4.5 Postinstallation Steps

This section consists of the following topics:

4.5.1 Resetting Root Password

The default root password for the Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 Base Image ( is "welcome1".

After you have installed the Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 Base Image and configured the network on the Exalytics Machine, you must change the root password.

To change the root password:

  1. Log in to the Exalytics Machine as root user.
  2. To change the password, enter the following command:

    # passwd

  3. Enter a new password.
  4. Confirm the password when prompted.

    If the password change is successful, then the following message is displayed:

    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

4.5.2 Creating a Password on the Operating System

For the Oracle Exalytics Release 2.1 Base Image (, a user named "oracle" and a group named "oinstall" already exists. You next create a password for the user.

To create a password:

  1. Log in as the root user.
  2. To create a password, enter the following command:

    # passwd oracle

  3. Enter the password.
  4. Confirm the password when prompted.

    If the password is created successfully, then the following message is displayed:

    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.


    To add a different user and group, enter the following commands as root user:

    groupadd <name of the group>

    useradd -g <name of the group> <name of the user>

4.5.3 Assigning User Limits to a New User

User limit is the maximum amount of processors a user can run at the same time. When you add a new user, each user is assigned a low user limit by default. To ensure the new user can run enough processors, you must assign new user limits.

To assign user limits to a new user:

  1. Log on as the root user.
  2. Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file by adding the following lines:

    <name of the user> soft nproc 131072

    <name of the user> hard nproc 131072

    <name of the user> soft nofile 131072

    <name of the user> hard nofile 131072

4.5.4 Granting User Permissions to the /u01 Directory

Ensure that the user installing the software has permissions to the /u01 drive.

If the user cannot write to the /u01 directory, then, as root user, enter the following commands to change permissions:

chown <name of the user>:<name of the group> /u01

chmod 775 /u01

For example, if the user name is "oracle" and the user group is "oinstall", enter the following commands:

chown oracle:oinstall /u01

chmod 775 /u01

4.5.5 Disabling Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) on the Base Image

Disable SELinux after you install Base Image ( on a Linux 6 operating system.

To disable SELinux

  1. Navigate to and open the /etc/selinux/config file in a text editor.
  2. Edit the file as follows:


  3. Save the file.

4.5.6 Verifying Configuration of the Exalytics Machine

Before you install software on the Exalytics Machine, you must run configuration scripts to verify the disk, software, and hardware configurations of the Exalytics Machine.

This section consists of the following topics: Checking Disk Configuration

Check the size of the /u01 disk on the Exalytics Machine. For the X2-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 1.7 TB, for the X3-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 2.4 TB, and for the X4-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 3.5 TB. For the X5-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 7.2 TB. For the X6-4 Exalytics Machine, the size of the disk is approximately 7.2 TB.

To check disk configuration:

  1. Log in as root user.
  2. Enter the following command:

    # df -h

    Depending on the configuration of the Exalytics Machine, the following output is displayed:

    • For the X2-4 Exalytics Machine, disk configuration similar to the following is displayed:

      Filesystem Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
                 447G  4.8G  420G   2% //dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00
                 1.6T  197M  1.6T   1% /u01/dev/sdal
                  99M   25M   70M   27% /boot
      tmpfs      505G     0  505G   0% /dev/shm
    • For the X3-4 Exalytics Machine, disk configuration similar to the following is displayed:

      Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
                  729G  4.2G  688G   1%  //dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00
                  2.5T  203M  2.3T   1%  /u01/dev/sdal
                        485M   63M   397M  14% /boot
      tmpfs       505G     0  505G   0%  /dev/shm
    • For the X4-4 Exalytics Machine, disk configuration similar to the following is displayed:

      Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00
                 1004G   4.0G 949G 1% //dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00
                 3.3T  198M  3.1T 1% /u01/dev/sda1 
                 485M    63M  397M  14% /boot
      tmpfs     1010G    4.0G 1010G  1% /dev/shm
      [root]# Verifying Base Image Version

Next, confirm the base image on the Exalytics Machine.

To confirm the base image:

  1. Log in to the Exalytics Machine as root user.
  2. Enter the following command:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_imageinfo

    Image version :
    Creation timestamp : Day Date Month YEAR HOUR:MIN:SEC
    Kernel version : 2.6.39-400.277.1.el6uek.x86_64
    RPM versions:


Even though the build numbers may be different than the ones listed above, ensure that the updated kernel version is the same as the one displayed above. Verifying Software and Hardware Configurations on the Exalytics Machine

Finally, verify the software and hardware configurations on the Exalytics Machine.

To verify software and hardware configurations:

  1. Log in to the Exalytics Machine as root user.
  2. To verify the software configuration, enter the following command:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_CheckSWProfile

    Verify that the output displayed is similar to the following:

    [SUCCESS].......Has supported operating system
    [SUCCESS]........Has supported processor
    [SUCCESS]........Kernel is at the supported version
    [SUCCESS]........Has supported kernel architecture
    [SUCCESS]........Software is at the supported profile
  3. To verify the hardware configuration, enter the following command:

    # /opt/exalytics/bin/exalytics_CheckHWnFWProfile

    Verify that the output displayed for an X4-4 configuration is similar to the following:

    Verifying Hardware...
    System product name: SUN SERVER X4-4
    System product manufacturer: Oracle Corporation
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] System product SUN SERVER X4-4 is supported.
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] Oracle Exalytics Software
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] ILOM firmware update disabled for Oracle Exalytics
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] ==Motherboard==
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] System serial: 1415NM9003
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] Motherboard serial: 489089M+13500W008F
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] Chassis serial: 1415NM9003
    [EXALYTICS_INFO:GENERAL] SN: 465774U-1402700681
    Cores: 36
    Processors: 72
    Intel(R) Xeon(R) E7-8895 v2 2.80GHz
    stepping : 7
    Has supported CPU model
    PhysicalMemory (GB) : 2068
    Verifying BIOS Vendor...
    BIOS Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.
    BIOS is from the supported vendor
    Verifying InfiniBand devices...
    Has required number of Infiniband devices
    Infiniband device id: d0:00.0
    Infiniband device width: 8
    Has supported disk controller LSI MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i
    Verifying Firmware...
    Supported BIOS Version: 16040102-04/18/2012
    Current BIOS Version : 24030400-08/22/2014
    BIOS is at the supported version
    Supported ILOM Version: r73820
    Current ILOM Version : r93492
    ILOM is at the supported version.
    Supported Infiniband Firmware Version: 2.7.8130
    Current Infiniband Firmware Version : 2.11.1280
    Infiniband Firmware is at the supported version.
    Supported disk controller Version: 12.12.0-0048
    Current disk controller Version : 12.12.0-0178
    Disk controller is at the supported firmware version.
    bios : 1
    ilom : 1
    ibfw : 1
    dcfw : 1