error has occurred. Consult the system error log file for details.
See Also
tpkey_close(3c), tpkey_open(3c)
tpsend()—Routine for sending a message in a conversational connection.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpsend(int
cd, char *data, long len, long flags, long *revent)
tpsend() is used to send data across an open connection to another program. The caller must have control of the connection. tpsend()’s first argument, cd, specifies the open connection over which data is sent. cd is a descriptor returned from either tpconnect() or the TPSVCINFO parameter passed to a conversational service.
The second argument, data, must point to a buffer previously allocated by tpalloc(). len specifies how much of the buffer to send. Note that if data points to a buffer of a type that does not require a length to be specified (for example, an FML fielded buffer), then len is ignored (and may be 0). Also, data can be NULL in which case len is ignored (no application data is sent—this might be done, for instance, to grant control of the connection without transmitting any data). The type and subtype of data must match one of the types and subtypes recognized by the other end of the connection.
The following is a list of valid flags:
This flag signifies that, after the caller’s data is sent, the caller gives up control of the connection (that is, the caller can not issue any more tpsend() calls). When the receiver on the other end of the connection receives the data sent by tpsend(), it will also receive an event (TPEV_SENDONLY) indicating that it has control of the connection (and can not issue more any tprecv() calls).
The data and any events are not sent if a blocking condition exists (for example, the internal buffers into which the message is transferred are full). When TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued.
If an event exists for the descriptor, cd, then tpsend() will fail without sending the caller’s data. The event type is returned in revent. Valid events for tpsend() are as follows:
Received by the subordinate of a conversation, this event indicates that the originator of the conversation has issued an immediate disconnect on the connection via tpdiscon(), or it issued tpreturn(), tpcommit() or tpabort() with the connection still open. This event is also returned to the originator or subordinate when a connection is broken due to a communications error (for example, a server, machine, or network failure).
Received by the originator of a conversation, this event indicates that the subordinate of the conversation has issued tpreturn() without having control of the conversation. In addition, tpreturn() has been issued in a manner different from that described for TPEV_SVCFAIL below. This event can be caused by an ACL permissions violation; that is, the originator does not have permission to connect to the receiving process. This event is not returned at the time the tpconnect() is issued, but is returned with the first tpsend() (following a tpconnect() with flag TPSENDONLY) or tprecv() (following a tpconnect() with flag TPRECVONLY). A system event and a log message are also generated.
Received by the originator of a conversation, this event indicates that the subordinate of the conversation has issued tpreturn() without having control of the conversation. In addition, tpreturn() was issued with the rval set to TPFAIL or TPEXIT and data to NULL.
Because each of these events indicates an immediate disconnection notification (that is, abortive rather than orderly), data in transit may be lost. The descriptor used for the connection is no longer valid. If the two programs were participating in the same transaction, then the transaction has been marked abort-only.
If the value of either SVCTIMEOUT in the UBBCONFIG file or TA_SVCTIMEOUT in the TM_MIB is non-zero, TPESVCERR is returned when a service timeout occurs.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpsend().
Return Values
Upon return from tpsend() where revent is set to either TPEV_SVCSUCC or TPEV_SVCFAIL, the tpurcode() global contains an application-defined value that was sent as part of tpreturn(). The function tpsend() returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. Also, if an event exists and no errors were encountered, tpsend() returns -1 and tperrno is set to [TPEEVENT].
Upon failure, tpsend() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, data does not point to a buffer allocated by tpalloc() or flags are invalid).
cd is invalid.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpsend() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a transactional ATMI call fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
An event occurred. data is not sent when this error occurs. The event type is returned in revent.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpsend() was called in an improper context (for example, the connection was established such that the calling program can only receive data).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpdiscon(3c), tprecv(3c), tpservice(3c)
tpservice()—Template for service routines.
#include <atmi.h> /* C interface */
void tpservice(TPSVCINFO *svcinfo) /* C++ interface - must have
* C linkage */
extern “C” void tpservice(TPSVCINFO *svcinfo)
tpservice() is the template for writing service routines. This template is used for services that receive requests via tpcall(), tpacall() or tpforward() routines as well as by services that communicate via tpconnect(), tpsend() and tprecv() routines.
Service routines processing requests made via either tpcall() or tpacall() receive at most one incoming message (in the data element of svcinfo) and send at most one reply (upon exiting the service routine with tpreturn()).
Conversational services, on the other hand, are invoked by connection requests with at most one incoming message along with a means of referring to the open connection. When a conversational service routine is invoked, either the connecting program or the conversational service may send and receive data as defined by the application. The connection is half-duplex in nature meaning that one side controls the conversation (that is, it sends data) until it explicitly gives up control to the other side of the connection.
Concerning transactions, service routines can participate in at most one transaction if invoked in transaction mode. As far as the service routine writer is concerned, the transaction ends upon returning from the service routine. If the service routine is not invoked in transaction mode, then the service routine may originate as many transactions as it wants using tpbegin(), tpcommit(), and tpabort(). Note that tpreturn() is not used to complete a transaction. Thus, it is an error to call tpreturn() with an outstanding transaction that originated within the service routine.
Service routines are invoked with one argument: svcinfo, a pointer to a service information structure. This structure includes the following members:
char name[128];
char *data;
long len;
long flags;
int cd;
long appkey;
name is populated with the service name that the requester used to invoke the service.
The setting of flags upon entrance to a service routine indicates attributes which the service routine may want to note. The following are the possible values for flags:
A connection request for a conversation has been accepted and the descriptor for the conversation is available in cd. If not set, then this is a request/response service and cd is not valid.
The service routine is in transaction mode.
The caller is not expecting a reply. This option will not be set if TPCONV is set.
The service is invoked such that it can only send data across the connection and the program on the other end of the connection can only receive data. This flag is mutually exclusive with TPRECVONLY and may be set only when TPCONV is also set.
The service is invoked such that it can only receive data from the connection and the program on the other end of the connection can only send data. This flag is mutually exclusive with TPSENDONLY and may be set only when TPCONV is also set.
data points to the data portion of a request message and len is the length of the data. The buffer pointed to by data was allocated by tpalloc() in the communication manager. This buffer may be grown by the user with tprealloc(); however, it cannot be freed by the user. It is recommended that this buffer be the one passed to either tpreturn() or tpforward() when the service ends. If a different buffer is passed to those routines, then that buffer is freed by them. Note that the buffer pointed to by data will be overwritten by the next service request even if this buffer is not passed to tpreturn() or tpforward(). data may be NULL if no data accompanied the request. In this case, len will be 0.
When TPCONV is set in flags, cd is the connection descriptor that can be used with tpsend() and tprecv() to communicate with the program that initiated the conversation.
appkey is set to the application key assigned to the requesting client by the application defined authentication service. This key value is passed along with any and all service requests made while within this invocation of the service routine. appkey will have a value of -1 for originating clients that do not pass through the application authentication service.
cltid is the unique client identifier for the originating client associated with this service request. The definition of this structure is made available to the application in atmi.h solely so that client identifiers may be passed between application servers if necessary. Therefore, the semantics of the fields defined below are not documented and applications should not manipulate the contents of CLIENTID structures. Doing so will invalidate the structures. The CLIENTID structure includes the following member:
long clientdata[4];
Note that for C++, the service function must have C linkage. This is done by declaring the function as ‘extern “C.”’
Return Values
A service routine does not return any value to its caller, the communication manager dispatcher; thus, it is declared as a void. Service routines, however, are expected to terminate using either tpreturn() or tpforward(). A conversational service routine must use tpreturn(), and cannot use tpforward(). If a service routine returns without using either tpreturn() or tpforward() (that is, it uses the C language return statement or just simply “falls out of the function”) or tpforward() is called from a conversational server, the server will print a warning message in a log file and return a service error to the originator or requester. All open connections to subordinates will be disconnected immediately, and any outstanding asynchronous replies will be marked stale. If the server was in transaction mode at the time of failure, the transaction is marked abort-only. Note also that if either tpreturn() or tpforward() are used outside of a service routine (for example, in clients, or in tpsvrinit() or tpsvrdone()), then these routines simply return having no effect.
Since tpreturn() ends the service routine, any errors encountered either in handling arguments or in processing cannot be indicated to the function’s caller. Such errors cause tperrno to be set to TPESVCERR for a program receiving the service’s outcome via either tpcall() or tpgetrply(), and cause the event, TPEV_SVCERR, to be sent over the conversation to a program using tpsend() or tprecv().
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpbegin(3c), tpcall(3c), tpconnect(3c), tpforward(3c), tpreturn(3c), servopts(5)
tpsetcallinfo()- Routine for adding out-of-band information to a Tuxedo request.
int tpsetcallinfo(const char *msg, FBFR32 *obuf, long flags)
tpsetcallinfo() is used for adding out-of-band data to an existing Tuxedo typed message. It supports the following parameters:
The typed buffer used to attach out-of-band data. This buffer must has been previously allocated by a process calling tpalloc() and used in the subsequent tpcall() as idata.
The FML32 buffer used to contain the fields.
Reserved for future use.
tpsetcallinfo can be used in the following use-case:
This feature can potentially add HTTP headers that may interfere with the HTTP protocol itself, so care should be taken when using the tpsetcallinfo() API. Custom HTTP headers are added to the end of other headers and in many cases should not be a problem, however this is not a guarantee depending on the application server involved. For example, setting 'Content-Length: nnn' may cause a request or response to be rejected or mis-handled. Care should be taken by the application programmer so as to not employ headers that may interfere with the other party (application server, HTTP server or SOAP client programming kit for example).
add a Tuxedo Message Tag, which is out-of-band string information with the maximum length of 1024 characters. Its value can be retrieved through tpgetcallinfo(). It is propagated to the whole call path once it is added to the request message. If more than one Tuxedo Message Tag value is set, the later one overwrites the previous one.
Table 16 lists the FML names.
Table 16 FML Names
Return Values
Upon successfully getting a FML32 buffer containing the monitoring attributes, returns 0.
Upon failure, tpsetcallinfo() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpsetcallinfo() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, msg is NULL or obuf is not a valid FML32 buffer)
The message input does not contain monitoring attributes. Usually this is because the call path monitoring is not turned on for the message.
An operating system error has occurred.
The following is a client-side tpsetcallinfo example:
FBFR32 *request;
FBFR32 *metainfo;
char name[50];
char value[50];
char msgtag[] = "0052kRkQAev9XbHpIsT4if0007zK000000";
FLDLEN32 len;
int len = 0;
/* Allocate the metainfo space */
metainfo = tpalloc("FML32", NULL, 1024);
if (metainfo == NULL ) {
userlog("Memory allocation failed");
tpreturn(TPFAIL, 0, 0, 0);
request = tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 1024);
/* Set custom headers */
strcpy(name, "header_name");
strcpy(value, "header_value");
len = strlen(name);
if (Fchg32(metainfo, TA_HTTP_HEADER_NAME, 0, name, len) < 0) {
len = strlen(value);
if (Fchg32(metainfo, TA_HTTP_HEADER_VALUE, 0, value, len) < 0) {
len = strlen(msgtag);
if (Fchg32(metainfo, TA_MSGTAG, 0, msgtag, len) < 0) {
F_error32("message tag");
if ( tpsetcallinfo(request, metainfo, 0) < 0 ) {
userlog("an error occurred when attaching metainfo to the buffer");
strcpy(request, "this_is_the_request");
response = tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 1024);
rlen = 1024;
if (tpcall(svc_name,(char *)request, 0, (char **)&response,(long *)&rlen, 0) == -1){
(void)fprintf (stderr, "%s service failed\n\n", svc_name);
See Also
tpsetctxt()—Sets a context identifier for the current application association.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpsetctxt(TPCONTEXT_T
context, long flags)
tpsetctxt() defines the context in which the current thread operates. This function operates on a per-thread basis in a multithreaded environment, and on a per-process basis in a non-threaded environment.
Subsequent Oracle Tuxedo ATMI calls made in this thread reference the application indicated by context. The context should have been provided by a previous call to tpgetctxt() in one of the threads of the same process. If the value of context is TPNULLCONTEXT, then the current thread is disassociated from any Oracle Tuxedo ATMI context.
You can put an individual thread in a process operating in multicontext mode into the TPNULLCONTEXT state by issuing the following call:
tpsetctxt(TPNULLCONTEXT, 0)
TPINVALIDCONTEXT is not a valid input value for context.
A thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is prohibited from issuing calls to most ATMI functions. (For a complete list of the functions that may and may not be called, see “Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface.”.) Therefore, you may sometimes need to move a thread out of the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state. To do so, call tpsetctxt() with context set to TPNULLCONTEXT or another valid context. (It is also allowable to call the tpterm() function to exit from the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state.)
The second argument, flags, is not currently used and must be set to 0.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpsetctxt() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpsetctxt() returns a non-negative value.
Upon failure, it leaves the calling process in its original context, returns a value of -1, and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpsetctxt() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments have been given. For example, flags has been set to a value other than 0 or the context is TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
The value of context is not a valid context.
tpsetctxt() has been called in an improper context. For example: (a) it has been called in a server-dispatched thread; (b) it has been called in a process that has not called tpinit(); (c) it has been called in a process that has called tpinit() without specifying the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag; or (d) it has been called from more than one thread in a process where the TMNOTHREADS environment variable has been turned on.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error has been written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface, tpgetctxt(3c)
tpsetmbenc()—Sets the code-set encoding name for a typed buffer.
#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;

