1 Microsoft SQL Server Metrics

This chapter provides descriptions for all Microsoft SQL Server metric categories, and the tables list and describe associated metrics for each category. Shaded rows represent key columns for a particular category.

1.1 Viewing Metrics

To view configuration metrics within the plug-in, navigate to the Last Collected configuration metrics page by selecting Configuration, then Last Collected from Microsoft SQL Server.

Figure 1-1 Last Collected Configuration Metrics

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 1-1 Last Collected Configuration Metrics''

To view the performance and status metrics within the plug-in, navigate to the plug-in's All Metrics page by selected Monitoring, then All Metrics from Microsoft SQL Server.

1.2 Access Methods

The metrics in this category search through and measure the allocation of Microsoft SQL Server database objects, such as the number of index searches or number of pages that are allocated to indexes and data.

1.2.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-1 Access Methods Metrics

Metric Description

Access Method Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-2.

The Access Method Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-2 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-2 Access Method Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description

Extents Deallocations/sec

Number of extents deallocated per second from database objects used for storing index or data records.

Extents Allocated/sec

Number of extents allocated per second to database objects used for storing index or data records.

Forwarded Records/sec

Number of records per second fetched through forwarded record pointers.

FreeSpace Page Fetches/sec

Number of pages returned per second by free space scans used to satisfy requests to insert record fragments.

FreeSpace Scans/sec

Number of scans per second that were initiated to search for free space in which to insert a new record fragment.

Full Scans/sec

Number of unrestricted full scans per second, which can be either base-table or full-index scans.

Index Searches/sec

Number of index searches per second. These are used to start range scans and single index record fetches and to reposition an index.

Mixed Page Allocations/sec

Number of pages allocated per second from mixed extents. These are used for storing the first eight pages that are allocated to an index or table.

Page Deallocations/sec

Number of pages deallocated per second from database objects used for storing index or data records.

Page Splits/sec

Number of page splits per second that occur because of overflowing index pages.

Pages Allocated/sec

Number of pages allocated per second to database objects used for storing index or data records.

Probe Scans/sec

Number of probe scans per second. These are used to directly find rows in an index or base table.

Range Scans/sec

Number of qualified range scans through indexes per second.

Scan Point Revalidations/sec

Number of times per second that the scan point had to be revalidated to continue the scan.

Skipped Ghosted Records/sec

Number of ghosted records per second skipped during scans.

Table Lock Escalations/sec

Number of times locks on a table were escalated.

Workfiles Created/sec

Number of workfiles created per second.

Worktables Created/sec

Number of work tables created per second.

Worktables from Cache Base

Denominator ("base") of a fraction that the performance counter Worktables from Cache ratio represents.

Worktables from Cache Ratio

Percentage of work tables created where the initial pages were immediately available in the work table cache.

1.3 Active SQL Cluster Node

The metrics in this category provide details about the active SQL cluster node.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 30 Minutes

Table 1-3 Active SQL Cluster Node Metrics

Metric Description

Node Name

Name of the cluster node.

1.4 Agent Status

The metrics in this category provide information regarding the current status of the Agent.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 1-4 Agent Status Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Process ID

Process ID of the Sqlserver Agent process.

Server name

Name of the Sqlserver instance.

Service Path

Path of the Sqlserver process.

Sqlserver Agent Status

Status of the Sqlserver Agent process.

When the status is not running, the Microsoft SQL server Agent must be started.

Sqlserver Agent Start

The start mode of the Sqlserver Agent.

1.5 Associated Services

The metrics in this category provide information on Microsoft Windows services that are associated with Microsoft SQL Server.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-5 Associated Services Metrics

Metric Description

Process ID

Process ID of the service.

Service Name

Name of the associated service.

Service State

State of the service.

Service Status

Status of the service.

Start Mode

Start mode of the service.

Start Name

Party responsible for starting the service.

System Name

Name of the system on which the service is running.

1.6 Buffer Manager

The Buffer Manager object provides counters to monitor how Microsoft SQL Server uses:

  • Memory to store data pages, internal data structures, and the procedure cache.

  • Counters to monitor the physical I/O as Microsoft SQL Server reads database pages from, and writes database pages to, the disk.

1.6.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-6 Buffer Manager Metrics

Metric Description

Buffer Manager Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-7.

The Buffer Manager Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-7 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-7 Buffer Manager Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total number of cache lookups since Microsoft SQL Server was started. After a long period of time, the ratio does not change very much. Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading from disk, this ratio should be high. Generally, you can increase the buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to Microsoft SQL Server.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Base

Denominator ("base") of a fraction that the performance counter Buffer Cache Hit Ratio represents.

Checkpoint Pages/sec

Number of pages flushed to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operations that cause all dirty pages to be flushed to disk.

Database Pages

Total number of database pages.

Free List Stalls/sec

Number of requests that had to wait for a free page.

Free Pages

Total number of pages on all free lists.

Lazy Writes/sec

Number of buffers written per second by the buffer manager's lazy writer. The lazy writer is a system process that flushes out batches of dirty, aged buffers (buffers that contain changes that must be written back to disk before the buffer can be reused for a different page) and make them available to user processes. The lazy writer eliminates the need to perform frequent checkpoints in order to create available buffers.

Page Lookups/sec

Number of requests to find a page in the buffer pool.

Page Reads/sec

Number of physical database page reads issued per second. This statistic displays the total number of physical page reads across all databases. Because physical I/O is expensive, you may be able to minimize the cost by using a larger data cache, intelligent indexes, more efficient queries, or by changing the database design.

Page Writes/sec

Number of database page writes issued per second. Page writes are generally expensive. Reducing page-write activity is important for optimal tuning. One way to do this is to ensure that you do not run out of free buffers in the free buffer pool. If you do, page writes will occur while waiting for an unused cache buffer to flush.

Procedure Cache Pages

Number of pages used to store compiled queries.

Readahead Pages/sec

Number of pages read in anticipation of use.

Reserved Pages

Number of buffer pool reserved pages.

Stolen Pages

Number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes (including procedure cache).

Target Pages

Ideal number of pages in the buffer pool.

Total Pages

Number of pages in the buffer pool (includes database, free, and stolen pages).

1.7 Cache Manager

The Cache Manager object provides counters to monitor how Microsoft SQL Server uses memory to store objects such as stored procedures, ad hoc and prepared Transact-SQL statements, and triggers. Multiple instances of the Cache Manager object can be monitored at the same time, with each instance representing a different type of plan to monitor.

1.7.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005/2008

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-8 Cache Manager Metrics

Metric Description

Cache Manager Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-9.

Cache Manager Instance Name (key column)

Instance for the Cache Manager counter name.

The Cache Manager Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-9 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-9 Cache Manager Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description

Cache Hit Ratio

Percentage of pages found in the cache without having to read from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total number of cache lookups since Microsoft SQL Server was started. After a long period of time, the ratio does not change very much. Because reading from the cache is less expensive than reading from disk, this ratio should be high. Generally, you can increase the cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to Microsoft SQL Server.

Cache Hit Ratio Base

Denominator ("base") of a fraction that the performance counter Cache Hit Ratio represents.

Cache Pages

Number of pages used by objects in the cache. After a long period of time, the count does not change very much.

Cache Object Counts

Number of objects found in the cache. After a long period of time, the count does not change very much.

Cache Use Counts/sec

Number of times per second that each type of object in the cache has been used. The higher this value is, the better. After a long period of time, the count does not change very much.

1.8 Cluster Active Group and Node

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster active group and the node.

1.8.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-10 Cluster Active Group and Node Metrics

Metric Description

Active Group (key column)

Name of the active group.

Node (key column)

Name of the node.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.9 Cluster Active Resource and Node Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster active resource and node.

