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Table of Contents

Introducing Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Gateway
What You Need to Know
Oracle TMA TCP Gateway and the Oracle Tuxedo Architecture
Operational Considerations
Oracle TMA TCP Functionality
Domains-based Gateway Connectivity
Connection Multiplexing
Domain Name Server Support
GWIDOMAIN Gateway Component
How TMA TCP Gateway Affects Oracle Tuxedo Application Programs
VIEW Definitions
FML Buffer Support
How TMA TCP Gateway Affects Oracle Tuxedo Administration
Understanding How Oracle TMA TCP Gateway Works
Planning Your Configuration
Initializing TMA TCP Gateway
Processing Local Service Requests
Step 1: Receiving a Service Request from Oracle Tuxedo Software
Step 2: Connecting to a Remote System
Step 3: Converting Input Buffer Types
Step 4: Translating Input Data
Step 5: Transmitting the Service Request
Step 6: Receiving a Reply
Step 7: Translating the Reply
Step 8: Converting Output Data
Step 9: Sending the Reply to the Caller
Processing Remote Service Requests
Processing Shut Down Requests
Programming Considerations
Input and Output Issues
Preparing Input and Output Data with TMA TCP Gateway
Service Request Parameters
Output Data Considerations
Limitations on the Use of Certain ATMI Functions
Conversational Communication Functions
Non-Transactional Communications
The tpsprio( ) and tpgprio( ) Functions
The tpbroadcast() and tpnotify() Functions
Error Handling
Gateway Errors
Remote System Failures
Application Errors
Configuring Oracle TMA TCP Gateway for Data Mapping
Converting Input and Output Data
Buffers and Records
Buffers Received from Local Programs
Records Received from Remote Programs
Managing Parameters for Buffer and Record Conversion
Parameters for Locally Originated Calls
Guidelines for Mapping Input Buffers to Input Records
Guidelines for Mapping Output Records to Output Buffers
Parameters for Remotely Originated Calls
Guidelines for Mapping Input Records to Input Buffers
Guidelines for Mapping Output Buffers to Output Records
Mapping Buffers to Records
Setting the INBUFTYPE and INRECTYPE Parameters
Mapping Records to Buffers
Setting the OUTRECTYPE and OUTBUFTYPE Parameters
Creating VIEW Definitions to Facilitate Buffer Conversion
Preparing VIEW Definitions
Translating Data
Data Translation Rules
NULL Characters in String Length Calculations (C Programs)
NULL Characters in String Length Calculations (COBOL Programs)
Converting Numeric Data
Encoding COBOL Data Types
Using the COBOL Data Encoding Library
Encoding for All Services
Encoding Messages To and From a Specific Host
Using Code Page Translation Tables
Specifying a Translation Table
How the Translation Tables Work
Troubleshooting Translation Table Errors
Sample DMCONFIG Definition for ASCII to EBCDIC Translations
Using Multibyte Character Set (MBCS) Translations
Sample DMCONFIG Definition for MBCS Translations
Setting Up Security for Oracle TMA TCP Gateway
Security Checking from Tuxedo to Mainframe
Security Checking from Mainframe to Tuxedo
Setting Up Security
Tuxedo Security Plug-in
Built-in Tuxedo Security
Sample Security Files
User Files
Group File
ACL File
Data Area Security
Enabling Data Area Security
Configuring Oracle TMA TCP Gateway
Updating the Oracle Tuxedo UBBCONFIG File
Updating the GROUPS Section to Establish a Server Group
Updating the SERVERS Section
Using the Request Logging Option
Other Options for Configuring Servers
Specifying Parameters in the GWICONFIG File
Defining the GLOBAL Section of the GWICONFIG File
Defining the NATIVE Section of the GWICONFIG File
Defining the FOREIGN Section of the GWICONFIG File
Defining the LOCAL_SERVICES Section of the GWICONFIG File
Defining the REMOTE_SERVICES Section of the GWICONFIG File
Defining Domain Configurations in the DMCONFIG File
Sample DMCONFIG File
Starting Oracle TMA TCP Gateway
Setting Environment Variables
Invoking TMA TCP Gateway
Administering the Gateways
Error and Information Messages
Code Page Translation Tables
Modifying a Code Page Translation Table
Default Tuxedo
United States (00819x00037)
Germany (00819x00273)
Finland/Sweden (00819x00278)
Spain (00819x00284)
Great Britain (00819x00285)
France (00819x00297)
Belgium (00819x00500)
Portugal (00819x00860)
Latin-1 (00819x01047)
Latin-2 (00912x00870)

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