The SEO tab contains the Search Engine Optimization data for the page.

Language:  This field is available only on international sites.  Select the language to view SEO details for.

Country:  This field is available only on international sites.  Select the country to view SEO details for.

Exclude from XML Sitemap:  Select this checkbox to exclude the category detail page from the sitemap that is generated for SEO.

Change Frequency:  Select a value from this drop-down to indicate how frequently the category detail page is updated.  This will be included in the generated sitemap for the site.

Priority:  Select a value from this drop-down to indicate how important the category detail page is in comparison to other pages on the site.  The higher the number chosen, the higher the importance of the category detail page.  This will be included in the generated sitemap for the site.

Title:  This text entry field contains the title of the page that should be used for SEO.

Meta Description:  This text entry field contains the description that should be associated with the page for SEO.  The description is pre-populated as follows:

Meta Keywords:  This text entry field contains the keywords that should be considered as a match for this page.  Separate multiple keywords with commas.  Meta keywords will appear in the source of the page.

Save:  This button saves the modifications made to the tab.  No modifications will be saved until this button is selected.

See also


