
The Areas tab allows you to manage the areas on the current page.

Create an Area:  This summary box contains the controls necessary to create a new area on the current page.  Enter a name for the area in the text entry field, then select "Create Area".  Area names must be unique across the entire site.  (When entering the name for the new area, keep in mind the naming rules for areas.  Areas that end in "-Tablet" display content only on tablet devices, areas that end in "-Mobile" display content only on mobile devices, and areas that end with neither display content on all three devices: desktop, tablet, and mobile.)  The page will refresh and will contain fields to customize for the new area.  Note - engineering work will be required in order to place the new area on a page.

Page Areas:  This summary box contains a graphical view of the areas on the page.  The view is rendered from the information in the "Page Area Display" field on the Details tab for the page.

Areas List:  This list box contains the list of areas defined for the page.  Select an area name or the "Edit" icon to examine current content or schedule new content for the area.  Select the "Configure" icon to configure the details of the area.  Select the "Delete" icon to remove the area.

See also


