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Setting Up Security for Oracle TMA TCP Gateway

Setting Up Security for Oracle TMA TCP Gateway
The Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Gateway (hereafter referenced as TMA TCP Gateway) component supports security features that allows a requester from Tuxedo to pass a user ID requirement through the OTMA or CICS server interfaces for verification through system security, such as RACF.
This document explains the following security topics:
Security Checking from Tuxedo to Mainframe
The following figure illustrates the process flow for security verifications from TMA TCP Gateway to a mainframe.
Figure 4‑1 Security Checking for Tuxedo to Mainframe Transactions
When the client program performs a tpinit(), the user’s Tuxedo identity is validated against the tpusr file.
When the client program issues a tpcall() or tpacall(), Tuxedo verifies (against the tpacl file) that the user is authorized to invoke the gateway service.
When the gateway establishes the initial connection, connection security information (specified as RMTNAME and PASSWORD in the GWICONFIG file) is passed from the TMA TCP Gateway to the remote gateway. If the RMTNAME and PASSWORD values match the values configured on the remote gateway, the connection is established.
With each request, the TMA TCP Gateway passes the user’s Tuxedo identity to the remote gateway.
Security Checking from Mainframe to Tuxedo
The following figure illustrates the process flow for security verifications from a mainframe to TMA TCP Gateway.
Figure 4‑2 Security Checking for Mainframe to Tuxedo Transactions
The Tuxedo server performs access checks (based on the tpacl file) to verify that the user has access to the requested service.
Setting Up Security
The TMA TCP Gateway product supports two methods for providing security:
Tuxedo Security Plug-in
The Tuxedo security plug-in enables the customization of the security functions, including the use of alternate implementations. The Tuxedo security plug-in is set up during Tuxedo plug-in configuration. Refer to the Tuxedo documentation for specific information about this feature.
Built-in Tuxedo Security
Built-in Tuxedo security is used when custom security plug-ins are not implemented.
To enable the built-in Tuxedo security feature, complete the following tasks.
Code SECURITY in the Oracle Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file. See Oracle Tuxedo File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, And System Processes Reference for more information.
Code the security parameter in your TMA TCP Gateway configuration file (GWICONFIG). For GWICONFIG syntax and parameter definitions, refer to the “Configuring Oracle TMA TCP Gateway” section.
Sample Security Files
Part of the process for setting up security for TMA TCP requires you to have user, group, and ACL files. The following sections include these sample files.
User Files
The following sample is a user file that includes user names, encrypted passwords, a user ID number, group number, and a client name.
Listing 4‑1 Sample User (tpusr) File
Lines that begin with the pound sign (#) are users that have been changed or deleted by tpusrmod or tpusrdel.
Group File
The following sample is a group file that specifies the names and indexes of groups.
The tpgrp file is only necessary when specifying ACL or MANDATORY_ACL modes for security. If you specify USER_AUTH for security, you can assign users to groups, but they do not correlate to the groups used for security by the remote system.
Listing 4‑2 Sample Group (tpgrp) File
ACL File
The tpacl file correlates a group and the services to which that group has access. In the tpacl file, the first field specifies what is protected, the second field specifies the type of object being protected (specified in the first field), and the third field specifies the group that has access to the object.
In the following example, only users in group 1 (john, jim, richard) can access TOLOWER, and only users in group 2 can access TOUPPER.
The tpacl file is only necessary when specifying ACL or MANDATORY_ACL modes for security.
Listing 4‑3 Sample ACL (tpacl) File
Data Area Security
The TMA TCP Gateway provides data area security which is a specialized security protocol for the following cases:
In these cases, a client’s user ID, group name, and LTERM can be specified in the data area of a request. For Tuxedo clients, user information specified in the data area is verified by the remote gateway in the usual manner. For remote clients, remote user information is placed in the data area fields by the local gateway to be used by Tuxedo services. In this case, the remote client does not have to populate these fields, but must allocate space for them in the data area.
Enabling Data Area Security
Complete the following tasks to enable data area security.
Set WRAP=TPSD in the FOREIGN section corresponding to the remote host in the GWICONFIG file. For syntax and parameter definitions for the FOREIGN section of the GWICONFIG file, refer to the “Defining the FOREIGN Section of the GWICONFIG File” section.
If using a VIEW data format, allocate the extra fields before the application data as defined in Listing 4‑4. If using the STRING data format, allocate 24 additional bytes at the beginning of the string to be used for the security fields.
The user data area fields in C use the following format.
Listing 4‑4 Syntax for C User Data Area Fields
struct da_security {
char uname[8]; /*user name*/
char group[8]; /*user group*/
char lterm[8]; /*terminal id*/
/*user data is appended here*/

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