5 Known Issues

This chapter describes known issues:

POS Operations

This chapter describes the POS Operations issues known in this release.

Table 5-1 POS Operations Resolved Issues

BUGDB Description


When using multiple merchants, do not transfer checks to a revenue center that uses a different merchant. These transfers can lead to batch settlement problems.


Oracle Hospitality RES 3700 does not support the Package Deal feature when using the Quebec Sales Recording System (SRM).


This chapter describes known Third-Party issues.

Table 5-2 Third-Party Known Issues

BugDB Description


The new version of Crystal Reports uses a different MSVCP71.dll version. Third-party applications that depend on MSVCP71.dll now fail to run if a separate copy of MSVCP71.dll was not installed with the application.

Workaround: Contact the provider of the third-party application.

Manager Procedures

This chapter describes known Manager Procedures issues.

Table 5-3 Manager Procedures Known Issues

BugDB Description


You cannot share the Mag Card Reader on the MICROS Tablet E-Series.

This prevents you from assigning an Employee Mag Card in Manager Procedures if Manager Procedures is launched from POS Operations.

Workaround: Exit POS Operations, start Manager Procedures, and then assign an Employee Mag Card.