1.9.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-11 Cluster Active Resource and Node Metrics

Metric Description

Active Resource Name (key column)

Name of the active resource.

Cluster Node (key column)

Name of the cluster node.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.10 Cluster Name and Network

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster name and network.

1.10.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-12 Cluster Name and Network Metrics

Metric Description

Cluster Name (key column)

Name of the Windows cluster.

Network Used (key column)

Name of the network used.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.11 Cluster Quorom Resource and Cluster Name

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster quorom resource and cluster name.

1.11.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-13 Cluster Quorom Resource and Cluster Name Metrics

Metric Description

Quorom Resource Name (key column)

Name of the quorom resource.

Cluster Name (Key Column)

Name of the cluster.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.12 Cluster Resources

The metrics in this category provide details about cluster resource group.

1.12.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-14 Cluster Resource and Type Metrics

Metric Description

Node Name

Name of the node.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

Node Status

Status of the node.

1.13 Cluster Resource and Group

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster resource and group.

1.13.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-15 Cluster Resource and Group Metrics

Metric Description

Resource (key column)

Name of the cluster resource and group.

Resource Group (key column)

Name of the resource group.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.14 Cluster Resource and Type

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster resource and type.

1.14.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-16 Cluster Resource and Type Metrics

Metric Description

Resource Name (key column)

Name of the Windows cluster resource.

Resource Type (key column)

Type of the resource.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.15 Cluster Resource Group and Cluster Name Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster resource group and cluster name.

1.15.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-17 Cluster Resource Group and Cluster Name Metrics

Metric Description

Resource Group (key column)

Name of the resource group.

Cluster (key column)

Name of the cluster.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.16 Cluster Resource and Owner Node Name

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster resource and owner node.

1.16.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-18 Cluster Resource and Owner Node Name Metrics

Metric Description

Cluster Resource (key column)

Name of the cluster resource.

Owner Node (Key column)

Name of the owner node.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.17 Cluster Resource and Cluster Name

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster resource and cluster name.

1.17.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-19 Cluster Resource and Cluster Name Metrics

Metric Description

Resource Name (key column)

Name of the resource.

Cluster Name (Key column)

Name of the cluster.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.18 Cluster Resource Group and Preferred Node

The metrics in this category provide details about the cluster resource group and preferred node.

1.18.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-20 Cluster Resource Group and Preferred Node Metrics

Metric Description

Resource Group (key column)

Name of the resource group.

Preferred Node (key column)

Name of the preferred node.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.19 Configuration Metrics

Configuration metrics consist of the following categories:

  • SQL Server Configuration

  • Registry Setting Configuration

  • Database Setting Configuration

1.19.1 SQL Server Configuration Metrics

The metrics in this category represent a Microsoft SQL Server installation. The metrics contain details of the product and version of the Microsoft SQL Server instance.



Default Collection Interval — Every 7 Days

Table 1-21 SQL Server Configuration Metrics

Metric Description

Server Name

Name of the SQL Server.


Whether the server belongs to a cluster.


Product installed.

  • 0 — Unknown

  • 1 — Office


Installed product.

Version String

Installed version.

Operatingsystem Details

Operating system on which the installation is done.

Version Name

Installed version including revision.

HADR Enabled

Whether AlwaysOn high-availability disaster recovery is enabled.

Database Service Pack

Installed SQL Server service pack


Installed SQL Server edition.

1.19.2 Registry Setting Configuration Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the installation and run-time parameters of the SQL Server stored in the registry.



Default Collection Interval — Every 7 Days

Table 1-22 Registry Setting Configuration Metrics

Metric Description

Agent Log File

Path and file name for the Agent log.

Backup Directory

Location of the backup files directory.

Case Sensitive

Comparison method for multi-byte character data is either case-sensitive or not.

Error Log Path

Operating system path and file name to be used for the SQL Server error log.

Master DB Path

The full path and file name of the operating system file containing the master database.

NT Event Logging

Whether the SQL Server uses the Windows NT application log. If TRUE, the SQL Server sends all events to the Windows NT application log and the SQL Server error log. If FALSE, the SQL Server sends events only to the SQL Server error log.

Number of Processors

Number of CPUs available to the SQL Server on the server.

Perf Mon Mode

Operating system path and file name to be used for the SQL Server error log. Windows NT Performance Monitor polling behavior when the monitor is launched.

  • 0 — Continuous

  • 1 — On demand

Registered Organization

Company name supplied by the installer.

Registered Owner

User name supplied by the installer.

Replication Installed

TRUE when components supporting replication are installed.

RPC Encrypt

Whether RPC encryption is enabled.


Whether Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is installed on an instance of the SQL Server.

SNMP Current Version

Version of Simple Management Protocol (SNMP) currently installed on an instance of the SQL Server.

Sort Order

Character set used and ordering applied.

SQL Data Root

Default operating system directory implementing storage for SQL Server system user-defined databases.

TCP Port

TCP/IP Sockets Net-Libraries port number on an instance of the SQL Server.

1.19.3 Database Setting Configuration Metrics

The metrics in this category contain the settings for a database. These settings control the access to and the behavior of the database.



Default Collection Interval — Every 7 Days

Table 1-23 Database Setting Configuration Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name (key column)

Database name.


Whether the database is online. Also, whether the database is unavailable, or is being made unavailable, for use by authorized users.

Recovery Type

Whether the comparison method for multi-byte character data is case-sensitive or not. Type of recovery model that a database will use:

  • Value — 0

    Description — Simple

    Explanation — The database can be recovered only to the last full database backup or last differential backup.

  • Value — 1

    Description — Bulk Logged

    Explanation — Logging for all SELECT INTO, CREATE INDEX, and bulk loading data operations is minimal and therefore requires less log space. In exchange for better performance and less log space usage, the risk of exposure to loss is greater than with full recovery.

  • Value — 2

    Description — Full

    Explanation — Database backups and transaction log backups provide full recoverability from media failure. All operations are fully logged, including bulk operations such as SELECT INTO, CREATE INDEX, and bulk loading data.

  • Value — 3

    Description — Unknown

    Explanation — The recovery type is not known.


Whether the database is closed and its resources are freed when no user connection accesses the database.


Whether the optimizer directs automatic creation of supporting data statistics as required.


Whether operating system files maintaining table and index data are evaluated for downward resizing when the server periodically checks for unused space.


Whether the optimizer directs the automatic rebuilding of statistics.


Whether cursors are closed when a transaction is completed.


Amount of space in use and reserved for use of data in megabytes.


Amount of space for the index in megabytes.

DB Owner UseOnly

Whether only users with the database ownership privilege can access the database.

SingleUser Mode

Whether only one user can access the database at a given time.


Whether the database is read-only.


Whether cursors declared in a batch are created with local scope.


Whether non-logged operations are allowed.


Whether the SQL Server removes log entries referencing committed transactions when activity on the databases forces a dirty page write.

Member of an Availability Group

Whether the database is a member of an AlwaysOn availability group.

1.19.4 HADR Availability Group Databases Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about which databases are members of which AlwaysOn high-availability disaster recovery availability groups.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 Minutes]

Table 1-24 HADR Availability Group Databases Metrics

Metric Description

Database ID

Database unique ID.

Group ID

Availability group unique ID.

Database Name

Database name.

Group Name

Availability group name.

1.20 Connection Statistics

The metrics in this category provide information about the number of connections available and used.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-25 Connection Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Number of Connections

The current number of connections to the SQL Server instance.

Maximum Connections

The maximum number of connections to the SQL Server instance.

Connections Used (%)

The percent of connections used.

1.21 Database

The MSSQL_Database class represents a SQL Server database. Each SQL Server installation can contain one or more databases.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-26 Database Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Database name.

Create Date

Time and date the database was created.

Database File Path

Primary location of the database files.

