8.1 Adding a Custom Field to CASD

This section provides instructions to add a custom field to the CASD database schema to contain the Enterprise Manager connector identifier information. The identifier must be stored with the incident, because it is a required value that must be supplied when status updates are sent to Enterprise Manager.

To add the custom field:

  1. Start the Web Screen Painter and log in using an account that has permission to update database schemas.

  2. Select Tools from the menu, then Schema Designer.

    The Schema Designer window appears.

  3. Scroll down through the list of tables, right-click on cr (Request), and select Add Column.

    The Add New Column pop-up appears, as shown in Figure 8-1.

    Figure 8-1 Add New Column Window

    Add New Column Window

  4. Enter a column name of _em_connector_id and click OK.

    A form appears that contains the new column information.

  5. Set the Field Type to STRING and the String Length to 32. You can also optionally add a description.

  6. Click Save after you have entered the information.

    Figure 8-2 shows an example of a completed form.

    Figure 8-2 Example of New Column Input

    Example of New Column Input

  7. From the File menu, click Save and Publish.

  8. Click Yes on the confirmation window when it appears.

  9. Click OK on the informational window when it appears.

  10. Stop the CA Server.

  11. Run the pdm_publish utility to publish the changes to the CA Server.

  12. Start the CA Server.