tpsetmbenc(char *bufp, char *enc_name, long flags)
This function is used for setting or resetting the codeset encoding name. The encoding name is sent along with the input typed buffer. A process receiving these message can use tpgetmbenc() to retrieve this encoding name.
tpsetmbenc() sets the codeset encoding name to be included with a Tuxedo system request. Once this function sets a non-NULL encoding name in the caller's buffer, all requests sent (via tpcall(), tpsend()) include this string until reset or unset. An initial codeset encoding name is applied to a MBSTRING buffer, during tpalloc(), using the TPMBENC environment variable. An MBSTRING buffer without an encoding name defined is invalid.
The bufp argument is a valid pointer to a typed buffer with an encoding name.
The enc_name argument is the encoding name to use to identify the codeset encoding.
The flags argument is 0 or RM_ENC. For RM_ENC the encoding name will be removed from the MBSTRING buffer and the enc_name argument will be ignored. Note that an MBSTRING buffer without an encoding name will fail the _tmconvmb() conversion.
Return Values
Upon success, tpsetmbenc() returns a 0 value otherwise it returns a non-zero on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition. This function may fail for the following reasons.
buf, enc_name argument is NULL or enc_name is not a valid name to use.
A Tuxedo system error has occurred. (e.g. bufp does not correspond to a valid Tuxedo buffer, could not add or remove the encoding name from the buffer)
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpconvmb(3c), tpgetmbenc(3c), tpservice(3c), tuxsetmbenc(3c)
tpsetrepos() - adds, edits, or deletes service parameter information from a Tuxedo Service Metadata repository file
int tpsetrepos(char *reposfile, FBFR32* idata, FBFR32** odata)
tpsetrepos() provides an alternative repository access interface to the .TMMETAREPOS service provided by TMMETADATA(5). It adds, edits, or deletes parameter information from a Tuxedo Service Metadata repository file. To use tpsetrepos(), the metadata repository file must reside on the native client or server that initiates the request. This allows for repository information access even when TMMETADATA(5)has not been booted.
tpsetrepos() is available in processes linked with the Oracle Tuxedo native libraries, but is not available in processes linked with the Oracle Tuxedo workstation libraries.
specifies the path name of a file accessible on the current machine where the Tuxedo Metadata Repository is located. The user must have read and write permissions for this file.
specifies what type of service information is added, edited, or deleted, and points to an FML32 buffer.
On output, points to an FML32 buffer containing the retrieved service information and operation status.
METAREPOS(5)describes the FML32 buffer format tpsetrepos()uses. It is similar to the format used by MIB(5).
Return Values
tpsetrepos() returns 0 on success. On failure, it sets tperrno and returns -1. On most failure conditions, the TA_ERROR field in *odata is populated with information about the specific error, as is done by the Tuxedo MIB.
Upon failure, tpsetrepos() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Except for TPEINVAL, odata is modified to include TA_ERROR, TA_STATUS for each service entry to further qualify the error condition.
Invalid arguments were specified. The reposfile value is invalid or idata or odata are not pointers to FML32 typed buffers.
The MIB-like request failed. odata is updated and returned to the caller with FML32 fields indicating the cause of the error as discussed in MIB(5).
tpsetrepos() was improperly called. The reposfile file argument given is not a valid repository file.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is reported in userlog().
This interface is available only on Oracle Tuxedo release 9.0 or later.
The following library files are required:
The libraries must be linked manually when using buildclient. The user must use: -L${TUXDIR}/lib -ltrep
See Also
tpgetrepos(3c), tmloadrepos(1), tmunloadrepos(1), TMMETADATA(5), Managing The Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository in Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application
tpsetunsol()—Sets the method for handling unsolicited messages.
#include <atmi.h>
void (*tpsetunsol (void (_TMDLLENTRY *)(*disp) (char *data, long len, long flags))) (char *data, long len, long flags)
tpsetunsol() allows a client to identify the routine that should be invoked when an unsolicited message is received by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system libraries. Before the first call to tpsetunsol(), any unsolicited messages received by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system libraries on behalf of the client are logged and ignored. A call to tpsetunsol() with a NULL function pointer has the same effect. The method used by the system for notification and detection is determined by the application default, which can be overridden on a per-client basis (see tpinit(3c)).
The function pointer passed on the call to tpsetunsol() must conform to the parameter definition given. The _TMDLLENTRY macro is required for Windows-based operating systems to obtain the proper calling conventions between the Tuxedo libraries and your code. On Unix systems, the _TMDLLENTRY macro is not required because it expands to the null string.
data points to the typed buffer received and len is the length of the data. flags are currently unused. data can be NULL if no data accompanied the notification. data may be of a buffer type/subtype that is not known by the client, in which case the message data is unintelligible.
data cannot be freed by application code. However, the system frees it and invalidates the data area following return.
Processing within the application’s unsolicited message handling routine is restricted to the following Oracle Tuxedo ATMI functions: tpalloc(), tpfree(), tpgetctxt(), tpgetlev(), tprealloc(), and tptypes().
Note that in a multithreaded programming environment, it is possible for an unsolicited message handling routine to call tpgetctxt(), create another thread, have that thread call tpsetctxt() to the appropriate context, and have the new thread use the full set of ATMI functions that are available to clients.
If tpsetunsol() is called from a thread that is not currently associated with a context, this establishes a per-process default unsolicited message handler for all new tpinit() contexts created. It has no effect on contexts already associated with the system. A specific context may change this default unsolicited message handler by calling tpsetunsol() again when the context is active. The per-process default unsolicited message handler may be changed by again calling tpsetunsol() in a thread not currently associated with a context.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpsetunsol().
Return Values
Upon success, tpsetunsol() returns the previous setting for the unsolicited message handling routine. (NULL is a successful return indicating that no message handling function had been set previously.)
Upon failure, it returns TPUNSOLERR and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpsetunsol() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
tpsetunsol() has been called in an improper context. For example, it has been called from within a server.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
The interfaces described in tpnotify(3c) are supported on native site UNIX-based and Windows processors. In addition, the routines tpbroadcast() and tpchkunsol(), as well as the function tpsetunsol(), are supported on UNIX and MS-DOS workstation processors.
See Also
tpinit(3c), tpterm(3c)
tpsign()—Marks a typed message buffer for digital signature.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpsign(char *
data, TPKEY hKey, long flags)
tpsign() marks, or registers, a message buffer for digital signature on behalf of the principal associated with hKey.
data must point to a valid typed message buffer either (1) previously allocated by a process calling tpalloc() or (2) delivered by the system to a receiving process. The content of the buffer may be modified after tpsign() is invoked.
When the buffer pointed to by data is transmitted from a process, the public key software generates and attaches a digital signature to the message buffer for each digital-signature registration request. A digital signature enables a receiving process to verify the signer (originator) of the message.
The flags argument is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
Return Values
On failure, this function returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Invalid arguments were given. For example, hKey is not a valid key for signing or the value of data is NULL.
An error occurred. Consult the system error log file for details.
See Also
tpkey_close(3c), tpkey_open(3c)
tpsprio()—Sets the service request priority.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpsprio(prio, flags)
tpsprio() sets the priority for the next request sent or forwarded by the current thread in the current context. The priority set affects only the next request sent. Priority can also be set for messages enqueued or dequeued by tpenqueue() or tpdequeue(), if the queued message facility is installed. By default, the setting of prio increments or decrements a service’s default priority up to a maximum of 100 or down to a minimum of 1, depending on its sign, where 100 is the highest priority. The default priority for a request is determined by the service to which the request is being sent. This default may be specified administratively (see UBBCONFIG(5)), or take the system default of 50. tpsprio() has no effect on messages sent via tpconnect() or tpsend().
A lower priority message does not remain enqueued forever because every tenth message is retrieved on a “first in, first out” (FIFO) basis. Response time should not be a concern of the lower priority interface or service.
In a multithreaded application tpsprio() operates on a per-thread basis.
The following is a list of valid flags:
The priority of the next request should be sent out at the absolute value of prio. The absolute value of prio must be within the range 1 and 100, inclusive, with 100 being the highest priority. Any value outside of this range causes a default value to be used.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpsprio().
Return Values
Upon failure, tpsprio() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpsprio() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
flags are invalid.
tpsprio() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpacall(3c), tpcall(3c),tpdequeue(3c), tpenqueue(3c), tpgprio(3c)
tpstrerror()—Gets error message string for an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system error.
#include <atmi.h>
char *
tpstrerror() is used to retrieve the text of an error message from LIBTUX_CAT. err is the error code set in tperrno when an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system function call returns a -1 or other failure value.
You can use the pointer returned by tpstrerror() as an argument to userlog() or the UNIX function fprintf().
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpstrerror() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon success, tpstrerror() returns a pointer to a string that contains the error message text.
If err is an invalid error code, tpstrerror() returns a NULL.
Upon failure, tpstrerror() returns a NULL but does not set tperrno.
#include <atmi.h>
char *p;
if (tpbegin(10,0) == -1) {
p = tpstrerror(tperrno);
userlog(“%s”, p);
See Also
userlog(3c), Fstrerror, Fstrerror32(3fml)
tpstrerrordetail()—Gets error detail message string for an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system error.
#include <atmi.h>
char * tpstrerrordetail(int
err, long flags)
tpstrerrordetail() is used to retrieve the text of an error detail of an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system error. err is the value returned by tperrordetail().
The user can use the pointer returned by tpstrerrordetail() as an argument to userlog() or the UNIX function fprintf().
Currently flags is reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpstrerrordetail() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon success, the function returns a pointer to a string that contains the error detail message text.
Upon failure (that is, if err is an invalid error code), tpstrerrordetail() returns a NULL.
Upon failure, tpstrerrordetail() returns a NULL but does not set tperrno.
#include <atmi.h> . . .
int ret;
char *p;

if (tpbegin(10,0) == -1) {
ret = tperrordetail(0);
if (ret == -1) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, “tperrordetail() failed!\n”);
(void) fprintf(stderr, “tperrno = %d, %s\n”,
tperrno, tpstrerror(tperrno));