Database Mirroring State

State of the mirror database and the database mirroring session.

Database Mirroring Partner Name

Server name of the database mirroring partner.

Database Mirroring Partner Instance

The instance name for the other partner.

Database Status

Status of the database:

  •         0 — Normal

  •       32 — Loading

  •     192 — Recovering

  •     256 — Suspect

  •     512 — Offline

  •   1024 — Standby

  • 32768 — Emergency Mode

Database Size (MB)

Total size of the database in megabytes.

Allocate more space to the database if this metric decreases beyond the critical threshold.

Database Space Available %

Percentage of space that is available.

Allocate more space to the database if this metric decreases beyond the critical threshold.

Auto-growth Potential Space (MB)

Amount of disk space available for the database to grow in to based on its autogrowth settings.


Version of Microsoft SQL Server used to create the referenced database.

Database Owner

The owner of the database

Database ID

The ID of the database

1.22 Database Backup

The metrics in this category provide detailed backup information for all databases.

Default Collection Interval — in real time

Table 1-27 Database Backup Metrics

Metric Description

Backup Set ID (key column)

Unique backup set identification number that identifies the backup set.

Media Set ID (key column)

Unique media set identification number that identifies the media set containing the backup set.

Family Sequence Number (key column)

Position of this media family in the media set.

File Number (key column)

File identification number unique within a database.

Mirror Number (key column)

Mirror identification number unique within a database.

Backup Set Name

Name of the backup set. Can be NULL

Backup Set Description

Description of the backup set. Can be NULL.


Name of the user performing the backup operation. Can be NULL.

Start Date

Date and time the backup operation started. Can be NULL.

Finish Date

Date and time the backup operation finished. Can be NULL.

Size of Backup (bytes)

Size of the backup set, in bytes. Can be NULL.

Database Name

Name of the database involved in the backup operation. Can be NULL.

Server Name

Name of the server running the SQL Server backup operation. Can be NULL.

Machine Name

Name of the computer running SQL Server. Can be NULL.

Media Set Name

Name of the media set. Can be NULL.

Media Set Device Name

Physical name of the backup device. Can be NULL.

Physical Block Size (Bytes)

Physical block size used to write the media family. Can be NULL.

File Group Name

Name of the filegroup containing a backed up database file. Can be NULL.

File Group Physical Name

Remainder of the physical (operating system) file name. Can be NULL.

Backup Set Expiration Date

Date and time the backup set expires. Can be NULL.

1.23 Database IOPS Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information on the read and write load on each database.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-28 Database IOPS Metrics

Metric Description

Bytes Read per second

Number of bytes read per second by this database.

Bytes Written per second

Number of bytes written per second by this database.

Database Name

Name of the database.

Reads per second

Number of reads performed per second by this database.

Writes per second

Number of writes performed per second by this database.

1.24 Database Job

The metrics in this category return information about jobs that are used by the SQLServerAgent service to perform automated activities in Microsoft SQL Server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 1-29 Database Job Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Computer Used to Send Network Messages

Name of the user or computer used when sending network messages.

Computer Used to Send Pages

Name of the user or computer used when sending a page.

Current Execution Status

  • 0 — Returns only jobs that are not idle or suspended

  • 1 — Executing

  • 2 — Waiting for thread

  • 3 — Between retries

  • 4 — Idle

  • 5 — Suspended

  • 7 — Performing completion actions

Current Execution Steps in the Job

Current job execution step.

Current Retry Attempt

If the job is running and the step has been retried, this is the current retry attempt.

Delete Job Event

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances the job should be deleted when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.


Description for the job.

Email of Operator

Email name of the operator to notify.


Indicates whether the job is enabled to be executed.

ID of Next Run Schedule

Identification number of the next run schedule.

Job Category

The category to which the job belongs.

Job Creation Date

Date the job was created.

Job ID (key column)

Job identification number.

Job Modification Date

Date the job was last modified.

Job Owner

The owner of the job.

Job Type

  • 1 — Local job

  • 2 — Multiserver job

  • 0 — Job has no target servers

Job Version Number

Version of the job, which is automatically updated each time the job is modified.

Last Run Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Date the job last started executing.

Last Run Outcome

Outcome of the job the last time it ran:

  • 0 — Failed

  • 1 — Succeeded

  • 3 — Canceled

  • 5 — Unknown

Last Run Time (hh:mm:ss)

Time the job last started executing.


Name of the job.

Next Run Date (mm-dd-yyyy)

Date the job is next scheduled to run.

Next Run Time (hh:mm:ss)

Time the job is next scheduled to run.

Notify Level Email

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a notification email should be sent when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.

Notify Level Event Log

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a notification event should be logged to the Microsoft Windows NT application log. Possible values:

  • 0 — Never

  • 1 — When a job succeeds

  • 2 — When the job fails

  • 3 — Whenever the job completes (regardless of the job outcome)

Notify Level Net Send

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a network message should be sent when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.

Notify Level Page

Bitmask indicating under what circumstances a page should be sent when a job completes. Possible values are the same as for notify_level_eventlog.

Number of Job Schedules

Number of job schedules the job has.

Number of Job Steps

Number of job steps the job has.

Number of Target Servers

Number of target servers the job has.

Originating Server

Name of the server from which the job originated.

Start Step ID

ID of the step in the job where execution should begin.

1.25 Database Lock

The metrics in this category report information about locks.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-30 Database Lock Metrics

Metric Description

Server Process Identifier (key column)

Server process ID of the current user process.

Database Identifier (key column)

Database identification number requesting a lock.

Object Identifier (key column)

Object identification number of the object requesting a lock.

Index Identifier (key column)

Deprecated. Always returns 0.


Lock mode:

  • Shared (S)

  • Update (U)

  • Exclusive (X)

  • Intent

  • Schema

  • Bulk update (BU)

  • RangeS_S — Shared range, shared resource lock; serializable range scan.

  • RangeS_U — Shared range, update resource lock; serializable update scan.

  • RangeI_N — Insert range, null resource lock. Used to test ranges before inserting a new key into an index.

  • RangeX_X — Exclusive range, exclusive resource lock. Used when updating a key in a range.


Lock resource that corresponds to the value in syslockinfo.restext:


Lock Request Status

The current status of the lock:



The lock type:

  • RID = Lock on a single row in a table identified by a row identifier (RID).

  • KEY = Lock within an index that protects a range of keys in serializable transactions.

  • PAG = Lock on a data or index page.

  • EXT = Lock on an extent.

  • TAB = Lock on an entire table, including all data and indexes.

  • DB = Lock on a database.

  • FIL = Lock on a database file.

  • APP = Lock on an application-specified resource.

  • MD = Locks on metadata, or catalog information.

  • HBT = Lock on a heap or B-Tree index. This information is incomplete in SQL Server.

  • AU = Lock on an allocation unit. This information is incomplete in SQL Server.

Resource Type

Type of resource being locked. This presents the same data as the Type metric:


  • FILE


  • PAGE

  • KEY


  • RID



  • HOBT


1.26 Database Parameter

The Databases object in Microsoft SQL Server provides counters to monitor:

  • Bulk copy operations.

  • Backup and restore throughput.

  • Transaction log activities.

Monitoring transactions and the transaction log determine how much user activity is occurring in the database and how full the transaction log is becoming. The amount of user activity can determine the performance of the database and affect log size, locking, and replication. Monitoring low-level log activity to gauge user activity and resource usage can help you identify performance bottlenecks.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 1-31 Database Parameter Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Parameter Name (key column)

Name of the Database Configuration parameter.

Current Value

Current value of the Database Configuration parameter.


Text description of the configuration value.

Dynamic Reconfigure

Whether the parameter can be dynamically reconfigured. If TRUE, a modification to the value is immediately effective. If FALSE, modifications are visible only after the SQL Server service has been stopped and restarted.


