7 Community

This document contains the following topics:

7.1 What is My Oracle Support Community?

My Oracle Support Community is a multi-channel interactive gated community for premium support customers to share information, post questions and answers, and collaborate with peers about Oracle products, services, and related technologies. It is a privileged set of spaces moderated by Oracle Support staff. It is only available to My Oracle Support users.

7.2 Do I Use My Oracle Support Community to receive support from Oracle?

Yes. In addition to using the robust knowledge base, service request (SR), and configuration management functions, My Oracle Support Community is designed to share knowledge, ideas, and expertise with your industry peers. The community enables you to obtain real-time access to an expanded network of trusted industry professionals, including Oracle experts, to help you get the information you need faster and more efficiently.

7.3 Who can participate in the My Oracle Support Community?

My Oracle Support Community access is included in your Premier Support agreement.f you have access to My Oracle Support, Oracle's customer support portal, you automatically are a member. There is no additional registration required.

7.4 How do I access My Oracle Support Community?

Sign in to My Oracle Support, click the Community tab. My Oracle Support Community opens in a new browser window. To return to other areas of My Oracle Support, select the previous browser session.

Alternatively, enter the following URL in a browser:


7.5 What software does My Oracle Support Community run on?

As of July 18, 2014, My Oracle Support Community runs on the Jive Engage platform, version 7.0.

7.6 What is proper Community etiquette? Where can I find the Rules of Conduct and other guidelines?

Always be courteous.There are different levels of experience represented.

To access the complete Rules of Conduct, click the Getting Started Community space in the Getting Started region in the Support space or click the Getting Started space. In addition, use the following guidelines:

  • Discussions: To create a discussion click the Create tab at the top of the page or the Start a Discussion option in the Actions region in the right hand column. When asking a question using the discussions feature, provide all of the details that other members of the community need to understand your entry, including your database version, for example Oracle If you encounter a poorly worded question, provide suggestions to help the community member asking the question provide more clarity.

  • Documents: To create a document use the Create tab at the top of the page or click Upload a File or Write a Document in the right column of the Actions region.You can upload.doc, .pdf, .txt, or html files or create a document using the Community editor.

  • Confidential or Proprietary Content: Other customers will see the information you post in My Oracle Support Community. Do not post any proprietary or confidential information. Also be careful not to disclose any sensitive information such as accounts, passwords, server IP addresses, and so on.

  • Proofreading: Use both spelling and grammar checkers (or a good proofreader) to ensure correct spelling and take a few moments to review your documents. Remember that automated spell checkers have limitations so it is important to perform a final, manual review.

  • References to other Oracle content: Always let other members know where you found the information you are providing. Use the following guidelines:

    • Do not copy and paste from another document unless you use double quotes around the text and use an in-text citation.

    • If you paraphrase from another document, make sure you indicate the page number where you found the information and include that document in your reference.

7.7 What about Terms of Use?

A document containing the community's Terms of Use is posted on the My Oracle Support Community Getting Started page:


However, spam, defamation, obscenity, and bigotry are not tolerated and violators will be dismissed and excluded from the community. All communities are closely observed by moderators

Refer to the Rules of Conduct in My Oracle Support Community's Getting Started region. If you see objectionable content when viewing a discussion post or a Community document, click Report Abuse in the right hand column of the content being view.

7.8 How is My Oracle Support Community content organized?

My Oracle Support Community content is organized in places called spaces and subspaces, previously known as categories and communities.

  • Individual subspaces belong to a space defined by a product area, topic, industry, and so on. Some subspaces are broad, covering a number of related products or topics. Others are specific and focus on a single product or area.

  • A subspace is the area where individual discussions take place, knowledge is shared, and you can see the latest activity pertaining to your products.

  • Threads are the discussions or questions that consist of one or more messages. These messages are displayed in a flat or threaded structure depending on whether you chose "discussion view style" or "comment view style" in the preferences.

  • Posts are the individual discussion messages made by community members.

  • Content is also tagged with keywords which are then grouped into different categories to make it easier to find similar content based on the tag in a specific category.

