7 Server Configuration Schema

This appendix provides a reference to elements of the welvs_server_config.xsd schema, the schema behind XML you use to configure Oracle Stream Explorer server attributes and services such as logging, Oracle Continuous Query Language (CQL), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Java Management Extensions (JMX), HTTP Publish-Subscribe, and more.

See Administering Oracle Stream Explorer for information about how to use the elements described in this chapter.

This appendix includes the following sections:

7.1 Oracle Stream Explorer Server Configuration Elements

Oracle Stream Explorer provides a number of server configuration elements that you use to configure Oracle Stream Explorer server-specific attributes and services.

The top-level Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration elements are organized into the following hierarchy:


7.2 auth-constraint

Use the auth-constraint element to configure an authorization constraint for a channel-constraints element. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-1 Child Elements of: auth-constraint

XML Tag Type Description



The description of the role.



A valid role name.

For more information on channels, see channels.

The following example shows how to use the auth-constraint element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.3 bdb-config

Use the bdb-config element to configure the default event store provider that uses a Berkeley database instance.

Optionally, you can configure the Oracle Stream Explorer server to use a relational database instance as the event store provider as rdbms-event-store-provider describes.

This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-2 Child Elements of: bdb-config

XML Tag Type Description



Specifies the subdirectory in which Oracle Stream Explorer server creates Berkeley database instances relative to the DOMAIN_DIR/servername/config directory of your server, where DOMAIN_DIR refers to the domain directory, such as /oracle_cep/user_projects/domains/myDomain and servername refers to the name of your server, such as defaultserver.

Default: bdb



Specifies the amount of memory, in bytes, available for Berkeley database cache entries. You can adjust the cache size to tune Berkeley database performance.

Default: je.maxMemoryPercent * JVM maximum memory

The following example shows how to use the bdb-config element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.4 calendar

Use the calendar element to configure cql calendar options in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-3 Child Elements of: calendar

XML Tag Type Description



String must match the description of java.text.DateFormat.



String must match the description of java.util.TimeZone.

The following example shows how to use the calendar element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the cql element's unique identifier is myCQL.


7.5 channels

Use the channels element to configure one or more channels for a pubsub-bean element. Channel patterns always begin with a forward slash (/). Clients subscribe to these channels to either publish or receive messages.

This element has one or more element child elements that each contain a channel-pattern child element and zero or more message-filters child elements. Each message-filters child element contains an element child element with the string value of a message-filter-name that corresponds to a message-filters element.

This element has no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the channels element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.6 channel-constraints

Use the channel-constraints element to configure one or more channel constraints for a pubsub-bean element. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

For more information on channels, see channels.

The following example shows how to use the channel-constraints element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.7 channel-resource-collection

Use the channel-resource-collection element to configure one or more channel resource collections for a channel-constraints element. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-4 Child Elements of: channel-resource-collection

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this channel resource.



Description of this channel resource collection.

This element contains an element child element with a string value.



Specifies a channel pattern.

This element contains an element child element with a string value.



Specifies the operation to channel, validate values include:

  • create

  • delete

  • subscribe

  • publish

This element contains an element child element with a string value.

For more information on channels, see channels.

The following example shows how to use the channel-resource-collection element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.8 cluster

Use the cluster element to configure a cluster component in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-5 Child Elements of: cluster

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this cluster. For more information, see name.



Specifies a unique name for the server. Oracle Stream Explorer Visualizer uses the value of this element when it displays the server in its console.

Default value:

  • Oracle Stream Explorer native clustering: WLEvServer-identity where identity is the value of the identity element.

  • Oracle Coherence: WLEvServer-identity where identity is the member ID as determined by Oracle Coherence.



Specifies the host address or IP used for point-to-point HTTP multiserver communication. Default value is the IP address associated with the default NIC for the machine.



This child element is required unless all servers of the multiserver domain are hosted on the same computer; in that case you can omit the multicast-address element and Oracle Stream Explorer automatically assigns a multicast address to the multiserver domain based on the computer's IP address.

If, however, the servers are hosted on different computers, then you must provide an appropriate domain-local address. Oracle recommends you use an address of the form 239.255.X.X, which is what the auto-assigned multicast address is based on.

All the Oracle Stream Explorer servers using this multicast-address must be on the same subnet.

Using Oracle Coherence, there is also an extension: if you use a unicast address then Oracle Coherence will be configured in Well Known Address (WKA) mode. This is necessary in environments that do not support multicast.



The name of the interface that the multicast address should be bound to. This can be one of:

  • Simple name, such as eth0.

  • IP address to which the NIC is bound, such as

  • IP address and network mask to which the NIC is bound separated by a /, such as



Specifies the port used for multicast traffic. Default value is 9100.



Applicable only to Oracle Stream Explorer native clustering: specifies the server's identity and must be an integer between 1 and INT_MAX. Oracle Stream Explorer numerically compares the server identities during multiserver operations; the server with the lowest identity becomes the domain coordinator. Be sure that each server in the multiserver domain has a different identity; if servers have the same identity, the results of multiserver operations are unpredictable.

