8 Administering Oracle API Manager

This chapter describes administration tasks for Oracle API Manager.

The following topics are covered:

8.1 Viewing Subscription Statistics Using the Subscriptions Page

You can view subscription statistics for users and for APIs. User subscription statistics display the applications created for each user and the APIs subscribed to these applications.

This section describes how to view subscription details. The tasks described here are performed by users with the APIApplicationAdministrator role using the API Manager Portal.

8.1.1 Viewing a User's Subscriptions

You can view each user's created applications and the APIs subscribed to these applications.

To view a user's subscriptions:

  1. From the Subscriptions page, click Users. The Users page displays the number of applications created by and APIs subscribed to each user that has created applications or subscribed to APIs.
  2. Click a user's Details icon to display that user's Detail page, as shown in the following figure. The User Detail page displays all applications created by the selected user.
  3. Click the name of an application to display its details and subscribed APIs.

8.1.2 Viewing API Subscription Details

You can view the users and applications that subscribe to an API.

To view API subscription details:

  1. From the Subscriptions page, click APIs to display the APIs panel. Each API with subscriptions is displayed. The APIs panel displays the number of users that have subscribed to and the number of subscriptions to each API.
  2. Click the Details icon for an API to display the Usages tab of an API detail page. This page lists all users and applications that subscribe to this API.

8.1.3 Using the Quick Search Features

Oracle API Manager Portal includes quick search queries that return all applications or APIs that match the query. You can use the quick search to return empty applications, unused APIs (those not subscribed to), and deprecated APIs.

To perform a quick search:

  1. From the Subscriptions page, click one of the entries in the Quick Search region: Empty Applications, Unused APIs, or Deprecated APIs.


    The Deprecated APIs Quick Search returns only deprecated APIs to which a user is subscribed. If a deprecated API has no subscriptions it is returned only by the Unused APIs Quick Search.

  2. (Optional) You can filter the Quick Search results further by entering search terms into the Filter field.

8.2 Viewing Analytics in Oracle API Manager

You can view usage and performance analytics statistics in the API Manager Portal. The tasks described here are performed by users with the APIApplicationAdministrator role.


You may have to enable API Analytics, as described inEnabling API Analytics , for analytics data to populate in API Manager.

8.2.1 Enabling API Analytics

You must enable the Monitoring operational setting for proxy services in Fusion Middleware Control to enable analytics information in API Manager.


Analytics are available only for services for which the Monitoring operational setting is selected. If you are having difficulty accessing analytics information, ensure that monitoring is enabled for each service for which you want API analytics.

To enable API Analytics:

  1. From Fusion Middleware Control, do one of the following to find services:
    • To search for services across the domain, in the Target Navigator expand SOA and click service-bus.
    • To search for services in a Service Bus project, in the Target Navigator expand SOA, expand service-bus, and select the name of the project in which to search.
  2. Click the Operations tab.
  3. Specify the search criteria to use to locate the services who settings you want to modify. You can specify the following criteria, all of which are optional except Type:
    • Type: Select Proxy Services.
    • Name: Enter the name of the services to locate.
    • Path: The path (project name and folder names, if any) to the services to locate. If you are on the Service Bus Project Operations tab, the path is already filled in for you.


    Searching without specifying any of the above criteria will return all services in the domain or project.

  4. Click Search.
  5. For any proxy service in the results list, select the Monitoring check box to enable API analytics for the corresponding API, or clear a check box to disable API analytics.


    To enable or disable API analytics for all the services in the list, select or clear the Monitoring check box in the column header.

  6. Click Apply.
API analytics are now enabled for the selected services.

8.2.2 Viewing Simple Analytics for an API

You can view simple analytics for an API using the Analytics page. A graph representing the total message count and the error message count received over the aggregation interval and the average response time (in milliseconds) is displayed for the API you select.

To view analytics for an API, from the Analytics page, click the Details icon for the API for which you want to view simple analytics data, as shown in the following figure.

The data is displayed in the pane on the right side of the page, as shown in the following figure.

The analytics displayed are determined by the option selected in the View Statistics list. Select Current Aggregation Interval to display analytics for only the current aggregation interval (the Time Period displayed on the detail page), or select Since Last Reset to display analytics statistics since the last reset.

8.2.3 Viewing Detailed Analytics for an API

You can view more detailed statistics for an API on its detail page. The data on an API detail page is described in Analytics Data Displayed on API Detail Pages.

To view detailed analytics for an API:

  1. From the Catalog page, find the API for which you want to view detailed analytics data.
  2. Click the Details icon of an API, and then click the Details tab to display its details page.
  3. (Optional) From the View Statistics list, select Current Aggregation Interval to display analytics for only the current aggregation interval (the Time Period displayed on the detail page), or select Since Last Reset to display analytics statistics since the last reset.

8.2.4 Analytics Data Displayed on API Detail Pages

The API Detail page displays the following status for an API:

  • Managed Status: Indicates whether the API is managed or unmanaged.

  • Deprecation Status: Indicates whether the API is deprecated or undeprecated

A sample API Detail page is displayed in the following figure.

The API Detail page displays the following analytics:

  • Current API Status: Indicates whether the API is up or down.

  • Error Count: Displays the number of errors received when invoking this API.

  • Message Count: Displays the number of messages received from the API.

  • Time Period: Displays the length of time for which the displayed data has been aggregated.

