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Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Commands

Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator Commands
The following sections explain the commands and utilities used for the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator:
reinit_agent all | logical_agent_name [logical_agent_name]
Causes the specified agents to re-read their configuration file. This utility must be run with root permissions. Using the all argument causes all SNMP agents to re-initialize. For all SNMP agents other than tux_snmpd, logical_agent_name is the name of the executable.
For example, the command:
reinit_agent snmp_integrator
causes the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator to re-read its configuration file.
snmp_integrator [-d] [-n] [-p port | -r smux_port]
ipaddr_list | hostname_list ]
Causes the program to display a message for each SNMP/SMUX packet sent or received.
The program is not run as a daemon (UNIX only).
-p port
Specifies the UDP port on which the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator listens for SNMP requests (default: 161/udp).
-r smux_port
Specifies the TCP port used to communicate with SMUX subagents (default: 199/tcp).
-b ipaddr_list | hostname_list
If the machine where the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator is running has multiple IP addresses, by default the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator listens on all IP addresses. The -b option can be used to specify a subset of IP addresses to monitor for incoming SNMP requests.
Can consist of a single IP address or a blank-separated list of IP addresses.
Can consist of one host name or a blank-separated list of host names.
For example, if the machine on which the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator is running has the following IP addresses:
you can configure the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator to only service requests addressed to by starting it with the following command:
snmp_integrator -b
The snmp_integrator file is the SNMP Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator executable. It allows multiple SNMP agents and SMUX subagents from any vendor to coexist on the same node and to appear as a single SNMP agent to any SNMP manager.
The Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator can simultaneously support any number of:
Also, the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator can coexist on the standard SNMP port (161/udp) with any other SNMP agent. It directly supports the SMUX MIB (RFC 1227) in addition to the MIB-II system(1) and snmp(3) groups.
When the program is running as an SNMP agent, it generates a coldStart trap to the host specified by the TRAP_HOST entry in the beamgr.conf file at startup. If there is no TRAP_HOST entry, the trap is sent to UDP port 162 on the host where the utility is running, with a community defined as public.
Read-write and read-only communities supported by the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator can be specified in the beamgr_snmpd.conf file. By default, read-only community is public and read-write community is iview.
Using the beamgr_snmpd.conf file, you can configure the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator to expect a password from SMUX subagents that register with it.
On Windows Systems
Messages displayed with the -d argument are sent to the Event Log.
The -n argument has no effect.
On UNIX Systems
The -d argument is usually used for debugging purposes when the program is executed on the command line. Messages displayed are sent to the standard output of the program. If the program is started by init(1M), the destination of these messages is determined by the UNIX platform and version. These messages are most frequently sent to the console.
The -n argument is usually used when the program is started by init(1M) with the respawn option.
stop_agent logical_agent_name | all [logical_agent_name]
Stops all SNMP agents.
For all SNMP agents other than tux_snmpd, the logical agent name is always the name of the executable.
show_agent all | logical_agent_name [logical_agent_name]
Lists the names and PIDs of all the running agents and requested agents.
Oracle SNMP Agent Utilities
The Oracle SNMP Agent software provides the following utilities to help you install and test an agent or subagent:
Used to install any module built as a Windows service under a specified name. For example, use it to reinstall the Oracle SNMP Agent Integrator in a multi-version environment after uninstalling one of the versions. Applies to Windows systems only (not UNIX systems).
instsrv service_name [executable_file | remove]
Enter an executable_file to create a service. Enter remove to remove a service.
For example:
instrsrv snmp_integrator c:\tux81\bin\snmp_integrator.exe
The name of the service.
The complete path to the executable file.
Reports information about scalar managed objects.
In SNMPv1:
snmpget [-d] [-p port] host community variable_name [variable_name ...]
In SNMPv3:
snmpget [-a authProtocol] [-A authPassword] [‑d] [-l secLevel][-n logical name][-p port][-u secName] [-v ] [-x privProtocol] [-X privPassword] host variable_name [variable_name ...]
Causes the program to display a message for each packet.
-p port
Specifies the UDP port used to communicate with the SNMP agent (default: 161).
The internet address or host name of the node executing the SNMP agent to be queried. All other options should precede host and variable_name [variable_name ...] on the command line, and host should precede variable_name [variable_name ...].
community (This option only applies to SNMPv1.)
The community name for the transaction.