else if (ret != 0) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, “errordetail:%s\n”,
tpstrerrordetail(ret, 0));
See Also
Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface, tperrordetail(3c), tpstrerror(3c), userlog(3c), tperrno(5)
tpsubscribe()—Subscribes to an event.
#include <atmi.h>
long tpsubscribe(char *eventexpr, char *filter, TPEVCTL *ctl, long flags)
The caller uses tpsubscribe() to subscribe to an event or set of events named by eventexpr. Subscriptions are maintained by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI EventBroker, TMUSREVT(5), and are used to notify subscribers when events are posted via tppost(). Each subscription specifies a notification method which can take one of three forms: client notification, service calls, or message enqueuing to stable-storage queues. Notification methods are determined by the subscriber’s process type and the arguments passed to tpsubscribe().
The event or set of events being subscribed to is named by eventexpr, a NULL-terminated string of at most 255 characters containing a regular expression. For example, if eventexpr is “\e\e..*”, the caller is subscribing to all system-generated events; if eventexpr is “\e\e.SysServer.*”, the caller is subscribing to all system-generated events related to servers. If eventexpr is “[A-Z].*”, the caller is subscribing to all user events starting with A-Z; if eventexpr is “.*(ERR|err).*”, the caller is subscribing to all user events containing either the substring ERR or the substring err in the event name. Events called account_error and ERROR_STATE, for example, would both qualify. For more information on regular expressions, see “Regular Expressions” on page 268.
If present, filter is a string containing a Boolean filter rule that must be evaluated successfully before the EventBroker posts the event. Upon receiving an event to be posted, the EventBroker applies the filter rule, if one exists, to the posted event’s data. If the data passes the filter rule, the EventBroker invokes the notification method; otherwise, the broker does not invoke the associated notification method. The caller can subscribe to the same event multiple times with different filter rules.
Filter rules are specific to the typed buffers to which they are applied. For FML and view buffers, the filter rule is a string that can be passed to each’s Boolean expression compiler (see Fboolco(3fml) and Fvboolco(3fml), respectively) and evaluated against the posted buffer (see Fboolev(3fml) and Fvboolev(3fml), respectively). For STRING buffers, the filter rule is a regular expression. All other buffer types require customized filter evaluators (see buffer(3c) and typesw(5) for details on adding customized filter evaluators). filter is a NULL-terminated string of at most 255 characters.
If the subscriber is an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system client process and ctl is NULL, then the EventBroker sends an unsolicited message to the subscriber when the event to which it subscribed is posted. That is, when an event name is posted that evaluates successfully against eventexpr, the EventBroker tests the posted data against the filter rule associated with eventexpr. If the data passes the filter rule or if there is no filter rule for the event, then the subscriber receives an unsolicited notification along with any data posted with the event. In order to receive unsolicited notifications, the client must register (via tpsetunsol()) an unsolicited message handling routine. If an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server process calls tpsubscribe() with a NULL ctl parameter, then tpsubscribe() fails setting tperrno to TPEPROTO.
Clients receiving event notification via unsolicited messages should remove their subscriptions from the EventBroker’s list of active subscriptions before exiting (see tpunsubscribe(3c) for details). Using tpunsubscribe()’s wildcard handle, -1, clients can conveniently remove all of their “non-persistent” subscriptions which include those associated with the unsolicited notification method (see the description of TPEVPERSIST below for subscriptions and their associated notification methods that persist after a process exits). If a client exits without removing its non-persistent subscriptions, then the EventBroker will remove them when it detects that the client is no longer accessible.
If the subscriber (regardless of process type) wants event notifications to go to service routines or to stable-storage queues, then the ctl parameter must point to a valid TPEVCTL structure. This structure contains the following elements:
long flags;
char name1[128];
char name2[128];
TPQCTL qctl;
The following is a list of valid bits for the ctl−>flags element controlling options for event subscriptions:
Setting this flag indicates that the subscriber wants event notifications to be sent to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system service routine named in ctl−>name1. That is, when an event name is posted that evaluates successfully against eventexpr, the EventBroker tests the posted data against the filter rule associated with eventexpr. If the data passes the filter rule or if there is no filter rule for the event, then a service request is sent to ctl−>name1 along with any data posted with the event. The service name in ctl−>name1 can be any valid Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system service name and it may or may not be active at the time the subscription is made. Service routines invoked by the EventBroker should return with no reply data. That is, they should call tpreturn() with a NULL data argument. Any data passed to tpreturn() will be dropped. TPEVSERVICE and TPEVQUEUE are mutually exclusive flags.
If TPEVTRAN is also set in ctl−>flags, then if the process calling tppost() is in transaction mode, the EventBroker calls the subscribed service routine such that it will be part of the poster’s transaction. Both the EventBroker, TMUSREVT(5), and the subscribed service routine must belong to server groups that support transactions (see UBBCONFIG(5) for details). If TPEVTRAN is not set in ctl−>flags, then the EventBroker calls the subscribed service routine such that it will not be part of the poster’s transaction.
Setting this flag indicates that the subscriber wants event notifications to be enqueued to the queue space named in ctl−>name1 and the queue named in ctl−>name2. That is, when an event name is posted that evaluates successfully against eventexpr, the EventBroker tests the posted data against the filter rule associated with eventexpr. If the data passes the filter rule or if there is no filter rule for the event, then the EventBroker enqueues a message to the queue space named in ctl−>name1 and the queue named in ctl−>name2 along with any data posted with the event. The queue space and queue name can be any valid Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system queue space and queue name, either of which may or may not exist at the time the subscription is made.
ctl−>qctl can contain options further directing the EventBroker’s enqueuing of the posted event. If no options are specified, then ctl−>qctl.flags should be set to TPNOFLAGS. Otherwise, options can be set as described in the “Control Parameter” subsection of tpenqueue(3c) (specifically, see the section describing the valid list of flags controlling input information for tpenqueue(3c)). TPEVSERVICE and TPEVQUEUE are mutually exclusive flags.
If TPEVTRAN is also set in ctl−>flags, then if the process calling tppost() is in transaction mode, the EventBroker enqueues the posted event and its data such that it will be part of the poster’s transaction. The EventBroker, TMUSREVT(5), must belong to a server group that supports transactions (see UBBCONFIG(5) for details). If TPEVTRAN is not set in ctl−>flags, then the EventBroker enqueues the posted event and its data such that it will not be part of the poster’s transaction.
Setting this flag indicates that the subscriber wants the event notification for this subscription to be included in the poster’s transaction, if one exists. If the poster is not a transaction, then a transaction is started for this event notification. If this flag is not set, then any events posted for this subscription will not be done on behalf of any transaction in which the poster is participating. This flag can be used with either TPEVSERVICE or TPEVQUEUE.
By default, the Oracle Tuxedo EventBroker deletes subscriptions when the resource to which it is posting is not available (for example, the EventBroker cannot access a service routine and/or a queue space/queue name associated with an event subscription). Setting this flag indicates that the subscriber wants this subscription to persist across such errors (usually because the resource will become available again in the future). When this flag is not used, the EventBroker will remove this subscription if it encounters an error accessing either the service name or queue space/queue name designated in this subscription.
If this flag is used with TPEVTRAN and the resource is not available at the time of event notification, then the EventBroker will return to the poster such that its transaction must be aborted. That is, even though the subscription remains intact, the resource’s unavailability will cause the poster’s transaction to fail.
If the EventBroker’s list of active subscriptions already contains a subscription that matches the one being requested by tpsubscribe(), then the function fails setting tperrno to TPEMATCH. For a subscription to match an existing one, both eventexpr and filter must match those of a subscription already in the EventBroker’s active list of subscriptions. In addition, depending on the notification method, other criteria are used to determine matches.
If the subscriber is an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system client process and ctl is NULL (such that the caller receives unsolicited notifications when events are posted), then its system-defined client identifier (known as a CLIENTID) is also used to detect matches. That is, tpsubscribe() fails if eventexpr, filter, and the caller’s CLIENTID match those of a subscription already known to the EventBroker.
If the caller has set ctl−>flags to TPEVSERVICE, then tpsubscribe() fails if eventexpr, filter, and the service name set in ctl−>name1 match those of a subscription already known to the EventBroker.
For subscriptions to stable-storage queues, the queue space, queue name, and correlation identifier are used, in addition to eventexpr and filter, when determining matches. The correlation identifier can be used to differentiate among several subscriptions for the same event expression and filter rule, destined for the same queue. Thus, if the caller has set ctl−>flags to TPEVQUEUE, and TPQCOORID is not set in ctl−>qctl.flags, then tpsubscribe() fails if eventexpr, filter, the queue space name set in ctl−>name1, and the queue name set in ctl−>name2 match those of a subscription (which also does not have a correlation identifier specified) already known to the EventBroker. Further, if TPQCOORID is set in ctl−>qctl.flags, then tpsubscribe() fails if eventexpr, filter, ctl−>name1, ctl−>name2, and ctl−>qctl.corrid match those of a subscription (which has the same correlation identifier specified) already known to the EventBroker.
The following is a list of valid flags for tpsubscribe():
The subscription is not made if a blocking condition exists. If such a condition occurs, the call fails and tperrno is set to TPEBLOCK. When TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued. When TPSIGRSTRT is not specified and a signal interrupts a system call, then tpsubscribe() fails and tperrno is set to TPGOTSIG.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpsubscribe().
Regular Expressions
The regular expressions described in Table 17 are much like those used in the UNIX system editor, ed(1). The alternation operator, (|), has been added along with some other practical things. In general, however, there should be few surprises.
Regular expressions (REs) are constructed by applying any of the following production rules one or more times.
Itself (character is any ASCII character except the special ones mentioned below).
Its unspecial self. The special characters are . * + ? | ( ) [ { and \\.
any character in the class denoted by a sequence of characters and/or ranges. A range is given by the construct character-character. For example, the character class, [a-zA-Z0-9_], will match any alphameric character or “_”. To be included in the class, a hyphen, “-”, must be escaped (preceded by a “\\”) or appear first or last in the class. A literal “]” must be escaped or appear first in the class. A literal “^” must be escaped if it appears first in the class.
[^ class ]
Either the left RE or the right RE. (left to right alternation)
n occurrences of RE. n must be between 0 and 255, inclusive.
m through n occurrences of RE, inclusive. A missing m is taken to be zero. A missing n denotes m or more occurrences of RE.
The text matching RE is copied into the nth user buffer. n may be 0 through 9. User buffers are cleared before matching begins and loaded only if the entire pattern is matched.
There are three levels of precedence. In order of decreasing binding strength they are:
As indicated above, parentheses are used to give explicit precedence.
Return Values
Upon successful completion, tpsubscribe() returns a handle that can be used to remove this subscription from the EventBroker’s list of active subscriptions. The subscriber or any other process is allowed to use the returned handle to delete this subscription.
Upon failure, tpsubscribe() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpsubscribe() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
Invalid arguments were given (for example, eventexpr is NULL).
Cannot access the Oracle Tuxedo EventBroker.
The subscription failed because the EventBroker’s maximum number of subscriptions has been reached.
The subscription failed because it matched one already listed with the EventBroker.
The client is not attached as tpsysadm and the subscription action is either a service call or the enqueuing of a message.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpsubscribe() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a transactional ATMI call fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpsubscribe() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
buffer(3c), tpenqueue(3c), tppost(3c), tpsetunsol(3c), tpunsubscribe(3c), Fboolco, Fboolco32, Fvboolco, Fvboolco32(3fml), Fboolev, Fboolev32, Fvboolev, Fvboolev32(3fml), EVENTS(5), EVENT_MIB(5), TMSYSEVT(5), TMUSREVT(5), tuxtypes(5), typesw(5), UBBCONFIG(5)
tpsuspend()—Suspends a global transaction.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpsuspend(TPTRANID *tranid, long flags)
tpsuspend() is used to suspend the transaction active in the caller’s process. A transaction begun with tpbegin() may be suspended with tpsuspend(). Either the suspending process or another process may use tpresume() to resume work on a suspended transaction. When tpsuspend() returns, the caller is no longer in transaction mode. However, while a transaction is suspended, all resources associated with that transaction (such as database locks) remain active. Like an active transaction, a suspended transaction is susceptible to the transaction timeout value that was assigned when the transaction first began.
For the transaction to be resumed in another process, the caller of tpsuspend() must have been the initiator of the transaction by explicitly calling tpbegin(). tpsuspend() may also be called by a process other than the originator of the transaction (for example, a server that receives a request in transaction mode). In the latter case, only the caller of tpsuspend() may call tpresume() to resume that transaction. This case is allowed so that a process can temporarily suspend a transaction to begin and do some work in another transaction before completing the original transaction (for example, to run a transaction to log a failure before rolling back the original transaction).
tpsuspend() returns in the space pointed to by tranid the transaction identifier being suspended. The caller is responsible for allocating the space to which tranid points. It is an error for tranid to be NULL.
To ensure success, the caller must have completed all outstanding transactional communication with servers before issuing tpsuspend(). That is, the caller must have received all replies for requests sent with tpacall() that were associated with the caller’s transaction. Also, the caller must have closed all connections with conversational services associated with the caller’s transaction (that is, tprecv() must have returned the TPEV_SVCSUCC event). If either rule is not followed, then tpsuspend() fails, the caller’s current transaction is not suspended and all transactional communication descriptors remain valid. Communication descriptors not associated with the caller’s transaction remain valid regardless of the outcome of tpsuspend().
Currently, flags are reserved for future use and must be set to 0.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpsuspend().
tpsuspend()can take effect in all participated resource managers including those in a multiple resource mangers server group in a global transaction.
Return Value
tpsuspend() returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Under the following conditions, tpsuspend() fails and sets tperrno to:
tranid is a NULL pointer or flags is not 0. The caller’s state with respect to the transaction is not changed.
The caller’s active transaction has been aborted. All communication descriptors associated with the transaction are no longer valid.
tpsuspend() was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is not in transaction mode). The caller’s state with respect to the transaction is not changed.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpacall(3c), tpbegin(3c), tprecv(3c), tpresume(3c), tprmopen(3c), tprmclose(3c), tprmstart(3c), tprmend(3c)
tpsvrdone()—Terminates an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server.
#include <atmi.h>
void tpsvrdone(void)
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server abstraction calls tpsvrdone() after it has finished processing service requests but before it exits. When this routine is invoked, the server is still part of the system but its own services have been unadvertised. Thus, Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system communication can be performed and transactions can be defined in this routine. However, if tpsvrdone() returns with open connections, asynchronous replies pending or while still in transaction mode, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system will close its connections, ignore any pending replies, and abort the transaction before the server exits.
If a server is shut down by the invocation of tmshutdown -y, services are suspended and the ability to perform communication or to begin transactions in tpsvrdone() is limited.