Not applicable to Oracle Coherence.


See Description

Specifies whether or not the cluster is enabled. Valid values:

  • coherence

  • evs4j

  • true: cluster is enabled (Oracle Coherence mode)

  • false: cluster is not enabled (default).


See Description

Specifies the type of security for this cluster. Valid values:

  • none—Default value. Specifies that no security is configured for the multiserver domain.

  • encrypt—Specifies that multiserver messages should be encrypted.



Specifies a comma-separated list of the names of the groups this cluster belongs to.



Specifies, in milliseconds, the time out for point-to-point HTTP multiserver requests. Default value is 30000.

For more information, see Administering Oracle Stream Explorer.

The following example shows how to use the cluster element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.9 connection-pool-params

Use the connection-pool-params element to specify connection pool-related data-source parameters. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-6 Child Elements of: connection-pool-params

XML Tag Type Description



The time after which a statement currently being executed will time out. statement-timeout relies on underlying JDBC driver support. The server passes the time specified to the JDBC driver using the java.sql.Statement.setQueryTimeout method. If your JDBC driver does not support this method, it may throw an exception and the timeout value is ignored. A value of -1 disables this feature. A value of 0 means that statements will not time out.

Default: -1.



The number of seconds between diagnostic profile harvest operations.

Default: 300.



The number of inactive seconds on a reserved connection before the connection is reclaimed and released back into the connection pool.

Default: 0.



The number of seconds to wait before shrinking a connection pool that has incrementally increased to meet demand.

Default: 900.



Specifies the absolute name of the application class used to intercept method calls to the JDBC driver. The application specified must implement the weblogic.jdbc.extensions.DriverInterceptor interface.



The number of seconds within a connection use that the server trusts that the connection is still viable and will skip the connection test, either before delivering it to an application or during the periodic connection testing process.

Default: 10.



This option can improve performance by enabling execute threads to keep a pooled database connection even after the application closes the logical connection.

Default: false.



Test a connection before giving it to a client. Requires that you specify test-table-name.

Default: false.



Specifies that type of profile data to be collected.



The algorithm used for maintaining the prepared statements stored in the statement cache. Valid values:

  • LRU - when a new prepared or callable statement is used, the least recently used statement is replaced in the cache

  • FIXED - the first fixed number of prepared and callable statements are cached

Default: LRU.



The number of seconds after which a call to reserve a connection from the connection pool will timeout. When set to 0, a call will never timeout. When set to -1, a call will timeout immediately.

Default: -1.



Enables the server to set a light-weight client ID on the database connection based on a map of database IDs when an application requests a database connection.

Default: false.



The number of seconds to delay before creating each physical database connection. This delay supports database servers that cannot handle multiple connection requests in rapid succession. The delay takes place both during initial data source creation and during the lifetime of the data source whenever a physical database connection is created.

Default: 0.



The name of the database table to use when testing physical database connections. This name is required when you specify test-frequency-seconds and enable test-reserved-connections. The default SQL code used to test a connection is select count(*) from test-table-name where test-table-name is the value of the test-table-name element. Most database servers optimize this SQL to avoid a table scan, but it is still a good idea to set test-table-name to the name of a table that is known to have few rows, or even no rows. If test-table-name begins with SQL, then the rest of then the rest of the string following that leading token will be taken as a literal SQL statement that will be used to test connections instead of the standard query.



The number of prepared and callable statements stored in the cache between 1 and 1024. This may increase server performance.

Default: 10.



SQL statement to execute that will initialize newly created physical database connections. Start the statement with SQL followed by a space.



The number of seconds between attempts to establish connections to the database. If you do not set this value, data source creation fails if the database is unavailable. If set and if the database is unavailable when the data source is created, the server will attempt to create connections in the pool again after the number of seconds you specify, and will continue to attempt to create the connections until it succeeds. When set to 0, connection retry is disabled.

Default: 0.



The number of seconds between when the server tests unused connections. (Requires that you specify a Test Table Name.) Connections that fail the test are closed and reopened to re-establish a valid physical connection. If the test fails again, the connection is closed. In the context of multi data sources, this attribute controls the frequency at which the server checks the health of data sources it had previously marked as unhealthy. When set to 0, the feature is disabled.

Default: 120.



Specifies the JDBC debug level for XA drivers.

Default: 10.



The number of physical connections to create when creating the connection pool in the data source. If unable to create this number of connections, creation of the data source will fail.

Default: 1.



The maximum number of physical connections that this connection pool can contain.

Default: 15.



The number of connections created when new connections are added to the connection pool.

Default: 1.



The maximum number of connection requests that can concurrently block threads while waiting to reserve a connection from the data source's connection pool.

Default: Integer.MAX_VALUE.

The following example shows how to use the connection-pool-params element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:

        <test-table-name>SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL</test-table-name>

7.10 cql

Use the cql element to configure Oracle CQL-specific options in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the cql element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.11 data-source

This data-source element defines configuration for a data source service.

