4.4 Configuring Network on the Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 Base Images (

To configure network on the Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 Base Image (, you run the Oracle Exalytics configuration script (exalytics-config-network.sh).

The Oracle Exalytics network script assigns machine time, time zone, machine name, domain, and Domain Name Server (DNS) on the Exalytics Machine. Additionally, you can use the network configuration script to configure Exalytics InfiniBand Interface, Exalytics 10GbE Interface, Exalytics 1GbE Interface, and QLogic cards.


Before you run the configuration script, ensure that a network cable is connected to the Net0 port on the Exalytics Machine.

To configure network on the Oracle Exalytics Base Image:

  1. Log on as the root user.

  2. Enter the following command to configure the network:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_configure-network.sh

  3. When prompted by the Oracle Exalytics network script, depending on your configuration requirements, perform the following tasks:

    1. Choose whether you want to configure InfiniBand for Exadata connection.

    2. Choose whether you want to configure 10G network.

    3. Choose whether you want to configure Ethernet network for QLogic Ganymede cards.

    4. Choose whether you want to configure 1G network.

    5. Choose whether you want to configure bonding.

    6. If you choose to configure bonding, enter and confirm the bond2 IP address.

    7. Enter and confirm the bond2 netmask address.

    8. Choose whether you want to configure host name.

    9. If you choose to configure host name, enter and confirm the name of the host.

    10. Enter and confirm the name of the domain name.

    11. Choose whether you want to configure timezone.

    12. Choose whether you want to configure time server.

    13. Choose whether you want to configure date and time.

    14. Choose whether you want to configure DNS.

    15. If you choose to configure DNS, enter and confirm the DNS address.

    16. Choose whether you want to configure another DNS.

    17. Choose whether you want to commit changes.

    If you choose to commit changes, the configuration script configures and enables the network on the Exalytics Machine.