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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Class WebLogicDeployableObject

  extended by weblogic.deploy.api.model.WebLogicDeployableObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
DeployableObject, Closable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class WebLogicDeployableObject
extends Object
implements DeployableObject, Closable

This class is the WebLogic Server implementation of DeployableObject.

WebLogicDeployableObject encapsulates a single module for deployment purposes. A deployment tool uses the constructors for this class to present an application module to the deployer. When the tool is done with this object it is highly recommended that it be formally closed (see WebLogicDeployableObject.close() ). This ensures resources are closed and removes any temporary files that may have been created.

Applications can be part of a parent installation directory. This directory structure has the following organization:

 install-root (eg myapp)
 -- app
 ----- archive (eg myapp.ear)
 -- plan
 ----- deployment plan (eg plan.xml)
 ----- external descriptors (eg META-INF/weblogic-application.xml ...)

Field Summary
protected  String contextRoot


Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes application resources and removes temporary files.
 Enumeration entries()
          Returns an enumeration of the module file entries.
 DDBean[] getChildBean(String xpath)
          Returns DDBeans based on the specified xpath expression, relative to the root element of the primary descriptor of this DeployableObject.
 Class getClassFromScope(String className)
          Returns the Class object from this module for the named class, or null if there is no class.
 String getContextRoot()
 DDBeanRoot getDDBeanRoot()
          Returns the root DDBean for this module.
 DDBeanRoot getDDBeanRoot(String filename)
          Returns a DDBeanRoot object for the named XML instance document.
 DDBeanRoot[] getDDBeanRoots()
          List of DDBeanRoot objects representing all of the known deployment descriptors for this module
 DescriptorBean getDescriptorBean()
          Typed descriptor bean tree for this modules standard descriptor.
 InputStream getEntry(String name)
          Returns an InputStream for the given entry name.
 String getModuleDTDVersion()
          Deprecated. As of version 1.1, replaced by DDBeanRoot.getDDBeanRootVersion()
 File getPlan()
 DeploymentPlanBean getPlanBean()
 File getPlandir()
 String[] getText(String xpath)
          Returns XML content for each matching element in this module's descriptor.
 ModuleType getType()
          Returns the ModuleType of the deployment descriptor (for example, the EAR, JAR, WAR, or RAR) that this DeployableObject represents.
 void setContextRoot(String contextRoot)
protected  void setLibraries(weblogic.deploy.api.internal.utils.LibrarySpec[] libraries)
protected  void setPlan(File plan)
protected  void setPlanDir(File plandir)
protected  void setUri(String u)
 String toString()
          Returns a String representation of the module type and archive.


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected String contextRoot

Method Detail


protected void setLibraries(weblogic.deploy.api.internal.utils.LibrarySpec[] libraries)


public File getPlandir()


public File getPlan()


public DeploymentPlanBean getPlanBean()
                               throws IOException


protected void setPlanDir(File plandir)


protected void setPlan(File plan)


public ModuleType getType()
Returns the ModuleType of the deployment descriptor (for example, the EAR, JAR, WAR, or RAR) that this DeployableObject represents.
Specified by:
getType in interface DeployableObject


public DDBean[] getChildBean(String xpath)
Returns DDBeans based on the specified xpath expression, relative to the root element of the primary descriptor of this DeployableObject. Returns null if no DDBeans match the xpath expression.
Specified by:
getChildBean in interface DeployableObject


public Class getClassFromScope(String className)
Returns the Class object from this module for the named class, or null if there is no class. The scope is the module itself. This method honors the aplication's manifest class path. For EARs, this provides access to the application level classes only.
Specified by:
getClassFromScope in interface DeployableObject


public DDBeanRoot getDDBeanRoot()
Returns the root DDBean for this module. If this object was created through SessionHelper.inspect() then it may throw an unchecked RuntimeException indicating parse failures
Specified by:
getDDBeanRoot in interface DeployableObject


public String[] getText(String xpath)
Returns XML content for each matching element in this module's descriptor.
Specified by:
getText in interface DeployableObject
xpath - Is an xpath expression relative to root element of this module.


public DDBeanRoot getDDBeanRoot(String filename)
                         throws FileNotFoundException,
Returns a DDBeanRoot object for the named XML instance document. Use this method to return DDBeanRoot objects for secondary deployment descriptor XML instance documents, such as WSDL files or weblogic-cmp-jar.xml. The file may be in either the archive or in the external configuration directory (install-root/plan).

The descriptor will be parsed and a full tree of DDBean's are created.

Specified by:
getDDBeanRoot in interface DeployableObject
filename - The full path name of the XML instance document to return, specified from the root of the module. The path must be either relative to the root of this module, or in the same relative location in the module's external configuration directory.
A DDBeanRoot object for the XML data.
FileNotFoundException - If the named file cannot be found
DDBeanCreateException - If an error is encountered while creating the DDBeanRoot object.


public Enumeration entries()
Returns an enumeration of the module file entries. All elements in the enumeration are of type String. Each String in the returned enumeration represents a file name relative to the root of the module.
Specified by:
entries in interface DeployableObject
An enumeration of the archive file entries. An empty enumeration is returned if any IO errors occur.


public InputStream getEntry(String name)
Returns an InputStream for the given entry name. The file name must be relative to the root of the module.
Specified by:
getEntry in interface DeployableObject
name - The file name relative to the root of the module.
The InputStream for the given entry name, or null if not found.


public String getModuleDTDVersion()
Deprecated. As of version 1.1, replaced by DDBeanRoot.getDDBeanRootVersion()
A convenience method to return the deployment descriptor document version number of the primary deployment descriptor for this module (for example, web.xml, ejb-jar.xml, ra.xml, application.xml, or application-client.xml.) This method does not return the version number for documents such as webservices.xml and webservicesclient.xml; use DDBeanRoot.getDDBeanRootVersion instead. This method is deprecated. Use DDBeanRoot.getDDBeanRootVersion instead.
Specified by:
getModuleDTDVersion in interface DeployableObject
A string that describes the version number of the XML instance document. Null is returned if no version number was found.


public DescriptorBean getDescriptorBean()
                                 throws IOException
Typed descriptor bean tree for this modules standard descriptor.


public String toString()
Returns a String representation of the module type and archive.
toString in class Object


public DDBeanRoot[] getDDBeanRoots()
List of DDBeanRoot objects representing all of the known deployment descriptors for this module


protected void setUri(String u)


public void close()
Closes application resources and removes temporary files.
Specified by:
close in interface Closable


public String getContextRoot()


public void setContextRoot(String contextRoot)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09