The following example shows how to use the data-source element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the data-source element's unique identifier is orads.

        <test-table-name>SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL</test-table-name>

7.12 data-source-params

Use the data-source-params element to specify data source-related data-source parameters. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-7 Child Elements of: data-source-params

XML Tag Type Description


See Description

The algorithm determines the connection request processing for the multi data source. Valid values:

  • Failover

  • Load-Balancing

Default: Failover.



Specifies the data chunk size for steaming data types between 1 and 65536.

Default: 256.



Specifies whether or not multiple rows to be prefetched (that is, sent from the server to the client) in one server access.

Default: false.



The list of data sources to which the multi data source will route connection requests. The order of data sources in the list determines the failover order.



For multi data sources with the Failover algorithm, enables the multi data source to failover connection requests to the next data source if all connections in the current data source are in use.

Default: false.



If row prefetching is enabled, specifies the number of result set rows to prefetch for a client between 2 and 65536.

Default: 48.


See Description

The JNDI path to where this Data Source is bound. By default, the JNDI name is the name of the data source. This element contains the following child elements:

  • element: contains the string name of a valid data-source element. For more information, see data-source.

  • config-data-source-DataSourceParams-JNDINames.



Specifies the scoping of the data source. Note that Global is the only scoped supported by MSA.

Default: Global.



The name of the application class to handle the callback sent when a multi data source is ready to failover or fail back connection requests to another data source within the multi data source. The name must be the absolute name of an application class that implements the weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionPoolFailoverCallback interface.



Determines the transaction protocol (global transaction processing behavior) for the data source. Valid values:

  • TwoPhaseCommit - Standard XA transaction processing. Requires an XA driver

  • LoggingLastResource - A performance enhancement for one non-XA resource

  • EmulateTwoPhaseCommit - Enables one non-XA resource to participate in a global transaction, but has some risk to data

  • OnePhaseCommit - One-phase XA transaction processing using a non-XA driver. This is the default setting

  • None - Support for local transactions only

Default: OnePhaseCommit.

The following example shows how to use the data-source-params element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:

        <test-table-name>SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL</test-table-name>

7.13 driver-params

Use the driver-params element to specify JDBC driver-related data-source parameters. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-8 Child Elements of: driver-params

XML Tag Type Description



Specifies that the server should use the XA interface of the JDBC driver. If the JDBC driver class used to create database connections implements both XA and non-XA versions of a JDBC driver, you can set this attribute to indicate that the server should treat the JDBC driver as an XA driver or as a non-XA driver.

Default: true.



The password attribute passed to the JDBC driver when creating physical database connections.



The full package name of JDBC driver class used to create the physical database connections in the connection pool in the data source.



The URL of the database to connect to. The format of the URL varies by JDBC driver. The URL is passed to the JDBC driver to create the physical database connections.



Specifies the list of properties passed to the JDBC driver when creating physical database connections. This element contains one or more element child elements that contain child elements:

  • name: the property name.

  • value: the property value.

The following example shows how to use the driver-params element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:

        <test-table-name>SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL</test-table-name>

7.14 domain

Use the domain element to configure a domain name in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the name child element and no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the domain element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the domain's unique identifier is WLEventServerDomain.


7.15 debug

Use the debug element to configure one or more debug properties for the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-9 Child Elements of: debug

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this debug configuration. For more information, see name.



One or more child elements formed by taking a debug flag name (without its package name) and specifying a value of true.

For more information including a full list of all debug flags, see Administering Oracle Stream Explorer

The following example shows how to use the debug element to turn on Simple Declarative Services (SDS) debugging using debug flag com.bea.core.debug.DebugSDS in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file.


7.16 event-inspector

Use the event-inspector element to test a component. This element has the pubsub-server-name child element and no attributes.

The pubsub-server-name value is the value of the http-pubsub element name child element as defined in the local Oracle Stream Explorer server file.

The following example shows how to use the event-inspector element in a configuration file.


The following example shows the corresponding local Oracle Stream Explorer server file entry:


7.17 event-store

Use the event-store element to configure an event store for the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-10 Child Elements of: event-store

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this debug configuration. For more information, see name.



Specifies the name of one or more provider child elements in the order in which the Oracle Stream Explorer server should access them.

For more information, see:

The following example shows how to use the event-store element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the adapter's unique identifier is myEventStore.


7.18 exported-jndi-context

Use the exported-jndi-context element to export a remote JNDI service that may be accessed via clients using RMI. It registers the JNDI context with the RMI service, so that it may be accessed remotely by clients that pass a provider URL parameter when they create their InitialContext object. This service requires that a jndi-context configuration object also be specified. If it is not, then this service will not be able to start.

This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-11 Child Elements of: exported-jndi-context

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this debug configuration. For more information, see name.



The name of the RMI service that should be used to serve this JNDI context over the network. It must match an existing RMI object in the configuration. For more information, see rmi.