Parameter name.

Maximum Value

Upper bound for a configuration value.

Minimum Value

Lower bound for a configuration value.

Running Value

Value for the configuration option (value in syscurconfigs.value).

Table 1-32 ID Description Mapping

Metric Description


Recovery interval.


Allow updates.


User Connections.




Open objects


Fill factor.


Nested triggers.


Remote access.


Default language.


Language in cache.


Max async I/O.


Max worker threads.


Network packet size.


Show advanced option.


Remote proc trans.


Remote conn timeout.


Time slice.


Default sort order ID.


Unicode local ID.


Unicode comparison style.


Language neutral.


Two-digit year cutoff.


Index create mem.


Spin Counter.


Priority boost.


Remote login timeout.


Remote query timeout.


Cursor threshold.


Set working set size.


Resource timeout.


User Options.


Processor affinity mask.


Max text repl size.


Media retention.


Cost threshold for parallelism.


Max degree of parallelism.


Min memory per query.


Query wait.


VLM size.


Min memory.


Max memory.


Query max time.


Lightweight pooling.

1.27 Database Performance

The Databases object in Microsoft SQL Server provides counters to monitor:

  • Bulk copy operations.

  • Backup and restore throughput.

  • Transaction log activities.

Monitoring transactions and the transaction log determine how much user activity is occurring in the database and how full the transaction log is becoming. The amount of user activity can determine the performance of the database and affect log size, locking, and replication. Monitoring low-level log activity to gauge user activity and resource usage can help you identify performance bottlenecks.

1.27.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012

Default Collection Interval — Uploads data when an alert is raised

Table 1-33 Database Performance Metrics

Metric Description

Database Performance Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-34.

Database Performance Instance Name (key column)

Instance for the Database Performance Counter Name

Database Performance Server Locks Counter Value

Performance metric value.

The Database Performance Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-34 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-34 Database Performance Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description

Active Transactions

Number of active transactions for the database.

Backup/Restore Throughput/sec

Read/write throughput for backup and restore operations of a database per second. For example, you can measure how the performance of the database backup operation changes when more backup devices are used in parallel or when faster devices are used. Throughput of a database backup or restore operation allows you to determine the progress and performance of your backup and restore operations.

Bulk Copy Rows/sec

Number of rows bulk-copied per second.

Bulk Copy Throughput/sec

Amount of data bulk-copied in kilobytes per second.

Data File(s) Size (KB)

Cumulative size (in kilobytes) of all the data files in the database including any automatic growth. Monitoring this counter is useful, for example, for determining the correct size of tempdb.

DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec

Number of logical read scan bytes per second for database consistency checker (DBCC) statements.

Log Bytes Flushed/sec

Total number of log bytes flushed.

Log Cache Hit Ratio

Percentage of log cache reads satisfied from the log cache.

Log Cache Reads/sec

Reads performed per second through the log manager cache.

Log File(s) Size

Cumulative size in kilobytes of all the transaction log files in the database.

Log File(s) Used Size (KB)

The cumulative used size of all the log files in the database.

Log Flush Wait Time

Total wait time in milliseconds to flush the log.

Log Flush Waits/sec

Number of commits per second waiting for the log flush.

Log Flushes/sec

Number of log flushes per second.

Log Growths

Total number of times the transaction log for the database has expanded.

Log Shrinks

Total number of times the transaction log for the database has contracted.

Log Truncations

Total number of times the transaction log for the database has truncated.

Percent Log Used

Percentage of space in the log that is in use.

Repl. Pending Xacts

Number of transactions in the transaction log of the publication database marked for replication, but not yet delivered to the distribution database.

Repl. Trans. Rate

Number of transactions per second read out of the transaction log of the publication database and delivered to the distribution database.

Shrink Data Movement Bytes/sec

Amount of data being moved per second by autoshrink operations, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE, or DBCC SHRINKFILE statements.


Number of transactions started for the database per second.

1.28 Database Status

The metrics in this category provide status metrics on which various thresholds can be set.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-35 Database Status Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.


Status of the database.


Indicates whether the database status is ONLINE (Yes/No).


Indicates whether the database status is OFFLINE (Yes/No)


Indicates whether the database status is RESTORING (Yes/No).


Indicates whether the database status is RECOVERING (Yes/No)


Indicates whether the database status is RECOVERY PENDING (Yes/No)


Indicates whether the database status is SUSPECT (Yes/No)


Indicates whether the database status is EMERGENCY (Yes/No)

1.29 Detailed Response

This metric category provides information about the response of the server.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-36 Detailed Response Metrics

Metric Description

Process ID

Process identifier.

Server Name

Name of the server.

Service Path

Path of the SQL service.

SQL Service Status

Status of the SQL server.

1.30 Event Log Entry

The MSSQL_ErrorLogEntry class represents the entries in a SQL Service error log.

Default Collection Interval — Metric is disabled. Uploads data when an alert is raised.

Table 1-37 Event Log Entry Metrics

Metric Description

Type of Record (key column)

Specifies the type of event. This is an enumerated string

Record Number (key column)

Identifies the event within the Windows logfile (for example, NT Eventlog logfile). This is specific to the logfile and is used together with the logfile name to uniquely identify an instance of this class.

Event Log Entry

Name of the Windows logfile (for example, NT Eventlog logfile). This is used together with the RecordNumber to uniquely identify an instance of this class.

Event Code

This property has the value of the lower 16-bits of the EventIdentifier property. It is present to match the value displayed in the NT Event Viewer. Two events from the same source may have the same value for this property but may have different severity and EventIdentifier values

Event Identifier

Identifies the event. This is specific to the source that generated the event log entry, and is used, together with SourceName, to uniquely identify an NT event type.

Event Severity

Indicates the severity of the event. Two events from the same source may have may have different severity and EventIdentifier values.


Specifies a subcategory for this event. This subcategory is source specific.


User name of the logged on user when the event occurred. If the user name cannot be determined this will be NULL.

Event Message

Event message as it appears in the NT Eventlog. This is a standard message with zero or more insertion strings supplied by the source of the NT event. The insertion strings are inserted into the standard message in a predefined format. If there are no insertion strings or there is a problem inserting the insertion strings, only the standard message will be present in this field.

1.31 General Statistics

The General Statistics object in Microsoft SQL Server provides counters to monitor general server-wide activity, such as the number of current connections and the number of users connecting and disconnecting per second from computers running an instance of SQL Server. This can be useful when you are working on large online transaction processing (OLTP) systems where many clients connect and disconnect from an instance of SQL Server.

1.31.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-38 General Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

General Statistics Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-39.

General Statistics Counter Value

Performance metric value.

The General Statistics Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-39 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-39 General Statistics Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description


Total number of logins started per second.


Total number of logout operations started per second.

User Connections

Number of user connections. Because each user connection consumes some memory, configuring overly high numbers of user connections could affect throughput. User connections should be set to the maximum expected number of concurrent users.

1.32 HADR Availability Groups

The metrics in this category provide status and health information about AlwaysOn high-availability disaster recovery availability groups.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 30 Minutes

Table 1-40 HADR Availability Groups Metrics

Metric Description

Group ID

Availability group unique ID.

Group Name

Availability group name.

Synchronization Health

Summary of the synchronization state for the replicas in the availability group.

Failure Condition Level

Condition under which an automatic failover is triggered.

1.33 HADR Availability Group Replicas

The metrics in this category provide status and health information about AlwaysOn high-availability disaster recovery availability replicas.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 30 Minutes

Table 1-41 HADR Availability Group Replicas Metrics

Metric Description

Replica ID

Availability replica unique ID.

Group ID

Availability group unique ID.

Server Name

SQL Server server/instance name hosting the replica.