At least one unique object identifier (OID). host should precede variable_name [variable_name ...].
-a authProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. The default authProtocol is MD5.
-A authPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-l secLevel (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security level used for SNMPv3 messages (noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv| authPriv). Appropriate pass phrase(s) must be provided when authNoPriv or authPriv is set. The default secLevel is noAuthNoPriv.
-x privProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy protocol (DES or AES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. The default privProtocol is DES.
-X privPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages.
-u secName (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security name used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-v 1 | 3 (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies the protocol version to use: 1 (RFCs 1155-1157), or 3 (RFCs 2571-2574). The default version is 1.
-n logical name (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
With the SMUX master agent/ subagent model, multiple Tuxedo domains running on the managed node may be managed concurrently. To do so, an administrator starts a SMUX subagent for each domain. And for each SMUX subagent, the administrator specifies the -l logical_agent_name option at startup to associate the tux_snmpd process with the Tuxedo domain that the process is to manage.
In SNMPv3, the SNMP manager running on the management station uses option -n logical_agent_name to send requests to a particular SMUX.
The snmpget utility uses SNMP Get requests to retrieve information about managed objects. You can enter one or more object identifiers as arguments on the command line. These names can be absolute, starting from the root of the tree, or relative to
Environment Variables
Must be set to specify the path to mib.txt, which provides an ASCII text description of the contents of your private MIB.
The following command sends a query to the SNMP agent running on the host named topaz, using public as the community for authorization. The agent retrieves the value of the managed object beaSysHasDisk in the Oracle private MIB. Note that in this example, a relative OID ( is specified. is prepended to generate an absolute path.
snmpget topaz public
This command returns the following information about the object:
INTEGER: yes(2)
The following command sends a query to the SNMP agent running on the host named ruby, using public as the community for authorization. The agent retrieves the value of the managed objects sysDescr and sysUptime in the MIB.
snmpget ruby public mgmt.mib.system.sysDescr.0
This command returns the following information:
Name: mgmt.mib.system.sysDescr.0
OCTET STRING- (ascii): Kinetics FastPath2
Name: mgmt.mib.system.sysUpTime.0
Timeticks: (2270351) 6:18:23
Returns the next entry in a table or the next consecutive managed object in a MIB.
In SNMPv1:
snmpgetnext [-d] [-p port] host community variable_name [variable_name ...]
In SNMPv3:
snmpgetnext [-a authProtocol] [-A authPassword] [‑d] [-l secLevel][-n logical name][-p port][-u secName] [-v] [-x privProtocol] [-X privPassword] host variable_name [variable_name ...]
Causes the program to display a message for each packet.
-p port
Specifies the UDP port used to communicate with the SNMP agent (default: 161).
The internet address or host name of the node executing the SNMP agent to be queried. All other options should precede host and variable_name [variable_name ...] on the command line, and host should precede variable_name [variable_name ...].
community (This option only applies to SNMPv1.)
The community name of the transaction.
At least one unique object identifier (OID). host should precede variable_name [variable_name ...].
-a authProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. The default authProtocol is MD5.
-A authPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-l secLevel (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the securityLevel used for SNMPv3 messages (noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv| authPriv). Appropriate pass phrase(s) must be provided when authNoPriv or authPriv is set. The default secLevel is noAuthNoPriv.
-x privProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy protocol (DES or AES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. The default privProtocol is DES.
-X privPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages.
-u secName (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security name used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-v 1 | 3 (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies the protocol version to use: 1 (RFCs 1155-1157), or 3 (RFCs 2571-2574). The default version is 1.
-n logical name (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
With the SMUX master agent/ subagent model, multiple Tuxedo domains running on the managed node may be managed concurrently. To do so, an administrator starts a SMUX subagent for each domain. And for each SMUX subagent, the administrator specifies the -l logical_agent_name option at startup to associate the tux_snmpd process with the Tuxedo domain that the process is to manage.
In SNMPv3, the SNMP manager running on the management station uses option -n logical_agent_name to send requests to a particular SMUX.
You can enter one or more object identifiers as arguments on the command line. These names can be absolute, starting from the root of the tree, or relative to
Environment Variables
Must be set to specify the path to mib.txt, which provides an ASCII text description of your private MIB.
This example contacts the host named blueberry using the community name public and retrieves the value of the instance immediately following mgmt.mib.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifOutOctets.0 from the MIB:
snmpgetnext blueberry public mgmt.mib.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry
Note that the instance index .0 must be appended to the end of the OID to refer to the value of the object.
