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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09

Uses of Class

Packages that use TPException
com.bea.core.jatmi.intf Provides useful WTC GWT Domain utilities. Provides JATMI primitives used to begin and end transactions, allocate and free buffers, and provide the communication between clients and servers. 


Uses of TPException in com.bea.core.jatmi.intf


Methods in com.bea.core.jatmi.intf that throw TPException
abstract  void TCAppKey.init(String param, boolean anonAllowed, int defaultAppKey)
          This method initializes the AppKey module.
abstract  void TCAppKey.uninit()
          This method releases any resources used by AppKey module.


Uses of TPException in


Methods in that throw TPException
abstract  DServiceInfo[] WTCRuntimeMBean.getServiceStatus()
          Returns status of all the Import or Export services/resources configured for the targeted WTC server with the specified service name.
abstract  int WTCRuntimeMBean.getServiceStatus(String svcName)
          Returns status of the Import and Export service/resource configured for the targeted WTC server with the specified service name.
abstract  int WTCRuntimeMBean.getServiceStatus(String svcName, boolean isImport)
          Returns status of the Import or Export service/resource configured for the targeted WTC server with the specified service name.
abstract  int WTCRuntimeMBean.getServiceStatus(String localAccessPoint, String svcName)
          Returns status of the imported and exported service of the specified service name and provided by the specified local access point.
abstract  int WTCRuntimeMBean.getServiceStatus(String localAccessPoint, String svcName, boolean isImport)
          Returns status of the imported or exported service of the specified service name and provided by the specified local access point.
abstract  int WTCRuntimeMBean.getServiceStatus(String localAccessPoint, String remoteAccessPointList, String svcName)
          Returns status of a specific imported service provided by the specified local access point and remote access point list.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.resumeService(String svcName)
          Resume all the Import and Export services with the specified service name.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.resumeService(String svcName, boolean isImport)
          Resume all the Import or Export services with the specified service name.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.resumeService(String localAccessPoint, String svcName)
          Resume all the Import and Export services with the specified service name configured for the specified local access point.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.resumeService(String localAccessPoint, String svcName, boolean isImport)
          Resume all the Import or Export services with the specified service name configured for the specified local access point.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.resumeService(String localAccessPoint, String remoteAccessPointList, String svcName)
          Resume a specific Import service with the specified service name configured for the specified local access point and remote access point list.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.startConnection(String LDomAccessPointId, String RDomAccessPointId)
          Attempt to start a connection between the specified local and remote domain access points.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.startConnection(String LDomAccessPointId)
          Attempt to start connections between the specified local domain access point and all remote end points defined for the given local domain domain access point.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.stopConnection(String LdomAccessPointId, String RDomAccessPointId)
          Attempt to stop the connection between the specified local and remote domain access points.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.stopConnection(String LdomAccessPointId)
          Attempt to stop all remote connections configured for the given local access point id.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.suspendService(String svcName)
          Suspend all the Import and Export services with the specified service name.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.suspendService(String svcName, boolean isImport)
          Suspend all the Import or Export services with the specified service name.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.suspendService(String localAccessPoint, String svcName)
          Suspend all the Import and Export services with the specified service name configured for the specified local access point.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.suspendService(String localAccessPoint, String svcName, boolean isImport)
          Suspend all the Import or Export services with the specified service name configured for the specified local access point.
abstract  void WTCRuntimeMBean.suspendService(String localAccessPoint, String remoteAccessPointList, String svcName)
          Suspend a specific Import service with the specified service name configured for the specified local access point and remote access point list.


Uses of TPException in


Methods in that throw TPException
 TuxedoConnection TuxedoConnectionFactory.getTuxedoConnection()
          Gets the Tuxedo connection object
 CallDescriptor TuxedoConnection.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This calls the other tpacall with null as the reply object
 CallDescriptor TuxedoConnection.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags, TpacallAsyncReply callBack)
          This implementation of tpacall is aware of the domain configuration files which correlate services with local and remote domains.
 Reply TuxedoConnection.tpcall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpcall looks up the proper service using the domain configuration files and/or MBeans.
 void TuxedoConnection.tpcancel(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          This implementation knows about the tuxedo call descriptor and will attempt to cancel the outstanding tpacall request.
 Conversation TuxedoConnection.tpconnect(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          This implementation of tpconnect looks up the proper service using the domain configuration files and/or MBeans.
 DequeueReply TuxedoConnection.tpdequeue(String qspace, String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
          Much like tpacall, this looks up the remote qspace as a service offered through the domain configuration file, and once it has located the proper remote domain through which to send the dequeue request, it sends it.
 DequeueReply TuxedoConnection.tpdequeue(String qspace, String qname, int flags)
          This is the simple version of tpdequeue, which is equalvalent to calling the other tpdequeue verb with null as the msgid and corrid and false as the values for doWait and doPeek.
 byte[] TuxedoConnection.tpenqueue(String qspace, String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Much like tpacall, this looks up the remote qspace as a service offered through the domain configuration file, and once it has located the proper remote domain through which to send the enqueue request, it sends it.
 Reply TuxedoConnection.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          This implementation does not yet handle the case of blocking replies with the TPGETANY flag.
 void TuxedoConnection.tpsprio(int prio, int flags)
          Sets the priority for the next request sent or forwarded by the current thread in the current context.