Availability Mode

Replica availability mode.

  • 0 - Asynchronous Commit

  • 1 - Synchronous Commit

Availability Mode Description

Label of the replica availability mode.


Current role of this replica in the availability group.

  • 0 - Resolving

  • 1 - Primary

  • 2 - Secondary

Role Description

Label of the replica role.

Connected State

Indicates whether a secondary replica is currently connected to the primary replica.

  • 0 - Disconnected

  • 1 - Connected

Connected State Description

Label of the replica connected state.

Synchronization Health

Summary of the synchronization state for the databases in the availability group.

  • 0 - Not Healthy. At least one database is not synchronizing

  • 1 - Partially Healthy. Some databases are not in the target synchronization state.

  • 2 - Healthy. All of the databases are in the target synchronization state.

Endpoint URL

Database mirroring endpoint used for synchronization.

1.34 HADR Cluster Members

The metrics in this category provide status and health information about members in a AlwaysOn high-availability disaster recovery cluster.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 30 Minutes

Table 1-42 HADR Cluster Members Metrics

Metric Description

Member Name

Availability group cluster member name.

Member Type

Type of member.

  • 0 - WSFC node

  • 1 - Disk witness

  • 2 - File share witness

Member Type Description

Label of the member type.

Member State

State of the cluster member.

  • 0 - Offline

  • 1 - Online

Member State Description

Label of the member state.

1.35 Index/Table Fragmentation Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information of the defragment level of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Currently, this metric is not applicable for Microsoft SQL Server 2000. To retrieve data for this metric, DMV "sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats" is queried for each database (for all objects, indices and partitions). The scan level mode to obtain the statistics is DEFAULT or NULL (that is, equivalent to LIMITED), which is the fastest mode and scans the smallest number of pages.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every SUN

Table 1-43 Index/Table Fragmentation Metrics

Metric Description

Database ID (key column)

Database ID number

Object ID (key column)

Object ID number

Index ID (key column)

Index ID number

Partition Number (key column)

Partition number

Index Type Description (key column)

Index type description, such as CLUSTERED INDEX, and HEAP.

Allocation Unit type Description

Description of the allocation unit type:




The LOB_DATA allocation unit contains the data that is stored in columns of type text, ntext, image, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and xml. For more information, see Data Types (Transact-SQL).

The ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation unit contains the data that is stored in columns of type varchar(n), nvarchar(n), varbinary(n), and sql_variant that have been pushed off-row. For more information, see Row-Overflow Data Exceeding 8 KB.

Number of Index levels

1 = Heap, or LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation unit.

Current Level of Index

Zero for index leaf levels, heaps, and LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units.

Greater than zero for nonleaf index levels. index_level will be the highest at the root level of an index.

The nonleaf levels of indexes are only processed when mode = DETAILED.

Average Fragmentation in Percent

Logical fragmentation for indexes, or extent fragmentation for heaps in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit. The value is measured as a percentage and takes into account multiple files. For definitions of logical and extent fragmentation, see Remarks.

Zero for LOB_DATA and ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units.

NULL for heaps when mode = SAMPLED.

Upload Frequency - After every sample.

Alert Text - Average fragmentation for %indexid% is %avg_fragmentation_in_percent%%% where Database ID is %database_id%, Object ID is %object_id% ,Index ID is %index_id%,Partition Number is %partition_number% and Index type Description is %index_type_desc%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%%%) or critical (%critical_threshold%%%) threshold.

Multiple Thresholds - For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of " Database ID ", " Object ID ", " Index ID ", " Partition Number ", and " Index type Description " objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of " Database ID ", " Object ID ", " Index ID ", " Partition Number ", and " Index type Description " objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of "Database ID", "Object ID", "Index ID", "Partition Number", and "Index type Description" objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Number of fragments in the leaf level

Number of fragments in the leaf level of an IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit. For more information about fragments, see Remarks.

NULL for nonleaf levels of an index, and LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units.

NULL for heaps when mode = SAMPLED.

Average number of pages in one fragment

Average number of pages in one fragment in the leaf level of an IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

NULL for nonleaf levels of an index, and LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units.

NULL for heaps when mode = SAMPLED.

Total number of index or data pages

For an index, the total number of index pages in the current level of the b-tree in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For a heap, the total number of data pages in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units, total number of pages in the allocation unit.

Average(%) of available data storage space used

Average percentage of available data storage space used in all pages.

For an index, average applies to the current level of the b-tree in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For a heap, the average of all data pages in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW DATA allocation units, the average of all pages in the allocation unit.

NULL when mode = LIMITED.

Upload Frequency - After every sample.

Alert Text - Average percentage of available data storage space used in all pages for %indexid% is %avg_page_space_used_in_percent%%% where Database ID is %database_id%, Object ID is %object_id% , Partition Number is %partition_number% and Index type Description is %index_type_desc%.It has fallen below warning (%warning_threshold%%%) or critical (%critical_threshold%%%) threshold.

Multiple Thresholds - For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combiation of "Database ID", "Object ID", "Index ID", "Partition Number", and "Index type Description " objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of "Database ID", "Object ID", "Index ID", "Partition Number", and "Index type Description" objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of "Database ID", " Object ID ", " Index ID ", "Partition Number", and "Index type Description" objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Total number of records

Total number of records. For an index, total number of records applies to the current level of the b-tree in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit. For a heap, the total number of records in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

Note: For a heap, the number of records returned from this function might not match the number of rows that are returned by running a SELECT COUNT(*) against the heap. This is because a row may contain multiple records. For example, under some update situations, a single heap row may have a forwarding record and a forwarded record as a result of the update operation. Also, most large LOB rows are split into multiple records in LOB_DATA storage.

For LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units, the total number of records in the complete allocation unit. NULL when mode = LIMITED.

Number of ghost records ready for removal

Number of ghost records ready for removal by the ghost cleanup task in the allocation unit.

Zero for nonleaf levels of an index in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

NULL when mode = LIMITED.

Number of ghost records retained in an allocation unit

Number of ghost records retained by an outstanding snapshot isolation transaction in an allocation unit.

Zero for nonleaf levels of an index in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

NULL when mode = LIMITED.

Minimum record size in bytes

For an index, minimum record size applies to the current level of the b-tree in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For a heap, the minimum record size in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units, the minimum record size in the complete allocation unit.

NULL when mode = LIMITED.

Maximum record size in bytes

For an index, the maximum record size applies to the current level of the b-tree in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For a heap, the maximum record size in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units, the maximum record size in the complete allocation unit.

NULL when mode = LIMITED.

Average record size in bytes

For an index, the average record size applies to the current level of the b-tree in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For a heap, the average record size in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit.

For LOB_DATA or ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation units, the average record size in the complete allocation unit.

NULL when mode = LIMITED.

Number of records in a heap that have forward pointers

Number of records in a heap that have forward pointers to another data location. (This state occurs during an update, when there is not enough room to store the new row in the original location.)

NULL for any allocation unit other than the IN_ROW_DATA allocation units for a heap.

NULL for heaps when mode = LIMITED.

Database Name

The name of the database.

Object Name

The name of the object.

Index Name

The name of the index.

1.36 Index Usage

This metric category provides information about index operations.

Default Collection Interval — Every 60 minutes

Table 1-44 Index Usage Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

Database ID

Database identifier

Table or View Name

Name of the table or view.

Table or View ID

Identifier of the table or view.

Index Name

Name of the index.

User Seeks per second

User Seeks per second.

User Scans per second

User Scans per second

User Lookups per second

User Lookups per second

User Updates per second

User Updates per second

System Seeks per second

System Seeks per second

System Scans per second

System Scans per second

System Lookups per second

System Lookups per second

System Updates per second

System Updates per second

Total Operations per second

Total Operations per second

1.37 Last Database Backup

The metrics in this category provide the last data or incremental backup information for all databases.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 1-45 Last Database Backup Metrics

Metric Description

Database_name (key column)

Name of the database.