  • Average Response Time: Displays the average message response time (in milliseconds). See "Configuring Operational and Global Settings" in Administering Oracle Service Bus for more information about changing the aggregation interval.

The analytics displayed are determined by the option selected in the View Statistics list. Select Current Aggregation Interval to display analytics for only the current aggregation interval (the Time Period displayed on the detail page), or select Since Last Reset to display analytics statistics since the last reset.

The API Detail page also displays the following metadata:

Element Description

API Profile

Displays basic metadata associated with an API.


Links to the URL of the API.


Displays version information for the API


Contains a detailed description of the functionality of an API.


Lists tags associated with the API.


Indicates whether the API is managed or unmanaged.


Displays links for the associated WSDL file.

Note: this region is displayed only for WSDL-based SOAP APIs.


Displays a link to the WSDL file.


Displays a link to the OraWSDL file, if applicable.


Displays a link to the WADL file

Note: This region is displayed only for REST APIs.


Displays external documentation references and other information sources for the API.

API Details

Displays additional details for the API.

Security Overview

Displays an overview of the Global security policies attached to this API.

Security Policies

Displays the security policies attached to this API. Hover over a policy and click its Details icon to display a policy's description.


Indicates whether the API is deprecated or not deprecated.


Displays the testing URL for the API.

8.3 Importing and Exporting APIs and API Curation Metadata

When moving from a one environment to another environment, you must export the APIs and the API metadata from the first environment, and then import the data into any additional environments. To help you migrate the data to additional environments, Oracle API Manager exposes Import and Export functions.

This section describes using the import and export functions and provides sample WLST scripts for use in migrating the APIs and API metadata from a test to a production environment. The tasks described here are performed by users with the Deployer or IntegrationAdministrator roles.

8.3.1 Exporting from an Environment

To export data from an environment:

  1. Export a configuration JAR file from the Oracle Service Bus Console containing the required projects and resources by completing the "How to Export Resources to a Configuration JAR File in the Console" task in Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus.
  2. Ensure that your environment is set up to use WLST and that the necessary libraries are included. The JAR file located at <MW_HOME>/osb/lib/apimanager-client.jar must be placed in the classpath for the API Manager import and export calls to function.

    See "Getting Started Using the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware for more information about using WLST and Java Reference for API Manager for API Manager API reference documentation.

  3. Create a WLST script to export the curation metadata JAR file from the Service Bus Console. See Sample Script for Exporting Curation Metadata for a sample WLST export script.
  4. Run the script. The curation metadata is exported to a JAR file, the name of and location of which are determined by properties defined in the script.

8.3.2 Sample Script for Exporting Curation Metadata

The following example displays a sample exportCuration.py script that can be modified and used for exporting curation metadata from the Service Bus Console.

Example - Sample exportCuration.py Script for Exporting Curation Metadata

from oracle.apimanager.importexport import CatalogExportPlan
hostname = sys.argv[1]
port = sys.argv[2]
username = sys.argv[3]
password = sys.argv[4]
connect(username, password,'t3://'+hostname+':'+port)
print '*********Exporting curation metadata...'
#export curation metadata for all projects
print '*********Exporting curation metadata to' + str(filename)
exportfile=open(filename, 'wb')  
print '*********Export curation metadata finished...'
print '*********Exiting...'

8.3.3 Importing into an Environment

To import data into an environment:

  1. Create a new session in the Oracle Service Bus Console by completing the "How to Create a Session" task in Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus.
  2. Import the configuration JAR, created in Step 1 of Exporting from an Environment, into the Service Bus Console by completing the "How to Import Resources from a Configuration JAR File in the Console" task in Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus.
  3. Activate the Service Bus session by completing the "How to Activate a Session" procedure in Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus.
  4. Ensure that your environment is set up to use WLST and that the necessary libraries are included. The JAR file located at <MW_HOME>/osb/lib/apimanager-client.jar must be placed in the classpath for the API Manager import and export calls to function.

    See "Getting Started Using the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST)" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware for more information about using WLST and Java Reference for API Manager for API Manager API reference documentation.

  5. Create a WLST script to import the curation metadata JAR file, created in Step 3 of Exporting from an Environment, into the Service Bus Console. See Sample Script for Importing Curation Metadata for a sample WLST import script.
  6. Run the script. The metadata from the JAR file is imported into the Service Bus Console. API metadata appears in the API Manager Portal when an API is published.

8.3.4 Sample Script for Importing Curation Metadata

The following example displays a sample importCuration.py script that can be modified and used for importing curation metadata into the Service Bus Console.

Example - Sample importCuration.py Script for Importing Curation Metadata

from oracle.apimanager.importexport import CatalogImportPlan
from java.util import HashSet
hostname = sys.argv[1]
port = sys.argv[2]
username = sys.argv[3]
password = sys.argv[4]
connect(username, password,'t3://'+hostname+':'+port)
print 'Importing curation metadata...'
#select projects to be imported
#if project set is empty, all projects will be included
print 'import plan: '
for gp in getproj:
	print str(gp)
jar=open('<file_path>/<file_name>', "rb").read()
print 'Import curation metadata finished...'
print '*********Printing All entries in archive...'
for ct in content:
	print ct.getFullName()
print '*********Printing imported entries...'
for ref in importset:
	print ref.getFullName()
print '*********Printing skipped entries...'
for skref in skipset:
	print skref.getFullName()
print '*********Exiting...'