The output of the previous command might look like this:
Name: mgmt.mib.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifOutOctets.1
COUNTER: 85655250
You could then enter a command that retrieves information about the next variable:
snmpgetnext blueberry public mgmt.mib.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry
Selectively performs Get, GetNext, and Set operations on any MIB object.
In SNMPv1:
snmptest [-d] [-p port] host community
In SNMPv3:
snmptest [-a authProtocol] [-A authPassword] [‑d] [-l secLevel][-n logical name][-p port] [-u secName] [-v] [-x privProtocol] [-X privPassword] host
Causes the program to display a message for each packet.
-p port
Specifies the UDP port used to communicate with the SNMP agent (default: 161).
The internet address or host name of the node executing the SNMP agent to be queried. All other options should precede host.
community (This option only applies to SNMPv1.)
The community name of the transaction.
-a authProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. The default authProtocol is MD5.
-A authPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-l secLevel (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the securityLevel used for SNMPv3 messages (noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv| authPriv). Appropriate pass phrase(s) must be provided when authNoPriv or authPriv is set. The default secLevel is noAuthNoPriv.
-x privProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy protocol (DES or AES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. The default privProtocol is DES.
-X privPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages.
-u secName (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security name used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-v 1 | 3 (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies the protocol version to use: 1 (RFCs 1155-1157), or 3 (RFCs 2571-2574). The default version is 1.
-n logical name (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
With the SMUX master agent/ subagent model, multiple Tuxedo domains running on the managed node may be managed concurrently. To do so, an administrator starts a SMUX subagent for each domain. And for each SMUX subagent, the administrator specifies the -l logical_agent_name option at startup to associate the tux_snmpd process with the Tuxedo domain that the process is to manage.
In SNMPv3, the SNMP manager running on the management station uses option -n logical_agent_name to send requests to a particular SMUX.
When this program is executed, it prompts you to enter an OID. The snmptest utility returns information about request and reply packets as well as the name and type of the object.
By default, the program sends a Get request packet. This can be changed by entering a value from the following table at the prompt.
If you choose the Set request mode, the program prompts you for a variable type from the following list.
After you specify the request type, the program prompts you to enter a value of the type you just specified. At this prompt, enter the integer (in decimal) or enter a string and press Enter. To send the request packet, press Enter again at the next prompt.
To quit the program, enter:
Environment Variables
Must be set to specify the path to mib.txt, which provides an ASCII text description of your private MIB.
Start the program by entering the command:
snmptest topaz public
The program responds with:
Please enter the variable name:
Enter a variable name and press Enter:
The program requests another variable name:
Please enter the variable name:
You can either enter another variable name, or press Enter to see the result. When you press Enter, the program displays the result of the test:
Received GET RESPONSE from
requestid 0x775efba0 errstat 0x0 errindex 0x0
After displaying the result, you can enter another variable name, or $Q to quit the program.
Please enter the variable name: $Q
If you enter $Q, a quit message appears:
Quitting, Good-bye
Sends an SNMP trap message to a host.
In SNMPv1:
snmptrap [-a agent_addr] [-d] [-p port] host community trap_type specific_trap variable_binding_value
In SNMPv3:
snmptrap [-a authProtocol] [-A authPassword] [‑d] [-l secLevel][-n logical name][-p port] [-s agent_addr] [-u secName] [-v] [-x privProtocol] [-X privPassword] host trap_type specific_trap variable_binding_value
Causes the program to display a message for each packet.
-p port
Specifies the UDP port to which the SNMP trap should be sent on the target host (default: 162).
The Internet address or name of the host to which the SNMP trap is to be sent. All other options should precede host trap_type specific_trap variable_binding_value on the command line. host should precede trap_type, specific_trap, and variable_binding_value.
community (This option only applies to SNMPv1.)
The community name of the transaction.
An integer that specifies the generic type (in the range 0 to 6) of the trap to be sent. host should precede trap_type.
An integer that identifies the enterprise-specific trap that occurs when trap_type is set to generic trap type 6. host should precede specific_trap.
Information to be transported within the trap packet. The program uses this as the value in the variable binding list when it sends the trap. host should precede variable_binding_value.
-a agent_addr (This option only applies to SNMPv1.)