Days Since Last Backup

Date when the last data or incremental backup of the database was initiated.

Last Backup Date

Date when the last backup of the database was initiated.

Last Backup Type

Whether the last backup was a data (full) or incremental backup.

1.38 Latches

The metrics in this category provide counters to monitor latches.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-46 Latch Wait Time Metrics

Metric Description

Latch Counter Name

Name of the latch counter

1.39 Latch Wait Time

The metrics in this category provide details about the average Latch Wait time.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-47 Latch Wait Time Metrics

Metric Description

Average Latch Wait Time (ms)

Average Latch Wait Time in milliseconds.

1.40 Login

The MSSQL_Login class represents the login authentication records present in a SQL Server installation.

Default Collection Interval — in real time

Table 1-48 Login Metrics

Metric Description

Name (key column)

User name.


Login type for the user:

  • 0 — Other NT user authentication

  • 1 — NT group

  • 2 — SQL server authentication

1.41 Memory Manager

The Memory Manager object in Microsoft SQL Server provides counters that enable you to monitor overall server memory usage to gauge user activity and resource usage. This can help you identify performance bottlenecks.

1.41.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-49 Memory Manager Metrics

Metric Description

Memory Manager Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-50.

Memory Manager Counter Value

Performance metric value.

The Memory Manager Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-50 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-50 Memory Manager Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description

Connection Memory (KB)

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections.

Granted Workspace Memory (KB)

Total amount of memory currently granted to executing processes such as hash, sort, bulk copy, and index creation operations.

Lock Memory (KB)

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for locks.

Lock Blocks Allocated

Current number of allocated lock blocks. At server startup, the number of allocated lock blocks plus the number of allocated lock owner blocks depends on the SQL Server Locks configuration option. If more lock blocks are needed, the value increases.

Lock Owner Blocks Allocated

Current number of allocated lock owner blocks. At server startup, the number of allocated lock owner blocks plus the number of allocated lock blocks depends on the SQL Server Locks configuration option. If more lock owner blocks are needed, the value increases dynamically.

Lock Blocks

Current number of lock blocks in use on the server (refreshed periodically). A lock block represents an individual locked resource, such as a table, page, or row.

Lock Owner Blocks

Number of lock owner blocks currently in use on the server (refreshed periodically). A lock owner block represents the ownership of a lock on an object by an individual thread. Therefore, if three threads each have a shared (S) lock on a page, there will be three lock owner blocks.

Maximum Workspace Memory (KB)

Maximum amount of memory available for executing processes such as hash, sort, bulk copy, and index creation operations.

Memory Grants Outstanding

Total number of processes per second that have successfully acquired a workspace memory grant.

Memory Grants Pending

Total number of processes per second waiting for a workspace memory grant.

Optimizer Memory (KB)

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for query optimization.

SQL Cache Memory (KB)

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for the dynamic SQL cache.

Target Server Memory (KB)

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is willing to consume.

Total Server Memory (KB)

Memory allocated to the SQL Server.

1.42 Memory Statistics

The metrics in this category provide information about various memory-related performance issues.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-51 Memory Statistics Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Average Latch Wait Time (ms)

Average latch wait time in milliseconds for latch requests that had to wait.

If this number is high, your server might have resource limitations.

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio (%)

Percentage of pages found in the buffer cache without having to read from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total number of cache lookups since the SQL Server was started. After a long period of time, the ratio does not change very much.

Because reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading from disk, this ratio should be high. Generally, you can increase the buffer cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to the SQL Server.

Cache Hit Ratio (%)

Percentage of pages found in the cache without needing to read from disk. The ratio is the total number of cache hits divided by the total number of cache lookups since the SQL Server was started. After a long period of time, the ratio does not change very much.

Because reading from the cache is less expensive than reading from disk, this ratio should be high. The higher this value is, the better. Generally, you can increase the cache hit ratio by increasing the amount of memory available to the SQL Server.

Log Flush Wait Time (ms)

Log cache is very important, because it rolls back a transaction before it is committed if the circumstances warrant. But after a transaction is complete (and no longer can be rolled back), this log cache is immediately flushed to the physical log file. This is a normal procedure.

SELECT queries that do not modify data do not create transactions and do not produce log flushes. Essentially, a log flush occurs when data is written from the log cache to the physical log file. Therefore, a log flush occurs every time a transaction completes, and the number of log flushes that occur are related to the number of transactions performed by the SQL Server.

One way to troubleshoot the disk I/O bottleneck is to capture the Log Flushes/sec counter data and see how busy this mechanism is. If the server experiences a lot of transactions, it will also experience a lot of log flushes, so the value you see for this counter can vary from server to server, depending on how busy it is with action-type queries that create transactions.

Try to identify situations where the number of log flushes per second seems to be significantly higher than the expected number of transactions that you think should be running on a server.

Total Lock Wait Time (ms)

Total wait time in milliseconds for locks in the last second. If the value is high, your server has high resource contention.

1.43 Memory Usage

This metric category provides information about how much memory is used by the server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-52 Memory Usage Metrics

Metric Description

Server Memory (KB)

Amount of memory the server is using.

1.44 Mirroring Monitoring

This metric category provides information about a database mirroring session. You must launch the Microsoft Database Mirroring Monitor tool before this metric category can collect data. Because of this requirement, this metric category is disabled by default.

Table 1-53 Mirroring Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

Mirroring Role

Current role that the database plays in the database mirroring session.

Mirroring State

State of the mirror database and the database mirroring session.

Witness Status

Status of the witness in the database mirroring session.

Log Generation Rate (KB)

Rate of log generation in KB/s.

Unsent Log (KB)

Amount of unsent logs in KB.

Send Rate (KB/s)

Send rate in (KB/s)

Unrestored Log (KB)

Amount of unrestored logs in KB.

Recovery Rate (KB/s)

Recovery rate in KB/s

Transaction Delay (ms)

Length of a transaction delay in milliseconds

Transactions per second

Amount of transaction per second.

Average Transaction Delay

Average transaction delay.

Mirroring Role Description

Description of the mirroring role.

Mirroring State Description

Description of the mirroring state.

Witness Status Description

Description of the witness status.

1.45 Mirroring Statistics

This metric category provides statistics about the mirroring session.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-54 Mirroring Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Mirroring Statistics Instance Name

Name of the mirroring instance.

Mirroring Statistics Counter Name

Name of the mirroring statistics counter

Mirroring Statistics Counter Value

Value of the mirroring statistics counter.

1.46 Missing Indexes

This metric category leverages MSSQL Dynamic Management Views to get recommended indexes.

Default Collection Interval — Every 60 minutes

Table 1-55 Missing Indexes Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

Database ID

Database identifier.

Fully Qualified Table Name

Available space for data file

Table ID

Table identifier.

Equality Columns

Columns that are queried when this index would be used.

Inequality Columns

Columns that are queried when this index would be used.

Included Columns

Columns often included in the result set when this index would be used.

Unique Compiles

Number of unique compiles.

Last User Seek Time

Time of the last user seek.

Last User Scan Time

Time of the last user scan.

Last System Seek Time

Time of the last system seek.

Last System Scan Time

Time of the last system scan.

Estimated Performance Benefit

Unitless measure of estimated benefit from this index. Useful only to compare to other recommended indexes.

Generated Index Name

Name generated based on table name and columns involved and included.

User Seeks per second

User Seeks per second

User Scans per second

User Scans per second

System Seeks per second

System Seeks per second

System Scans per second

System Scans per second

1.47 MSSQL Database File

The MSSQL_DatabaseFile class is an extension to the CIM_DataFile class. It contains properties that are relevant to an operating system file that is also a file storing SQL Server database data.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-56 MSSQL Database File Metrics

Metric Description

Database File Name (key column)

User name.