7.9 How do I rate content in My Oracle Support Community?

You can rate or like content so others know that it is useful. You can help improve the popularity of a discussion, document, or other type of content by rating or liking it. Popularity determines whether a piece of content is promoted in certain content widgets, for example, the Top Liked Content and Top Rated Content widgets. The more people who view, like, and award 3- to 5-star ratings to a piece of content, the more popular it becomes.

To like something, click the Like link. Notice the Like counter increments by one. Click the Like counter to see who else liked the content. Likes also contribute to status rankings for the person who created the content, and content with likes will be showcased under Latest Likes and Latest Acclaim in the Activity stream.

To rate something, click the stars beneath My Rating at the end of a document or other type of content. You will see the ratings counter increment by one and the average number of stars that the content has received updates. To share that an answer to your question has helped to resolve your issue, you can mark the answer as Correct or Helpful.

7.10 Which languages are supported?

English and Chinese are supported at this time. If you would like additional languages to be considered for support, please provide your suggestions to the Community Suggestions community.

7.11 Can I change my My Oracle Support Community profile information such as my name or e-mail address?

Oracle's privacy policy enables you to manage any information used to personally identify you. You have full control over the information provided including your name, email address (for receiving private message emails only, not your My Oracle Support login username), and so on.

To edit your Community profile, click the arrow beside your user name in the My Oracle Support Community window then select Edit Profile. On the Edit Profile page, select the Your Profile tab. Modify the information you see listed, then click Save in the area you modified.

Securing Your Profile

If you're concerned about privacy, you can limit who sees different parts of your profile by using profile privacy settings, as follows:

  1. Click your name to view your profile.

  2. Click the arrow beside your user name, select Edit Profile, then select the Privacy tab.

  3. For each profile field, select the type of user who can view it. If you select everyone, then all users can see the contents of that field. Make sure you do not hide too much about yourself so that others will connect with you. Your administrator may control who sees certain fields, such as those without a Visible to... option.


    You can preview how others will see your profile by using the Preview Your Profile tool. Just select the person whose view of your profile you want to see. Click Save and Finish to save any changes, or click Close to return to the Privacy Settings page.

  4. Click Save if you are still on the Privacy Settings page.

7.12 How do I start a discussion or post a question?

To start a discussion or post a question, do one of the following:

  • Navigate to the subspace that you are interested in. From the Actions menu, select Create, then select Discussion.

  • Click the Create link besides the search box at the top of the window. Select Content then select Discussion. Enter your content then select the space where you want to post the discussion.

Monitoring Your Content

Complete your profile setup then specify where you would like your notifications to go. For example, you can enable all notifications to display in the Communications tab when anyone responds to your content or changes a document that you own.

You can now create your own custom streams and customize how you view activity across the site. While Activity displays site-wide activity and Connections Stream highlights the activity of all of the connections that you have established, the Custom Stream feature enables you to further refine your view by picking and choosing people and places to follow in a very targeted way. You can set up custom streams for teams, person, specific threads and so forth.

You can setup email notifications for your content by changing the preference in your profile. To access preferences, click the menu next to your username in the upper right corner then select Preferences. A number of options for email notifications based on content type appear.

7.13 How do I share content with a community?

To share knowledge or content in the community, do one of the following:

Option 1 - Upload a Document

  1. Navigate to the Community sub space where you want to share content.

  2. Select Upload from the Action menu.

  3. Upload a file and add a description to your document using the editor.

Option 2 - Create a Document

  1. Select Write a Document from the Action menu.

  2. Add the text for your document.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and use the Collaboration Options to set the editing and commenting permissions for the document.

  4. Optionally, specify that another user must approve the document before it is published.

The document will be visible to the all of the group members of the place where you publish it. You can control who can edit it. Alternatively, select Your Documents to limit the document's visibility to only yourself or a group of people you specify.

7.14 How do I find information that I need or posted?

To find information effectively, use a combination of strategies including search, browsing, filtering, bookmarks, and the communications page.

Tip: Browse the content, people, or places that your coworker or someone with similar interests follows by going to their profile. This way you can quickly find things and people you should also follow.

