3 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Database Metrics

This chapter provides descriptions for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Database Plug-In metric categories, and the tables list and describe associated metrics for each category.

3.1 About Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Database Metrics

This chapter covers the metric categories that appear for all releases of System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Database. If you see a release number against a metric name, then it indicates that the metric appears only for that particular release of the plug-in. Otherwise, the metric appears for all releases of the plug-in. For example, if you see For Release 6, then it indicates that the metric System Monitoring Plug-in Metric Reference Manual for Non Oracle Database Management appears only for System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Note that in Release 9, the metric collection is disabled for the following metrics:

  • Database Indexes

  • Database Objects

  • Database Thresholds

  • Database Transactions

Note that in Release 11, the metric collection is disabled for the following metrics:

  • Database Indexes

  • Database Objects

  • Database Thresholds

  • Database Transactions

  • Database Segments

  • Process Objects Information

  • Process Statistics

  • Process Tracking Details

  • Segment Usages

  • Running Procedure Statistics

  • Wait Class Event Information

  • Wait Events Information

  • Wait Process Statistics

To enable these metrics:

  1. In Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, on the plug-in Home page, from the Related Links section, click Metric and Policy Settings.

  2. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, from the View list, select All metrics. In the table that lists all the metrics, in the Collection Schedule column, you will see Disabled mentioned for some metrics.

  3. Click Disabled. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the Edit Collection Settings page.

  4. On the Edit Collection Settings page, in the Collection Schedule section, click Enable and then Continue. Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the Metric and Policy Settings page with the metric enabled.

  5. On the Metric and Policy Settings page, click OK.

3.2 Viewing Metrics

To view configuration metrics within the plug-in, navigate to the last collected configuration metrics page by selecting Configuration, then Last Collected from Sybase ASE.

Figure 3-1 Viewing Configuration Metrics

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-1 Viewing Configuration Metrics''

To view the performance and status metrics within the plug-in by navigating to the All Metrics page by selecting Monitoring, then All Metrics from Sybase ASE.

Figure 3-2 Viewing All Metrics Page

Description of Figure 3-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 3-2 Viewing All Metrics Page''

3.3 Adaptive Server Engines Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics regarding Adaptive Server engines.

Collection Frequency - Every 30 minutes.

Table 3-1 Adaptive Server Engines Statistics Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Number of CPU that the engine is affinited to

The number of CPUs that the engine affinited to.

For Release 6

Number of handled connections

For Release 7

Engine's connections handle rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of connections handled since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the connections were handled since last collection, that is, the number of connections handled since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of context switches

For Release 7

Engine's context switch rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of context switches handled since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate of context switches handled since last collection, that is, the number of context switches handled since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Total Time Engine Running (seconds)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Total time (in seconds) the engine has been running.

Current KPID

Kernel process identifier for the currently executing process.

For Release 6

\Total time engine has been in idle spin mode (seconds)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Time (in seconds) the engine has been in idle spin mode.

OS Process ID

OS Process ID.

Number of affinited processes to engine

Number of processes that have been affinitied to this engine.

Engine came online (Date)

Date that the engine came online.

Engine Status

Status of the engine (online, offline, and so on).

Engine went offline (Date)

Date that the engine went offline.

For Release 6

Total time engine executing system database services (seconds)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Time (in seconds) the engine has been executing system database services.

Engine CPU (for System DB Services) Utilization %

Engine CPU Utilization (System DB Services).

For Release 6

Total time engine executing user commands (seconds)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Time (in seconds) the engine has been executing user commands.

Engine CPU (for User Commands) Utilization %

Engine CPU Utilization (for User Commands)

Engine Number

Number of the Sybase ASE engine

Number of processes affinited to engine

Number of processes with affinity to the engine

Previous KPID

Kernel process identifier for the previous executing process.

3.4 Adaptive Server State

The metrics in this category provide information regarding the overall state of Adaptive Server.

Collection Frequency - 30 minutes

Table 3-2 Adaptive Server State Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Number of processes waited longer than lock wait threshold

Number of processes that have waited longer than LockWaitThreshold seconds.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of processes waited longer than lock wait threshold are %LockWaits%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of deadlocks occured since last collection

The number of deadlocks that have occured since the last collection.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total total number of occured deadlocks are %NumDeadlocks%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Table 3-3 Adaptive Server State Metrics

Metric Description


Reports whether any checkpoint is currently running.

Number of active inbound connections

Number of active inbound connections.

Monitoring counters clearing date

Date and time the monitor counters were last cleared.

Number days Adaptive Server has been running

Number of days Adaptive Server has been running

Diagnostic Dumps

Reports whether sybmon is performing a shared memory dump

Lock wait threshold (seconds)

Time (in seconds) that processes must have waited for locks in order to be reported.

Max Recovery time per database (minutes)

The maximum time (in minutes), per database, that Adaptive Server uses to complete its recovery procedures in case of a system failure. Also, the current Run Value for recovery interval in minutes.

Total number of occurred deadlocks

Total number of deadlocks that have occurred.

Adaptive Server started date

Date and time that Adaptive Server was started.

3.5 Adaptive Server Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics about the ASE adaptive server.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-4 Adaptive Server Statistics Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

For Release 6

Number of logins or attempted logins to SQL Server

For Release 7

Attempted logins (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of logins or attempted logins to the Server since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the logins or attempted logins were made to the Server, that is, the number of logins or attempted logins to the Server since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collection.

Sybase ASE (Overall) CPU Utilization (%)

Overall CPU Utilization (%) of Sybase ASE.

Sybase ASE (Overall) IO Utilization (%)

Overall IO Utilization (%) of Sybase ASE.

For Release 6

Number of errors detected by SQL Server while reading and writing packets

For Release 7

Detected packet (rcvd/sent) error rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of errors detected by the server while reading and writing packets since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the errors were detected by the server while reading and writing packets since last collection, that is, the number of errors detected by the server while reading and writing packets since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collection.

For Release 6

Number of input packets read by SQL Server

For Release 7

Input packets read rate by AS (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of input packets read by the server since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the input packets were read by the server since last collection, that is, the number of input packets read by the server since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collection.

For Release 6

Number of output packets written by SQL Server

For Release 7

Output packets write rate by AS (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of output packets written by the server since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the output packets were written by the server since last collection, that is, the number of output packets written by the server since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collection.

For Release 6

Number of connections handled since last collection

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of connections handled since last collection.

For Release 6

Number of errors detected by SQL Server while reading and writing

For Release 7

Detected disk read/write error rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of errors detected by SQL Server while reading and writing since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which errors detected by the server while reading and writing since last collection, that is, the number of errors detected by the server while reading and writing divided by the elapsed time between two collection.

For Release 6

Number of disk reads by SQL Server

For Release 7

Read rate from disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of disk reads by the server since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the disk was read by the server since last collection, that is, number of disk reads by the server since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collection.

For Release 6

Number of disk writes by SQL Server

For Release 7

Write rate to disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of disk writes by the server since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the disk was written by the server since last collection, that is, the number of disk writes by the server since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collection.

3.6 Cache Pools Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics for all pools allocated for all caches.

Collection frequency - Every 60 minutes

Table 3-5 Cached Pools Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Allocated bytes for pool (Bytes)

Number of bytes that have been allocated for the pool.

For Release 6

Number of buffers in the least recently used portion

For Release 7

Buffers Fetch & Replacement Rate at LRU Portion of Pool (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of buffers that were fetched and replaced in the least recently used portion of the pool since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were fetched and replaced in the least recently used portion of the pool since last collection, that is, the number of buffers that were fetched and replaced since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of buffers in the most recently used portion

For Release 7

Buffers fetch & replacement rate at MRU portion of pool(per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

The number of buffers that were fetched and replaced in the most recently used portion of the pool since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were fetched and replaced in the most recently used portion of the pool since last collection, that is, the number of buffers that were fetched and replaced since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of pages read into the pool

For Release 7

Page read rate into the pool (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of pages read into the pool since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the pages were read into the pool since last collection, that is, the number of pages read into the pool since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of bytes that are currently being used within the pool

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of bytes that are currently being used within the pool.

For Release 6

Number of buffers that have been read from disk into the pool

For Release 7

Buffers read rate from the disk into the pool (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers that have been read from the disk into the pool since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read from the disk into the pool since last collection, that is, the number of buffers that were read from the disk into the pool since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of dirty buffer retrievals

For Release 7

Dirty buffer retrievals rate from the pool (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of dirty buffer retrievals since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the dirty buffers were retrieved since last collection, that is, the number of dirty buffer retrievals since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Cache ID

Cache identifier.

IO Buffer Size

Size (in bytes) of the I/O buffer for the pool.

Cache Name

Name of the cache.

3.7 Cached Procedures Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics for all procedures currently stored in the procedure cache.

For every collection, only the top 10 rows sorted on Memory Usage are selected.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-6 Cached Procedures Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Procedure Compiled Date

Date that the procedure was compiled.

DB Name

Name of the database.

Memory Usage (KB)

Number of kilobytes of memory used by the procedure.

Procedure Name

Name of the object.

Procedure Type

The type of procedure (stored procedure, trigger, and so on).

Owner Name

Name of the object owner.

Procedure ID

Unique identifier for the procedure.

Owner UID

Owner user ID.


Database identifier.

Query Plan ID

Unique identifier for the query plan.

3.8 Connection Statistics

The metrics in this category provide information regarding the number of available and used connections.

Collection Frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-7 Connection Statistics Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Connections Used (%)

The percent of allowable connections used.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of connections has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Table 3-8 Connection Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Maximum Connections

The configured maximum allowable connections to the Sybase ASE.

Number of Connections

The current number of connections to the Sybase ASE..

3.9 Currently Executing Queries

The metrics in this category provide information for currently executing statements.

Table 3-9 Currently Executing Queries Metrics

Metric Description

Procedure stack frame ID

Stack frame of the procedure, if a procedure.

CPU Usage (ms) by Query

Number of milliseconds of CPU used by the statement.

Line number of the statement in SQL batch

Line number of the statement in SQL batch.

Number of buffers read from cache

Number of buffers read from cache.

Procedure Memory Usage (KB)

Number of kilobytes of memory used for execution of the statement.

Network packets size (bytes)

Size (in bytes) of the network packet currently configured for the session.

Number of network packets received by Adaptive Server

Number of network packets received by Adaptive Server.

Number of network packets sent by Adaptive Server

Number of network packets sent by Adaptive Server.

Number of pages modified by the statement

Number of pages modified by the statement.

Number of buffers read from disk

Number of buffers read from disk.

Stored plan ID

Unique identifier for the stored plan for the procedure.

Number of altered plans

The number of plans altered at execution time.

Procedure ID

Unique identifier for the procedure.

Execution start time

Date when the statement began execution.

Total Waited time during execution (ms)

Number of milliseconds the task has waited during execution of the statement.


Session process identifier.


Kernel process identifier.


Database identifier.

Batch ID

Batch identifier.

Key Value

Unique identifier for the current executing query.

3.10 Currently Executing SQL Text Information

The metrics in this category provide the SQL text that is currently being executed.

Table 3-10 Currently Executing SQL Text Information Metrics

Metric Description

SQL Text

SQL text.


Session process identifier.


Kernel process identifier.

SQL Batch ID

Identifier for specific SQL batch.

Line Number in SQL Batch

Line Number in SQL Batch

Sequence in Line

Indicates the position of this portion of the SQL text.

3.11 Data Caches Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics relating to Adaptive Server data caches.

Collection frequency - Every 60 minutes

Table 3-11 Data Caches Statistics Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Number of Buffer Pools Within the Cache

The number of buffer pools within the cache.

Number of partitions currently configured for the cache

Number of partitions currently configured for the cache.

For Release 6

Cache searches directed to the cache

For Release 7

Cache searches directed to the cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers that were fetched and replaced in the most recently used portion of the pool, since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were fetched and replaced in the most recently used portion of the pool, that is, the number of buffers that were fetched and replaced since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Data Cache Hit Ratio (%)

Percentage of Data Cache Hit Ratio.

For Release 6

Number of buffers retrieved from the cache

For Release 7

Buffers retrieval rate from the data cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers retrieved from the cache since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were retrieved from the cache since last collection, that is, the number of buffers retrieved from the cache since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Miss Ratio (%)

Percentage Cache Miss Ratio.

For Release 6

Number of buffers read into the cache from disk

For Release 7

Buffers read rate from the disk to data cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers read into the cache from disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read into the cache from disk since last collection, that is, the number of buffers read into the cache from disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of buffers written from the cache to disk

For Release 7

Buffers write rate from the data cache to disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers written from the cache to disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which buffers were written from the cache to disk, that is, the number of buffers written from the cache to disk divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Is relaxed replacement policy

Whether the cache is using relaxed cache replacement strategy.

For Release 6

Number of dirty buffer retrievals

For Release 7

Dirty buffer retrievals rate from data cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of dirty buffer retrievals since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which dirty buffers were retrieved since last collection, that is, the number of dirty buffer retrievals since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Cache ID

Cache identifier.

Cache Name

Name of the cache.

3.12 Database Indexes

The metrics in this category provide information about each clustered index, one row for each nonclustered index, one row for each table that has no clustered index, and one row for each table that contains text or image columns.This table also contains one row for each function-based index or index created on a computed column.

Collection Frequency - Every 24 hours

Table 3-12 Database Indexes Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Creation date

Creation date.

Character set ID

Character set ID with which the index was created; 0 if there is no character data in the keys.

Index ID

ID of an index, or ID of table to which index belongs.

Number of keys for a clustered index

Number of keys for a clustered index on an allpages-locked table; number of keys, plus 1 for all other indexes. The upload frequency is after every sample. The operator is >. For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each "Index/Table Name" object. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "Index/Table Name" object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each "Index/Table Name" object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Maximum size of a row

Maximum size of a row.

Maximum number of rows per page

Maximum number of rows per page.

Minimum size of a row

Minimum size of a row.

For Release 6

Partition Type

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

\1 - range 2 - hash 3 or NULL - [default] round robin 4 - list

Segment number

Number of segment in which object resides.

Sort order ID

Sort order ID with which the index was created; 0 if there is no character data in the keys.

Index/Table Name

The name of an index, or the name of a table to which the index belongs.

Total Size (MB)

Total size of the index.

Used Space (MB)

Space used by the index.

Free Space (MB)

Free space in the index.

Space Utilization (%)

Percentage of database index space utilization.

3.13 Database Logins

The metric in this category provide information regarding each valid Adaptive Server user account.

Data from this metric is uploaded only if the severity has reached WARNING state.

Collection Frequency - Every 5 hours

Table 3-13 Database Logins Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

CPU and I/O Last Cleared Date

Date totcpu and totio were last cleared.

DB Name

Name of database in which to put user when connection established.

Full Name

Full name of the user.

User Default Language

Default language of the user.

Number of failed login attempts

Number of failed login attempts; reset to 0 by a successful login. The upload frequency is after every sample. The operator is >. Alert text is - The total number of failed login attempts for %SUID% are %LoginCount%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold. For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each "SUID" object. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "SUID" object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each "SUID" object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Login Name

Login name of the user.

Date the password was last changed

Date the password was last changed.

Login Status

Status of the login account. The upload frequency is after every sample. The operator is >. Alert text is - The login status for %SUID% is %Status%. For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each "SUID" object. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "SUID" object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each "SUID" object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

CPU Accumulated Time (ticks)

CPU time accumulated by login.

I/O Accumulated Time (ticks)

I/O accumulated by login


System user ID.

Accumulated I/O

Accumulated I/O for a certain SUID.

3.14 Database Login Roles

The metrics in this category provide information regarding each instance of a server login possessing a system role. One row is added for each role granted to each login. For example, if a single server user is granted sa_role, sso_role, and oper_role, three rows are added to sysloginroles associated with that user's system user ID (suid). Data from this metric is uploaded only if the severity has reached WARNING state.

Collection Frequency - Every 24 hour

Table 3-14 Database Login Roles Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Role Name

Name of the role.

Not Defined

Not Defined

User %Name% (with SUID %SUID%) has been granted server role of %RoleName%.

Table 3-15 Database Login Roles Metrics

Metric Description and User Action


System user ID.


Name of the role.

Server Role ID

Server role identifier.

3.15 Database Objects

The metrics in this category provide information regarding each table, view, stored procedure, extended stored procedure, log, rule, default, trigger, check constraint, referential constraint, computed column, function-based index key, and (in tempdb only) temporary object, and other forms of compiled objects. It also contains one row for each partition condition ID when object type is N.

Collection Frequency - Every 24 hours

Table 3-16 Database Objects Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Number of changes in the schema

Count of changes in the schema of an object (incremented if a rule or default is added).

For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each "Object Name" object. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "Object Name" object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each "Object Name" object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of changes in the schema are %SchemaCnt%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Table 3-17 Database Objects Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Stored Procedure ID of a Delete Trigger

Stored procedure ID of a delete trigger if the entry is a table. Table ID if the entry is a trigger.

Stored Procedure ID of a Insert Trigger

Stored procedure ID of a table's insert trigger if the entry is a table.

For Release 6

Object ID

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Object ID.

Object Type

One of the following object types: C – computed column D – default F – SQLJ function L – log N – partition condition P – Transact-SQL or SQLJ procedure PR – prepare objects (created by Dynamic SQL) R – rule RI – referential constraint S – system table TR – trigger U – user table V – view XP – extended stored procedure.

Object Name

The name of the object.

Login Name of user who created the object

Login name of user who created the object.

3.16 Database Segments

The metrics in this category provide information regarding each segment (named collection of disk pieces). In a newly created database, the entries are: segment 0 (system) for system tables; segment 2 (logsegment) for the transaction log; and segment 1 (default) for other objects.

Collection Frequency - Every 24 hours

Table 3-18 Database Segments Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text


ndicates which segment is the default segment.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "Segment Name" object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each "Segment Name" object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The Segment status is %Status%.

Table 3-19 Database Segments Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Segment Name

Segment name.

For Release 6

Segment Number

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Segment number

3.17 Database Thresholds

The metrics in this category provide information regarding each threshold defined for the database.

Collection Frequency - Every 12 hours

Table 3-20 Database Thresholds Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Size of threshold (Logical Pages)

Size of threshold in logical pages. For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each object.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The size of threshold is %FreeSpace%". It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Table 3-21 Database Thresholds Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

For Release 6

Process Name

For Release 7

Procedure executed when unused pages count falls below threshold

Name of the procedure that is executed when the number of unused pages on segment falls below free_space.


Segment number.


The server user ID of the user who added the threshold or modified it most recently.

3.18 Database Transactions

The metrics in this category provide information about Adaptive Server transactions.

Collection Frequency - Every 12 hours

Table 3-22 Database Transactions Metrics

Metric Description

Connection State

Value indicating the connection state.

Transaction Failover State

Value indicating the transaction failover state.

Lock Owner ID

Lock owner ID.

Length of Transaction Name

Length of transaction name.

Transaction Server Process ID

Server process ID, or 0 if the process is detached.

Remote Server Name

Name of the remote server.

Transaction State

Value indicating the current state of the transaction.

Transaction Status

Status of the transaction.

Transaction Type

Value indicating the type of transaction.

Transaction Key

Unique identifier for a transaction.

Transaction Start Time

Start time of the transaction.

Coordination Method or Protocol

Value indicating the coordination method or protocol.

Starting database of the transaction

Starting database of the transaction

Transaction Name

Name of the transaction.

3.19 Databases Instances

The metrics in this category provide information about the database instances.

Default Collection Interval — Every 1 Hour

Table 3-23 Databases Instances Metrics

Metric Description

Data Space Utilization (%)

Name of the configuration parameter.

Free Data Space (MB)

Default value assigned to this parameter.

Log Space Utilization (%)

Most recent value of the configuration parameter set by sp_configure.

Total Data Space (MB)

Value used by Sybase Adaptive Server. It changes after you modify a parameter's value with sp_configure. For static parameters, it changes after you restart Sybase Adaptive Server.

Total Log Space (MB)

Unit of measurement. For example, bytes, number, and so on.

Used Data Space(MB)

Indicates whether the parameter is dynamic or static. For static parameters, Sybase Adaptive Server needs to be restarted. For dynamic parameter, it need not be started.

Database Name

The name of the database.

Free Log Space (MB)

Memory used by the parameter.

Used Log Space (MB)

Log space used in the instance.

3.20 Deadlock Statistics

The metrics in this category provide information pertaining to the most recent deadlocks that have occurred in Adaptive Server. You can tune the maximum number of messages returned with deadlock pipe max messages.

Collection frequency - Every 45 minutes

Table 3-24 Deadlock Statistics Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Application holding the lock

Name of the application holding the lock.

BatchID for the SQL executed by the process holding the lock

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Lock Held Process executed SQL BatchID

Unique batch identifier for the SQL code being executed by the process holding the lock when it was blocked by another process (not when it acquired the lock).

Command being executed that caused the lock to be held

The command being executed that caused the lock to be held.

Context ID for the process holding the lock

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Lock Held Process Context ID

Unique context identifier for the process holding the lock when it was blocked by another process (not when it acquired the lock).

Release 8 or lower

SPID of the parent process of the process holding the lock

SPID of the parent process of the process holding the lock.

Release 8 or lower

KPID of process holding the lock

KPID of process holding the lock.

Line number within the batch of the statement of the process

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Lock Held Process executing Line Number within the batch

Line number within the batch of the statement of the process.

Type of lock being held

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Holding lock type

Type of lock being held.

DBID where the stored procedure that caused the lock to be held resides

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Lock held stored procedure's DBID

DBID where the stored procedure that caused the lock to be held resides.

Object ID of stored procedure holding the lock

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Lock held stored procedure's Object ID

Unique object identifier for the stored procedure that caused the lock to be held, if applicable.

Release 8 or lower

SPID of process holding the lock

SPID of process holding the lock.

Transaction in which the lock was acquired

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Transaction holding the lock

The name of the transaction in which the lock was acquired.

User name for whom lock being held

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

User holding the lock

Name of the user for whom the lock is being held.

Object DBID

Unique database identifier for database where the object resides.

Object Name

Name of the object.

Page number for which the lock requested

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Lock Requested Page Number

Page number for which the lock requested, if applicable.

Deadlock resolved time

Time at which the deadlock was resolved.

Row number for which the lock was requested

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Lock Requested Row Number

Row number for which the lock was requested, if applicable.

Release 8 or lower

SPID of the parent process of the process waiting for the lock

SPID of the parent process of the process waiting for the lock.

Release 8 or lower

KPID of the process waiting for the lock

KPID of the process waiting for the lock.

Type of lock requested

Type of lock requested.

Release 8 or lower

SPID of the process waiting for the lock

SPID of the process waiting for the lock.

Amount of time (ms) the waiting process was blocked

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

Blocked Process Waiting Time (ms)

Amount of time in milliseconds that the waiting process was blocked before the deadlock was resolved.

Name of the user for whom the lock is being requested

In Release 9, this metric name has changed to:

User requested/waiting for the lock

Name of the user for whom the lock is being requested.

Deadlock ID

Unique identifier for the deadlock.

Held Process FID/SPID/KPID

FID / SPID / KPID of the process holding the lock.

Victim KPID

KPID of the victim process for the deadlock.

Wait Process FID/SPID/KPID

FID / SPID / KPID of the process waiting for the lock.

3.21 Device Data and IO Log Statistics

The metrics in this category provide device I/O statistics broken down into data and log I/O for normal and temporary databases on each device.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-25 Device Data and IO Log Statistics Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

Number of IO Operations

Total number of I/O operations.

For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of "Device Logical Name" and "IO Category" objects. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of "Device Logical Name" and "IO Category" objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of "Device Logical Name" and "IO Category" objects, use the Edit Thresholds page. See Editing Thresholds for information on accessing the Edit Thresholds page.

IO Waiting time (ms)

Amount of time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for I/O requests to be satisfied.

Device Logical Name

Logical name of the device.

IO Category

I/O category of the device.

3.22 Devices Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistical information relating to devices.

Collection Frequency - Every 30 minutes.

Table 3-26 Device Statistics Metrics

Metric Description and User Action

For Release 6

Number of APF device reads from device

For Release 7

APF read rate from the device (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of APF reads from the device since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the APF reads were made from the device since last collection, that is, the number of APF reads from the device since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of IO requests

For Release 7

I/O request rate to a mirrored device [if mirrored] (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of IO requests since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the IO requests were made since last collection, that is, the number of IO requests since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of force task waits for IO Synchronization

For Release 7

Forced task waits rate for IO sync. to mirrored device (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of tasks forced to wait for synchronization of an I/O request since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the tasks were forced to wait for synchronization of an I/O request since last collection, that is, the number of tasks forced to wait for synchronization of an I/O request since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

IO Time (ms)

Total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for I/O requests to be satisfied since last collection.

For Release 6

Number of reads from device (excluding APF)

For Release 7

Read rate from the device [excluding APF] (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of reads from the device (excluding APF).

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the reads were made from the device since last collection, that is, the number of reads from device since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of writes to device

For Release 7

Write rate to the device (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of writes to the device since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the writes were made to the device since last collection, that is, the number of writes to the device since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Device Logical Name

Logical name of the device.

Full Hierarchic file name of device

Full hierarchial file name of the device.

3.23 General Statistics

The metrics in this category provide general statistics.

For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each "Number of Transactions" object. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any "Number of Transactions" object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each "Number of Transactions" object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-27 General Statistics Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Warning Threshold Alert Text

Number of Active Locks

Number of active locks.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of active locks are %active_locks%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of Active Page Locks

Number of active page locks.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of active page locks are %active_page_locks%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of Active Table Locks

Number of active table locks.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of active table locks are %active_table_locks%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of Active Users

Number of active users.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of active users are %active_users%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of External Transactions

Number of external transactions.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of external transactions are %extrn_trans%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of Local Transactions

Number of local transactions.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of local transactions are %local_trans%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of Transactions

The number of transactions.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of transactions are %transactions%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of Servers

Number of servers.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of servers are %servers%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of Transaction Logs

Number of transaction logs.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of transaction logs are %trans_logs%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Number of User Tables

Number of user tables.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total number of user tables are %user_tables%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

3.24 Locks Information

The metrics in this category provide information about a list of all locks that are being held, and those that have been requested, by any process, for every object.

Collection frequency - Every 45 minutes

Table 3-28 Locks Information Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Lock State

Whether the lock has been granted [Granted, Requested]. The upload frequency is after every sample and the operator is >. Alert text is - The lock state is %LockState%.

For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of "SPID", "KPID", "DBID", "Lock ID", and "Object ID" objects. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of "SPID", "KPID", "DBID", "Lock ID", and "Object ID" objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of "SPID", "KPID", "DBID", "Lock ID", and "Object ID" objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The lock state is %LockState%.

Table 3-29 Locks Information Metrics

Metric Description

Lock context

Lock context (bit field). These values are the same as the values for the context column in syslocks.

Lock Level

The type of object for which the lock was requested (’PAGE', ’ROW', and so on).

Lock Type

Type of lock [’exclusive table', ’shared page', and so on

Locked page number

Page that is locked when LockLevel = ’PAGE'.

Parent SPID

Parent process ID.

Locked row number

Locked row numberRow that is locked when LockLevel = ’ROW'.

Lock wait time

The time (in seconds) that the lock request has not been granted.


Session process identifier.


Kernel process identifier.


Database identifier.

Lock ID

Lock identifier.

Object ID

Object identifier.

3.25 Most Recent Error Messages

The metrics in this category provide statistics pertaining to the most recent server error messages. The error messages shown could be from the time the information was last collected based on one of the following (whichever is the latest):

  • Automatic collection interval set in Cloud Control

  • Manual refresh done to collect real-time information during the set collection intervals

  • Query manually run on the monSysStatement MDA table during the set collection interval

  • Data from this metric is uploaded only if the severity has reached WARNING state.

Collection Frequency - Every 1 hour

Table 3-30 Most Recent Error Messages Metrics

Metric Description

For Release 9

Error Message

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 9 (

Error message that was displayed.

For Release 9

Error Severity

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 9 (

Severity of the Error.

The upload frequency is after every sample. The operator is >=. The alert text will be " %ErrorMessage%. For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of ”SPID/KPID/FamilyID”, ”Engine Number”,”Error Number” and ”Error timestamp” objects. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of ”SPID/KPID/FamilyID”, ”Engine Number”,”Error Number” and ”Error timestamp” objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. This alert is Stateless alert.

For Release 9


For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 9 (

State of the error.


Session process identifier / Kernel process identifier / Family identifier

Engine Number

Engine on which the process was running.

Error Number

Error message number.

Error Timestamp

Time stamp when the error occurred.

3.26 Most Recently Executed Statement Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics pertaining to the most recently executed statements. The statements shown could be from the time the information was last collected based on one of the following (whichever is the latest):

  • Automatic collection interval set in Cloud Control.

  • Manual refresh done to collect real-time information during the set collection intervals.

  • Query manually run on the monSysStatement MDA table during the set collection interval.

Collection Frequency - 12 hours

Table 3-31 Most Recently Executed Statement Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Procedure stack frame ID

Current procedure nesting level when executing the statement.

CPU Usage (ms)

Number of milliseconds of CPU used by the statement.

Execution finish time

Date when the statement finished execution.

Line number of the statement in SQL batch

Line number of the statement in SQL batch.

Number of buffers read from cache

Number of buffers read from cache.

Memory Usage (KB)

Number of kilobytes of memory used for execution of the statement.

Network packet size (bytes)

Size (in bytes) of the network packet currently configured for the session.

Number of network packets received by Adaptive Server

Number of network packets received by Adaptive Server.

Number of network packets sent by Adaptive Server

Number of network packets sent by Adaptive Server.

Number of pages modified by the statement

Number of pages modified by the statement.

Number of buffers read from disk

Number of buffers read from disk.

Stored Plan ID

Unique identifier for the stored plan for the procedure.

Number of alerted plans

The number of plans altered at execution time.

Procedure ID

Unique identifier for the procedure.

Execution start time

Date when the statement began execution.

Total waited time during execution (ms)

Number of milliseconds the task has waited during execution of the statement.


Session process identifier.


Kernel process identifier.


Database identifier.

SQL Batch ID

SQL Batch identifier.

Total Waited time during execution (ms)

Number of milliseconds the task has waited during execution of the statement.

Key Value

Unique identifier for the recently executed statement.

3.27 Network I/O Statistics

The metrics in this category provide network I/O statistics.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-32 Network I/O Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

For Release 6

Number of bytes received

For Release 7

Incoming network IO traffic rate (bytes/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of bytes received since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the bytes were received since last collection, that is, the number of bytes received since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of bytes Sent

For Release 7

Outgoing network IO traffic rate (bytes/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of bytes sent since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the bytes were sent since last collection, that is, the number of bytes sent since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of Packets Received

For Release 7

Incoming network IO traffic rate (packets/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of packets received since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the packets were received since last collection, that is, the number of packets received since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of Packets Sent

For Release 7

Outgoing network IO traffic rate (packets/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of packets sent.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the packets were sent since last collection, that is, the number of packets sent since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

3.28 Open Databases Statistics

The metrics in this category provide state and statistical information pertaining to databases that are currently in use.

Collection frequency - Every 1 hour

Table 3-33 Open Databases Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

For Release 6

Number of append log semaphore requests

For Release 7

Append log semaphore request rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of semaphore requests when attempting to append to the database transaction log.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the semaphore requests were made since last collection, that is, the number of semaphore requests made since last collection (when attempting to append to the database transaction log) divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of append log semaphore waits

For Release 7

Append log semaphore Waits rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of times a task had to wait for the append log semaphore to be granted.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which a task had to wait for the append log semaphore to be granted since last collection, that is, the number of times a task had to wait for the append log semaphore to be granted divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 7

Append log semaphore Waits (%)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Percentage of tasks that had to wait for the append log semaphore to be granted since last collection.

Is backup in progress

Whether a backup is currently in progress for the database.

Last backup start time

Date that the last backup started for the database.

Is last backup failed

Whether the last backup of the database failed.

Is transaction log full

Whether the database transaction log is full.


Database identifier.

DB Name

The name of the database.

3.29 Open Objects Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics for all open objects.

Collection frequency - Every 12 hours

Table 3-34 Open Objects Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

For Release 6

Number of APF buffers read

For Release 7

APF buffers read (OpenObject) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of APF buffers read since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the APF buffers were read since last collection, that is, the number of APF buffers read since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.


Last date.

Last Used Date

Last used date.

For Release 6

Number of lock requests on object

For Release 7

Lock request rate for the object (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of requests for a lock on the object since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the requests were made for a lock on the object since last collection, that is, the number of requests for a lock on the object since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number lock waits

For Release 7

Lock waits rate for the object (per sec)t

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of times a task waited for a lock for the object since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which a task waited for a lock for the object since last collection, that is, the number of times a task waited for a lock for the object since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 7

Lock waits % for the object

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Percentage of lock waits.

For Release 6


For Release 7

Object selection rate for plan during compilation (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of objects selected for plan during compilation (per sec).

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the objects were selected for plan during compilation.

For Release 6

Total number of buffers read

For Release 7

Buffers read (OpenObject) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Total number of buffers read since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read since last collection, that is, the number of buffers read since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Object Name

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Name of the object.

For Release 6

Number of times the object is accessed

For Release 7

Object access rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of times the object was accessed since last collection. The upload frequency is after every sample. The operator is >. Alert text is - The total number of times the object accessed are %Operations%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

For this metric, you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of "DBID", "Object ID", and "Index ID" objects. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of "DBID", "Object ID", and "Index ID" objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of "DBID", "Object ID", and "Index ID" objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the object was accessed since last collection, that is, the number of times the object was accessed since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Total number of pages read

For Release 7

Page read (OpenObject) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Total number of pages read since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

rate at which the pages were read since last collection, that is, the number of pages read since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Total number of pages written to disk

For Release 7

Page write (OpenObject) rate to disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Total number of pages written to the disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the pages were written to the disk since last collection, that is, the number of pages written to the disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of buffers read from disk

For Release 7

Buffers read (OpenObject) rate from disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Total number of buffers read from the disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read from the disk since last collection, that is, the number of buffers read from the disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of buffers written to disk

For Release 7

Buffers write (OpenObject) rate to disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Total number of buffers written to the disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were written to the disk since last collection, that is, the number of buffers written to the disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of deleted rows

For Release 7

Row deletion (OpenObject) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of rows deleted since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the rows were deleted since last collection, that is, the number of rows deleted since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of inserted rows

For Release 7

Row insertion (OpenObject) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of rows inserted since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the rows were inserted since the last collection, that is, number of rows inserted divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of updated rows

For Release 7

Row updates (OpenObject) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of updates.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the rows were updated since last collection, that is, the number of rows updated since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Used Count

For Release 7

Object usage rate in plan during execution (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of times the object was used in the plan during compilation since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the object was used in the plan during compilation since last collection, that is, the number of times the object was used in the plan during compilation since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.


Database identifier.

DB Name

The name of the database.

Index ID

Index identifier.

Object ID

Object identifier.

3.30 Procedure Cache Statistics

The metrics in this category provide statistics relating to Adaptive Server procedure cache.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-35 Procedure Cache Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Procedure Cache Hit Ratio (%)

Procedure cache hit ratio percentage. The upload frequency is after every sample and the operator is >. Alert text is - Procedure Cache hit ratio is %HitRatio%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

For Release 6

Number of stored procedures loaded into cache

For Release 7

Stored procedures load rate into procedure cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of stored procedures loaded into the cache since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the stored procedures were loaded into the cache since last collection, that is, the number of stored procedures loaded into the cache since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Miss Ratio (%)

Procedure Cache Miss Ratio.

For Release 6

Number of stored procedures requested

For Release 7

Stored procedures request rate from procedure cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of stored procedures requested since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the stored procedures where requested since last collection, that is, the number of stored procedures required since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of stalls for a free procedure cache buffer

For Release 7

Procedure cache stalls rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of times a process had to wait for a free procedure cache buffer when installing a stored procedure into the cache.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which a process had to wait for a free procedure cache buffer since last collection, that is, the number of times a process had to wait for a free procedure cache buffer divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of times a procedure normalized

For Release 7

Procedures normalize and write back rate to sysproced's(per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of times a procedure was normalized and the tree written back to sysprocedures since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which a procedure was normalized since last collection, that is, the number of times a procedure was normalized and the tree written back to sysprocedures since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 11

Procedure Cache Used Memory(MB)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 11 (

Memory used in the procedure cache

3.31 Process Network IO Activity

The metrics in this category provide network I/O activity information for each process.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-36 Network IO Activity Metrics

Metric Description

For Release 6

Number of bytes received

For Release 7

Incoming network IO traffic (process) rate (bytes/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of bytes received since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the bytes were received since last collection, that is, the number of bytes received since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of bytes sent

For Release 7

Outgoing network IO traffic (process) rate (bytes/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of bytes sent since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the bytes were sent since last collection, that is, the number of bytes sent since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Network packet size

Network packet size the session is currently using.

For Release 6

Number of packets received

For Release 7

Incoming network IO traffic (process) rate (packets/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of packets received since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the packets were received since last collection, that is, the number of packets received since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of packets sent

For Release 7

Outgoing network IO traffic (process) rate (packets/sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of packets sent since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the packets were sent since last collection, that is, the number of packets sent since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.


Kernel process identifier.

Login Name

Login user name.


Session process identifier.

3.32 Process Objects Information

The metrics in this category provide statistical information regarding objects that have been accessed by processes.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-37 Process Objects Information Metrics

Metric Description

DB Name

Name of the database.


Kernel process identifier.

For Release 6

Number of buffers read from cache

For Release 7

Buffers read (process object) rate from cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers read from the cache since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read from the cache since last collection, that is, the number of buffers read from cache since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Object Name

Name of the object.

Object Type

Object type.

For Release 6

Number of APF buffers read from disk

For Release 7

APF buffers read (process object) rate from disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of APF buffers read from the disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the APF buffers were read from the disk since last collection, that is, the number of APF buffers read from the disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of buffers read from disk

For Release 7

Buffers read (process object) rate from disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers read from the disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read from the disk since last collection, that is, the number of buffers read from the disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.


Session process identifier.

3.33 Process Statistics

The metrics in this category provide detailed statistics about processes that are currently executing or waiting.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-38 Process Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Application Name

Application name.

Blocking SPID

Session process identifier of the process holding the lock that this process has requested, if waiting for a lock.

Requested Lock ID

Unique lock identifier for the lock that this process has requested, if waiting for a lock.


Category of process or command that the process is currently executing.


Unique identifier for the database being used by the current process.

DB Name

Name of process for the database being used by the current process.

Process Engine Group Name

Engine group for the process.

Engine Number

Unique identifier of the engine on which the process is executing.

Process Execution Class

Execution class for the process.


The SPID of the parent process, if it exists.

Statement position in SQL batch

Line number of the current statement within the SQL batch.

Login Name

Login user name.

Master Transaction ID

Unique transaction identifier for the current transaction, if in a transaction.

Number of child processes

Number of child processes, if executing a parallel query.

Process Priority

Priority at which the process is executing.

Elapsed time since connection established (seconds)

Number of seconds since this connection was established.

Process waiting time (seconds)

Amount of time in seconds that the process has been waiting, if the process is currently in a wait state.

Wait Event ID

Unique identifier for the event that the process is waiting for, if the process is currently in a wait state.


Kernel process identifier.

Procedure stack frame

Stack frame of the procedure.


Session process identifier.

SQL Batch ID

SQL batch identifier.

3.34 Process Tracking Details

The metrics in this category provide information enabling processes to be tracked to an application, user, client machine, and so on.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-39 Process Tracking Details Metrics

Metric Description

Client Host Name

Host name of client

Client application OS PID

OS process identifier of the client application

Application Name

Application name.

Client Host IP

IP Address for client host.


Kernel process identifier.

Login Name

Login user name.


Session process identifier.

3.35 Processes Activity Statistics

The metrics in this category provide detailed statistics about process activity.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-40 Process Activity Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

For Release 6

Number of transactions committed by the process

For Release 7

Transaction commit (process) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of transactions committed by the process since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the transactions were committed by the process since last collection, that is, the number of transactions committed by the process since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

CPU Usage by process (ms)

CPU time (in milliseconds) used by the process.

For Release 6

Number of pages where data was retrieved using an index

For Release 7

Page retrieval rate (per sec) for data using an index

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of pages where data was retrieved using an index since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the data was retrieved using an index since last collection, that is, the number of pages where data was retrieved using an index since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Number of locks currently held by the process

Number of locks currently held by the process.

For Release 6

Number of buffers read from cache

For Release 7

Buffers read (process) rate from cache (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers read from the cache since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read from the cache since last collection, that is, the number of buffers read from the cache since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Allocated memory (bytes)

Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated to the process.

For Release 6

Number of pages read

For Release 7

Page read (process) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of pages read since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the pages were read since last collection, that is, the number of pages read since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of pages written

For Release 7

Page write (process) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of pages written since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the pages were written since last collection, that is, the number of pages written since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of buffers read from disk

For Release 7

Buffer read (process) rate from disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers read from the disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were read from the disk since last collection, that is, the number of buffers read from the disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of buffers written to disk

For Release 7

Buffer write (process) rate to disk (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of buffers written to the disk since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the buffers were written to the disk since last collection, that is, the number of buffers written to the disk since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of transactions rolled back by the process

For Release 7

Transactions roll-back (process) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of transactions rolled back by the process since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the transactions were rolled back by the process since last collection, that is, the number of transactions rolled back by the process since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Number of pages where data was retrieved without an index

Number of pages where data was retrieved without an index.

For Release 6

Number of temporary table objects accessed

For Release 7

Temporary tables (process) creation/access rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of temporary table objects accessed since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the temporary table objects were accessed since last collection, that is, the number of temporary table objects accessed since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of transactions started by the process

For Release 7

Transactions start (process) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of transactions started by the process since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the transactions were started by the process since last collection, that is, the number of transactions started by the process since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of bytes written to the user log cache for the process

For Release 7

Write rate (bytes/sec) to the ULC for the process

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of bytes written to the user log cache for the process since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the bytes were written to the user log cache since last collection, that is, the number of bytes written to the user log cache for the process since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Current usage (bytes) of the User log cache by the process

The current usage (bytes) of the User log cache by the process.

For Release 6

Total number of times the user log cache was flushed

For Release 7

User Log Cache flush rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Total number of times the user log cache was flushed since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the user log cache was flushed since last collection, that is, number of times the user log cache was flushed since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of times the user log cache was flushed

For Release 7

User Log Cache flush rate [due to ULC full] (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of times the user log cache was flushed because it was full since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the user log cache was flushed since last collection, that is, the number of times the user log cache was flushed since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Maximum ever usage (bytes) of the user log cache

The maximum ever usage (in bytes) of the user log cache by the process.

Waited time by process (ms)

Time (in milliseconds) the process has spent waiting.


Kernel process identifier.

Login Name

Login user name.

Page retrieval rate (per sec) for data without an index

Page retrieval rate (per sec) for data without an index


Session process identifier.

The current usage (bytes) of the User log cache by the process

The current usage (bytes) of the User log cache by the process

The maximum ever usage (bytes) of the user log cache

The maximum ever usage (bytes) of the user log cache

3.36 Response

This metrics in this category provide information about the response of the target Sybase ASE instance.

Default Collection Interval — Every 5 minutes

Table 3-41 Response Metrics

Metric Description


Status of the Sybase ASE instance.

3.37 Recently Executed SQL Text

The metrics in this category provide the most recent SQL text that has been executed, or is currently being executed. The maximum number of rows returned can be tuned with SQL text pipe max messages.

Collection Frequency - 12 hours

Table 3-42 Recently Executed SQL Text Metrics

Metric Description

For Release 7

SQL Batch ID

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Batch ID of the currently being executed SQL text.

For Release 7

SQL Text position in bat

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Position of the currently being executed SQL test.

For Release 7

Server UID

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

UIS of the server.

For Release 7

Server UID

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

UIS of the server.

For Release 6

SQL Text

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

SQL Text


Session process identifier.


Kernel process identifier.

Login Name

Login user name.

Server User ID - Batch ID - SQL Text Position in Batch

Server User identifer / Batch identifier of the currently being executed SQL test / Position of the currently being executed SQL test.

3.38 Running Procedures Statistics

The metrics in this category provide a list of all procedures that are being executed by processes.

Collection frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-43 Running Procedures Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Compile date

Compile date of the procedure.

Stack frame

Stack frame of the procedure.

DB Name

Name of the database that contains the procedure.

Memory Usage (KB)

Number of kilobytes of memory used by the procedure.

Procedure Name

Name of the procedure.

Procedure Type

Type of the procedure.

Owner Name

Name of the owner.

Query Plan ID

Unique identifier for the query plan.


The identifier of the database that contains the procedure.


Kernel process identifier.

Object ID

Object identifier.

Owner UID

Owner user ID.


Session process identifier.

3.39 Segment Usages

The metrics in this category provide details about the segment usages.

By default, this metric is disabled.

For enabling this metric, monitoring user should have permission on each database.

All these metric categories provide the following details:

Table 3-44 Segment Usages Metrics

Metric Description

Segment Free Space (MB)

Name of the configuration parameter.

Segment Size (MB)

Default value assigned to this parameter.

Segment Space Utilization (%)

Memory used by the parameter.

Segment Used Space (MB)

Most recent value to which the configuration parameter has been set with sp_configure.

3.40 Server-Wide Worker Threads Statistics

The metrics in this category provide server-wide statistics related to worker threads.

Collection Frequency - Every hour

Table 3-45 Server-Wide Worker Threads Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Max number of worker processes ever in use

The maximum number of worker processes that have ever been in use.

Max number of worker processes ever in use

The maximum number of worker processes that have ever been in use.

Max parallel degree

The maximum degree of parallelism that can be used (the current Run Value for max parallel degree) in configuration parameter.

Max scan parallel degree

The maximum degree of parallelism that can be for a scan (the current Run Value for max scan parallel degree) in configuration parameter).

For Release 6

Number of attempted parallel queries

For Release 7

Attempted parallel queries (SysWorkerThread) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of attempted parallel queries since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the parallel queries were attempted since last collection, that is, the number of attempted parallel queries since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

For Release 6

Number of altered plans

For Release 7

Altered plans (SysWorkerThread) rate (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of altered plans since last collection.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which altered plans were made since last collection, that is, the number of altered plans since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Number of active worker processes

Number of worker processes active. The upload frequency is after every sample. The operator is >. Alert text is - The total number active worker processes are %ThreadsActive%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Total memory configured for worker processes (Bytes)

The amount of memory configured for use by worker processes.

Max configured worker processes

Configured maximum number of worker processes.

Total memory in use by worker processes (Bytes)

The amount of memory currently in use by worker processes.

Max memory ever used by worker processes (Bytes)

The maximum amount of memory ever used by worker processes.

3.41 Top SQL Statements by CPU Time

The metrics in this category provide information regarding the SQL statements that have been using the most CPU time.

Collection Frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-46 Top SQL Statements by CPU Time Metrics

Metric Description

SQL Hash

An MD5 hash of the statement text.

SQL Text

The statement text that executed.

Database ID

The ID of the database in which the statement executed.

Database Name

The name of the database in which the statement executed.

Last Start Time

The last time the statement started executing.

CPU Time (ms) per Hour

The amount of time the statement has spent executing as an hourly rate.

3.42 Top SQL Statements by Wait Time

The metrics in this category provide information regarding the SQL statements that have been spending the most time waiting.

Collection Frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-47 Top SQL Statements by Wait Time Metrics

Metric Description

SQL Hash

An MD5 hash of the statement text.

SQL Text

The statement text that executed.

Database ID

The ID of the database in which the statement executed.

Database Name

The name of the database in which the statement executed.

Last Start Time

The last time the statement started executing.

Wait Time (ms) per Hour

The amount of time the statement has spent executing, as an hourly rate.

3.43 Top SQL Statements by Memory Usage

The metrics in this category provide information regarding the SQL statements that have been using the most memory.

Collection Frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-48 Top SQL Statements by Memory Usage

Metric Description

SQL Hash

An MD5 hash of the statement text.

SQL Text

The statement text that executed.

Database ID

The ID of the database in which the statement executed.

Database Name

The name of the database in which the statement executed.

Last Start Time

The last time the statement started executing.

Average Memory Usage (KB)

The amount of memory used by the SQL statement.

3.44 Top Ten Big Cached Objects

The metrics in this category provide statistics for all objects and indexes with pages currently in a data cache.

Only top 10 rows sorted on size are returned every time this metric is collected.

Collection frequency - Every 60 minutes

Table 3-49 Top Ten Big Cached Objects Metrics

Metric Description

Cached Object Size

Number of kilobytes of the cache the object is occupying.

Cache Name

Name of the cache.

DB Name

Name of the database.

Object Name

Name of the object.

Object Type

Type of object.

Owner Name

Name of the object owner.

For Release 6

Number of Processes Currently Accessing the Object (per sec)

For Release 7

Process Access Rate of the Object (per sec)

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 6 (

Number of processes currently accessing the object.

For System Monitoring Plug-In for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) Release 7 (

Rate at which the processes are currently accessing the object, that is, the number of processes that have started accessing the object since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Cache ID

Cache identifier.


Database identifier.

Index ID

Index identifier.

Object ID

Object identifier.

Owner UID

Owner user ID.

3.45 Top Ten Frequently Accessed Cached Objects

The metrics in this category provide statistics for all objects and indexes with pages currently in a data cache.

Only top 10 rows sorted on the frequency of access are returned every time this metric is collected.

Collection frequency - Every 60 minutes

Table 3-50 Top Ten Frequently Accessed Cached Objects Metrics

Metric Description

Cached Object Size

Number of kilobytes of the cache the object is occupying.

Cache Name

Name of the cache.

DB Name

Name of the database.

Object Name

Name of the object.

Object Type

Type of object.

Owner Name

Name of the object owner.

Process Access Rate of the Object (per sec)

Rate at which the processes are currently accessing the object, that is, the number of processes that have started accessing the object since last collection divided by the elapsed time between two collections.

Cache ID

Cache identifier.

Cache Name

Name of the cache.

Cached Object Size (KB)

Number of kilobytes of the cache the object is occupying.

DB Name

Name of the database.


Database identifier.

Index ID

Index identifier.

Object Name

The name of the object.

Object ID

Object identifier.

Owner UID

Owner user ID.

3.46 Transaction Logs

The metrics in this category provide information regarding the utilization of the transaction log for each database.

Collection Frequency - Every 30 minutes

Table 3-51 Transaction Logs Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

The configured maximum allowable connections to the Sybase ASE.

Total Size (MB)

The current number of connections to the Sybase ASE.

Used Space (MB)

The percent of allowable connections used.

Free Space (MB)

The amount of free space in the transaction log.

Space Utilization (%)

The amount of free space in the transaction log.

3.47 Wait Class Event Information

The metrics in this category provide information and textual description for all of the wait classes (for example, waiting for a disk read to complete). All wait events have been grouped into wait classes that classify the type of event that a process is waiting for.

Collection Frequency - Every 720 hours

Table 3-52 Wait Class Event Information Metrics

Metric Description


Description of the wait event class.

Wait Class Event ID

Wait Class Event identifier.

3.48 Wait Events Information

The metrics in this category provide information and textual description for every possible situation where a process is forced to wait within Adaptive Server.

Collection Frequency - Every 720 hours

Table 3-53 Wait Events Information Metrics

Metric Description


Description of the wait event type.

Wait Event ID

Unique identifier for the wait event.

Wait Class ID

Wait Class identifier.

3.49 Waiting Events Statistics

The metrics in this category provide a server-wide view of where processes are waiting for an event.

Collection Frequency - Every 1 hour

Table 3-54 Waiting Events Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Wait Event ID

Unique identifier for the wait event.

Total number of task waits

Number of times tasks that have waited for the event.

Amount of waiting time for an event (ms)

Amount of time (in milliseconds) that tasks have spent waiting for the event. Calculated based on collection schedule, default of 1 hour.

Wait Type

The category of the wait event.

Waits Per Hour for the Event

The hourly occurrence rate of the wait event.

3.50 Waiting Process Statistics

The metrics in this category provide a server-wide view of where processes are waiting for an event.

Collection Frequency - 30 minutes

Table 3-55 Waiting Process Statistics Metrics

Metric Description Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Total number of waits for event

Number of times the process has waited for the event.

Not Defined

Not Defined

The total total number of waits for event are %Waits%. It has crossed warning (%warning_threshold%) or critical (%critical_threshold%) threshold.

Table 3-56 Waiting Process Statistics Metrics

Metric Description

Total waiting time for event (ms)

Amount of time (in milliseconds) that the process has waited for the event.


Session process identifier.


Kernel process identifier.

Wait Event ID

Unique identifier for the wait event.

3.51 Configuration Metrics

Configuration metrics consist of the following categories.

3.51.1 Charsets Information

The metrics in this category provide details about the charsets.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-57 Charsets Information Metrics

Metric Description

Entity Type

Type of charset entity.


Unique ID assigned to the entity.

Charset ID

Unique ID assigned to the charset.


Status of the charset.

Charset Name

Name of the charset.


A brief description of the charset.

Sort File

Name of the associated sort file.

3.51.2 Configuration Parameters

This section is a grouping of the following configuration parameters metric categories:

  • Backup/Recovery Configuration Parameters

  • Cache Manager Configuration Parameters

  • Component Integration Services Configuration Parameters

  • Configuration Options Configuration Parameters

  • DTM Administration Configuration Parameters

  • Diagnostics Configuration Parameters

  • Disk I/O Configuration Parameters

  • Error Log Configuration Parameters

  • Extended Stored Procedure Configuration Parameters

  • General Information Configuration Parameters

  • Java Services Configuration Parameters

  • Languages Configuration Parameters

  • Lock Manager Configuration Parameters

  • Memory Use Configuration Parameters

  • Meta-Data Caches Configuration Parameters

  • Monitoring Configuration Parameters

  • Network Communication Configuration Parameters

  • O/S Resources Configuration Parameters

  • Physical Memory Configuration Parameters

  • Physical Resources Configuration Parameters

  • Processors Configuration Parameters

  • Rep Agent Thread Administration Configuration Parameters

  • Security Related Configuration Parameters

  • SQL Server Administration Configuration Parameters

  • Unicode Configuration Parameters

  • User Environment Configuration Parameters

  • Maximum Number of Connections Configuration Parameters

The default collection interval for all these metric categories is — Every 24 hours

All these metric categories provide the following details:

Table 3-58 Configuration Parameters Metrics

Metric Description

Parameter Name

Name of the configuration parameter.

Default Value

Default value assigned to this parameter.

Memory Used

Memory used by the parameter.

Config Value

Most recent value to which the configuration parameter has been set with sp_configure.

Run Value

Value being used by Adaptive Server. It changes after you modify a parameter's value with sp_configure and, for static parameters, after you restart Adaptive Server.


Unit of measurement. For example, bytes, number, and so on.


Indicates whether the parameter is dynamic or static. For static The Adaptive Server needs to be restarted if it is a static parameter. and not if it is a dynamic parameter.

3.51.3 Database Instances

The metrics in this category provide details about the database instances.

The default collection interval for all these metric categories is — Every 1 hour

All these metric categories provide the following details:

Table 3-59 Database Instances Metrics

Metric Description

Data Space Utilization (%)

Name of the configuration parameter.

Free Data Space (MB)

Default value assigned to this parameter.

Free Log Space (MB)

Memory used by the parameter.

Log Space Utilization (%)

Most recent value of the configuration parameter set by sp_configure.

Total Data Space (MB)

Value being used by Sybase Adaptive Server. It changes after you modify a parameter's value with sp_configure and for static parameters, after you restart Sybase Adaptive Server.

Total Log Space (MB)

Unit of measurement. For example, bytes, number, and so on.

Used Data Space(MB)

Indicates whether the parameter is dynamic or static. For static parameters, Sybase Adaptive Server needs to be restarted. For dynamic parameter, it need not be started.

Used Log Space (MB)

Used log space by the database instance.

3.51.4 Installed Scripts

The metrics in this category provide details about the installed scripts.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-60 Installed Scripts Metrics

Metric Description

Script Name

Name of the installed script.


Version of the installed script.


Current status of the script.

3.51.5 Sybase ASE Version

The metrics in this category provide details about the version of Sybase ASE.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-61 Sybase ASE Version Metrics

Metric Description


Version of Sybase ASE.

3.51.6 System Databases

The metrics in this category provide details about the databases used.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-62 System Databases Metrics

Metric Description

Database Name

Name of the database used.

Database Size

Size of the database used.

Owner Name

Name of the owner of the database.

Database ID

Unique ID of the database.

Date of Creation

Date when the database was created.


Current status of the database.

3.51.7 System Listeners

The metrics in this category provide details about the system listeners.

Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-63 System Listeners Metrics

Metric Description

ASE Server Name and Port

Name of the ASE Server and the associated port.

Network Protocol

Network protocol used.