39.5 How to Get Information About a Specific Host

The Home page displays details and metrics for the selected operating system:

  • Dashlets: A series of dashlets at the top of the page contains summary information and might be associated with a more detailed information that is in a tab.

  • Tabs: A series of tabs on the right side of the page link to more detailed information.

  • Host menu: Links to detailed information about the host, including performance and configuration metrics, metric collection settings, status history, incidents, alert history, and blackout and brownouts.

39.5.1 Viewing the Host Target Home Page

You can view a summary of managed operating system targets.

  1. From the Targets menu, select Hosts.

    The Hosts page appears with a list of all managed hosts. You can sort the list.

  2. Click the host name from the list of managed hosts to display the Home page for that host.

    The Home page contains a series of dashlets that provide useful information about the host and a summary of the host details and utilization.

39.5.2 About Dashlets for Hosts

The top of the host page contains a series of dashlets that provide a quick view of top statistics. Click the small button below the row of dashlets to toggle to the next series of dashlets.

The following dashlets are available:

  • Host details: Provides a short summary, including the host name, type of operating system, version and release, primary IP address, and the length of up time for the operating system.

  • Open Incidents: Shows the number of Fatal, Critical, and Warning incidents. Mouse over the number to see a small snapshot of the incident. Click a number or a summary link to navigate to the Incident Manager console for incident details.

  • CPU Utilization and Memory Utilization: Shows a graphical and number percentage for CPU and Memory utilization.

  • OS Services State: A pie chart shows the percentage of services that are running, stopped, no state, and other states.

  • Configuration changes: Shows the data and time of the last configuration change and last reported incident.

39.5.3 About Tabs for Hosts

The following tabs appear on the host home page and are represented with icons on its right side, click a tab to display more information:

  • Summary: Displays host details, swap, CPU, CPU threads, memory utilization, filesystem distributions, network usage.

  • CPU: Displays performance and resource metrics. The following performance and process utilization graphs are available: CPU Utilization, System Loads, CPU Threads Utilization (including Processor Group Threads Utilization for Oracle Solaris, and CPU Frequency State for Oracle Solaris on SPARC.)

  • Host Memory: View of an operating system's memory utilization, IPCS and swap details.

  • Storage: Links to detailed storage information, including the disks, filesystem, volume group and SAN configuration.

  • Network Connectivity: Shows the network interface and subnet.

  • Boot Environments: Displays the available alternate boot environments and boot environment snapshots for Oracle Solaris operating systems.

  • Host Processes: View of an operating system's top CPU, memory utilization, and process resource usage.

  • Host Services: View the services that are managed by the operating system and the state of the services.