The following example shows how to use the exported-jndi-context element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the adapter's unique identifier is RemoteJNDI.



7.19 glassfish-ws

Use the glassfish-ws element to configure web services in Oracle Stream Explorer. This element has the http_service_name element and no attributes.

Use the http_service_name element to specify the name of the HTTP service to use to register web service end points in Oracle Stream Explorer. The service is provided by a Jetty instance of the same name.

The following example shows how to use the glassfish-ws element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the glassfish-ws element's unique identifier is myWS.


7.20 http-pubsub

Use the http-pubsub element to configure an HTTP publish-subscribe service. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the http-pubsub element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the http-pubsub element's unique identifier is myPubsub.


7.21 jetty

Use the jetty element to configure an instance of the Jetty HTTP server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-12 Child Elements of: jetty

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this jetty element. For more information, see name.



The name of the Network I/O service that should be used. This also defines which port the server listens on. This parameter must refer to the name of a valid "netio" configuration object.



The name of the Work Manager that should be used for thread pooling. If this parameter is not specified, then Jetty will use a default work manager. For more information, see work-manager.



The name of a directory where temporary files required for Web applications, JSPs, and other types of Web artifacts are kept. This parameter is overridden by the scratch-directory parameter on the jetty-web-app element. If this directory does not exist, it will be created.



Enable debugging in the Jetty code. Specified debug messages are logged the same way as all other Debug level messages in the log service.



The name of the network port that should be set. This parameter may not be set if the network-io-name parameter is not specified. When this parameter is used instead of network-io-name, a simplified socket I/O subsystem is used that does not require the netio module.



The name of the Network I/O service that should be used for secure communications. The specified service must be configured to support SSL encryption. This parameter must refer to the name of a valid netio configuration object.

The following example shows how to use the jetty element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the jetty element's unique identifier is TestJetty.


7.22 jetty-web-app

Use the jetty-web-app element to represent a Web application for use by Jetty. Each instance of this object represents a Web application which must be deployed using the Jetty service.

This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-13 Child Elements of: jetty-web-app

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this jetty-web-app element. For more information, see name.



The context path where this web app will be deployed in the web server's name space.




The location where Jetty should store temporary files for this web app. This parameter overrides the scratch-directory parameter on the jetty element. If this directory does not exist, it will be created.



A file name that points to the location of the web app on the server. It may be a directory or a WAR file.



The name of the Jetty service where this Web application should be deployed. This name must match the name of an existing jetty configuration object. For more information, see jetty.

The following example shows how to use the jetty-web-app element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the jetty-web-app element's unique identifier is financial.


7.23 jmx

Use the jmx element to configure Java Management Extension (JMX) properties in the Oracle Stream Explorer server.

Table 7-14 Child Elements of: jmx

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this debug configuration. For more information, see name.



The name of the RMI service that should be used to serve this JNDI context over the network. It must match an existing RMI object in the configuration. For more information, see rmi.



The name of the JNDI service to which the JMX server will bind its object.

The following example shows how to use the jmx element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the jmx element's unique identifier is myJMX.


7.24 jndi-context

Use the jndi-context element to configure the JNDI provider. When it is placed in the configuration, the MSA JNDI Context is initialized. One instance of this configuration type must be placed in the configuration if the JNDI service is to be used, either locally, or remotely through the exported-jndi-context configuration type.

This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-15 Child Elements of: jndi-context

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this debug configuration. For more information, see name.



This parameter defaults to true. If it is set to false then the provider will not be installed as the default. The provider will be set as the default as long as there is at least one JNDIContextType bean in the configuration with DefaultProvider set to true. If multiple JNDIContextType objects are placed in the configuration, the effect will be the same as if one was started.

The following example shows how to use the jndi-context element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the adapter's unique identifier is myJNDI.


7.25 log-file

Use the log-file element to configure logging to a file on the Oracle Stream Explorer server.

Table 7-16 Child Elements of: log-file

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this work-manager element. For more information, see name.



Determines whether old rotated files need to be kept around forever.

Default: false.



Determines how the log file rotation will be performed based on size, time or not at all. Valid values:

  • bySize

  • byTime

  • none

Default: bySize.



The time in k:mm format when the first rotation happens where k is the hour specified in 24-hour notation and mm is the minutes.

Default: 00:00.



If old rotated files are to be deleted, this parameter determines how many of the last files to always keep.

Default: 7.



The size threshold at which the log file is rotated in KB.

Default: 500.



The factor that is applied to the timespan to arrive at the number of milliseconds that will be the frequency of time based log rotations.

Default: (long)(3600 * 1000).



The interval for every time based log rotation.

Default: 24.



Log file name.

Default: server.log



Specifies whether the log file will be rotated on startup.

Default: true.



Specifies the threshold importance of the messages that are propagated to the handlers. The default is Info so that to see Debug and Trace messages you need to ensure that the severity is set to either Debug or Trace. Valid values:

  • Emergency

  • Alert

  • Critical

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Notice

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Trace

Default: Notice.



