4.2 Understanding Out-of-the-Box Reports

When the administrator configures the reports, the following reports are available out-of-the-box:

  1. Most Recent Milestone report — provides information about instances based on the most recent milestone passed.

  2. Milestone Performance report — focuses on all milestones over the lifetime of instances tied to a given model. The elapsed time between a milestone and the following milestone will be aggregated together into an average to identify how long instances are taking to progress and identify hotspots.

  3. Instances report — focuses on the Instances of a particular Insight Model. The report can show the Summary or Detail views.

  4. Exception - Instances in Error Status report — provides information tracked about the identified error milestones. The instances which have reached an error milestone most recently are reported.

  5. Exception - Stuck Instances report — provides information tracked about the milestones with a currently executing duration exceeding the Threshold (seconds). Only open instances are included in the report.

For more information about Reports, see Working with Reports in Using Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight.