2 IBM DB2 Database Metrics

This chapter provides descriptions for all IBM DB2 Database metric categories, and tables list and describe associated metrics for each category. The tables also provide user actions if any of the metrics for a particular category support user actions. Shaded rows represent key columns for a particular category.

2.1 Viewing Metrics

To view the configuration metrics within the plug-in, navigate to the Last Collected configuration metrics page by selecting Configuration, then Last Collected from IBM DB2.

Figure 2-1 Last Collected Page for IBM DB2 Plug-in

Description of Figure 2-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 2-1 Last Collected Page for IBM DB2 Plug-in''

To view the performance and status metrics within the plug-in, navigate to the plug-in's All Metrics page by selecting Monitoring, then All Metrics from IBM DB2.

Figure 2-2 All Metrics Page for the IBM DB2 Plug-in

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 2-2 All Metrics Page for the IBM DB2 Plug-in''

2.2 Connections

Connections metrics provide the connection details for the database at the agent level and at the Database Manager level. Connections metrics consist of the following categories:

2.2.1 Agents Connection

The metrics in this category return the agent connection statistics, including the configured values and the current parameter values at the database manager snapshot level.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-1 Agents Connection Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Agent Created Due to Empty Pool

Number of agents created due to an empty pool.

Agent Creation Rate

Creation rate for agents in the last interval, which equals:

(agents_created_empty_pool-agents_created_empty_pool)/ __interval

Increase the value of the configuration parameter agents_created_empty_pool.

Agent Creation to Assignment Ratio

Creation to assignment ratio, which equals:

(agents_created_empty_pool /agents_from_pool)

Increase the value of the configuration parameter agents_from_pool.

Agent Limit

Number of agents the database manager can create.

Agent Waiting Top

Maximum number of agents that have waited.

Agents Assignment Rate

Assignment rate for agents in the last interval, which equals:

(agents_from_pool-agents_from_pool) /__interval

Increase the value of the configuration parameter agents_from_pool.

Agents Registered

Number of registered agents.

Agents Waiting on Token

Number of agents waiting on a token.

Coordination Agents Top

Maximum number of coordination agents.

Idle Agents

Number of idle agents.

Maximum Agents Registered

Maximum number of registered agents.

Maximum Coordination Agents

Maximum number of coordination agents the database has created.

Pool Agents

Number of agents from the pool.

2.2.2 Application Connection

The metrics in this category return the current connection information at both the database and database manager snapshot level, including the number of active connections.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-2 Application Connection Metrics

Metric Description

Active Applications

Number of active applications.

Active Local Connections

Number of active local connections.

Active Remote Connections

Number of active remote connections.

Applications Connected

Number of applications connected.

Database Name (key column)

Name of the database

Remote Connections

Current number of connections initiated from remote clients to the instance of the database manager that is being monitored.

Local Connections

Number of local applications currently connected to a database within the database instance being monitored.

Total Connections

Total number of connections.

2.3 Database Manager Configuration Information

Database Manager Configuration Information metrics describe a set of database manager configuration parameters. These values are of two types: in hard disk and in memory, which is the type presented here. Database Manager Configuration Information metrics consist of the following categories:

2.3.1 Capacity

The metrics in this category return the database manager capacity configuration parameters that can impact the throughput on your system.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-3 Capacity Metrics

Metric Description

Application Support Layer Size

The application support layer heap represents a communication buffer between the local application and its associated agent.

Database System Monitor Heap Size

Determines the amount of memory, in pages, to allocate for database monitor data.

Audit Buffer Size

Specifies the size of the buffer used when auditing the database.

Maximum Java Interpreter Heap Size

Determines the maximum size of the heap used by the Java interpreter started to service Java DB2 stored procedures and UDFs.

Maximum Total Files Open

Defines the maximum number of files that can be opened by all agents and other threads executing in a single database manager instance.

Priority of Agents

Controls the priority the operating system scheduler gives to all agents and other database manager instance processes and threads.

Maximum Number of Agents

Indicates the maximum number of database manager agents, whether coordinator agents or subagents, available at any given time to accept application requests.

Maximum Number of Concurrent Agents

Maximum number of database manager agents that can concurrently execute a database manager transaction.

Agent Pool Size

Determines the maximum size of the idle agent pool.

Initial Number of Agents in Pool

Determines the initial number of idle agents created in the Agentpool at DB2START time.

Sort Heap Threshold

The size of the shared sort memory is statically predetermined at the time of the first connection to a database based on the value of the sort heap threshold configuration parameter (sheapthreas).

2.3.2 Connection

The metrics in this category return the parameters that provide information about using DB2 in a client/server environment.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-4 Connection Metrics

Metric Description

TCP/IP Service Name

Contains the name of the TCP/IP port that a database server uses to communicate to the client.

Search Discovery Communications Protocols

From an administration server perspective, this metric defines the search discovery managers started when DB2ADMIN starts.

2.3.3 Database Instance

The metrics in this category return the parameters that provide information about database manager instances.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-5 Database Instance Metrics

Metric Description

Diagnostic Error Capture Level

Determines the type of diagnostic errors recorded in the db2diag.log file.

Diagnostic Directory Data Path

Enables you to specify the fully qualified path for DB2 diagnostic information.

Notify Level Raw

Specifies the type of administration notification messages written to the administration notification log.

Default Database System Monitor Switches

Unique metric that enables you to set several switches, each of which are internally represented by a bit of the metric.

Communications Bandwidth

Value calculated for the communications bandwidth in MB per second.

CPU Speed Raw

The CPU speed, in milliseconds per instruction, used by the SQL optimizer to estimate the cost of performing certain operations.

Maximum Number of Concurrently Active Databases

Specifies the number of local databases that can be concurrently active.

System Administration Authority Group Name

Defines the group name with SYSADM authority for the database manager instance.

Notify Level

If notifylevel_raw equals:

  • 0 — No messages

  • 1 — Fatal or unrecoverable errors

  • 2 — All Immediate action required messages

  • 3 — All Important information (no immediate action required)

Otherwise, All Informational messages.

CPU Speed

CPU speed in MIPs, which equals:


2.3.4 Logging and Recovery

The metrics in this category save the logging and recovery information. Recovering your environment can be very important to prevent the loss of critical data. A number of parameters are available to help you manage your environment and to ensure that you can adequately recover your data or transactions.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-6 Logging and Recovery Metrics

Metric Description 

Transaction Manager Database Name

Identifies the name of the transaction manager (TM) database for each DB2 instance.

Transaction Resync Interval

Specifies the time interval in seconds for which a transaction manager (TM), resource manager (RM), or sync point manager (SPM) should retry the recovery of any outstanding transactions in doubt found in the TM, RM, or SPM.

Sync Point Manager Name

Identifies the name of the sync point manager (SPM) instance to the database manager.

Sync Point Manager Log File Size

Identifies the sync point manager (SPM) log file size in 4 KB pages.

Sync Point Manager Resync Agent Limit

Identifies the number of agents that can simultaneously perform resync operations.

2.3.5 Partitioned Database Environment

The metrics in this category return parameters about parallel operations and partitioned database environments.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-7 Partitioned Database Environment Metrics

Metric Description

Connection Elapsed Time

Specifies the number of seconds within which a TCP/IP connection is to be established between two database partition servers.

Number of FCM Buffers

Specifies the number of 4 KB buffers used for internal communications (messages) both among and within database servers.

Node Connection Retries

max_connretries specifies the number of connection retries that can be made to a database partition server.

Maximum Time Difference Among Nodes

Each database partition server has its own system clock. This metric specifies the maximum time difference, in minutes, that is permitted among the database partition servers listed in the node configuration file.

Start and Stop Timeout

Applicable only in a partitioned database environment.

2.4 Health Indicators/Alarms

Health Indicators/Alarms metrics return the health information and current values for all the snapshot levels of containers, tablespaces, databases and the Database Manager. Health Indicators/Alarms metrics consist of the following categories:

2.4.1 Container Health Indicator

The metrics in this category return health indicator information for tablespace containers from a health snapshot of tablespaces in a database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-8 Container Health Indicator Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Container Health Indicator Additional Info

Additional information present in the Container Health Indicator metrics.

Container Health Indicator Alert State

State of the alert. If alert_state_raw equals:

  1. Normal

  2. Attention

  3. Warning

  4. Alarm

A warning or alarm condition indicates that you should examine the Health Indicator Alert Type.

Container Name

Name of the container.

Health Indicator Alert Type

Type of alert. If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 3001 — Tablespace Container State

  • 3002 — Tablespace Container Utilization

Health Indicator Identifier

Identifier for the alert.

Health Indicator Timestamp

Time when the alert was generated.

Health Indicator Value

Value for the alert.

Node Number

Node at which the alert was generated.

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

2.4.2 Container Health

The metrics in this category return container information from a health snapshot of a database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-9 Container Health Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Container Name (key column)

Name of the container.

Tablespace Name (key column)

Name of the tablespace to which the container belongs.

Node Number

Node at which the container resides.

Container Rolled Up Alert State

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 1 — Normal

  • 2 — Attention

  • 3 — Warning

  • 4 — Alarm

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

2.4.3 Database Collection Health Indicator

The metrics in this category return container information from a health snapshot of a database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-10 Database Collection Health Indicator Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Health Indicator Object Detail

Description of the object.

Health Indicator Object Name

Name of the object.

Health Indicator Object State

Severity of the alert.

Health Indicator Object State Detail

Type of alert state. A warning or alarm condition indicates that the Health Indicator Alert Type should be examined.

2.4.4 Database Health

The metrics in this category return information from a health snapshot of a database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-11 Database Health Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Name of the database.

Database Path

Physical path of the database.

Logical Location of Database

Location of the database with respect to the DBM.

Database Rolled Up Alert State

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 1 — Normal

  • 2 — Attention

  • 3 — Warning

  • 4 — Alarm

A warning or alarm condition indicates there are one or more alerts on the database.

Database Alias

Alias name for the database.

Server Platform

Platform where the database is installed.

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

2.4.5 Database Health Indicator

The metrics in this category return health indicator information from a health snapshot of a database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-12 Database Health Indicator Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Health Indicator Identifier

Unique identifier for Health Indicator.

Database Health Indicator Alert State

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 1 — Normal

  • 2 — Attention

  • 3 — Warning

  • 4 — Alarm

A warning or alarm condition indicates that the Health Indicator Alert Type should be examined.

Health Indicator Alert Type

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 3001 — Tablespace Container State

  • 3002 — Tablespace Container Utilization

Health Indicator Timestamp

Time when the alert was generated.

Health Indicator Value

Value for the alert.

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

Database Health Indicator Additional Info

Additional information present in the Database Health Indicator metrics.

2.4.6 Database Manager Health

The metrics in this category return information from a health snapshot of the DB2 Database Manager.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-13 Database Manager Health Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Server Instance Name (key column)

Host name where DB2 is installed.

DB2 Startup Time

Time DB2 was last started.

Last Reset

Time DB2 was last reset.

Number of Nodes in DB2 Instance

Number of nodes in the DB2 instance.

Rolled up Alert State

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 1 — Normal

  • 2 — Attention

  • 3 — Warning

  • 4 — Alarm

A warning or alarm condition indicates that the Health Indicator Alert Type should be examined.

Server Instance Name

Host name where DB2 is installed

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

2.4.7 Database Manager Health Indicator

The metrics in this category return health indicator information from a health snapshot of the DB2 Database Manager.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-14 Database Manager Health Indicator Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Name of the database.

DB Manager Health Indicator Additional Info

Additional information present in the DBM Health Indicator metrics.

DB Manager Health Indicator Alert State

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 1 — Normal

  • 2 — Attention

  • 3 — Warning

  • 4 — Alarm

A warning or alarm condition indicates there are one or more alerts on the database.

Health Indicator Alert Type

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 3001 — Tablespace Container State

  • 3002 — Tablespace Container Utilization

Health Indicator Identifier

Identifier for the alert.

Health Indicator Timestamp

Time when the alert was generated.

Health Indicator Value

Value for the alert.

Server Instance Name

Host name where DB2 is installed.

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

Additional Information

Additional information present in the DBM Health Indicator metrics.

2.4.8 Tablespaces Health

The metrics in this category return health indicator information for tablespaces from a health snapshot of tablespaces in a database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-15 Tablespaces Health Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Tablespace Name (key column)

Name of the tablespace.

Tablespace Rolled Up Alert State

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 1 — Normal

  • 2 — Attention

  • 3 — Warning

  • 4 — Alarm

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

2.4.9 Tablespace Health Indicator

The metrics in this category return health indicator information for tablespaces from a health snapshot of tablespaces in a database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-16 Tablespace Health Indicator Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Tablespace Name (key column)

Name of the tablespace.

Tablespace Health Indicator Alert State

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 1 — Normal

  • 2 — Attention

  • 3 — Warning

  • 4 — Alarm

Health Indicator Alert Type

If alert_state_raw equals:

  • 3001 — Tablespace Container State

  • 3002 — Tablespace Container Utilization

Health Indicator Identifier

Identifier for the alert.

Health Indicator Timestamp

Time when the alert was generated.

Health Indicator Value

Value for the alert.

Snapshot Timestamp

Time when the query was executed.

Tablespace Health Indicator Additional Info

Additional information present in the Tablespace Health Indicator metrics.

2.5 Monitoring Information

Monitoring Information metrics capture the monitoring information for the database, including general monitoring information, monitored values of the Agent, and monitored values of the database. Monitoring Information metrics consist of the following categories:

2.5.1 Agent Monitoring

The metrics in this category return information about Agents from an application snapshot.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-17 Agent Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Agent Cpu Utilization (%)

Total CPU utilization, which is equal to:

Agent_total_cpu_time-_Agent_total_cpu_time )/1000)/__interval)*100

Agent Identifier

Unique ID for each Agent.

Application Average Lock Wait Time (ms)

The average waiting time for locks, which equals:

lock_wait_time / lock_wait

If the average lock wait time is high, you should look for applications that hold many locks, or have lock escalations, with a focus on tuning your applications to improve concurrency, if appropriate. If escalations are causing a high average lock wait time, the values of one or both of the locklist and maxlocks configuration parameters may be too low.

Application Commit SQL Statements Rate

Commit SQL statements reading rate, which equals:

commit_sql_stmts - _commit_sql_stmts/ __interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Application Dynamic SQL Statements Rate

Dynamic SQL statements reading rate, which equals:

dynamic_sql_stmts - _dynamic_sql_stmts/ __interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Application Failed SQL Statements Rate

Failed SQL statements reading rate, which equals:

failed_sql_stmts - _failed_sql_stmts/ __interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Application Identifier

Unique ID for each application.

Application Name

Name of the application.

Application Priority

Priority of Agents working for this application.

Application Rollback SQL Statements Rate

Rollback SQL statements reading rate, which equals:

rollback_sql_stmts - _rollback_sql_stmts/ __interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Application Row Reading Rate

Rows reading rate in the last interval, which equals:

rows_read - rows_read)/__interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Application Row Writing Rate

Rows writing rate in the last interval, which equals:

rows_written - rows_written)/__interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Application Static SQL Statements Rate

Static SQL statements reading rate, which equals:

static_sql_stmts - _static_sql_stmts/ __interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Application Status

Status of the application corresponding to the value of application_status_raw.

Authorization ID

Authorization ID of the user who invoked the application being monitored. On a DDCS gateway node, this is the user's authorization ID on the host.

Client Database Alias

Alias of the database provided by the application to connect to the database.

Client Name

Name of the Client for the database.

Client Node Number

client_nname in the database manager configuration file at the client node.

Commit SQL Statements

Number of commit SQL statements.

Coordinator Agent Process Identifier

Process ID (UNIX systems) or thread ID (Windows systems) of the coordinator Agent for the application.

Dynamic SQL Statements

Number of dynamic SQL statements.

Execution Identifier

ID that the user specified when logging in to the operating system. This ID is distinct from the Authorization ID, which the user specifies when connecting to the database.

Failed SQL Statements

Number of failed SQL statements.

Host CPU Usage Per Sec (%)

Ratio of CPU time utilized in the last interval, which equals:

elapsed_exec_time_ms - elapsed_exec_time_ms / __interval

You can set the required value for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

IO Waits

IO wait time.

Number of Applications Waiting on Locks

Total number of applications that are currently waiting on locks.

Number of Deadlocks

Total number of deadlocks that have occurred.

Number of Exclusive Lock Escalations

Number of exclusive lock escalations.

Number of Lock Escalations

Number of lock escalations.

Number of Locks Held

Number of locks currently held by an application.

Number of Lock Timeouts

Number of lock timeouts for the application.

Number of Lock Waits

Number of times the application waited for locks.

Number of Rows Read

Total number of rows read.

Number of Rows Written

Total number of rows written.

Number of Sorts

Number of sorts performed by the statement.

Rollback SQL Statements

Number of rollback SQL statements.

Statement Average Sort Time (ms)

Average sort time per sort for the statement, which equals:


Statement Rows Read

Total number of statement rows read

Statement Rows Written

Total number of statement rows written.

Statement Operation

Statement operation value.

Statement Start Time

Start time of the statement.

Statement Text

Whole query or the statement executed.

Statement Total Sort Time (ms)

Total time used for statement sorting.

Statement Total Sorts

Total number of sorts.

Statement Type

Number of requests to perform a direct write of one or more sectors of data.

Static SQL Statements

Number of static SQL statements.

System-CPU Time Used by Agent (ms)

Total system time used by DBM for processing by the Management Agent.

System-CPU Time Used by Statement (ms)

Total system time used by DBM for processing by the statement.

Total CPU Time Used Statement (ms)

Total CPU time, which equals:

stmt_usr_cpu_time + stmt_sys_cpu_time

Total CPU Time Used by Agent (ms)

Total CPU time, which equals:

agent_usr_cpu_time + agent_sys_cpu_time

Total Elapsed Execution Time (ms)

Sum of the host execution times (in milliseconds) for all the statements that were executed for a particular application.

Total Idle Time (ms)

Time spent idle for an application.

Total Lock Wait Time (ms)

Total time the application waited for locks.

Total Sort Time

Total time used for sorting.

User-CPU Time Used by Agent (ms)

Total user time used by DBM for processing by the Agent.

User-CPU Time Used by Statement (ms)

Total user time used by DBM for processing by a Statement.

Statement Hash

Hash of the SQL statement text.

2.5.2 Database Monitoring

The metrics in this category return snapshot information from the database and
detail_log logical data groups.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-18 Database Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Allocated Database Size (Bytes)

Capacity of the database. (Not available in partitioned databases.)

Commit SQL Statements

Number of applications waiting for a lock on an object in the database. Number of commit SQL statements.

Database Average Lock Wait Time (ms)

Average waiting time for locks, which equals:


High wait for an application can mean that the application is degrading performance.

Number of Applications Waiting on Locks

Number of applications waiting for a lock on an object in the database.

Database Commit SQL Statements Rate

Commit SQL statement reading rate, which equals:

commit_sql_stmts - _commit_sql_stmts/ __interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Database Connection Time

Last time the database was connected.

Database Dynamic SQL Statements Rate

Dynamic SQL statement reading rate, which equals:

dynamic_sql_stmts - _dynamic_sql_stmts/ __interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Database Failed SQL Statements Rate

Failed SQL statement reading rate, which equals:

failed_sql_stmts - _failed_sql_stmts/ __interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Logical Location of Database

Location of the database.

  • Local — if db_location_raw = 0

  • Remote — if db_location_raw = 1

Physical Disk Location of Database

Physical disk location of the database.

Database Rollback SQL Statements Rate

Rollback SQL statement reading rate, which equals:

rollback_sql_stmts - _rollback_sql_stmts/ __interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Current Database Size (Bytes)

Size of the database in bytes.

Database Space Utilization (%)

Total percentage space utilization in the database, which equals:

(db_size/db_capacity) *100

Database Static SQL Statements Rate

Static SQL statement reading rate, which equals:

static_sql_stmts - _static_sql_stmts/ __interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Database Status

Status of the database.

Database Deadlock Rate (per sec)

Rate of deadlocks, which equals:


The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Dynamic SQL Statements

Number of dynamic SQL statements.

Database Exclusive Lock Escalation Rate (per sec)

Rate of exclusive lock escalations, which equals:


The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Number of Exclusive Lock Escalations

Number of exclusive lock escalations.

Failed SQL Statements

Number of failed SQL statements.

Server Instance Name

Name of the database manager instance for which the snapshot was taken.

Database Internal Deadlock Rollback Rate (per sec)

Rate of internal deadlock rollbacks, which equals:

(int_deadlock_rollbacks-_int_deadlock_rollbacks) /__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Number of Lock Escalations

Number of lock escalations.

Database Lock Escalation Rate (per sec)

Rate of lock escalations, which equals:


The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Number of Lock Timeouts

Number of lock timeouts for the application.

Database Lock Timeouts Rate (per sec)

Rate of lock timeouts. The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Number of Locks Held

Number of locks currently held by an application.

Number of Active Current Connections

Total number of active connections in the database.

Number of Current Connections

Total number of currently connected applications.

Number of Deadlocks

Total number of deadlocks that have occurred.

Number of Internal Rollbacks

Total number of internal deadlock rollbacks.

Number of Lock Waits

Number of times the application waited for locks.

Database Percentage of Applications Wating on Locks (%)

Ratio of applications waiting on locks, which equals:

(locks_waiting /appls_cur_cons)*100

If a large number of applications are waiting on locks, this indicates a possible performance degradation.

Rollback SQL Statements

Number of rollback SQL statements.

Static SQL Statements

Number of static SQL statements.

Total Lock Wait Time (ms)

Total time the application waited for locks.

Lock List in Use

Total lock list memory in use.

Last Reset

Time DB2 was last reset.

2.5.3 Database Backup Monitoring

The metrics in this category provide information about the last database backup.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 2-19 Database Backup Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Server Instance Name

Name of the database manager instance for which the snapshot was taken.

Last Backup Timestamp

Last backup of the database.

Days Since Last Backup

Amount of days since the last database backup.

2.5.4 General Monitoring

The metrics in this category provide basic information about the status of the databases and some of the important configuration values.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-20 General Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

DB2 Start Time

Date and time that the database manager was started using the db2start command.

Registered Agents

Number of Agents registered in the DBM instance that is being monitored.

Communication Private Memory

Amount of communication private memory.

Allocated Sort Heap Memory

Amount of memory allocated to sort heap.

Sort Heap Threshold (in 4 KB Pages)

Maximum number of private memory pages to be used for private sorts, or the maximum number of shared memory pages to be used for shared sorts. If the sort is a private sort, this parameter affects Agent private memory. If the sort is a shared sort, this parameter affects the database shared memory.

Each sort has a separate sort heap that is allocated as needed by the Database Manager. This sort heap is the area where data is sorted. If directed by the optimizer, a smaller sort heap than the one specified by this metric is allocated using information provided by the optimizer.

DB2 Status

Status of the DB2 instance. If DB2 status equals:

  • 0 — Active

  • 1 — Quiesce Pending

  • 2 — Quiesced

Sort Heap Utilization (%)

Sort heap utilization, which equals:

sort_heap_allocated / sortheap_threshold *100

Increase the value of the sort heap threshold configuration parameter, sheapthres.

2.6 Performance

Performance metrics provide information regarding the performance at various snapshot levels. Performance metrics consist of the following categories:

2.6.1 IO Agents Performance

The metrics in this category provide performance metrics for the Agent at the application snapshot level.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-21 IO Agents Performance Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Cleans for Steals

Number of times a page cleaner was invoked because a synchronous write was needed during the victim buffer replacement for the database.

Cleans for Threshold

Number of times a page cleaner was invoked because a buffer pool had reached the dirty page threshold criterion for the database.

2.6.2 Database Performance

The metrics in this category provide performance metrics for all the bufferpools in the database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-22 Database Performance Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Average Data Write Rate

Pool data write rate, which equals:


Average Index Write Rate

Pool index write rate, which equals:


Average Page Read Rate

The rate equals:

(pool_data_p_reads + pool_index_p_reads )/pool_read_time

Average Page Write Rate

The rate equals:

(pool_data_writes + pool_index_writes)/pool_write_time

Database Buffer Pool Data Hit Ratio (%)

The ratio equals:((1-(pool_data_p_reads/pool_data_l_reads))*100))

Database Buffer Pool Hit Ratio (%)

The ratio equals:

(1-((pool_data_p_reads + pool_index_p_reads)/ (pool_data_l_reads + pool_index_l_reads )))*100

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Logical Data Read Rate

The rate equals:

(pool_data_l_reads /pool_read_time)

Logical Index Read Rate

The rate equals:

(pool_index_l_reads /pool_read_time)

Physical Data Read Rate

The rate equals:


Physical Index Read Rate

The rate equals:


Physical Data Reads

Number of read requests that required I/O to get data pages into the buffer pool.

Physical Index Reads

Number of physical read requests to get index pages into the buffer pool.

Pool Asynchronous Data Reads

Number of data pages read asynchronously to the buffer pool by prefetchers.

Pool Asynchronous Data Writes

Number of times a buffer pool data page was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or a prefetcher.

Pool Asynchronous Index Reads

Number of index pages read asynchronously to the buffer poll by prefetchers.

Pool Asynchronous Index Writes

Number of times a buffer pool index page was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or a prefetcher.

Pool Asynchronous Read Time (microseconds)

Number of times a buffer pool data page was physically read from disk by an asynchronous page prefetcher.

Pool Asynchronous Write Time (microseconds)

Number of times a buffer pool index page was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or prefetcher.

Pool Data Writes

Number of times the buffer pool data page was physically written to the disk.

Pool Index Writes

Number of times the buffer pool index page was physically written to the disk.

Logical Data Reads

This count includes accesses to data that is already in the buffer pool when the database manager needs to process the page and read into the buffer pool before the database manager can process the page.

Logical Index Reads

Indicates the number of logical read requests to get index pages into the buffer pool.

Pool Read Time (microseconds)

Provides the total amount of elapsed time spent processing read requests that caused data or index pages to be physically read from disk to buffer pool.

Pool Write Time (microseconds)

Total amount of time spent physically writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to disk.

Synchronous Data Read Rate

Total synchronous read rate, which equals:

((pool_read_time-pool_async_read_time == 0) ? 0 :((pool_data_p_ reads-pool_async_data_reads )/(pool_read_time-pool_async_read_ time)))

Synchronous Data Write Rate

Pool data synchronous write rate, which equals:

((pool_data_writes - pool_async_data_writes )/(pool_write_time-pool_async_write_time))

Synchronous Index Read Rate

Index synchronous read rate, which equals:

(pool_data_p_reads-pool_async_index_reads )/(pool_read_time-pool_async_read_time)

Synchronous Index Write Rate

Index synchronous write rate, which equals:

((pool_index_writes - pool_async_index_writes )/(pool_write_time-pool_async_write_time))

2.6.3 Bufferpool Performance

The metrics in this category provide performance metrics for the individual bufferpools in the database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-23 Bufferpool Performance Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Buffer Pool Name (key column)

Name of the buffer pool.

Individual Buffer Pool Hit Ratio (%)

Buffer pool hit ratio, which equals:

(1-((pool_data_p_reads + pool_index_p_reads)/
(pool_index_l_reads + pool_index_l_reads )))*100)

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Database Name

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Database Alias

Alias for the database.

Database Path

Physical location of the database.

Pool Asynchronous Data Reads

Number of data pages read asynchronously to the buffer poll by prefetchers.

Pool Asynchronous Index Reads

Number of index pages read asynchronously to the buffer poll by prefetchers.

Pool Asynchronous Index Writes

Number of times a buffer pool index page was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or prefetcher.

Pool Asynchronous Read Time (microseconds)

Number of times a buffer pool data page was physically read from disk by an asynchronous page prefetcher.

Pool Asynchronous Write Time (microseconds)

Number of times a buffer pool index page was physically written to disk by either an asynchronous page cleaner or prefetcher.

Pool Data Writes

Number of times the buffer pool data page was physically written to the disk.

Pool Index Writes

Number of times the buffer pool index page was physically written to the disk.

Logical Data Reads

This count includes accesses to data that is already in the buffer pool when the database manager needs to process the page and read into the buffer pool before the database manager can process the page.

Logical Index Reads

Indicates the number of logical read requests to put index pages into the buffer pool.

Physical Index Reads

Indicates the number of physical read requests to put index pages into the buffer pool.

Physical Data Reads

Number of read requests that required I/O to put data pages into the buffer pool.

Pool Read Time (microseconds)

Provides the total amount of elapsed time spent processing read requests that caused data or index pages to be physically read from the disk to the buffer pool.

Pool Write Time (microseconds)

Total amount of time spent physically writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to the disk.

2.6.4 Cache Performance

The metrics in this category provide performance information for the package and the catalog cache of the database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-24 Cache Performance Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Catalog Cache Hit Ratio (%)

Catalog cache hit ratio, which equals:

1-(cat_cache_inserts /cat_cache_lookups))*100

The hit ratio is a percentage indicating how well the catalog cache is helping to avoid actual accesses to the catalog on disk. A high ratio indicates it is successful in avoiding actual disk I/O accesses.

Catalogue Cache Heapfull

The number of times that an insert into the catalog cache failed due to a heap-full condition in the database heap.

Catalog Cache Inserts

Number of inserts performed. The hit ratio is 1-(CCI/CCL).

Catalog Cache Lookups

Number of times the catalog cache was referenced to obtain table description information.

Catalog Cache Overflows

Number of times that the catalog cache overflowed the bounds of its allocated memory.

Package Cache Hit Ratio (%)

Package cache hit ratio, which equals:

1-(pkg_cache_inserts /pkg_cache_lookups))*100

The hit ratio is a percentage indicating how well the package cache is helping to avoid reloading packages and sections for static SQL from the system catalogs as well as helping to avoid recompiling dynamic SQL statements. A high ratio indicates it is successful in avoiding these activities.

Package Cache Inserts

Number of inserts performed. The hit ratio is 1-(PCI/PCL).

Package Cache Lookups

Number of times the package cache was referenced to obtain a section or a package.

Package Cache Max Used (Bytes)

Largest size reached by the package cache.

Package Cache Overflows

Number of times that the package cache overflowed the bounds of its allocated memory.

2.6.5 Log IO Performance

The metrics in this category provide performance information for the log input and output including the number of reads and writes in the logs.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-25 Log IO Performance Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Cleans Logging Threshold

Number of times a page cleaner was invoked because the logging space used had reached a predefined criterion for the database.

Log Reads

Number of log reads.

Log Writes

Number of log writes.

2.6.6 Memory Manager Performance

The metrics in this category provide the values of the workspace provided and the locklist set in the database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-26 Memory Manager Performance Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Private Workspace Max Used

Largest size that can be reached by private workspace.

Shared Workspace Max Used

Largest size that can be reached by shared workspace.

Locklist Current Value

Current value for the total amount of lock list memory that is in use.

2.6.7 SortHeap Performance

The metrics in this category display the various performance values associated with the sortheap.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-27 SortHeap Performance Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Active Sorts

Number of sorts in the database that currently have an allocated sort heap.

Average Active Sorts Rate

Rate of active sorts in the last interval, which equals:

(active_sorts-_active_sorts )/__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Hash Join Overflow Rate

Rate of hash join overflow in the last interval, which equals:

(hash_join_overflow-_hash_join_overflow) /__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Hash Join Rate

Rate of hash joins in the last interval, which equals:

(total_hash_joins-_total_hash_joins )/__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Hash Join Small Overflow Rate

Rate of the small hash join overflow in the last interval, which equals:

(hash_join_small_overflow-_hash_join_small_overflow )/__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Hash Join Small Overflow Ratio

Ratio of the small hash join overflow.

Average Hash Loops Rate

Rate of hash loops in the last interval, which equals:

(total_hash_loops-_total_hash_loops)/ __interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Piped Sorts Rejected Rate

Rate of piped sorts rejection in the last interval, which equals:

((piped_sorts_requested-piped_sorts_accepted)-(_piped_sorts_requested-_piped_sorts_accepted)) /__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Post Threshold Joins Rate

Rate of post threshold joins in the last interval, which equals:

(post_threshold_ hash_joins-_post_threshold _hash_joins)/__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Post Threshold Sorts Rate

Rate of post threshold sorts in the last interval, which equals:

(post_threshold_sorts-_post_threshold_sorts ) /__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Sort Heap Pages Used

Average sort heap space used, which equals:

(sort_heap_allocated /active_sorts)

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Sort Time (ms)

Average time per sort, which equals:


The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Sorts Overflow Rate

Rate of sort overflow in the last interval, which equals:

(sort_overflow-_sort_overflow )/__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Sorts Overflow Ratio

Ratio of sort overflow.

Average Sorts Rate

Rate of sorts in the last interval, which equals:

(total_sorts-_total_sorts )/__interval

The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Piped Sorts Accepted

Number of piped sorts that have been accepted.

Piped Sorts Requested

Number of piped sorts that have been requested.

Post Threshold Hash Joins

Total number of times that a hash join heap request was limited due to concurrent use of shared or private sort heap space.

Post Threshold Sorts

Number of sorts that have requested heaps after the sort heap threshold has been exceeded.

Sort Heap Pages Allocated

Total number of allocated pages of sort heap space for all sorts at the level chosen and at the time the snapshot was taken.

Sort Overflows

Total number of sorts than ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage.

Total Hash Join Overflows

Number of times that hash join data exceeded the available sort heap space.

Total Hash Join Small Overflow

Number of times that hash join data exceeded the available sort heap space by less than 10%.

Total Hash Joins

Total number of hash joins executed.

Total Hash Loops

Total number of hash loops executed.

Total Sorts

Number of sorts that have been executed.

Total Sort Time (ms)

Time spent in sorts.

2.6.8 Non-Buffered I/O Performance

The metrics in this category display the various performance values related to the non-buffered I/O activities that do not use the buffer pool.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-28 Non-Buffered IO Performance Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Average Data Read Rate

Direct read rate, which equals:


The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Average Direct Write Rate

Direct write rate, which equals:


The required value can be set for the warning and critical thresholds to monitor any adverse conditions.

Direct Read Requests

Number of requests to perform a direct read of one of more sectors of data.

Direct Read Time (ms)

Elapsed time in milliseconds required to perform the direct reads.

Direct Reads

Number of read operations that do not use the buffer pool.

Direct Write Requests

Number of requests to perform a direct write of one or more sectors of data.

Direct Write Time (ms)

Elapsed time in milliseconds required to perform the direct writes.

Direct Writes

Number of write operations that do not use the buffer pool.

2.7 Response

The metrics in this category provide information about the response of the IBM DB2 database in the instance.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 2-29 Response Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

DB Status

Status of the database:

  • 0 — Active

  • 1 — Quiesce pending

  • 2 — Quiesced

  • 3 — Roll forward

DB Status Value

Status value of the database.

DB2 Status

Status value of the DB2 instance.

DB2 Status Value

Status of the DB2 instance:

  • 0 — Active

  • 1 — Quiesce pending

  • 2 — Quiesced

Server Instance Name

Database instance type.


Status of the database. The database is up if the status is 0. Otherwise, it is down.

2.8 Detailed Response

This metric category provides information about the response of the instance.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 2-30 Detailed Response Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database.

DB2 Status

Status value of the DB2 instance.

Table Type

Type of table to which the file belongs.

DB Status

Status of the database.

Server Instance Name

Name of the server instance.

2.9 Storage Information

Storage Information metrics provide information about the storage objects, such as the tablespace and data files. Storage Information metrics consist of the following categories:

2.9.1 Data Files Storage

The metrics in this category provide information about the file properties for the database data storage files.

Default Collection Interval — Every 2 hours

Table 2-31 Data Files Storage Metrics

Metric Description

Data File Identifier (key column)

Unique identifier for the data file.

Table Name

Name of the particular table in the database where the file resides.

Table Schema

Schema of the table in which the file resides.

Table Type

Type of table to which the file belongs.

Page Reorganizations

Number of page reorganizations.

Overflow Accesses

Number of overflow accesses.

2.9.2 Log Storage

The metrics in this category provide information about the log storage properties for the database.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-32 Log Storage Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Database Name (key column)

Real name of the database for which information is collected or to which the application is connected. This is the name the database was given when created.

Allocated Secondary Log Size

Allocated size of the secondary log.

Log Space Utilization (%)

Space utilization of log files.

Total Log Available (in 4Kb Pages)

Total number of pages available for logging.

Total Log Used (in 4Kb Pages)

Total number of pages used for logging.

2.9.3 Tablespace Storage

The metrics in this category provide information about the individual tablespace properties for all database tablespaces.

Default Collection Interval — Every 15 minutes

Table 2-33 Tablespace Storage Metrics

Metric Description

Tablespace Identifier (key column)

Identifier for the tablespace.

Tablespace Name (key column)

Name of the tablespace.

Bufferpool Identifier

Bufferpool identifier for the tablespace.

Extent Size

Extent size for the tablespace.

Number of Containers

Number of containers.

Number of Ranges

Number of ranges.

Page Size

Page size for the tablespace.

Prefetch Size

Prefetch size for the tablespace.

Tablespace Free Pages

Number of pages in a tablespace that will become free if all pending transactions are committed or rolled back, and new space is requested for an object.

Tablespace State

State of the tablespace.

Tablespace Total Pages

Total number of pages in a tablespace.

Tablespace Type

Type of tablespace.

Tablespace Usable Pages

Total number of pages in a tablespace minus overhead pages.

Tablespace Used Pages

Total number of pages currently used (not free) in a tablespace.

Tablespace Utilization (%)

Tablespace utilization in percentage.

2.10 System Configuration Information

System Configuration Information metrics collect the information related to the database software. Each installation of the database software provides an instance to store the data. System Configuration Information metrics consist of the following categories:

2.10.1 Database System Information

The metrics in this category provide information about the various system configuration metrics for the database system, including the name and operating system properties.

  • Table Name — MGMT_EMX_IBMDB2_DBSYS


Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-34 Database System Information Metrics

Metric Description

Server Name

Name of the database server.

OS Type

Type of the operating system.

OS Version

Version of the operating system.

OS Release

Release of the operating system.

Total Number of CPUs

Total number of CPUs for the operating system on which the database is installed.

Total Number of Configured CPUs

Total number of configured CPUs on which the database is installed.

Total Memory (mb)

Amount of memory.

2.10.2 Instance Information

The metrics in this category return the parameters that provide information about database instances.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-35 Instance Information Metrics

Metric Description

Instance Name (key column)

Name of the instance.

Number of DB Partitions

Number of database partitions.

Bit Size of Current Instance

Bit size of the current instance (32 or 64).

Release Number

Internal release number, as returned by the db2level command; 9 for example, 03030106.

Service Level

Service level, as returned by the db2level command; for example, DB2 v8.1.1.80.

Build Level

Build level, as returned by the db2level command; for example, n041021.

Program Temporary Fix

Program temporary fix (PTF) identifier, as returned by the db2level command; for example, U498350.

Fix Pack Number

FixPak number, as returned by the db2level command.

2.10.3 Product Information

The metrics in this category provide information about the installed IBM DB2 database product.

  • Table Name — MGMT_EMX_IBMDB2_DBPRO


Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-36 Product Information Metrics

Metric Description

Database Path

Installation path of the database.


Installed product.


Version of the installed product.

2.10.4 Partition Information

The metrics in this category return parameters about parallel operations and partitioned database environments.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-37 Partition Information Metrics

Metric Description

Partition Number (key column)

Partition number where the database is installed.

Host Name

Host name of the machine where the db2 database software is installed.

Logical Port

TCP/IP port number to communicate with the database.

Switch Name

Name of the switch where the database is connected.

2.10.5 Registry Settings

The metrics in this category provide information about the various registry parameters for the database.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 2-38 Registry Settings Metrics

Metric Description

Database Registry Variable (key column)

Name of the DB2 registry variable.

Current Value

Current setting of the DB2 registry variable.

Is Aggregate

Indicates whether or not the DB2 registry variable is an aggregate variable. Possible return values are 0 if it is not an aggregate variable, and 1 if it is an aggregate variable.

Aggregate Name

Name of the aggregate if the DB2 registry variable is currently getting its value from a configured aggregate. If the registry variable is not being set through an aggregate, or is set through an aggregate but has been overridden, the value of AGGREGATE_NAME is NULL.


Values are:

Instance — If level1_raw = I
Global — If level1_raw = G
Database Partition — If level1_raw = N

Otherwise, the value is Environment.

2.11 DB2 Diag Log File Monitoring

The metrics in this category provide information about the IBM DB2 database Diagnostic Log file.


This metric category is supported only for local monitoring, that is, when the IBM DB2 database on a host is monitored by an Oracle Management Agent that is running on the same host.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 2-39 DB2 Diag Log File Monitoring Metrics

Metric Description

Log File Match Count

Number of times a pattern was found in the log file.


Name of the server where IBM DB2 is running.


Name of the IBM DB2 instance.


Name of the IBM DB2 database.


Name of the function present in the last log entry.

Last Occurrence Time Stamp

Time of the last log entry that shares a common function name with other entries that satisfy a particular pattern.


Message present in the log file.

2.12 HADR Status Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details about the HADR and HADR cluster status and configuration.

Default Collection Interval — Every 30 minutes

Table 2-40 HADR Status Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Database Name monitor element

HADR Connect Status

Text identifier detailing the status of the HADR connection:




HADR Connect Time

The last time the connect status changed (the time it first became congested or disconnected).

HADR Heartbeat

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Local Host

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Local Service

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Primary Log File

The number of missed heartbeats on the HADR connection. Typically, the higher the value, the worse the condition.

HADR Primary Log LSN

The current log position of the primary HADR database. The log sequence number (LSN) is a byte offset in the database log stream.

HADR Primary Log Page

The current page number in the current log file

HADR Remote Host

The remote host name

HADR Remote Instance

The remote HADR instance name

HADR Remote Service

The remote HADR service name


Text identifier detailing the role of the monitored database. Possible values are:




If the role is standard, then ignore all other metrics

HADR Standby Log

The current log file on the standby HADR database.

HADR State

Text identifier detailing the state of HADR. Possible values are:



  • PEER



HADR Sync Mode

Text identifier detailing sync mode. Possible values are:



  • SYNC

HADR Timeout

The number of seconds before the HADR Database Server considers that a communication attempt has failed,

2.13 Top Statements by CPU Time Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details about the SQL statements that use the most processor time.

Default Collection Interval - Every 30 minutes

Table 2-41 Top Statements by CPU Time Metrics

Metric Description

Statement Hash

A hash of the SQL statement text.


The SQL statement executed.

Total CPU Time (s)

The amount of time the statement was executing while Enterprise Manager collected data.

CPU Time per hour (s)

The average amount of time the statement is executing, per hour.

2.14 Top Statements by Execution Count Metrics

The metrics in this category provide details about the SQL statements that are executed most frequently.

Default Collection Interval - Every 30 minutes

Table 2-42 Top Statements by Execution Count Metrics

Metric Description

Statement Hash

A hash of the SQL statement text.


The SQL statement executed.

Total Execution Count

The number of times the statement executed while Enterprise Manager collected data.

Total Execution Count per Hour

The average number of times the statement executes, per hour.

2.15 Lock Waits Metrics

The metrics in this category provide information about database locks.

Default Collection Interval - Every 30 minutes

Table 2-43 Lock Waits Metrics

Metric Description

Lock Request Agent ID

The ID of the agent waiting on a lock.

Lock Name

The name of the lock being waited on.

Lock Object Type

The object type of the lock being waited on.

Locked Schema

The schema containing the locked table. No value if the lock does not reference a table.

Locked Table

The locked table being waited on. No value if the lock does not reference a table.

Lock Wait Duration (s)

The time, in seconds, this agent has been waiting for access.

Application Requesting Lock

The name of the application wanting to acquire the lock.

User Requesting Lock

The authorization ID of the session that wants to acquire the lock.

Application Holding Lock

The application holding the lock blocking access.

User Holding Lock

The authorization ID of the session holding the lock blocking access

SQL Statement Requesting Lock

The SQL statement text being executed by the application requesting the lock. Only available on on versions of DB2 9.7 and later.

SQL Statement Holding Lock

The SQL statement text associated with the application holding the lock. This is not necessarily the statement responsible for the lock. Only available on versions of DB2 9.7 and later.

2.16 Lock Waits by Table Metrics

The metrics in this category describe the tables being most waited on.

Default Collection Interval - Every 30 minutes

Table 2-44 Lock Waits by Table Metrics

Metric Description


The schema containing the locked table.


The locked table.

Total Lock Wait Duration

The sum of the wait times for every agent waiting to access the table.

2.17 Lock Waits by Blocked Application Metrics

The metrics in this category describe the applications that are waiting the longest for locks.

Default Collection Interval - Every 30 minutes

Table 2-45 Lock Waits by Blocked Application Metrics

Metric Description


The application waiting on a lock.

Application ID

Application identifier

Total Lock Wait Duration

The sum of the wait times for every agent in the application.

2.18 Lock Waits by Blocking Application Metrics

The metrics in this category describe the applications that are holding a lock on which other applications are waiting.

Default Collection Interval - Every 30 minutes

Table 2-46 Lock Waits by Blocking Application Metrics

Metric Description


The application waiting on a lock.

Application ID

Application identifier.

Total Lock Wait Duration

The sum of the wait times for every application waiting on the lock.