The directory where the old rotated files are stored. If not set, the old files are stored in the same directory as the base log file.

The following example shows how to use the log-file element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the log-file element's unique identifier is logFile.


7.26 log-stdout

Use the log-stdout element to configure logging to standard out (console) on the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-17 Child Elements of: log-stdout

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this work-manager element. For more information, see name.



Determines the number of stack trace frames to display on standard out. All frames are displayed in the log file. A value of -1 means all frames are displayed.

Default: -1.



Specifies whether to dump stack traces to the console when included in a logged message.

Default: true.



Defines the threshold importance of the messages that are propagated to the handlers. The default is Info so that to see Debug and Trace messages you need to ensure that the severity is set to either Debug or Trace. Valid values:

  • Emergency

  • Alert

  • Critical

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Notice

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Trace

Default: Notice.

The following example shows how to use the log-stdout element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the log-stdout element's unique identifier is logStdout.


7.27 logging-service

Use the logging-service element to configure a logging service on the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-18 Child Elements of: logging-service

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this work-manager element. For more information, see name.



The configuration of the log file and its rotation policies.



The configuration of the stdout output.



Defines the threshold importance of the messages that are propagated to the handlers. The default is Info so that to see Debug and Trace messages you need to ensure that the severity is set to either Debug or Trace. Valid values:

  • Emergency

  • Alert

  • Critical

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Notice

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Trace

Default: Info.


See Description

The Severity values for different stages in the Logger tree composed of one or more entry child elements each containing a key and value child element.

The following example shows how to use the logging-service element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the logging-service element's unique identifier is myLogService.


7.28 message-filters

Use the message-filters element to configure one or more message filters for a pubsub-bean element.

This element has one or more element child elements that each contain a message-filter-name and message-filter-class child element.

This element has no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the message-filters element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.29 name

Use the name element to declare a unique identifier for an Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration element. This element has no child elements and no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the name element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.30 netio

Use the netio element to represent a network input and output (IO) service, that can be used by other services to act as the server for network IO. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-19 Child Elements of: netio

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this netio element. For more information, see name.



The name of the SSL configuration object to use. If not null, then this client will create secure sockets using the specified SSL configuration. If not set, then no SSL will be supported.



Specify which provider to use for the underlying socket implementation. See Administering Oracle Stream Explorer.



A hint to the provider as to the number of threads to use for processing sockets. A value of zero will result in the provider choosing based on its own default.Default: 0.



The port to listen on. The server will immediately start to listen for incoming connections on this port.



The address on which this instance of Netio should listen for incoming connections. It may be set to a numeric IP address in the a.b.c.d format, or to a host name. If not set, then netio will listen on all network interfaces. Note that the value of this parameter cannot be validated until the server actually starts.

The following example shows how to use the netio element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the netio element's unique identifier is myNetio.


7.31 netio-client

Use the netio-client element to register a network input/output (IO) service that may be used to perform non-blocking network IO, but which will not act as a server and listen for incoming connections. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-20 Child Elements of: netio-client

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this netio element. For more information, see name.



The name of the SSL configuration object to use. If not null, then this client will create secure sockets using the specified SSL configuration. If not set, then no SSL will be supported.



Specify which provider to use for the underlying socket implementation. For a list of the valid provider types, see Administering Oracle Stream Explorer.

The following example shows how to use the netio-client element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the netio-client element's unique identifier is netiossl.


7.32 partition-order-capacity

Use the partition-order-capacity element to define the maximum capacity of a query partition when the ordering-constraint attribute is set to PARTITION_ORDERED. Set this element on a cql component. Consider setting this element's value when you've configured a query processor for parallel execution, and when the query's ordering-constraint attribute is set to PARTITION_ORDERED. The default value is 4.

This element has no child elements and no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the partition-order-capacity element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.33 path

Use the path element to configure the path for an http-pubsub element. This element has no child elements or attributes.

The following example shows how to use the path element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.34 pubsub-bean

Use the pubsub-bean element to configure a publish-subscribe bean for an http-pubsub element. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

See http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/weblogic/weblogic-pubsub/1.0/weblogic-pubsub.xsd.

The following example shows how to use the pubsub-bean element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.35 rdbms-event-store-provider

Use the rdbms-event-store-provider element to configure an event store provider that uses a relational database management system in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. By default, Oracle Stream Explorer server uses a Berkeley database instance as the event store provider as bdb-config describes.

This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-21 Child Elements of: rdbms-event-store-provider

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this debug configuration. For more information, see name.



The maximum time (in milliseconds) that the Oracle Stream Explorer server will wait for this provider to initialize.

Default: 10000 ms.



The name of a data source element. For more information, see data-source.


See Description

One or more entry child elements that each contain a key and value child element that you use to specify additional data source properties.

The following example shows how to use the rdbms-event-store-provider element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.36 rmi

Use the rmi element to configure an RMI service, which allows server- side objects to be exported to remote clients. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-22 Child Elements of: rmi

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this rmi element. For more information, see name.



The number of failed heartbeat attempts before triggering disconnect notifications to all registered listeners.Default-Value: 4.



The name of the HTTP service that this service should use to register remote objects. The service may be provided by a Jetty or Tomcat instance of the same name.



The time in milliseconds between heartbeats. Once the number of unsuccessful heartbeat attempts has reached the value specified by the HeartbeatPeriod attribute, all registered DisconnectListener instances will be notified.

Default-Value: 5000.

The following example shows how to use the rmi element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the rmi element's unique identifier is myRMI.


7.37 scheduler

Use the scheduler element to configure cql scheduler options in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-23 Child Elements of: scheduler

XML Tag Type Description



The frequency at which the Oracle CQL scheduler executes Oracle CQL queries.

Default: 1000 ms



Whether or not the Oracle Stream Explorer Service Engine scheduler will use a separate thread. Options are:

  • true: the scheduler runs in a separate thread.

  • false: the scheduler runs in the same thread as the Oracle Stream Explorer Service Engine (Default).

The following example shows how to use the scheduler element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.38 server-config

Use the server-config element to configure the server-specific properties of a pubsub-bean element. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-24 Child Elements of: server-config

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this server-config element. For more information, see name.


See Description

This element contains one or more types child elements, one for each supported transport. Each types child element contains an element child element with the transport name as a string value. Valid values:

  • long-polling: Using this transport, the client requests information from Oracle Stream Explorer server and if Oracle Stream Explorer server does not have information available, it does not reply until it has. When the Oracle Stream Explorer server replies, the client typically sends another request immediately.

  • callback-polling: Use this transport for HTTP publish-subscribe applications using a cross domain configuration in which the browser downloads the page from one Web server (including the JavaScript code) and connects to another server as an HTTP publish-subscribe client. This is required by the Bayeux protocol. For more information on the Bayeux protocol, see http://svn.cometd.org/trunk/bayeux/bayeux.html.

See Administering Oracle Stream Explorer.



Specifies the number of seconds after which the HTTP pub-sub server disconnects a client if the client does has not sent back a connect/reconnect message.

Default: 60.



Specifies the number of seconds after which persistent clients are disconnected and deleted by the pub-sub server, if during that time the persistent client does not send a connect or re-connect message. This value must be larger than client-timeout-secs. If the persistent client reconnects before the persistent timeout is reached, the client receives all messages that have been published to the persistent channel during that time; if the client reconnects after the timeout, then it does not get the messages.

Default: 600 seconds.



Specifies how long (in milliseconds) the client can delay subsequent requests to the /meta/connect channel.

Default: 500 ms.



Specifies the name of the work manager that delivers messages to clients. The value of this element corresponds to the value of the name child element of the work-manager you want to assign.

For more information, see work-manager.



Specifies whether clients can publish messages without having explicitly connected to the HTTP pub-sub server. Valid values:

  • true

  • false

The following example shows how to use the server-config element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.39 services

Use the services element to configure the service properties of a pubsub-bean element. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-25 Child Elements of: services

XML Tag Type Description



Specifies a service channel, for example: /service/echo.



Specifies the class to service this service, for example: EchoService.



Define a service method in the service class. The service method must have only one payload parameter of type Object. For example: Object echo(Object payload).

The following example shows how to use the services element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.40 show-detail-error-message

Use the show-detail-error-message element to configure whether or not the Oracle Stream Explorer server uses secure connections. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-26 Child Elements of: show-detail-error-message

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this show-detail-error-message element. For more information, see name.



Whether or not to show detailed error messages. Valid values:

  • true: the Oracle Stream Explorer server shows detailed error messages.

  • false: the Oracle Stream Explorer server shows abbreviated error messages (default).

The following example shows how to use the show-detail-error-message element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the show-detail-error-message element's unique identifier is myShowDetail.


7.41 ssl

Use the ssl element to configure Secure Sockets Layer-specific properties on the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-27 Child Elements of: ssl

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this cluster. For more information, see name.



Specifies the file path to the key store such as ./ssl/evsidentity.jks.


See Description

This element contains a password child element with a string value that specifies the password used to access the key store.



Specifies the alias for the key store.



Specifies the key manager algorithm such as SunX509.



Specifies the SSL protocol such as TLS.



Specifies the file path to the trust store such as ./ssl/evstrust.jks.


See Description

This element contains a password child element with a string value that specifies the password used to access the trust store.



Specifies the alias for the trust store.



Specifies the trust store type such as JKS.



Specifies the trust manager algorithm such as SunX509.



Specifies whether or not Oracle Stream Explorer server uses a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-certified pseudo-random number generator.

For more information, see Administering Oracle Stream Explorer.



Specifies whether or not client certificate authentication is required.


See Description

This element contains one or more cipher child elements, each with a string value that specifies the ciphers that are required.