Uses of TPException in


Subclasses of TPException in
 class TPReplyException
          This class is the exception that represents a TPException failure when there may also be user data on the exception that is thrown


Methods in with parameters of type TPException
abstract  void TpacallAsyncReply.failure(ApplicationToMonitorInterface atmi, CallDescriptor cd, TPException failureReply)
          Called if the service returned with a failure code.
abstract  void TPRequestAsyncReply.failure(TPException failureReply)
          For a failed service invocation of the target POJO service method.


Methods in that throw TPException
abstract  void TypedBuffer._tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          This function takes an encoded byte array and and fills in the object it corresponding object.
 void TypedCArray._tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given carray.
 void TypedFML._tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the FML buffer
 void TypedMBString._tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given string.
 void TypedString._tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given string.
 void TypedXML._tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given xmlarray.
 void TypedXOctet._tmpostrecv(DataInputStream decoder, int recv_size)
          XDR decodes the given carray.
 void TypedFML._tmpostrecv65(DataInputStream decoder)
          XDR decodes the FML buffer
abstract  void TypedBuffer._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedCArray._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedFML._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedFML32._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedMBString._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedString._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedXML._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
 void TypedXOctet._tmpresend(DataOutputStream encoder)
          This function presends and encodes the given TypedBuffer object.
abstract  Reply TuxedoService.service(TPServiceInformation svcinfo)
          service This is the function that will be called when a service request comes from the remote domain.
 void EnqueueRequest.setcorrid(byte[] corrid)
          Sets the corrid field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setdelivery_qos(int delivery_qos)
          Sets the delivery_qos field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setdeq_time(QueueTimeField deq_time)
          Sets the deq_time field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setexp_time(QueueTimeField exp_time)
          Sets the exp_time field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setfailurequeue(String failurequeue)
          Sets the failurequeue field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setmsgid(byte[] msgid)
          Sets the msgid field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setpriority(Integer priority)
          Sets the priority field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setreply_qos(int reply_qos)
          Sets the reply_qos field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setreplyqueue(String replyqueue)
          Sets the replyqueue field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setTPQEXPTIME_NONE(boolean TPQEXPTIME_NONE)
          Sets the TPQEXPTIME_NONE field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.setTPQTOP(boolean TPQTOP)
          Sets the TPQTOP field of this object
 void EnqueueRequest.seturcode(int urcode)
          Sets the user-defined return code
abstract  CallDescriptor ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Sends a deferred asyncronous request message to a Tuxedo service.
abstract  CallDescriptor ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpacall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags, TpacallAsyncReply callBack)
          Sends an asyncronous request message to a Tuxedo service.
abstract  Reply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpcall(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Sends a request and synchronously awaits for the reply.
abstract  void ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpcancel(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          Cancels a call descriptor for outstanding reply.
abstract  Conversation ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpconnect(String svc, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Establishes a half-duplex connection to a conversational service, svc.
abstract  DequeueReply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpdequeue(String qspace, String qname, byte[] msgid, byte[] corrid, boolean doWait, boolean doPeek, int flags)
          Removes a message for processing from the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space.
abstract  DequeueReply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpdequeue(String qspace, String qname, int flags)
          Removes a message for processing from the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space using the following parameters: msgid and corrid set to null.
abstract  void Conversation.tpdiscon()
          Executes a disorderly disconnect by immediately tearing down the connection and generating a TPEV_DISCONIMM event on the other end of the connection.
 void TPServiceInformation.tpdiscon()
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
abstract  byte[] ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpenqueue(String qspace, String qname, EnqueueRequest ctl, TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Stores a message on the queue named by qname in the qspace queue space.
abstract  Reply ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpgetrply(CallDescriptor cd, int flags)
          Returns a reply using the call descriptor returned by a deferred tpacall.
abstract  Reply Conversation.tprecv(int flags)
          Receives data sent across an open connection from a Tuxedo application.
 Reply TPServiceInformation.tprecv(int flags)
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
abstract  void Conversation.tpsend(TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          Sends data across an open connection from an initiator to a subordinate Tuxedo application.
 void TPServiceInformation.tpsend(TypedBuffer data, int flags)
          All of the parameters here are the same as in the conversation interface.
abstract  void ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpsprio(int prio, int flags)
          Sets the priority for the next request sent or forwarded by the current thread in the current context.
abstract  void ApplicationToMonitorInterface.tpterm()
          Dissasociates an object from a Tuxedo session.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.2.1)

Part Number E55141-01
P4 Change 1723563 on 2015/10/09