3.7 Defining Indicators

Indicators represent metrics that are unique to your application. These indicators quantify the performance of your business, and are used to create dashboards and reports used for tracking your business. There are two types of indicators: dimensions and measures.

Dimensions are used to categorize your instances. For example, in the case of a help desk system, you might want to be able to group your help tickets by geographic region (e.g., state or province), or by customer type (e.g., gold, silver, or bronze support). Dimensions allow you to slice and dice your business data.

Measures, on the other hand, represent values associated with each specific instance. For example, you might use a numerical measure to represent the cost associated with each help ticket, or a date measure to represent the date that the ticket was submitted.


Only users with the roles InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightModelCreator/InsightBusinessUser/InsightAdmin can create/define indicators.

To define indicators:

  1. Expand the milestone for which you want to create indicator.
  2. Click Create Indicator.
  3. Select the type of indicator, either a Dimension or a Measure.
    A dimension is indicated by img/GUID-0C68D824-3495-4B34-9A9C-248D60E2CBBB-default.png and a measure is indicated by img/GUID-BA5C376F-3094-4F65-A7E6-F3A60835F714-default.png.
  4. Enter the following:
    1. Name
    2. Description
  5. Indicate if you want the indicator to be filterable or not by selecting an appropriate value from the Filterable drop-down list. If you make the indicator filterable it appears in the graph. But, be careful with the number of indicators you mark as Filterable, as too many filterable indicators slows down the performance.
  6. Define the Extraction Criteria for the Implementation Mapping. Only the users with the roles InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightAdmin can define the extraction criteria.
    Till you define the extraction criteria, a warning message appears next to the indicator’s name.

    Figure 3-14 Extraction Criteria Warning

  7. Repeat the steps 2 to 6 to create as many indicators as you want.