Oracle Real-Time Integration Business Insight users can perform the following tasks based on their user roles. For more information about the users and their role permissions, see User Personas.
Create a model. Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightAdmin can create models.
Create milestones for the model, an initial milestone and a terminal milestone at the minimum. Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightBusinessUser/InsightAdmin can create milestones.
Define indicators for each of the milestone. Though indicators are not mandatory for the milestones, each indicator needs to be associated with a milestone. Only users with the role InsightBusinessUser/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightModelCreator/InsightAdmin can create/define indicators.
Create and test data connections. Only users with the role InsightConnectionCreator/InsightAdmin can create connections. Users with all the roles can test connections except for InsightBusinessUser/InsightExecutive.
Map the milestones to implementation. Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightAdmin can create implementation mapping.
Define extraction criteria for the indicators. Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightAdmin can define extraction criteria for the indicators.
Save and activate the model. Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightAdmin can activate a model. However, a user with the role InsightBusinessUser can save the model though cannot activate the model.
Discard, deactivate and delete a model. Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightIntegrationArchitect/InsightAdmin can deactivate/delete a model. However, a user with the role InsightBusinessUser can discard the draft of a model though cannot deactivate/delete a model.
View, create, and manage dashboards (use and view default dashboards; create and manage custom dashboards). Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightExecutive/InsightAdmin can view, create, and manage dashboards.
View or run the reports. Only users with the role InsightModelCreator/InsightExecutive/InsightAdmin can view or run the reports.