Email Templates

Various email templates are provided as a starting point for you to edit. To edit the templates, enter different text and tokens for HTML and text versions of each email. Tokens are tags that indicate dynamically populated content such as the user's name or contents of their Shopping Cart. 

Email Templates in the body of an experience have three options for connection points: email sent, email opened (only works for HTML emails), and email clicked (the user clicked a link in the email back to the Web site).

To add an email template to an experience:
  1. Select an existing template and drag it into the experience.

  2. Modify the "Email Information", "HTML Body Contents", "Text Body Contents", and "Recurrence Pattern" tabs as desired.

  3. Select "Save" to save your changes.

To preview an email template in an experience:
  1. Select the email template in the experience that you wish to preview.

  2. Select the "Preview" tab in the properties pane to see a preview of the email. A window will pop up with a preview of the email.

  3. Select "HTML Version" or "Text Version" to see the HTML and text versions of the email.

To change the working status of an email template in an experience:
  1. Select the email template in the experience that you wish to change.

  2. Select the drop-down box near the top of the properties pane. Change the status to the appropriate status. Note that setting the status to "Approved" will also activate the email template.

To activate an email template in an experience:

Follow the steps above to change the working status to "Approved", or select the "Activate" button.

To deactivate an email template in an experience:

Follow the steps above to change the working status to "Declined", or select the "Deactivate" button.

In this section

Email Templates Properties Tabs

See also

All Experiences

User Groups

Targeted Content