When enforce-fips is set to true, specify the secure random algorithm to use. Valid values:




When enforce-fips is set to true, specify the secure random provider to use. Valid values:

  • JsafeJCE

The following example shows how to use the ssl element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:

In the example, the ssl element's unique identifier is sslConfig.


7.42 timeout-seconds

Use the timeout-seconds element to configure weblogic-jta-gateway default transaction time out in seconds in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. The default: 60. this element has no child elements and no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the timeout-seconds element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.43 transaction-manager

Use the transaction-manager element to configure transaction manager properties in the Oracle Stream Explorer server. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-28 Child Elements of: transaction-manager

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this transaction-manager element. For more information, see name.



Maximum number of concurrent requests to resources allowed for each server.

Default: 50.



Maximum duration in milliseconds that a resource is declared dead. After the duration, the resource will be declared available again, even if the resource provider does not explicitly re-register the resource.Default: 1800000.



Specifies the security mode of the communication channel used for XA calls between servers that participate in a global transaction. All server instances in a domain must have the same security mode setting. Valid values:

  • default: The transaction coordinator makes calls using the kernel identity over an admin channel if it is enabled, and anonymous otherwise. Man-in-the-middle attacks are possible if the admin channel is not enabled.

  • Performance: The transaction coordinator makes calls using anonymous at all times. This implies a security risk since a malicious third party could then try to affect the outcome of transactions using a man-in-the-middle attack.

  • Compatibility: The transaction coordinator makes calls as the kernel identity over an insecure channel. This is a high security risk because a successful man-in-the-middle attack would allow the attacker to gain administrative control over both domains. This setting should only be used when strong network security is in place.

Default: default.



Execute XA calls in parallel if there are available threads.

Default: true.



The location of the file store that contains the transaction log. This attribute can be either an absolute or relative path in the filesystem.



Maximum allowed duration of XA calls to resources. If a particular XA call to a resource exceeds the limit, the resource is declared unavailable.

Default: 120000.



The default transaction timeout in seconds.

Default: 30.



The interval at which the transaction manager performs transaction log checkpoint operations.

Default: 300.



Specifies whether the transaction manager will automatically perform an XAResource forget operation for heuristic transaction completions. When enabled, the transaction manager automatically performs an XA Resource forget operation for all resources as soon as the transaction learns of a heuristic outcome. Disable this feature only if you know what to do with the resource when it reports a heuristic decision.

Default: true.



The maximum number of cycles that the transaction manager will perform the before completion synchronization callback processing.

Default: 10.



The transaction abandon timeout seconds for transactions in the second phase of the two-phase commit (prepared and later). During the second phase of the two-phase commit process, the transaction manager will continue to try to complete the transaction until all resource managers indicate that the transaction is completed. Using this timeout, you can set the maximum time that a transaction manager will persist in attempting to complete a transaction during the second phase of the transaction. After the abandon transaction timer expires, no further attempt is made to resolve the transaction. If the transaction is in a prepared state before being abandoned, the transaction manager will roll back the transaction to release any locks held on behalf of the abandoned transaction.

Default: 86400.



The interval at which internal objects used to serialize resource enlistment are cleaned up.

Default: 30000.



The grace period (number of seconds) that the transaction manager waits for transactions involving the resource to complete before unregistering a resource. The grace period can help minimize the risk of abandoned transactions because of an unregistered resource, such as a JDBC data source module packaged with an application. During the specified grace period, the unregisterResource call will block until the call can return, and no new transactions are started for the associated resource. If the number of outstanding transactions for the resource goes to 0, the unregisterResource call returns immediately. At the end of the grace period, if there are still outstanding transactions associated with the resource, the unregisterResource call returns and a log message is written on the server on which the resource was previously registered.

Default: 30.



The name of the RMI service that is used for distributed transaction coordination.

For more information, see rmi.



The maximum number of unique transaction names for which statistics will be maintained.

Default: 1000.



The interval that a particular resource must be accessed within for it to be included in the checkpoint record.

Default: 86400.



The maximum number of simultaneous in-progress transactions allowed on this server.

Default: 10000.



The interval that the checkpoint is done for the migrated transaction logs (TLOGs).

Default: 60.



The interval that recovery is attempted until the resource becomes available.

Default: 300000.



The interval for which the transaction map must be full for the JTA subsystem to declare its health as CRITICAL.

Default: 60000.



The dispatch policy to use when performing XA operations in parallel. By default the policy of the thread coordinating the transaction is used.

The following example shows how to use the transaction-manager element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the transaction-manager element's unique identifier is My_tm.


7.44 use-secure-connections

Use the use-secure-conditions element to configure whether or not the Oracle Stream Explorer server uses secure connections. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

For more information, see Administering Oracle Stream Explorer.

Table 7-29 Child Elements of: use-secure-connections

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this use-secure-connections element. For more information, see name.



Whether or not to use secure connections. Valid values:

  • true: the Oracle Stream Explorer server uses only secure connections.

  • false: the Oracle Stream Explorer server accepts connections that are not secure.