Database Name (key column)

Name of the database.

FileGroup Name (key column)

Name of the File Group.

Database File Path

Complete path of the database file.

Datafile Free Space (MB)

Available space for data file

Datafile Used Space (MB)

Used space for data file

File Growth

Growth increment of the operating system file that stores table, index, or log data. When FileGrowthType is in megabytes, the FileGrowth value represents the number of megabytes of disk space to allocate for incremental file growth. When FileGrowthType is percent, the value represents a percentage and must be in the range from 1 through 100.

File Growth Type

Method of incremental allocation applied when an operating system file is extended.

  • 0 — Megabyte

  • 1 — Percent

  • 99 — Invalid

Maximum Size

Upper limit for the size of an operating system file containing table and index data, or maintaining a database transaction log.

Normalized (for autogrowth) Maximum File Size (MB)

Maximum file size of the database.

Primary File

Whether the database file is the one that maintains the database-specific system tables. A Microsoft SQL Server database can have only one primary file.

Space Available in MB

Amount of disk resources, in megabytes, allocated and unused in operating system files.

Database File Space Available (%)

Percentage of space available for the database file. If file autogrowth is enabled, the percentage of space available to the largest possible database file.

Size (MB)

Current size of the database file.

1.48 MSSQL File Group

The MSSQL_FileGroup class represents the groups of operating system files that store a database. A SQL Server filegroup categorizes the operating system files containing data from a single SQL Server database to simplify database administration tasks, such as a backup. A filegroup cannot contain the operating system files of more than one database, though a single database can contain more than one filegroup.

Default Collection Interval — in real time

Table 1-57 MSSQL File Group Metrics

Metric Description

DatabaseName (key column)

Name of the database.

Filegroup Name (key column)

File Group name.


Whether the file group is the default file group during table or index creation.

File Group Free Space (MB)

Available free space for file group.

File Group Used Space (MB)

Used space for file group.

Read Only

Whether the file group is read only.

Total Size of the File Group (in MB)

Total size of the file group in megabytes.


File group type. A database is created on exactly one file group named PRIMARY. This is the primary file group. After database creation, you can add a file group to the database, called a user-defined file group.

  • 0 — User-defined

  • 8 — On read-only media

  • 16 — Primary

1.49 MSSQL Transaction Log


This metric is supported for SQLServer Database 2000 targets but not for SQLServer Database 2005 targets.

The MSSQL_TransactionLog class represents the transaction log of a Microsoft SQL Server database. A SQL Server transaction log maintains a record of modifications to the operating system files containing the data of an SQL Server database. The transaction log provides data recovery assistance if a system failure occurs, and a SQL Server database has at least one operating system file that stores transaction log records. A transaction log can be written to more than one operating system file. Each SQL Server database maintains its own transaction log, and the operating system file or files that store log records cannot be shared with another database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-58 MSSQL Transaction Log Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name (key column)

FileGroup name.


Initial size of the database.

Last Backup

Time of the last backup.

Auto-growth Potential Space (MB)

Amount of disk space available for the log to grow into based on its autogrowth settings.

Transaction Log Space Available (%)

Percentage of space available in the database.

Unused Space (MB)

Unused space in the database.

1.50 Processor

The Win32_Processor class represents a device that is capable of interpreting a sequence of machine instructions on a Win32 computer system. On a multiprocessor machine, one instance of this class exists for each processor.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-59 Processor Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Device (key column)

Device ID for the device.

CPU Status

Status of the CPU.

Load Percentage

Usage of the CPU. If the value increases above the critical threshold, this indicates a possible risk to the processor.

1.51 Response

This metrics category provide information about the response of the target SQL Server Instance.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 1-60 Response Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Process ID

Process ID of the SQL Server process.

Server Name

Name of the instance of the SQL Server.

Software Home

Path of the SQL Server process.

SQL Server Status

Status of the SQL Server process. When the status is not Running, the SQL Server must be started.

1.52 Server Statistics Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about various server-related performance issues.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-61 Server Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

CPU Busy Ratio

CPU utilization.

CPU ms

CPU busy time in milliseconds.

Errors / sec.

Packet error rate in seconds.


CPU idle time in milliseconds.

IO ms

IO busy time in milliseconds.

Max Connections

Maximum number of connections.

Open Transactions

Total number of transactions.

Packet Error Ratio

The ratio of erroneous packets received to the number of packets received.

Packets Errors

Number of packet errors.

Packets Received

Number of received packets.

Packets Sent

Number of sent packets.

Reads / sec.

Packet read rate in seconds.

Total Errors

Total number of errors.

Total Reads

Total number of reads.

Total Writes

Total number of writes.

Writes / sec.

Packet write rate in seconds.

1.53 Space Usage

The metrics in this category provide information on how the space in each database is used.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-62 Space Usage Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

Total Size of Database (MB)

Total size of the database.

Unallocated (MB)

Amount of unallocated space in the database.

Transaction Log Total Size (MB)

Total size of the transaction log.

Transaction Log Available (%)

Percent of the transaction log available.

Database File System Available (%)

Percent of the file system available.

Primary Filegroup Available (%)

Percent of the primary filegroup available.

Data (MB)

Amount of space used by data.

Indexes (MB)

Amount of space used by indexes.

Reserved but Unused (MB)

Amount of space that is reserved, but not used yet.

1.54 SQL Cluster Nodes Information

The metrics in this category provide details about the Windows cluster nodes.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 30 Minutes

Table 1-63 SQL Cluster Nodes Information Metrics

Metric Description

Node Name

Name of the Windows cluster node.


The name of an index.

1.55 SQL Cluster Number of Nodes

The metrics in this category provide the number of nodes in the cluster.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 30 Minutes

Table 1-64 SQL Cluster Number of Nodes Metrics

Metric Description

Number of Nodes

Number of cluster nodes.

1.56 SQL Instance Statistics

This metric category provides statistics about the SQL instance.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 60 Minutes

Table 1-65 SQL Instance Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Combined Database File Size (MB)

Combined database file size of a SQL instance.

Number of databases

Number of databases on a SQL instance.

1.57 SQL Server Process Statistics

The metrics in this category provide the number of nodes in the cluster.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 15 Minutes

Table 1-66 SQL Server Process Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Process Count

Number of processes.

Process State

Specifies whether the process is running or sleeping

1.58 SQL Server Backups

The metrics in this category provide a list of backups that can be restored or deleted through the plug-in job process.

Table 1-67 SQL Server Backups Metrics

Metric Description

Backup File

Backup file with full path.

Server Name

Server name.

Database Name

Name of database that has been backed up

Backup Finish Date

Backup finish date

Backup Size (byte)

File size of backup

Backup Type

Type of back up.

  • D = Database

  • I = Database Differential

  • L = Log

  • F = File or Filegroup.

Media Set Id

Media set ID

File Position

Position of database backup in backup file.

Backup GUID

Unique identifier for the backup.

Differential Base GUID

Unique identifier of the differential base.

1.59 SQL Server Locks

The Locks object in Microsoft SQL Server provides information about SQL Server locks on individual resource types. Locks are held on SQL Server resources, such as rows read or modified during a transaction, to prevent concurrent use of resources by multiple transactions. For example, if an exclusive (X) lock is held on a row within a table by a transaction, no other transaction can modify that row until the lock is released. Minimizing locks increases concurrency, which can improve performance. Multiple instances of the Locks object can be monitored at the same time, with each instance representing a lock on a resource type.

1.59.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-68 SQL Server Locks Metrics

Metric Description

SQL Server Locks Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-69.

SQL Server Locks Instance Name (key column)

Instance for the SQL Server Locks Counter Name.