Specifies an originating address, if it is different from that of the host, where snmptrap is executed. This argument enables you to send a trap on behalf of another host.
-s agent_addr (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies an originating address, if it is different from that of the host, where snmptrap is executed. This argument enables you to send a trap on behalf of another host.
-a authProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies the authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. The default authProtocol is MD5.
-A authPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-l secLevel (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security level used for SNMPv3 messages (noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv| authPriv). Appropriate pass phrase(s) must be provided when authNoPriv or authPriv is set. The default secLevel is noAuthNoPriv.
-x privProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy protocol (DES or AES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. The default privProtocol is DES.
-X privPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages.
-u secName (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security name used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-v 1 | 3 (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies the protocol version to use: 1 (RFCs 1155-1157), or 3 (RFCs 2571-2574). The default version is 1.
-n logical name (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
With the SMUX master agent/ subagent model, multiple Tuxedo domains running on the managed node may be managed concurrently. To do so, an administrator starts a SMUX subagent for each domain. And for each SMUX subagent, the administrator specifies the -l logical_agent_name option at startup to associate the tux_snmpd process with the Tuxedo domain that the process is to manage.
In SNMPv3, the SNMP manager running on the management station uses option -n logical_agent_name to send requests to a particular SMUX.
The following table defines the valid (generic) trap types.
The trap generated by this tool has a fixed variable-binding list that contains only one object-value pair. The object is:
The value of this object can be specified in the variable-binding-value argument.
The enterprise field, which is part of the SNMP trap PDU header, is always:
which is equivalent to:
Environment Variables
Indicates the path for snmptrap running information. If this value does not exist, snmptrap creates configuration files in the path where snmptrap bin file locates; make sure you the value you set has write permission for creating files.
The following command sends a coldStart trap to the host named topaz, using public as the community for authorization. Note that a value for the specific-trap argument must be present, even though it is ignored when the value of the trap-type argument is not 6 (enterpriseSpecific).
snmptrap topaz public 0 1 “host xyz is booting”
Receives and logs SNMP trap messages sent to the snmp-trap port.
In SNMPv1:
snmptrapd [-v 1] [‑d] [ -l port ] [‑p]
In SNMPv3:
snmptrapd [-v 3] [‑d] [-l 4400] [-p]
Causes the program to display a debug message for each packet.
-l port
Specifies the UDP port to use when listening for incoming trap packets (default: 162).
Causes the program to print trap information output to the standard output.
-v 1 | 3 (3 only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies the protocol version to use: 1 (RFCs 1155-1157), or 3 (RFCs 2571-2574). The default version is 1.
Environment Variables
Must be used to specify the path to mib.txt, which provides an ASCII text description of your private MIB.
This utility receives SNMP traps sent on the UDP port specified by the -l argument. If no port is specified, it uses port number 162. This utility must be able to open the snmp-trap port, which usually requires root permissions.
On UNIX platforms, if the -p argument is not specified, snmptrapd uses the UNIX syslog utility to log messages with a status of WARNING. If the LOG_LOCAL0 facility is available, it is used instead of syslog or snmptrapd.
On Windows systems, if the -p argument is not specified, the Event Log is used to log WARNING messages.
This command collects the incoming SNMP trap sent by another host, and displays it to standard output:
snmptrapd ‑p
When the host receives the trap, it displays the following information: Cold Start Trap (0) Uptime: 0:00:00
Name: beaSystem.beaTrapDescr.0
OCTET STRING- (ascii): host xyz is booting
Traverses the OID tree using the SNMP GetNext request to query managed objects.
In SNMPv1:
snmpwalk [-d] [-p port] host community [variable_name ...]
In SNMPv3:
snmpwalk [-a authProtocol][-A authPassword][‑d][-l secLevel][-n logical name][-p port][-u secName][-v][-x privProtocol][-X privPassword] host variable_name[variable_name ...]
Causes the program to display a message for each packet.
-p port
Specifies the UDP port used to communicate with the SNMP agent (default: 161).
The host name or an Internet address, in “dot-dot” notation (that is, separated with periods), where the SNMP request is to be sent. All other options should precede host and variable_name [variable_name ...] on the command line, and host should precede variable_name [variable_name ...].
community (This option only applies to SNMPv1.)
The community name to use in the SNMP request.
The unique object identifier, expressed symbolically, decimally, or as a combination of both. If you do not specify a variable name, snmpwalk searches the entire MIB. host should precede variable_name [variable_name ...].