If an application does not provide this routine in a server, then the default version provided by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is called instead. If a server has been defined as a single-threaded server, the default tpsvrdone() calls tpsvrthrdone(), and the default version of tpsvrthrdone() calls tx_close(). If a server has been defined as a multithreaded server, tpsvrthrdone() is called in each server dispatch thread, but is not called from tpsvrdone(). Regardless of whether the server is multithreaded, the default tpsvrdone() calls userlog to indicate that the server is about to exit.
When called in tpsvrdone(), the tpreturn() and tpforward() functions simply return with no effect.
See Also
tpsvrthrdone(3c), tpsvrthrinit(3c), servopts(5)
tpsvrinit()—Initializes an Oracle Tuxedo system server.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpsvrinit(int
argc, char **argv)
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server abstraction calls tpsvrinit() during its initialization. This routine is called after the thread of control has become a server but before it handles any service requests; thus, Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system communication may be performed and transactions may be defined in this routine. However, if tpsvrinit() returns with either open connections or asynchronous replies pending, or while still in transaction mode, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system closes the connections, ignores any pending replies, and aborts the transaction before the server exits.
If an application does not provide this routine in a server, then the default version provided by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is called, instead.
If a server has been defined as a single-threaded server, the default tpsvrinit() calls tpsvrthrinit(), and the default version of tpsvrthrinit() calls tx_open(). If a server has been defined as a multithreaded server, tpsvrthrinit() is called in each server dispatch thread, but is not called from tpsvrinit(). Regardless of whether the server is single-threaded or multithreaded, the default version of tpsvrinit() calls userlog() to indicate that the server started successfully.
Application-specific options can be passed into a server and processed in tpsvrinit() (see servopts(5)). The options are passed through argc and argv. Since getopt() is used in an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system server abstraction, optarg(), optind(), and opterr() may be used to control option parsing and error detection in tpsvrinit().
When invoking tpsvrinit() in your code, avoid long blocking actions. Otherwise, when one remote server in an MP configuration has trouble with tpsvrinit() processing, then tmboot fails to boot the other servers on that node.
If an error occurs in tpsvrinit(), the application can cause the server to exit gracefully (and not take any service requests) by returning -1. The application itself should not call exit().
When tpsvrinit() returns -1, the system does not restart the server. Instead, the administrator must run tmboot to restart the server.
Return Values
A negative return value causes the server to exit gracefully.
When used outside a service routine (for example, in clients, in tpsvrinit(), or in tpsvrdone()), the tpreturn() and tpforward() functions simply return with no effect.
See Also
tpopen(3c), tpsvrdone(3c), tpsvrthrinit(3c), servopts(5)
getopt(3) in a C language reference manual
tpsvrthrdone()—Terminates an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server thread.
#include <atmi.h>
void tpsvrthrdone(void)
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server abstraction calls tpsvrthrdone() during the termination of each thread that has been started to handle dispatched service requests. In other words, even if a thread is terminated before it has handled a request, the tpsvrdone() function is called. When this routine is called, the thread of control is still part of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server, but the thread has finished processing all service requests. Thus, Oracle Tuxedo ATMI communication may be performed and transactions may be defined in this routine. However, if tpsvrthrdone() returns with either open connections or asynchronous replies pending, or while still in transaction mode, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system closes the connections, ignores any pending replies, and aborts the transaction before the server dispatch thread exits.
If an application does not provide this routine in a server, then the default version of tpsvrthrdone() provided by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is called instead. The default version of tpsvrthrdone() calls tx_close().
tpsvrthrdone() is called even in single-threaded servers. In a single-threaded server, tpsvrthrdone() is called from the default version of tpsvrdone(). In a server with the potential for multiple dispatch threads, tpsvrdone() does not call tpsvrthrdone().
When called from tpsvrthrdone(), the tpreturn() and tpforward() functions simply return with no effect.
See Also
tpforward(3c), tpreturn(3c), tpsvrdone(3c), tpsvrthrinit(3c), tx_close(3c), servopts(5)
tpsvrthrinit()—Initializes an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server thread.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpsvrthrinit(int
argc, char **argv)
The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server abstraction calls tpsvrthrinit() during the initialization of each thread that handles dispatched service requests. This routine is called after the thread of control has become part of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server but before the thread handles any service requests. Thus, Oracle Tuxedo ATMI communication may be performed and transactions may be defined in this routine. However, if tpsvrthrinit() returns with either open connections or asynchronous replies pending, or while still in transaction mode, the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system closes the connections, ignores any pending replies, and aborts the transaction before the server dispatch thread exits.
If an application does not provide this routine in a server, then the default version of tpsvrthrinit() provided by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is called instead. The default version of tpsvrthrinit() calls tx_open().
tpsvrthrinit() is called even in single-threaded servers. In a single-threaded server, tpsvrthrinit() is called from the default version of tpsvrinit(). In a server with the potential for multiple dispatch threads, tpsvrinit() does not call tpsvrthrinit().
Application-specific options can be passed into a server and processed in tpsvrthrinit(). For more information about options, see servopts(5). The options are passed argc and argv. Because getopt() is used in an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI server abstraction, optarg(), optind(), and opterr() may be used to control option parsing and error detection in tpsvrthrinit().
If an error occurs in tpsvrthrinit(), the application can cause the server dispatch thread to exit gracefully (and not take any service requests) by returning -1. The application should not call exit() or any operating system thread exit function.
Return Values
A negative return value will cause the server dispatch thread to exit gracefully.
When used outside a service routine (for example, when used in a client or in tpsvrinit(), tpsvrdone(), tpsvrthrinit(), or tpsvrthrdone()), the tpreturn() and tpforward() functions simply return with no effect.
See Also
tpforward(3c), tpreturn(3c), tpsvrthrdone(3c), tpsvrthrinit(3c), tx_open(3c), servopts(5)
getopt(3) in a C language reference manual
tpterm()—Leaves an application.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpterm(void)
tpterm() removes a client from an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system application. If the client is in transaction mode, then the transaction is rolled back. When tpterm() returns successfully, the caller can no longer perform Oracle Tuxedo ATMI client operations. Any outstanding conversations are immediately disconnected.
If tpterm() is called more than once (that is, if it is called after the caller has already left the application), no action is taken and success is returned.
Multithreading and Multicontexting Issues
In good programming practice, all threads but one should either exit or switch context before the single remaining thread issues a call to tpterm(). If this is not done, then the remaining threads are put in a TPINVALIDCONTEXT context. A description of the semantics of this context follows.
When invoked by one thread in a context with which multiple threads are associated, tpterm():
Any thread blocked in an ATMI call when another thread terminates its context will return from the ATMI call with a failure return; tperrno is set to TPESYSTEM. In addition, if tperrordetail() is invoked after such a failure return, it returns TPED_INVALIDCONTEXT.
In a single-context application, whenever a single thread calls tpterm(), the context state for all threads is set to TPNULLCONTEXT.
In a multicontexted application, however, when tpterm() is invoked by one thread, all other threads in the same context are placed in a state such that if they subsequently call most ATMI functions, those functions will, instead, return failure with tperrno set to TPEPROTO. Lists of the functions that are allowed and disallowed in such an invalid context state are provided in “Introduction to the C Language Application-to-Transaction Monitor Interface” on page 9. If a thread in the invalid context state (TPINVALIDCONTEXT) calls the tpgetctxt() function, tpgetctxt() sets the context parameter to TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
A thread may exit from the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state by calling one of the following:
tpsetctxt() with the TPNULLCONTEXT context or another valid context
It is forbidden to call tpsetctxt() with a context of TPINVALIDCONTEXT; doing so results in failure with tperrno set to TPEPROTO. When a thread invokes ATMI functions other than tpsetunsol()that do not require the caller to be associated with an application, these functions behave as if they were invoked in the NULL context. Client applications using unsolicited thread notification should explicitly call tpterm() to terminate the unsolicited notification thread.
After invoking tpterm(), a thread is placed in the TPNULLCONTEXT context. Most ATMI functions invoked by a thread in the TPNULLCONTEXT context perform an implicit tpinit(). Whether or not the call to tpinit() succeeds depends on the usual determining factors, unrelated to context-specific or thread-specific issues.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tpterm() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon success in a single-context application, all threads in the application’s current context are placed in the TPNULLCONTEXT state.
Upon success in a multicontexted application, the calling thread is placed in the TPNULLCONTEXT state and all other threads in the same context as the calling thread are placed in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state. The user may change the context state of the latter threads by running tpsetctxt() with the context argument set to TPNULLCONTEXT or another valid context.
Upon failure, tpterm() leaves the calling process in its original context state, returns -1, and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpterm() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
tpterm() was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is a server).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpinit(3c), tpgetctxt(3c), tpsetctxt(3c), tpsetunsol(3c)
tptypes()—Routine to determine information about a typed buffer.
#include <atmi.h>
long tptypes(char *ptr, char *type, char *subtype)
tptypes() takes as its first argument a pointer to a data buffer and returns the type and subtype of that buffer in its second and third arguments, respectively. ptr must point to a buffer gotten from tpalloc(). If type and subtype are non-NULL, then the function populates the character arrays to which they point with the names of the buffer’s type and subtype, respectively. If the names are of their maximum length (8 for type, 16 for subtype), the character array is not NULL-terminated. If no subtype exists, then the array pointed to by subtype will contain a NULL string.
Note that only the first eight bytes of type and the first 16 bytes of subtype are populated.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tptypes() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
Upon success, tptypes() returns the size of the allocated buffer. Note that this value is the allocated buffer, which is used to save the return data, rather than the length of the return data.
Upon failure, it returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tptypes() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
Invalid arguments were given (for example, ptr does not point to a buffer gotten from \% tpalloc()).
tptypes() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpalloc(3c), tpfree(3c), tprealloc(3c)
tpunadvertise()—Routine for unadvertising a service name.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpunadvertise(char *svcname)
tpunadvertise() allows a server to unadvertise a service that it offers. By default, a server’s services are advertised when it is booted and they are unadvertised when it is shut down.
All servers belonging to a Multiple Server, Single Queue (MSSQ) set must offer the same set of services. These routines enforce this rule by affecting the advertisements of all servers sharing an MSSQ set.
tpunadvertise() removes svcname as an advertised service for the server (or the set of servers sharing the caller’s MSSQ set). svcname cannot be NULL or the NULL string (“”). Also, svcname should be 127 characters or less. (See the *SERVICES section of UBBCONFIG(5)). Longer names will be accepted and truncated to 127 characters. Care should be taken such that truncated names do not match other service names.
Return Values
Upon failure, tpunadvertise() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpunadvertise() sets tperrno to one of the following values:
svcname is NULL or the NULL string (“”).
svcname is not currently advertised by the server.
tpunadvertise() was called in an improper context (for example, by a client).
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tpunsubscribe()—Unsubscribes to an event.
#include <atmi.h>
int tpunsubscribe(long subscription, long flags)
The caller uses tpunsubscribe() to remove an event subscription or a set of event subscriptions from the Oracle Tuxedo EventBroker’s list of active subscriptions. subscription is an event subscription handle returned by tpsubscribe(). Setting subscription to the wildcard value, -1, directs tpunsubscribe() to unsubscribe to all non-persistent subscriptions previously made by the calling process. Non-persistent subscriptions are those made without the TPEVPERSIST bit setting in the ctl−>flags parameter of tpsubscribe(). Persistent subscriptions can be deleted only by using the handle returned by tpsubscribe().
Note that the -1 handle removes only those subscriptions made by the calling process and not any made by previous instantiations of the caller (for example, a server that dies and restarts cannot use the wildcard to unsubscribe to any subscriptions made by the original server).
The following is a list of valid flags:
The subscription is not removed if a blocking condition exists. If such a condition occurs, the call fails and tperrno is set to TPEBLOCK. When TPNOBLOCK is not specified and a blocking condition exists, the caller blocks until the condition subsides or a timeout occurs (either transaction or blocking timeout).
This flag signifies that the caller is willing to block indefinitely and wants to be immune to blocking timeouts. Transaction timeouts may still occur.
If a signal interrupts any underlying system calls, then the interrupted system call is reissued. When TPSIGRSTRT is not specified and a signal interrupts a system call, then tpunsubscribe() fails and tperrno is set to TPGOTSIG.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tpunsubscribe().
Return Values
Upon completion of tpunsubscribe(), tpurcode() contains the number of subscriptions deleted (zero or greater) from the EventBroker’s list of active subscriptions. tpurcode() may contain a number greater than 1 only when the wildcard handle, -1, is used. Also, tpurcode() may contain a number greater than 0 even when tpunsubscribe() completes unsuccessfully (that is, when the wildcard handle is used, the EventBroker may have successfully removed some subscriptions before it encountered an error deleting others).
Upon failure, tpunsubscribe() returns -1 and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
Upon failure, tpunsubscribe() sets tperrno to one of the following values. (Unless otherwise noted, failure does not affect the caller’s transaction, if one exists.)
Invalid arguments were given (for example, subscription is an invalid subscription handle).
Cannot access the Oracle Tuxedo EventBroker.
This error code indicates that either a timeout has occurred or tpunsubscribe() has been attempted, in spite of the fact that the current transaction is already marked rollback only.
If the caller is in transaction mode, then either the transaction is already rollback only or a transaction timeout has occurred. The transaction is marked abort-only. If the caller is not in transaction mode, a blocking timeout has occurred. (A blocking timeout cannot occur if TPNOBLOCK and/or TPNOTIME is specified.)
If a transaction timeout has occurred, then, with one exception, any attempts to send new requests or receive outstanding replies will fail with TPETIME until the transaction has been aborted. The exception is a request that does not block, expects no reply, and is not sent on behalf of the caller’s transaction (that is, tpacall() with TPNOTRAN, TPNOBLOCK, and TPNOREPLY set).
When a transactional ATMI call fails inside a transaction, the transaction is put into the TX_ROLLBACK_ONLY state. This state is treated, for most purposes, as though it were equivalent to a timeout. All further ATMI calls for this transaction (with the exception of those issued in the circumstances described in the previous paragraph) will fail with TPETIME.
A blocking condition exists and TPNOBLOCK was specified.
A signal was received and TPSIGRSTRT was not specified.
tpunsubscribe() was called improperly.
An Oracle Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
An operating system error has occurred.
See Also
tppost(3c), tpsubscribe(3c), EVENTS(5), EVENT_MIB(5), TMSYSEVT(5), TMUSREVT(5)
tputrace()—User-defined trace information application.
#include <atmi.h>
int tputrace (char *trrec, int nest, char *category, char *funcname, int utrtype, va_list args)