SQL Server Locks Counter Value

Performance metric value.

The SQL Server Locks Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-69 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-69 SQL Server Locks Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description

Average Wait Time (ms)

Average amount of wait time in milliseconds for each lock request that resulted in a wait.

Average Wait Time Base

Denominator ("base") of a fraction that the performance counter Average Wait Time ratio represents.

Lock Requests/sec

Number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from the lock manager.

Lock Timeouts/sec

Number of lock requests per second that timed out, including internal requests for NOWAIT locks.

Lock Waits/sec

Number of lock requests per second that could not be satisfied immediately and required the caller to wait.

Lock Wait Time (ms)

Total wait time in milliseconds for locks in the last second.

Number of Deadlocks/sec

Number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock.

1.60 SQL Server Process

The MSSQL_Process class represents SQL Server processes. Note that these are not the same as an operating system's notion of a process. These are the processes identified by the SQL Server and assigned a SQL Server process ID by the SQL Server.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 1-70 SQL Server Process Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Process Handle (key column)

Process ID.

Blocked Process ID

ID of a process being blocked by the process.

CPU Time (ms)

Cumulative CPU usage time of the process.

Client Name

Name of the client application.


Abbreviated indicator of the current command. When no command is current, it has a value of AWAITING COMMAND.

Creation Date

Time that the process began executing.

Database Name

Database currently being used by the process.

Execution State

Current operating condition of the process. Possible values are as shown:

  • 0 — Unknown

  • 1 — Other

  • 2 — Ready

  • 3 — Running

  • 4 — Blocked

  • 5 — Suspended Blocked

  • 6 — Suspended Ready

Host Name

Name of the client workstation that started the SQL Server process.


Login used by the process to connect to the SQL Server.

Memory Usage (pages)

Number of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to this process. A negative number indicates that the process is freeing memory allocated by another process.

Process State

Whether the process is running or sleeping.

OS Level Thread ID

Identifier of the OS level thread.

1.61 SQL Server Role

The MSSQL_Role class represents a database role or a SQL Server role. Roles establish groups of users with similar security attributes. Permissions can be granted by role, simplifying security planning and administration.

Default Collection Interval — Real Time

Table 1-71 SQL Server Role Metrics

Metric Description


Role name.

Full Name

Descriptive title for the role.

1.62 SQL Statistics

The SQL Statistics object in the Microsoft SQL Server provides counters to monitor compilation and the type of requests sent to an instance of the SQL Server. Monitoring the number of query compilations and recompilations and the number of batches received by an instance of the SQL Server indicates how quickly the SQL Server is processing user queries and how effectively the query optimizer is processing the queries.

1.62.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012

Default Collection Interval — Every 10 minutes

Table 1-72 SQL Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

SQL Statistics Counter Name (key column)

Performance metric name. See Table 1-73.

SQL Statistics Counter Value (key column)

Performance metric value.

The SQL Statistics Counter Name key column contains several metrics. Table 1-73 provides a list of these metrics and a description for each.

Table 1-73 SQL Statistics Counter Name Metrics

Metric Description

Auto-Param Attempts/sec

Number of auto-parameterization attempts per second. Total should be the sum of the failed, safe, and unsafe auto-parameterizations. Auto-parameterization occurs when the SQL Server attempts to reuse a cached plan for a previously executed query that is similar as the current query, but not exactly the same. For more information, see "Auto-parameterization" in the Microsoft SQL Server Introduction.

Batch Requests/sec

Number of Transact-SQL command batches received per second. This statistic is affected by all constraints (such as I/O, number of users, cache size, complexity of requests, and so forth). High batch requests mean good throughput. For more information, see "Batch Processing" in the Microsoft SQL Server Introduction.

Safe Auto-Params/sec

Number of safe auto-parameterization attempts per second.

SQL Compilations/sec

Number of SQL compilations per second. Indicates the number of times the compile code path is entered. Includes compiles due to recompiles. After SQL Server user activity is stable, this value should reach a steady state.

SQL Recompilations/sec

Number of SQL recompiles per second. Counts the number of times recompiles are triggered. Generally, the number of recompiles should be low.

Unsafe Auto-Params/sec

Number of unsafe auto-parameterization attempts per second. The table has characteristics that prevent the cached plan from being shared. These are designated as unsafe. The fewer of these that occur the better.

1.63 Top Queries by CPU Time Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details about the Top Queries by CPU Time.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 1 Hour

Table 1-74 Top Queries by CPU Time Metrics

Metric Description

Query Hash (key)

An MD5 hash of the query text.


Text of the query.

Total CPU Time (ms)

Total amount of CPU time used by the query since the SQL Server service started.

CPU Time (ms) per Hour

Amount of CPU time used by the query per hour during the previous collection interval.

1.64 Top Queries by Execution Count

The metrics in this category provide details about the top queries by execution count.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 1 Hour

Table 1-75 Top Queries by Execution Count Metrics

Metric Description

Query Hash (key)

An MD5 hash of the query text.


Text of the query.

Total Execution Count

Number of times the query has executed since the SQL Server service started.

Execution Count per Hour

Number of times the query was executed per hour during the previous collection interval.

1.65 Top Queries by Total Blocked Time

The metrics in this category provide details about the top queries by total blocked time.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 1 Hour

Table 1-76 Top Queries by Total Blocked Time Metrics

Metric Description

Query Hash (key)

An MD5 hash of the query text.


Text of the query.

Total Blocked Time (ms)

Total amount of time the query has spent waiting for the CPU since the SQL Server service started.

Blocked Time (ms) per Hour

Amount of time the query spent waiting for the CPU per hour during the previous collection interval.

1.66 Top Sessions by CPU Utilization

The metrics in this category provide details about the Top Sessions by CPU Utilization.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 1 Hour

Table 1-77 Top Queries by Top Sessions by CPU Utilization Metrics

Metric Description

Session ID (key)

SQL Server session ID.

Login Name

SQL Server login name.

Login Time

Time when the session was established

Session Status

Status of the session.

Total CPU Time (ms)

Total amount of CPU time used by the session since the SQL Server service started

CPU Time (ms) per Hour

Amount of CPU time used by the session per hour during the previous collection interval.

1.67 Top Sessions by Memory Utilization

The metrics in this category provide details about the Top Sessions by Memory Utilization.

Evaluation and Collection Frequency — Every 1 Hour

Table 1-78 Top Sessions by Memory Utilization Metrics

Metric Description

Session ID (key)

SQL Server session ID.

Login Name

SQL Server login name.

Login Time

Time when the session was established.

Session Status

Time when the session was established.

Memory Used (8 KB Pages)

Number of memory pages being used by this session at the collection time..

1.68 User

The User object exposes the attributes of a single Microsoft SQL Server database user.

Default Collection Interval — Real Time

Table 1-79 User Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

DatabaseName (key column)

Name of the database.

Name (key column)

User name.

User Status

The status property is a string indicating the current status of the object. Various operational and non-operational statuses can be defined. Operational statuses are OK, Degraded, and Pred Fail. Pred Fail indicates that an element may be functioning properly but predicting a failure in the near future.

System Object

The SystemObject property indicates whether the object is owned by Microsoft. A value of True indicates that the object implementation is owned by Microsoft.

1.69 Windows Cluster Name

The metrics in this category provide details about the Windows cluster.

1.69.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-80 Windows Cluster Name Metrics

Metric Description

Cluster Name (key column)

Name of the Windows cluster.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.

1.70 Windows Cluster Nodes

The metrics in this category provide details about Windows cluster nodes.

1.70.1 For Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 1-81 Windows Cluster Nodes Metrics

Metric Description

Node Name (key column)

Name of the Windows cluster node.

Cluster Server Name

Name of the cluster server.