-a authProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. The default authProtocol is MD5.
-A authPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-l secLevel (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security level used for SNMPv3 messages (noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv| authPriv). Appropriate pass phrase(s) must be provided when authNoPriv or authPriv is set. The default secLevel is noAuthNoPriv.
-x privProtocol (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy protocol (DES or AES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. The default privProtocol is DES.
-X privPassword (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages.
-u secName (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Set the security name used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages.
-v 1 | 3 (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
Specifies the protocol version to use: 1 (RFCs 1155-1157), or 3 (RFCs 2571-2574). The default version is 1.
-n logical name (This option only applies to SNMPv3.)
With the SMUX master agent/ subagent model, multiple Tuxedo domains running on the managed node may be managed concurrently. To do so, an administrator starts a SMUX subagent for each domain. And for each SMUX subagent, the administrator specifies the -l logical_agent_name option at startup to associate the tux_snmpd process with the Tuxedo domain that the process is to manage.
In SNMPv3, the SNMP manager running on the management station uses option -n logical_agent_name to send requests to a particular SMUX.
This utility traverses the OID tree from the object specified on the command line. You can enter one or more object identifiers as arguments on the command line. These names can be absolute, starting from the root of the tree, or relative to If no objects are specified, snmpwalk searches the entire MIB tree supported by the SNMP agent.
Environment Variables
Must be used to specify the path to mib.txt, which provides an ASCII text description of your private MIB objects.
If the tree search causes the program to search beyond the end of the MIB, this message appears:
End of MIB
This is an example of an snmpwalk command:
snmpwalk blueberry public
This is some of the output generated from the command:
OCTET STRING- (ascii): SunOS
OCTET STRING- (ascii): blueberry
Generates authentication keys and, when applicable, privacy keys.
This only applies to SNMPv3.
snmpkey [-e engineID] -a authProtocol -A authPassword -x privProtocol [-X privPassword]
-e engineID
Specifies the engine ID of the SNMP agent, where the key will be used. engineID is determined at SNMP agent initialization from the beamgr.conf file; it is used to generate the localized key. engineID must be a string of 1-32 octets (2-64 hexadecimal digits). If you do not specify this option, snmpkey only generates non-localized key and does not generate localized key.
-a authProtocol
This flag indicates the protocols for which the keys are generated. Valid values are:
Generates keys for use with the MD5 authentication protocol.
Generates keys for use with the SHA authentication protocol.
-A authPassword
Sets password for authentication. Its minimum length is 8.
-x privProtocol
This flag indicates the protocols for which the keys are generated. Valid values are:
Indicates CBC-DES.
Indicates AES 128-bit CFB mode.
-X privPassword
Sets password for privacy. Its minimum length is 8. If it is not set, its value is the same as authPassword.
Oracle Tuxedo SNMPv3 uses snmpkey command to generate authentication keys and, when applicable, privacy keys. snmpkey converts passwords into localized and non-localized authentication and privacy keys. snmpkey procedure takes a password and an identifier as the agent and generates authentication and privacy keys. After generating the authentication keys (and privacy keys if you are running the encrypted version), you should enter these keys in the beamgr_snmpd.conf (authKey and privKey keywords).
There are some output examples.
Display of 16 byte MD5 authKey:
Display of 20 byte SHA authKey:
Display of 20 byte SHA localized authKey:
Display of 16 byte AES authKey:
Display of 16 byte AES Localized authKey:
SNMP Request Format
Oracle SNMP Agent utilities use SNMP requests to query SNMP agents for information about managed objects. Refer to RFC 1157 (SNMP) for more information about the format of SNMP requests. For information about locating RFCs on the Internet, see “SNMP Information” on page A‑1.
MIB Variable Definition Files
When a MIB variable is used with an Oracle SNMP Agent utility, the utility attempts to convert the variable to a numeric OID by searching first in a file named mib.txt in the current directory, then in a file specified in the environment variable BEA_SM_SNMP_MIBFILE, and finally in the tux_prod_dir\udataobj\snmp\etc\mib.txt file on a Windows system, or tux_prod_dir/udataobj/snmp/etc/mib.txt file on a UNIX system. These files should use ASN.1 notation and use the OBJECT TYPE macro defined in RFC 1155 (Structure of Management Information).
The mib.txt file describes the RFC 1213 (MIB-II) and the Oracle private MIB objects.

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