tputrace(3c)is a user-defined API the allows flexibility in monitoring and obtaining detailed trace output information (such as full user data content that is passed to or returned from ATMI functions) and defines how and where this information is output. By default, tputrace() outputs trace record information to userlog(3c) if the user does not update or modify otherwise.
tputrace(3c) is called exclusively by specifying the utrace receiver with TMTRACE. For example: TMTRACE=atmi:utrace. Specifying the utrace receiver automatically invokes tputrace(3c)and applies it only to atmi trace category records for output. For more TMTRACE and utrace receiver information, see tmtrace(5) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.
Valid tputrace(3c) arguments are:
Trace information record defined by user. ttrec is always specified as the first argument in tputrace(3c). Outputting trrec to the userlog, produces the same results as tmtrace(5).
Defines the nesting level. Use this if indentations are added to the tputrace(3c) output lines.
Defines the ATMI function category, for example "atmi", "iatmi" or "xa".
Defines the function name. For example, "tpcall" or "tconnect".
Indicates whether tputrace(3c) is called when entering or leaving an ATMI function. Set values as follows: 0 = entering, 1 = leaving.
Define arguments passed to the tputrace(3c) output function. This includes user data or flags passed to ATMI functions. The list of the arguments for each ATMI functions are defined in the tputrace() example implementation in the Example(s) section. The argument list is also available from tmtrace(5) trace information output.
Libutrace Library
A separate Tuxedo library, libutrace, is used in conjunction with tputrace(). The default libutrace is installed in the Tuxedo system shared library directory ($TUXDIR/lib in UNIX and %TUXDIR%\bin in Windows).
Users can also write their own their own custom libutrace library and can install it in either:
the Tuxedo application directory ($APPDIR in UNIX and %APPDIR% in Windows).
If the custom libutrace library is installed in the system directory, it replaces the default libutrace and is used by all Tuxedo clients and servers on the machine. If the custom libutrace library is installed in the application directory, it is used only by the clients and the servers in the application.
Whenever tputrace() is modified, the libutrace library must be recompiled and linked to Tuxedo 9.0 or later. A sample tputrace() source file is located in the $TUXDIR/samples/atmi/libutrace directory.
The Example(s) section further illustrates how to customize tputrace().
The default or custom libutrace library is loaded into every Tuxedo application process, including system servers such as BBL or WSL. This being the case, all Tuxedo system servers consume some amount of memory for loading libutrace. The default libutrace library is very small so memory consumption is negligible. But a custom libutrace can consume a larger amount of memory depending on how much functionality the user adds.
This is example shows the user-level trace information userlog output for the simpcl execution of the Tuxedo simpapp sample program.
In order to customize user-level trace information and output, you must do the following:
Modify tputrace().
Re-compile the libutrace library and link to Tuxedo.
For this example, when TMTRACE=atmi:utrace is specified it writes the contents of the user data and flags passed to the ATMI functions to the Tuxedo userlog.
Listing 1 Simpapp Sample User-Level Trace Information Userlog Output
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: } tpinit = 1
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: { tpalloc("STRING", "", 7)
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: } tpalloc = 0x86a8e8
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: { tpalloc("STRING", "", 7)
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: } tpalloc = 0x87fa20
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: { tpcall(
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: svc="TOUPPER"
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: idata=(0x86a8e8){
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: len=0
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: type="STRING"
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: value="abcdef"
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: }
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: odata=(0x12ff48){
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: data=(0x87fa20){
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: len=0
091206.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: type="STRING"
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: }
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: len=(0x12ff44)0
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: }
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: flags=<none>
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: )
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: { tpservice(
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: svcinfo=(0x5e1518){
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: name="TOUPPER"
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: flags=<none>
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: data=(0x602820){
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: len=7
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: type="STRING"
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: value="abcdef"
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: }
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: cd=0
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: appkey=0
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: cltid=(0x5e154c){1095811926,0,12,0}
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: }
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: )
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: { tpreturn(
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: rval=TPSUCCESS
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: rcode=0
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: data=(0x602820){
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: len=0
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: type="STRING"
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: value="ABCDEF"
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: }
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: flags=<none>
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: )
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: } tpcall(
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: ret=0
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: odata=(0x12ff48){
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: data=(0x881690){
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: len=7
|091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: type="STRING"
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: value="ABCDEF"
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: }
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: len=(0x12ff44)7
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: } tpreturn [long jump]
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: }
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: )
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: { tpfree(0x86a8e8)
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: } tpfree
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: { tpfree(0x881690)
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: } tpfree
091207.HOST1!simpserv.760.2188.0: UTRAC:at: } tpservice
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: { tpterm()
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.0: UTRAC:at: } tpterm = 1
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.-2: UTRAC:at: { tpterm()
091207.HOST1!?proc.1560.1520.-2: UTRAC:at: } tpterm = 1
Return Values
tmutrace(3c) returns 0 when run successfully, and return -1 when a failure occurs.
Failure depends on the tputrace() user-level implementation/customization. The default tputrace() implementation included in Tuxedo 9.0 or later does not cause failure.
See Also
Using the Run-time and User-level tracing utilities in Monitoring Your Oracle Tuxedo Application in Administering an Oracle Tuxedo Application at Run Time
tpxmltofml32()—Converts XML data to FML32 buffers
#include <fml32.h>
int tpxmltofml32 (char *xmlbufp, char *vfile, FBFR32 **fml32bufp, char **rtag, long flags)
This function is used to convert XML buffers to FML32 buffers. It supports the following valid arguments:
This argument is a pointer to valid XML typed buffer input.
The argument is the fully qualified path name of an XML Schema file used to validate XML input. To use this argument, you must set the TPXPARSNSPACE and TPXPARSDOSCHE flags and not set the TPXPARSNEVER flag.
This argument is a pointer to an output FML32 typed buffer created from the input XML.
This argument is a pointer that stores the root element name from the input XML document.
This argument is used in XML to FML/FML32 conversion to map to a Tuxedo 9.x subset of Xerces parser classes (see, XercesParser 2.5 documentation). The following is a list of Tuxedo 9.x valid Xerces parser flags:
Sets setValidationScheme to Val_Never. The parser will not report Schema validation errors.
Sets setValidationScheme to Val_Always. The parser will always report Schema validation errors.
TPXPARSNEVER takes precedent over TPXPARSALWAYS if both arguments are used at the same time.
Sets setValidationSchemaFullChecking to true. This flag allows the user to turn full Schema constraint checking on/off. Only takes effect if Schema validation is enabled. If turned off, partial constraint checking is done. Full schema constraint checking includes those checking that may be time-consuming or memory intensive. Currently, particle unique attribution constraint checking and particle derivation restriction checking are controlled by this option.
Sets setValidationConstraintFatal to true. This flag allows users to set the parser’s behavior when it encounters a validation constraint error. If set to true, and the parser will treat validation error as fatal and will exit depends on the state of getExitOnFirstFatalError. If false, then it will report the error and continue processing.
Sets setDoNamespaces to true. This flag allows users to enable or disable the parser’s namespace processing. When set to true, parser starts enforcing all the constraints and rules specified by the NameSpace specification.
Sets setDoSchema to true. This flag allows users to enable or disable the parser’s schema processing. When set to false, parser will not process any schema found.
Sets setCreateEntityReferencNodes to false. This flag allows the user to specify whether the parser should create entity reference nodes in the DOM tree being produced. When the create flag is true, the parser will create EntityReference nodes in the DOM tree. The EntityReference nodes and their child nodes will be read-only. When the create flag is false, no EntityReference nodes will be created.The replacement text of the entity is included in either case, either as a child of the Entity Reference node or in place at the location of the reference.
Sets setExitOnFirstFatalError to false. This flag allows users to set the parser’s behavior when it encounters the first fatal error. If set to true, the parser will exit at the first fatal error. If false, then it will report the error and continue processing.
Sets setIncludeIgnorableWhitespace to false. This flag allows the user to specify whether a validating parser should include ignorable whitespaces as text nodes. It has no effect on non-validating parsers which always include non-markup text.
When set to false, all ignorable whitespace will be discarded and no text node is added to the DOM tree.
Sets setcacheGrammarFromParse to true. This flag allows users to enable or disable caching of grammar when parsing XML documents. When set to true, the parser will cache the resulting grammar for use in subsequent parses. If the flag is set to true, the Use cached grammar flag will also be set to true.
Resets resetCachedGrammarPool. Resets the documents vector pool and release all the associated memory back to the system.
When parsing a document using a DOM parser, all memory allocated for a DOM tree is associated to the DOM document.
If you do multiple parse using the same DOM parser instance, then multiple DOM documents will be generated and saved in a vector pool. All these documents (and thus all the allocated memory) won't be deleted until the parser instance is destroyed.
If you do not need these DOM documents anymore and do not want to destroy the DOM parser instance at this moment, then you can call this method to reset the document vector pool and release all the allocated memory back to the system. It is an error to call this method if you are in the middle of a parse (for example, a mid progressive parse).
Return Values
Upon success, tpxmltofml32 () returns 0. This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
The function may fail for the following reasons:
Either fml32bufp or xmlbufp is not a valid typed buffer, or parser has problems understanding the input.
A Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3). This will also indicate when a conversion to FML32 was unable to be done. In that instance error detail info will be added to the userlog.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
tpfml32toxml(3c), tpxmltofml(3c),tpfmltoxml(3c)
tpxmltofml()—Converts XML data to FML buffers
#include <fml.h>
int tpxmltofml (char *xmlbufp, char *vfile, FBFR **fmlbufp, char **rtag, long flags)
This function is used to convert XML data to FML buffers. It supports the following valid arguments:
This argument is a pointer to valid XML typed buffer input.
The argument is the fully qualified path name of an XML Schema file used to validate XML input. To use this argument, you must set the TPXPARSNSPACE and TPXPARSDOSCHE flags and not set the TPXPARSNEVER flag.
This argument is a pointer to an output FML typed buffer created from the input XML.
This argument is a pointer that stores the root element name from the input XML document.
This argument is used in XML to FML/FM32L conversion to map to a Tuxedo 9.x subset of Xerces parser classes (see, XercesParser 2.5 documentation). The following is a list of Tuxedo 9.x valid Xerces parser flags:
Sets setValidationScheme to Val_Never. The parser will not report Schema validation errors.
Sets setValidationScheme to Val_Always. The parser will always report Schema validation errors.
TPXPARSNEVER takes precedent over TPXPARSALWAYS if both arguments are used at the same time.
Sets setValidationSchemaFullChecking to true. This flag allows the user to turn full Schema constraint checking on/off. Only takes effect if Schema validation is enabled. If turned off, partial constraint checking is done. Full schema constraint checking includes those checking that may be time-consuming or memory intensive. Currently, particle unique attribution constraint checking and particle derivation restriction checking are controlled by this option.
Sets setValidationConstraintFatal to true. This flag allows users to set the parser’s behavior when it encounters a validation constraint error. If set to true, and the parser will treat validation error as fatal and will exit depends on the state of getExitOnFirstFatalError. If false, then it will report the error and continue processing.
Sets setDoNamespaces to true. This flag allows users to enable or disable the parser’s namespace processing. When set to true, parser starts enforcing all the constraints and rules specified by the NameSpace specification.
Sets setDoSchema to true. This flag allows users to enable or disable the parser’s schema processing. When set to false, parser will not process any schema found.
Sets setCreateEntityReferencNodes to false. This flag allows the user to specify whether the parser should create entity reference nodes in the DOM tree being produced. When the create flag is true, the parser will create EntityReference nodes in the DOM tree. The EntityReference nodes and their child nodes will be read-only. When the create flag is false, no EntityReference nodes will be created.The replacement text of the entity is included in either case, either as a child of the Entity Reference node or in place at the location of the reference.
Sets setExitOnFirstFatalError to false. This flag allows users to set the parser’s behavior when it encounters the first fatal error. If set to true, the parser will exit at the first fatal error. If false, then it will report the error and continue processing.
Sets setIncludeIgnorableWhitespace to false. This flag allows the user to specify whether a validating parser should include ignorable whitespaces as text nodes. It has no effect on non-validating parsers which always include non-markup text.
When set to false, all ignorable whitespace will be discarded and no text node is added to the DOM tree.
Sets setcacheGrammarFromParse to true. This flag allows users to enable or disable caching of grammar when parsing XML documents. When set to true, the parser will cache the resulting grammar for use in subsequent parses. If the flag is set to true, the Use cached grammar flag will also be set to true.
Resets resetCachedGrammarPool. Resets the documents vector pool and release all the associated memory back to the system.
When parsing a document using a DOM parser, all memory allocated for a DOM tree is associated to the DOM document.
If you do multiple parse using the same DOM parser instance, then multiple DOM documents will be generated and saved in a vector pool. All these documents (and thus all the allocated memory) won't be deleted until the parser instance is destroyed.
If you do not need these DOM documents anymore and do not want to destroy the DOM parser instance at this moment, then you can call this method to reset the document vector pool and release all the allocated memory back to the system. It is an error to call this method if you are in the middle of a parse (for example, a mid progressive parse).
Return Values
Upon success, tpxmltofml () returns a 0. This function returns -1 on error and sets tperrno to indicate the error condition.
The function may fail for the following reasons.
Either fml32bufp or xmlbufp is not a valid typed buffer, or parser has problems understanding the input.
A Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3c). This will also indicate when a conversion to FML was unable to be done. In that instance error detail info will be added to the userlog.
An operating system error has occurred. A numeric value representing the system call that failed is available in Uunixerr.
Converting XML Data To and From FML/FML32 Buffers in Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using C
TRY()—Exception-returning interface.
#include <texc.h>

exception_name) handler_block] ...



/* declare exception */

/* initialize address (application) exception */

/* intialize status exception (map status to exception */
exc_set_status(EXCEPTION *
exception_name, long status)

/* map status exception to status */
exc_get_status(EXCEPTION *
exception_name, long *status)

/* compare exceptions */
exc_matches(EXCEPTION *
e1, EXCEPTION *e2)

/* print error to stderr */
void exc_report(EXCEPTION *
The TRY/CATCH interface provides a mechanism to handle exceptions without the use of status variables (for example, errno or status variables passed back from an RPC operation). These macros are defined in texc.h.
The TRY try_block is a block of C or C++ declarations and statements in which an exception may be raised (code that is not associated with raising an exception should be placed before or after the try_block). Each TRY/ENDTRY pair constitutes a “scope,” with respect to exceptions (not unlike C scoping), or a region of code over which exceptions are caught. These scopes can be properly nested. When an exception is raised, an error is reported to the application by searching the active scopes for actions written to handle (“absorb”) an exception (CATCH or CATCH_ALL clauses) or complete the scopes (FINALLY clauses). If a scope does not handle an exception, the scope is torn down with the exception raised at the next higher level (unwinding the stack of exception scopes). Execution resumes at the point after which the exception is handled; there is no provision for resuming execution at the point of error. If the exception is not handled by any scope, the program is terminated (a message is written to the log via userlog(3c) and abort(3) is called).
Zero or more occurrences of CATCH (exception_name) handler_block may be provided. Each handler_block is a block of C or C++ declarations and statements in which the associated exception (exception_name) is processed (normally, actions are specified for recovery from the failure). If an exception is raised by a statement in try_block, then the first CATCH clause that matches the exception is executed.
Within a CATCH or CATCH_ALL handler_block, the current exception can be referenced by the EXCEPTION pointer THIS_CATCH (for example, for logic based on or printing the exception value).
If the exception is not handled by one of the CATCH clauses, then the CATCH_ALL clause is executed. By default, no further action is taken for an exception that is handled by a CATCH or CATCH_ALL clause. If no CATCH_ALL clause exists, then the exception is raised at the try_block at the next higher level, assuming that the try_block is nested within another try_block. If an ANSI C compiler is used, register and automatic variables that are used in the handler blocks should be declared with the volatile attribute (as is true of any blocks that use setjmp/longjmp). Also note that output parameters and return values from the functions that can generate an exception are indeterminate.
Within a CATCH or CATCH_ALL handler_block, the current exception can be propagated to the next higher level (the exception is “reraised”) using the RERAISE statement. The RERAISE statement must appear lexically within the scope of a handler_block (that is, not within a function called by the handler_block). Any exception that is caught but not fully handled should be reraised. In many cases, a CATCH_ALL handler should reraise the exception because the handler is not written to handle every exception. The application should also be written such that an exception is raised to the proper scope such that the handler blocks take the appropriate actions and modify the appropriate state (for example, if an exception occurs while opening a file, the handler function for that level should not try to close the unopened file).
An exception can be raised from anywhere by using the RAISE(exception_name) statement. This statement causes the exception to start propagating at the current try_block and will be reraised until it is handled.
The FINALLY clause can be used to specify an epilogue block of code that is executed after the try_block, whether or not an exception is raised. If an exception is raised in the try_block, it is reraised after the finally_block is executed. This clause can be used to avoid replicating epilogue code twice, once in a CATCH_ALL clause, and again after the ENDTRY. It is normally used to execute cleanup activities, restoring invariants (for example, shared data, locks) as the scopes are unwound, whether or not exceptions are raised (that is, on both normal and abnormal exits from the block). Note (in the “Synopsis” section) that a FINALLY clause cannot be used with a CATCH or CATCH_ALL clause for the same try_block; use nested try_blocks.
The ENDTRY statement must be used to complete the TRY block, since it contains code that must be executed to make sure that exceptions are handled and the context is cleaned up. A try_block, handler_block, or finally_block must not contain a return, non-local jump, or any other means of leaving the block such that the ENDTRY is not reached (for example, goto(), break(), continue(), longjmp()).
This interface is provided to handle exceptions from RPC operations. However, this is a generic interface that can be used for any application. An exception is declared to be of type EXCEPTION. (This is a complex data type; do not try to use it like a long integer.) There are two types of exceptions. They are declared in the same manner but initialized differently.
One type of exception is used to define application exceptions. It is initialized by calling the EXCEPTION_INIT() macro. The address of the exception is stored as the value within the address exception. Note that this value is valid only within a single address space and will change if the exception is an automatic variable. For this reason, an address exception should be declared as a static or external variable, not an automatic or register variable. The exc_get_status() macro will evaluate to -1 for an address exception. Using the exc_set_status() macro on this exception will make it a status exception.
The exc_matches macro can be used to compare two exceptions. To compare equal, the exceptions must both be the same type and have the same value (for example, the same status value for status exceptions, or the same addresses for address exceptions). This comparison is used for the CATCH clause, described above.
When status exceptions are raised, a common part of handling the exception might be to print out the status value, or better yet, a string indicating what status value occurred. If the string is to be printed to the standard error output, then the function exc_report() can be called with a pointer to the status exception to print the string in one operation.
If something else is to be done with the string (for example, printing the error to the user log), exc_get_status() can be used on THIS_CATCH to get the status value (remember that THIS_CATCH is already a pointer to an EXCEPTION, not an EXCEPTION), and dce_error_inq_text() can be used to get the string value associated with the status value.
unsigned long status_to_convert;
unsigned char error_text[200];
int status;

dce_error_inq_text(status_to_convert, error_text, status);
userlog(“%s”, (char *)error_text);
A thread in a multithreaded application may invoke the TRY/CATCH interface while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
When to Use Exception and Status Returns
The status of RPC operations can be determined portably by defining status variables for each operation ([comm_status] and [fault_status] parameters are defined via the Attribute Configuration File). The status-returning interface is the only interface provided in the X/OPEN RPC specification. The fault_status attribute indicates that errors occurring on the server due to incorrectly specified parameter values, resource constraints, or coding errors be reported by an additional status argument or return value. Similarly, the comm_status attribute indicates that RPC communications failures be reported by an additional status argument or return value. Using status values works well for fine-grained error handling (on a per-call basis) with recovery specified for each possible error on each call, and where it is necessary to retry from the point of failure. The disadvantage is that it is not transparent whether or not the call is local or remote. The remote call has additional status parameters, or a status return value instead of being a void return. Thus, the application must have procedure declarations adjusted between local and distributed code.
For application portability from an OSF/DCE environment, the TRY/CATCH exception-returning interface is also provided. This interface may not be provided in all environments. However, it has the advantage that procedure declarations need not be adjusted between local and distributed code, maintaining existing interfaces. The checking for errors can be simplified such that each procedure call does not have specific failure checking or recovery code. If an error is not handled at some level, then the program exits with a system error message such that the error is detected and can be corrected (omissions become more obvious). Exceptions work better for coarse-grained exception handling.
Built-in Exceptions
The exceptions shown in Table 18 are “built-in” to the use of this exception interface. The first TRY clause sets up a signal handler to catch the signals list below if they are not currently ignored or caught; the other exceptions are defined only for DCE program portability.
An unhandled SIGBUS signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGEMT signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGFPE signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGILL signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGIOT signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGPIPE signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGSEGV signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGSYS signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGTRAP signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGXCPU signal occurred.
An unhandled SIGXFSZ signal occurred.
These same exception codes are also defined with the “_e” at the end of the name (for example, exc_e_SIGBUS is also defined as exc_SIGBUS_e). Equivalent status codes are defined with similar names but the “_e_” is changed to “_s_” (for example, exc_e_SIGBUS is equivalent to the exc_s_SIGBUS status code).
In OSF/DCE, the header file is named exc_handling.h; the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system header file is texc.h. It is not possible for the same source file to use both DCE and Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system exception handling. Further, within a program, the handling of signal exceptions can only be done by either DCE or the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system, not both.
The following is an example C source file that uses exceptions:
#include <texc.h>

EXCEPTION badopen_e; /* declare exception for bad open() */

doit(char *filename)
EXCEPTION_INIT(badopen_e); /* initialize exception */
TRY get_and_update_data(filename); /* do the operation */
CATCH(badopen_e) /* exception - open() failed */
fprintf(stderr, “Cannot open %s\en”, filename);
CATCH_ALL /* handle other errors */
/* handle rpc service not available, ... */
* Open output file
* Get the remote data item
* Write out to file
get_and_update_data(char *filename)
FILE *fp;
if ((fp == fopen(filename)) == NULL) /* open output file */
RAISE(badopen_e); /* raise exception */
/* in this block, file is opened successfully -
* use associated FINALLY to close file
long data;
* Execute RPC call - exceptions are raised to the calling
* function, doit()
data = remote_get_data();
fprintf(fp, “%ld\en”, data);
/* Whether or not exceptions are raised, close the file */
See Also
abort(2) in a UNIX system reference manual
Programming Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC
tuxgetenv()—Returns value for environment name.
#include <atmi.h>
char *tuxgetenv(char *name)
tuxgetenv() searches the environment list for a string of the form name=value and, if the string is present, returns a pointer to the value in the current environment. Otherwise, it returns a NULL pointer.
This function provides a portable interface to environment variables across the different platforms on which the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is supported, including those platforms that do not normally have environment variables.
Note that tuxgetenv is case-sensitive.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tuxgetenv() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
If a pointer to the string exists, tuxgetenv() returns that pointer. If a pointer does not exist, tuxgetenv() returns a NULL pointer.
On MS Windows, this function overcomes the inability to share environment variables between an application and a Dynamic Link Library. The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Workstation DLL maintains an environment copy for each application that is attached to it. This associated environment and context information is destroyed when tpterm() is called from a Windows application. The value of an environment variable could be changed after the application program calls tpterm().
It is recommended that uppercase variable names be used for the Windows environments. (tuxreadenv() converts all environment variable names to uppercase.)
See Also
tuxputenv(3c), tuxreadenv(3c)
tuxgetmbaconv()—Gets the value for environment variable TPMBACONV in the process environment.
#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;

tuxgetmbaconv(long flags) /* Get TPMBACONV info */
This function is used for getting the TPMBACONV status. The tuxgetnombaconv() function is used by an application developer to check if the automatic conversion capability of the typed switch buffers is turned off. By default the TPMBACONV is not set and automatic conversion functions are used.
The flags argument is not currently used and should be set to 0.
Return Values
tuxgetnombaconv() returns MBAUTOCONVERSION_ON if the TPMBACONV is set and MBAUTOCONVERSION_OFF if TPMBACONV is not set.
See Also
tuxgetenv(3c), tuxsetmbaconv(3c)
tuxgetmbenc()—Gets the code-set encoding name for environment variable TPMBENC in the process environment.
#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;

tuxgetmbenc(char *enc_name, long flags)
This function is used for getting the codeset encoding name that is contained in the TPMBENC environment variable. This environment variable is automatically used as the default codeset encoding name when an MBSTRING typed buffer is created. The default encoding name can be reset or unset using the tpsetmbenc() function once the new message is available.
The enc_name argument will contain the value of the TPMBENC environment variable upon successful execution of this function. This pointer should be large enough for the encoding name to be copied into.
The flags argument is not currently used and should be set to 0.
Return Values
Upon success, tuxgetmbenc() returns 0; otherwise, it returns a non-zero value on error.
See Also
tpconvmb(3c), tpgetmbenc(3c), tpsetmbenc(3c), tuxgetenv(3c), tuxsetmbenc(3c)
tuxputenv()—Changes or adds a value to the environment.
#include <atmi.h>
int tuxputenv(char *string)
string points to a string of the form “name=value.” tuxputenv() makes the value of the environment variable name equal to value by altering an existing variable or creating a new one. In either case, the string pointed to by string becomes part of the environment.
This function provides a portable interface to environment variables across different platforms on where Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is supported (including those platforms that do not normally have environment variables).
tuxputenv() is case-sensitive.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tuxputenv() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Return Values
If tuxputenv() cannot obtain enough space, via malloc(), for an expanded environment, it returns a non-zero integer. Otherwise, it returns zero.
On MS Windows, this function overcomes the inability to share environment variables between an application and a Dynamic Link Library. The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system Workstation DLL maintains an environment copy for each application that is attached to it. This associated environment and context information is destroyed when tpterm() is called from a Windows application. The value of an environment variable could be changed after the application program calls tpterm().
We recommend using uppercase variable names for the DOS, Windows, and OS/2, environments. (tuxreadenv() converts all environment variable names to uppercase.)
See Also
tuxgetenv(3c), tuxreadenv(3c)
tuxreadenv()—Adds variables to the environment from a file.
#include <atmi.h>
int tuxreadenv(char *file, char *label)
tuxreadenv() reads a file containing environment variables and adds them to the environment, independent of platform. These variables are available using tuxgetenv() and can be reset using tuxputenv().
The format of the environment file is as follows:
set variable=value
where variable must begin with an alphabetic or underscore character and contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters, and value may contain any character except newline.
Within the value, strings of the form ${env} are expanded using variables already in the environment (forward referencing is not supported and if a value is not set, the variable is replaced with the empty string). Backslash (\) may be used to escape the dollar sign and itself. All other shell quoting and escape mechanisms are ignored and the expanded value is placed into the environment.
where label follows the same rules for variable above (lines with invalid label values are ignored).
If file is NULL, then a default filename is used. The fixed filenames are as follows:
MAC: TUXEDO.ENV in the system preferences directory
POSIX: /usr/tuxedo/TUXEDO.ENV
or /var/opt/tuxedo/TUXEDO.ENV
If label is NULL, then only variables in the global section are put into the environment. For other values of label, the global section variables plus any variables in a section matching the label are put into the environment.
An error message is printed to the userlog() if there is a memory failure, if a non-NULL filename does not exist, or if a non-NULL label does not exist.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to tuxreadenv() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
The following is an example environment file.
;this is a comment
/* this is a comment */
#this is a comment
//this is a comment
Return Values
If tuxreadenv()cannot obtain enough space, via malloc(), for an expanded environment, or if it cannot open and read a file with a non-NULL name, it returns a non-zero integer. Otherwise, tuxreadenv() returns zero.
In the DOS, Windows, OS/2, and NetWare environments, tuxreadenv() converts all environment variable names to uppercase.
See Also
tuxgetenv(3c), tuxputenv(3c)
tuxsetmbaconv()—Sets the value for environment variable TPMBACONV in the process environment.
#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;

