3.3 Creating Milestones

After you create a model, the next important step is to create milestones for the model. The milestones are points in the business process that help you in monitoring the business progress. Generally, milestones are created iteratively. For more information, see Types of Milestones in Understanding Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight.

Only users with the role InsightBusinessUser/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightModelCreator/InsightAdmin can create milestones.

To create a milestone:
  1. Click the draft version of the model for which you want to create milestones on the Designer page, generally known as the Models page.

    Figure 3-3 Designer Page

  2. Click Create Milestone.


    Only users with the role InsightBusinessUser/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightModelCreator/InsightAdmin can create milestones.
  3. Provide a suitable name for the milestone.
    The milestone expands.
  4. Enter an appropriate description for the milestone.
  5. Select the appropriate Milestone Type. The available types are: Initial Milestone, Standard Milestone, Error Milestone, Terminal Milestone, and Terminal/Error Milestone.

    The bar which lists the type of milestones is known as Milestone Toolbar. If you accidentally close this toolbar, you must log in again to the application to see the Milestone Toolbar.

    For more information about the types of milestones, see the Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight Concepts Guide.
  6. Map the milestone to an implementation. See Mapping Milestone to an Implementation.


    Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightAdmin can create the implementation mapping.
  7. (Optional) Define indicators for the milestone. See Defining Indicators.


    Only users with the role InsightBusinessUser/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightModelCreator/InsightAdmin can create/define indicators.
  8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 to create all the required milestones for the model.
  9. Click the Delete icon if you want to delete any milestone.


    Only users with the role InsightBusinessUser/InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightAdmin can delete a milestone.
Milestones are created for the model.

Figure 3-4 Milestone Details