The following example shows how to use the use-secure-connections element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.45 weblogic-instances

Use the weblogic-instances element to configure Oracle Stream Explorer server instances for a weblogic-jta-gateway element. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-30 Child Elements of: weblogic-instances

XML Tag Type Description



Specifies the name of the domain of the Oracle Stream Explorer server.



Specifies the name of the Oracle Stream Explorer server.



Specifies the JTA protocol.

Default: t3.



The host name or IP address of the Oracle Stream Explorer server.



The netio port for the Oracle Stream Explorer server.

The following example shows how to use the weblogic-instances element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:


7.46 weblogic-jta-gateway

Use the weblogic-jta-gateway element to configure the attributes for the singleton Oracle Stream Explorer server client JTA gateway service. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

The following example shows how to use the weblogic-jta-gateway element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the weblogic-jta-gateway element's unique identifier is myJTAGateway.


7.47 weblogic-rmi-client

Use the weblogic-rmi-client element to configure the attributes for the singleton Oracle Stream Explorer server RMI client. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-31 Child Elements of: weblogic-rmi-client

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this weblogic-rmi-client element. For more information, see name.



Specifies the name of the netio-client element to use. For more information, see netio-client.



Specifies the name of the netio-client element configured for SSL. For more information, see netio-client.

The following example shows how to use the weblogic-rmi-client element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the weblogic-rmi-client element's unique identifier is wlclient.


7.48 work-manager

Use the work-manager element to configure a work manager on the Oracle Stream Explorer server.

Table 7-32 Child Elements of: work-manager

XML Tag Type Description



The name of this work-manager element. For more information, see name.



The minimum threads constraint this work manager should use.

Default: -1.



The fairshare value this work manager should use.

Default: -1.



The maximum threads constraint this work manager should use.

Default: -1.

The following example shows how to use the work-manager element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file. In the example, the work-manager element's unique identifier is WM.


7.49 xa-params

Use the xa-params element to specify distributed transaction-related data-source parameters. This element has the following child elements and no attributes.

Table 7-33 Child Elements of: xa-params

XML Tag Type Description



Enables the server to associate the same XA database connection from the connection pool with a global transaction until the transaction completes. Only applies to connection pools that use an XA driver. Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Default: true.



The number of seconds to set as the transaction branch timeout. If set, this value is passed as the transaction timeout value in the XAResource.setTransactionTimeout call on the XA resource manager, typically the JDBC driver. When this value is set to 0, the Transaction Manager passes the global server transaction timeout in seconds in the method. If set, this value should be greater than or equal to the global server transaction timeout. Note: You must enable xa-set-transaction-timeout to enable setting the transaction branch timeout.

Default: 0.



Enables the server to call rollback on the connection before returning the connection to the connection pool. Enabling this attribute will have a performance impact as the rollback call requires communication with the database server.

Default: false.



Determines the duration in seconds for which the transaction manager will perform recover operations on the resource. A value of zero indicates that no retries will be performed.

Default: 60.



Enables the server to set a transaction branch timeout based on the value for xa-transaction-timeout. When enabled, the Transaction Manager calls XAResource.setTransactionTimeout before calling XAResource.start, and passes either the XA Transaction Timeout value or the global transaction timeout. You may want to set a transaction branch timeout if you have long-running transactions that exceed the default timeout value on the XA resource.

Default: false.



Enables the server to keep the logical JDBC connection open for a global transaction when the physical XA connection is returned to the connection pool. Select this option if the XA driver used to create database connections or the DBMS requires that a logical JDBC connection be kept open while transaction processing continues (although the physical XA connection can be returned to the connection pool). Only applies to data sources that use an XA driver. Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Default: false.



Enables JTA resource health monitoring for an XA data source. When enabled, if an XA resource fails to respond to an XA call within the period specified in MaxXACallMillis, the server marks the data source as unhealthy and blocks any further calls to the resource. This property applies to XA data sources only, and is ignored for data sources that use a non-XA driver.

Default: true.



Specifies that a dedicated XA connection is used for commit and rollback processing for a global transaction. Only applies to data sources that use an XA driver. Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Default: false.



Specifies that XAResource.end is called only once for each pending XAResource.start. This option prevents the XA driver from calling XAResource.end(TMSUSPEND) and XAResource.end(TMSUCCESS) successively. Only applies to data sources that use an XA driver. Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Default: false.



The number of seconds between XA retry operations if XARetryDurationSeconds is set to a positive value.

Default: 60.



Specifies that the transaction manager calls recover on the resource only once. Only applies to data sources that use an XA driver. Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Default: false.



Specifies whether the XA driver requires a distributed transaction context when closing various JDBC objects (result sets, statements, connections, and so forth). Only applies to connection pools that use an XA driver. When enabled, SQL exceptions that are thrown while closing the JDBC objects without a transaction context will be suppressed. Use this setting to work around specific problems with JDBC XA drivers.

Default: false.

The following example shows how to use the xa-params element in the Oracle Stream Explorer server configuration file:

        <test-table-name>SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL</test-table-name>