tuxsetmbaconv(int onoff, long flags) /* Set TPMBACONV */
This function is used for setting or resetting the TPMBACONV environment variable. By default TPMBACONV is not set and automatic conversion functions are used.
The onoff argument is equal to MBAUTOCONVERSION_OFF to unset TPMBACONV and turn off auto-conversions. It is equal to MBAUTOCONVERSION_ON to set TPMBACONV and turn on the typed switch buffers auto-conversion of codeset multi-byte data.
The flags argument is not currently used and should be set to 0.
Return Values
Upon success, tuxsetnombaconv() returns 0; otherwise, it returns a non-zero value on error. (for example, it returns -1 if the onoff arg is not one of the defined values).
See Also
tuxgetmbaconv(3c), tuxputenv(3c)
tuxsetmbenc()—Sets the code-set encoding name for environment variable TPMBENC in the process environment.
#include <atmi.h>
extern int tperrno;

tuxsetmbenc(char *enc_name, long flags)
This function is used for setting or resetting the codeset encoding name that is contained in the TPMBENC environment variable. This environment variable is automatically used as the default codeset encoding name when an MBSTRING typed buffer is created. This default encoding name can be reset or unset using the tpsetmbenc() function once the new message is available.
The enc_name argument is the encoding name to use to identify the codeset.
The flags argument is not currently used and should be set to 0.
Return Values
Upon success, tuxsetmbenc() returns 0; otherwise, it returns a non-zero value on error.
See Also
tpconvmb(3c), tpgetmbenc(3c), tpsetmbenc(3c), tuxgetmbenc(3c), tuxputenv(3c)
tuxthrputenv()—Changes or adds an environment variable for the current thread.
#include <atmi.h>
int tuxthrputenv(char *string
string points to a string of the form “name=value.”tuxthrputenv() makes the value of the environment variable name equal to value by altering an existing variable or creating a new one. In either case, the string pointed to by string becomes part of the environment.
This function provides a portable interface to environment variables across different platforms where the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system is supported (including those platforms that do not normally have environment variables). It allows a thread in a multithreaded application to use its own environment variables.
tuxthrputenv works only when it is read by tuxgetenv(). If getenv is used, tuxthrputenv fails.
tuxthrputenv() is case-sensitive, it overrides the tuxputenv set value.
Return Values
If tuxthrputenv() cannot obtain enough space via malloc()for an expanded environment, it returns a non-zero integer. Otherwise, it returns zero.
On MS Windows, tuxthrputenv() overcomes the inability to share environment variables between an application and a Dynamic Link Library. The Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system Workstation DLL maintains an environment copy for each application that is attached to it. This associated environment and context information is destroyed when tpterm() is called from a Windows application. The value of an environment variable could be changed after the application program calls tpterm().
It is recommended that you use uppercase variable names for the DOS, Windows, and OS/2, environments. (tuxreadenv() converts all environment variable names to uppercase.)
See Also
tuxgetenv(3c), tuxreadenv(3c), tuxputenv(3c)
tx_begin()—Begins a global transaction.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_begin(void)
tx_begin() is used to place the calling thread of control in transaction mode. The calling thread must first ensure that its linked resource managers have been opened (via tx_open()) before it can start transactions. tx_begin() fails (returning [TX_PROTOCOL_ERROR]) if the caller is already in transaction mode or tx_open() has not been called.
Once in transaction mode, the calling thread must call tx_commit() or tx_rollback() to complete its current transaction. There are certain cases related to transaction chaining where tx_begin() does not need to be called explicitly to start a transaction. See tx_commit() and tx_rollback() for details.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_begin().
Optional Set-up
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_begin() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_begin() fails and returns one of these negative values:
The transaction manager is unable to start a global transaction because the calling thread of control is currently participating in work outside any global transaction with one or more resource managers. All such work must be completed before a global transaction can be started. The caller’s state with respect to the local transaction is unchanged.
The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is already in transaction mode). The caller’s state with respect to transaction mode is unchanged.
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a transient error trying to start a new transaction. When this error is returned, the caller is not in transaction mode. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager and/or one or more of the resource managers can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. When this error is returned, the caller is not in transaction mode. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
tx_commit(3c), tx_open(3c), tx_rollback(3c), tx_set_transaction_timeout(3c)
XA-compliant resource managers must be successfully opened to be included in the global transaction. (See tx_open(3c) for details.) Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_close()—Closes a set of resource managers.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_close(void)
tx_close() closes a set of resource managers in a portable manner. It invokes a transaction manager to read resource-manager-specific information in a transaction-manager-specific manner and pass this information to the resource managers linked to the caller.
tx_close() closes all resource managers to which the caller is linked. This function is used in place of resource-manager-specific “close” calls and allows an application program to be free of calls which may hinder portability. Since resource managers differ in their termination semantics, the specific information needed to “close” a particular resource manager must be published by each resource manager.
tx_close() should be called when an application thread of control no longer wishes to participate in global transactions. tx_close() fails (returning [TX_PROTOCOL_ERROR]) if the caller is in transaction mode. That is, no resource managers are closed even though some may not be participating in the current transaction.
When tx_close() returns success (TX_OK), all resource managers linked to the calling thread are closed.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_close().
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_close() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_close() fails and returns one of these negative values:
The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is in transaction mode). No resource managers are closed.
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a transient error. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file. All resource managers that could be closed are closed.
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager and/or one or more of the resource managers can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_commit()—Commits a global transaction.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_commit(void)
tx_commit() is used to commit the work of the transaction active in the caller’s thread of control.
If the transaction_control characteristic (see tx_set_transaction_control(3c)) is TX_UNCHAINED, then when tx_commit() returns, the caller is no longer in transaction mode. However, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, then when tx_commit() returns, the caller remains in transaction mode on behalf of a new transaction (see the Return Value and Errors sections below).
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_commit().
Optional Set-up
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_commit() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_commit() fails and returns one of these negative values:
The current transaction committed successfully; however, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value may occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
The current transaction could not commit and has been rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, a new transaction is started.
The transaction could not commit and has been rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
The work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, a new transaction is started.
The work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
Due to a failure, some of the work done on behalf of the transaction may have been committed and some of it may have been rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, a new transaction is started.
Due to a failure, some of the work done on behalf of the transaction may have been committed and some of it may have been rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is not in transaction mode). The caller’s state with respect to transaction mode is not changed.
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager and/or one or more of the resource managers can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file. The caller’s state with respect to the transaction is unknown.
See Also
tx_begin(3c), tx_set_commit_return(3c), tx_set_transaction_control(3c), tx_set_transaction_timeout(3c)
Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_info()—Returns global transaction information.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_info(TXINFO *info)
tx_info() returns global transaction information in the structure pointed to by info. In addition, this function returns a value indicating whether the caller is currently in transaction mode or not. If info is non-NULL, then tx_info() populates a TXINFO structure pointed to by info with global transaction information. The TXINFO structure contains the following elements:
XID xid;
COMMIT_RETURN when_return;
TRANSACTION_CONTROL transaction_control;
TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT transaction_timeout;
TRANSACTION_STATE transaction_state;
If tx_info() is called in transaction mode, then xid will be populated with a current transaction branch identifier and transaction_state will contain the state of the current transaction. If the caller is not in transaction mode, xid will be populated with the NULL XID (see the tx.h file for details). In addition, regardless of whether the caller is in transaction mode, when_return, transaction_control, and transaction_timeout contain the current settings of the commit_return and transaction_control characteristics, and the transaction timeout value in seconds.
The transaction timeout value returned reflects the setting that will be used when the next transaction is started. Thus, it may not reflect the timeout value for the caller’s current global transaction since calls made to tx_set_transaction_timeout() after the current transaction was begun may have changed its value.
If info is NULL, no TXINFO structure is returned.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_info().
Return Value
If the caller is in transaction mode, then 1 is returned. If the caller is not in transaction mode, then 0 is returned.
Under the following conditions, tx_info() fails and returns one of these negative values:
The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller has not yet called tx_open()).
The transaction manager encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
tx_open(3c), tx_set_commit_return(3c), tx_set_transaction_control(3c), tx_set_transaction_timeout(3c)
Within the same global transaction, subsequent calls to tx_info() are guaranteed to provide an XID with the same gtrid component, but not necessarily the same bqual component. Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_open()—Opens a set of resource managers.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_open(void)
tx_open() opens a set of resource managers in a portable manner. It invokes a transaction manager to read resource-manager-specific information in a transaction-manager-specific manner and pass this information to the resource managers linked to the caller.
tx_open() attempts to open all resource managers that have been linked with the application. This function is used in place of resource-manager-specific “open” calls and allows an application program to be free of calls which may hinder portability. Since resource managers differ in their initialization semantics, the specific information needed to “open” a particular resource manager must be published by each resource manager.
If tx_open() returns TX_ERROR, then no resource managers are open. If tx_open() returns TX_OK, some or all of the resource managers have been opened. Resource managers that are not open will return resource-manager-specific errors when accessed by the application. tx_open() must successfully return before a thread of control participates in global transactions.
Once tx_open() returns success, subsequent calls to tx_open() (before an intervening call to tx_close()) are allowed. However, such subsequent calls will return success, and the TM will not attempt to reopen any RMs.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_open().
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_open() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_open() fails and returns one of these negative values:
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a transient error. No resource managers are open. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a fatal error. TX_FAIL is returned if tpinit() is not called before the call to tx_open in a secure application (SECURITY APP_PW). The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager and/or one or more of the resource managers can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_rollback()—Rolls back a global transaction.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_rollback(void)
tx_rollback() is used to roll back the work of the transaction active in the caller’s thread of control.
If the transaction_control characteristic (see tx_set_transaction_control(3c)) is TX_UNCHAINED, then when tx_rollback() returns, the caller is no longer in transaction mode. However, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, then when tx_rollback() returns, the caller remains in transaction mode on behalf of a new transaction (see the Return Value and Errors sections below).
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_rollback().
Optional Set-up
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_rollback() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_rollback() fails and returns one of these negative values:
The current transaction rolled back; however, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value may occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
The work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, a new transaction is started.
The work done on behalf of the transaction was partially committed and partially rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
Due to a failure, some of the work done on behalf of the transaction may have been committed and some of it may have been rolled back. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, a new transaction is started.
Due to a failure, some of the work done on behalf of the transaction may have been committed and some of it may have been rolled back. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
The work done on behalf of the transaction was heuristically committed. In addition, if the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED, a new transaction is started.
The work done on behalf of the transaction was heuristically committed. In addition, a new transaction could not be started and the caller is no longer in transaction mode. This return value can occur only when the transaction_control characteristic is TX_CHAINED.
The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller is not in transaction mode).
Either the transaction manager or one or more of the resource managers encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager and/or one or more of the resource managers can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file. The caller’s state with respect to the transaction is unknown.
See Also
tx_begin(3c), tx_set_transaction_control(3c), tx_set_transaction_timeout(3c)
Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_set_commit_return()—Sets the commit_return characteristic.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_set_commit_return(COMMIT_RETURN when_return)
tx_set_commit_return() sets the commit_return characteristic to the value specified in when_return. This characteristic affects the way tx_commit() behaves with respect to returning control to its caller. tx_set_commit_return() may be called regardless of whether its caller is in transaction mode. This setting remains in effect until changed by a subsequent call to tx_set_commit_return().
The initial setting for this characteristic is TX_COMMIT_COMPLETED.
The following are the valid settings for when_return:
This flag indicates that tx_commit() should return after the commit decision has been logged by the first phase of the two-phase commit protocol but before the second phase has completed. This setting allows for faster response to the caller of tx_commit(). However, there is a risk that a transaction will have a heuristic outcome, in which case the caller will not find out about this situation via return codes from tx_commit(). Under normal conditions, participants that promise to commit during the first phase will do so during the second phase. In certain unusual circumstances however (for example, long-lasting network or node failures), phase 2 completion may not be possible and heuristic results may occur.
This flag indicates that tx_commit() should return after the two-phase commit protocol has finished completely. This setting allows the caller of tx_commit() to see return codes that indicate that a transaction had or may have had heuristic results.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_set_commit_return().
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_set_commit_return() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_set_commit_return() does not change the setting of the commit_return characteristic and returns one of these negative values:
The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller has not yet called tx_open()).
The transaction manager encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
tx_commit(3c), tx_info(3c), tx_open(3c)
Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_set_transaction_control()—Sets the transaction_control characteristic.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_set_transaction_control(TRANSACTION_CONTROL control)
tx_set_transaction_control() sets the transaction_control characteristic to the value specified in control. This characteristic determines whether tx_commit() and tx_rollback() start a new transaction before returning to their caller. tx_set_transaction_control() may be called regardless of whether the application program is in transaction mode. This setting remains in effect until changed by a subsequent call to tx_set_transaction_control().
The initial setting for this characteristic is TX_UNCHAINED.
The following are the valid settings for control:
This flag indicates that tx_commit() and tx_rollback() should not start a new transaction before returning to their caller. The caller must issue tx_begin() to start a new transaction.
This flag indicates that tx_commit() and tx_rollback() should start a new transaction before returning to their caller.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_set_transaction_control().
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_set_transaction_control() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_set_transaction_control() does not change the setting of the transaction_control characteristic and returns one of these negative values:
control is not one of TX_UNCHAINED or TX_CHAINED.
The function was called in an improper context (for example, the caller has not yet called tx_open()).
The transaction manager encountered a fatal error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
tx_begin(3c), tx_commit(3c), tx_info(3c), tx_open(3c), tx_rollback(3c)
Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
tx_set_transaction_timeout()—Sets the transaction_timeout characteristic.
#include <tx.h>
int tx_set_transaction_timeout(TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT timeout)
tx_set_transaction_timeout() sets the transaction_timeout characteristic to the value specified in timeout. This value specifies the time period in which the transaction must complete before becoming susceptible to transaction timeout; that is, the interval between the AP calling tx_begin() and tx_commit() or tx_rollback(). tx_set_transaction_timeout() may be called regardless of whether its caller is in transaction mode or not. If tx_set_transaction_timeout() is called in transaction mode, the new timeout value does not take effect until the next transaction.
The initial transaction_timeout value is 0 (no timeout).
timeout specifies the number of seconds allowed before the transaction becomes susceptible to transaction timeout. It may be set to any value up to the maximum value for a long as defined by the system. A timeout value of zero disables the timeout feature.
In a multithreaded application, a thread in the TPINVALIDCONTEXT state is not allowed to issue a call to tx_set_transaction_timeout().
Return Value
Upon successful completion, tx_set_transaction_timeout() returns TX_OK, a non-negative return value.
Under the following conditions, tx_set_transaction_timeout() does not change the setting of the transaction_timeout characteristic and returns one of these negative values:
The timeout value specified is invalid.
The function was called improperly. For example, it was called before the caller called tx_open().
The transaction manager encountered an error. The nature of the error is such that the transaction manager can no longer perform work on behalf of the application. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.
See Also
tx_begin(3c), tx_commit(3c), tx_info(3c), tx_open(3c), tx_rollback(3c)
Both the X/Open TX interface and the X-Windows system define the type XID. It is not possible to use both X-Windows calls and TX calls in the same file.
userlog()—Writes a message to the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system central event log.
#include “userlog.h”
extern char *proc_name;

int userlog (format [ ,arg] . . .)
char *format;
userlog() accepts a printf(3S) style format specification, with a fixed output file—the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system central event log.
The central event log is an ordinary UNIX file whose pathname is composed as follows. When attached to a native Tuxedo application, the value of the TUXCONFIG parameter ULOGPFX is used as the prefix for the filename. If ULOGPFX is not set in TUXCONFIG, $APPDIR/ULOG is used. The prefix is determined at tpinit() time or at server boot time. When not attached to a native Tuxedo application, the value of the environment variable ULOGPFX is used as the prefix for the filename. If ULOGPFX is not set, ULOG is used. The prefix is determined the first time userlog() is called. Each time userlog() is called the date is determined, and the month, day, and year are concatenated to the prefix as mmddyy to set the name for the file. The first time a process writes to the user log, it first writes an additional message indicating the associated Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system version.
The message is then appended to the file. With this scheme, processes that call userlog() on successive days will write into different files.
Messages are appended to the log file with a tag made up of the time (hhmmss), system name, process name, and process ID, thread ID, and context ID of the calling process. The tag is terminated with a colon (:). The name of the process is taken from the pathname of the external variable proc_name. If proc_name has value NULL, the printed name is set to ?proc.
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system-generated error messages in the log file are prefixed by a unique identification string of the form:
This string gives the name of the internationalized catalog containing the message string, plus the message number. By convention, Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system-generated error messages are used only once, so the string uniquely identifies a location in the source code.
If the last character of the format specification is not a newline character, userlog() appends one.
userlog() is used by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system to record a variety of events.
The userlog mechanism is entirely independent of any database transaction logging mechanism.
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to userlog() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Environment Variables
This environment variable is as described above in Description.
An on/off switch environment variable that time stamps messages sent to the userlog file in millisecond time intervals instead of seconds. If not specified, default time stamping is in seconds. The server must be rebooted when ULOGMILLISEC is turned on or off.
An on/off switch environment variable that specifies the userlog rotation file size. The default rotation file size is 2GB. The server must be rebooted when ULOGRTNSIZE is turned on or off.
Example: ULOGRTNSIZE=1000000 (when the file size is 1Mb)
Rotated files are saved in using the following syntax: filename.nn.
ULOG.083103.1, ULOG.083103.2 ... ULOG.083103.10, etc.
If ULOGRTNSIZE is not specified, file rotation does not take place.
An environment variable that allows a process to send itself a specific signal when a userlog message matches a certain regular expression.
A valid value is of the form TUX_SIGNAL_ULOGPATTERN=<var>signal_number</var>:<var>regular_expression</var> where <var>signal_number</var> is a positive integer and the <var>regular_expression</var> format is as described on the <code>tpsub scribe(3c)</code> manual page.
The regular expression is matched against the userlog message after adding the timestamp, machine name, process and transaction information. This matching is done for all userlog messages except for messages generated within userlog() itself. For example:
This setting will cause a process to send itself signal 6 (SIGABRT) immediately after the userlog of any memory allocation error message. The default signal disposition is to dump a core and exit, which might be useful in debugging why the memory allocation failure happened.
If the first character of the environment variable ULOGDEBUG is 1 or y, the message sent to userlog() is also written to the standard error of the calling process, using the fprintf(3S) function.
If the variable ULOGPFX is set to /application/logs/log and if the first call to userlog() occurred on 9/7/90, the log file created is named /application/logs/log.090790. If the call:
userlog(“UNKNOWN USER '%s' (UID=%d)”, usrname, UID);
is made at 4:22:14pm on the UNIX system file named m1 by the sec program, whose process-id is 23431, and the variable usrname contains the string “sxx”, and the variable UID contains the integer 123, the following line appears in the log file:
162214.m1!sec.23431: UNKNOWN USER 'sxx' (UID=123)
If the message is sent to the central event log while the process is in transaction mode, the user log entry has additional components in the tag. These components consist of the literal gtrid followed by three long hexadecimal integers. The integers uniquely identify the global transaction and make up what is referred to as the global transaction identifier. This identifier is used mainly for administrative purposes, but it does make an appearance in the tag that prefixes the messages in the central event log. If the foregoing message is written to the central event log in transaction mode, the resulting log entry will look like this:
162214.logsys!security.23431: gtrid x2 x24e1b803 x239: UNKNOWN USER 'sxx' (UID=123)
If the shell variable ULOGDEBUG has a value of y, the log message is also written to the standard error of the program named security.
userlog() hangs if the message sent to it is larger than BUFSIZ as defined in stdio.h
userlog() returns the number of characters output, or a negative value if an output error was encountered. Output errors include the inability to open, or write to the current log file. Inability to write to the standard error, when ULOGDEBUG is set, is not considered an error.
It is recommended that applications’ use of userlog() messages be limited to messages that can be used to help debug application errors; flooding the log with incidental information can make it hard to spot actual errors.
See Also
printf(3S) in a UNIX system reference manual
Using Log Files to Monitor Activity in Monitoring Your Oracle Tuxedo Application in Administering an Oracle Tuxedo Application at Run Time
Usignal()—Signal handling in an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system environment.
#include “Usignal.h”


int (*Usignal(sig,func)()
int sig;
int (*func)();

void Usiginit()
Many of the facilities provided by the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system software require concurrent access to data structures in shared memory. Processes accessing the shared data structures run in user mode, and are thus interruptible by signals sent to them. In order to ensure the consistency of the shared data structures, it is important that the operations which access them not be interrupted by the receipt of certain UNIX signals. The functions described in this section provide protection against the most common signals, and are used internally by much of the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system code. Additionally, they are available to applications to prevent the untimely arrival of a signal.
The idea behind the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system signal handling package is that signals should be deferrable while in critical code sections. To this end, signals are not immediately processed when received. Instead, an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system routine first catches the sent signal. If it is safe to process the signal, the specified action for the signal is taken. If it is not safe to process the signal when it arrives, the arrival is noted, but the processing is deferred until the user indicates that the critical section of code has been terminated.
We recommend against any use of signals in multithreaded programs, although the software does not prevent such usage. If signals are used, however, a thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to Usignal() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
Catching Signals
User code that uses calls rmopen() or tpinit() should catch signals through the use of the Usignal() function. Usignal() behaves like the UNIX signal() system call, except that Usignal() first arranges for the signal to be caught by an internal routine before dispatching the user routine.
Deferring and Restoring Signals
The calls described in this section need only be used if application code wishes to defer signals. In general, these routines are called automatically by Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system routines to protect themselves from untimely signal arrival.
Before deferring or restoring signals, the mechanism must be initialized. This is done automatically for Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system clients when they call tpinit() and for Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system servers. It is also done the first time that the application calls Usignal(). It can be done explicitly by calling Usiginit().
The UDEFERSIGS() macro should be used when entering a section of critical code. After UDEFERSIGS() is called, signals are held in a pending state. The URESUMESIGS() macro should be invoked when the critical section is exited. Note that signal deferrals stack. The stack is implemented via a counter which is initially set to zero. When signals are deferred by a call to UDEFERSIGS(), the counter is incremented. When signals are resumed, by a call to URESUMESIGS(), the counter is decremented. If a signal arrives while the counter is non-zero, the processing of the signal is deferred. If the counter is zero when the signal arrives, the signal is processed immediately. If signal resumption causes the counter to be become zero (that is, prior to the resumption it had value 1), any signals that arrived during the deferral period are processed. In general, each call to UDEFERSIGS() should have a counterpart call to URESUMESIGS().
UDEFERSIGS increments the deferral counter, but returns the value of the counter prior to its incrementation. The macro UENSURESIGS() may be used to explicitly set the deferral counter to zero (and thus force the processing of deferred signals), in case the user wishes to protect against unmatching UDEFERSIGS() and URESUMESIGS().
The function UGDEFERLEVEL() returns the current setting of the deferral counter. The macro USDEFERLEVEL(level) allows the setting of a specific deferral level. UGDEFERLEVEL() and USDEFERLEVEL() are useful to set the counter appropriately in setjmp/longjmp situations where a set of deferrals/resumes are bypassed. The idea is to save the value of the counter when setjmp() is called, via a call to UGDEFERLEVEl(), and to restore it via a call to USDEFERLEVel() when the longjmp() is performed.
Usignal provides signal deferral for the following signals: SIGHUP,SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGALRM, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, and SIGUSR2. Handling requests for all other signal numbers are passed directly to signaL() by Usignal(). Signals may be deferred for a considerable time. For this reason, during signal deferral, individual signal arrivals are counted. When it is safe to process a signal that may have arrived many times, the signal’s processing routine is iteratively called to process each arrival of the signal. Before each call the default action for the signal is instantiated. The idea is to handle the deferred occurrences of the signal as if they happened in quick succession in safe code.
In general, users should not mix calls to signaL() and UsignaL() for the same signal. The recommended procedure is to go through Usignal(), so that it is always aware of the state of the signal. Sometimes it may be necessary, such as when an application wants to use alarms within Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system services. To do this, UsiginiT() should be called to initialize the signal deferring mechanism. Then signaL() can be called to override the mechanism for the desired signal. To restore the deferring mechanism for the signal, it is necessary to call UsignaL() for the signal with SIG_IGN, and then again with the desired signal-handling function.
The shell variable UIMMEDSIGS can be used to override the deferral of signals. If the value of this variable begins with the letter y as in:
signals are not intercepted (and thus not deferred) by the Usignal() code. In such a case, a call to Usignal() is passed immediately to signaL().
Usignal is not available under DOS operating systems.
See Also
signal(2) in a UNIX system reference manual
Uunix_err()—Prints a UNIX system call error.
#include Uunix.h

void Uunix_err(s)
char *s;
When an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system function calls a UNIX system call that detects an error, an error is returned. The external integer Uunixerr() is set to a value (as defined in Uunix.h) that identifies the system call that returned the error. In addition, the system call sets errno() to a value (as defined in errno.h) that tells why the system call failed.
The Uunix_err() function is provided to produce a message on the standard error output, describing the last system call error encountered during a call to an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI system function. It takes one argument, a string. The function prints the argument string, then a colon and a blank, followed by the name of the system call that failed, the reason for failure, and a newline. To be of most use, the argument string should include the name of the program that incurred the error. The system call error number is taken from the external variable Uunixerr(), the reason is taken from errno(). Both variables are set when errors occur. They are not cleared when non-erroneous calls are made.
To simplify variant formatting of messages, the array of message strings:
extern char *Uunixmsg[];
is provided; Uunixerr() can be used as an index into this table to get the name of the system call that failed (without the newline).
A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to Uunix_err() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.
#include Uunix.h
extern int Uunixerr, errno;

if((fd=open(“myfile”, 3, 0660)) == -1)
Uunixerr = UOPEN;

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