Search for something specific: The search box is located on the right hand side of the space or subspace page. With predictive searching, when you start typing suggestions are displayed.

Browse for something more general: From the browse tab, select what you want to browse: Content, People, Places, or Bookmarks. Did you write the content? Did you participate in the discussion? Did you create the bookmark? Do you want to look at all content out there? Click Authored, Participated, Your, or All.

Filter what you're browsing: When you are browsing, you have even more sorting, filtering and key-word search options, including the ability to sort by date, filter by tags, or search specific text, which all help you find what you need as quickly as possible.

Bookmark: Using a bookmark and getting back to your bookmarked content has been streamlined to one click. From any piece of content, you can create a bookmark by clicking Bookmark. You can also browse through your own or other people's bookmarks when you click Browse. To find the content you've bookmarked, just click the bookmark icon besides the search box on the top right.

History: To find your recently viewed and frequently viewed history, review your Jive browsing history and bookmarks by clicking the history icon besides the search box on the top right of the window.

7.15 Can I follow content, people, or places?

If you want to add awareness of content, people, or places to your activity stream, you must follow them. Following content or places keeps them in your periphery by filling your Followed Activity stream with their activity only. To follow people, the people must be your friends. Following ensures that you can separate out a stream of content that you have personally selected. In your Activity page, you can then toggle between All Activity and Followed to narrow down the stream. You can start following content, people, or places whenever you browse to them or when you open a profile or overview page.There are two connection models for people. Our community is setup with "Friends" model, friends share a two-way relationship. The two users are connected to each other when one sends a friend request and the other accepts it.


Browse the content, people, or places that someone with similar interests follows by going to their profile. This way you can quickly find things and people you should also follow.

Depending on your community's setup, you may have either friends or connections and followers. For communities set up with a "Friends" model, friends share a two-way relationship. The two users are connected to each other. For communities set up with a "Connections" model, connections/followers have a one-way relationship. User A follows User B, but User B does not have to follow User A. By default, if your community is an internal one, you are already following your colleagues--people at the same level in your organization chart. You can see your place in the organization chart by clicking your name and then clicking View Org Chart next to your title.

If you follow a lot of activity, for example busy groups or people, you may find that it is easier to set email notifications on individual pieces of content rather than enabling email for all followed activity under communications or browse tab. To change this, click the arrow next to your name at the top right of the community, select Preferences, the set People, Places and Content I'm Following (Followed Activity) to notify you about followed content either in digest format, or never. You can still see your followed content in the Activity page under the communications or browse tab.

There are a few ways to begin following a piece of content, a person, or a place in the community.

From the All Activity stream, click a person's name or avatar, a content item, or the name of a place, then click the Follow icon. You can then select the streams in which you want to follow the place or content item. You can also add a person as a friend. After the request is accepted, you will automatically start following that person.

Use the Find feature to search for keywords of things that might interest you. When you find something that you want to follow, click it, then click the Follow icon and select the stream in which you want to follow the place or item.

To stop following something, go to the item or place by either clicking it from a stream or searching for it under the Find tab, then click the Follow icon. From there, select the streams from which you want to stop following the person, place, or content item. You will no longer see the check mark next to the streams and you will no longer see updates for that person, place, or content item in those streams. Updates will still appear in the All Activity stream, however, because that stream shows all public activity in the community.

7.16 How do I shout to people, places, and things?

Using @mention, you can alert people and places that you are talking about them. For example, you can add links to a document or group by typing some of the words in the title after typing @. You can even use both formats in the same status update, for example to announce "Joey Ramone and Johnny Ramone, check out my new Album Review of Rocket to Russia in the community"!

To use @mention:

  1. Type the "@" symbol (or click the "@" icon if it is available). A search dialog opens and suggests possible matches. To narrow matches, use an underscore (_) as a space. For example, @Mike_D would match the Mikes whose last name begins with "D." Your picker will include documents, discussions and places as well as people.

  2. Keep typing to narrow the choices further.

  3. Select the correct match from the list. The new link shows up in your content.

7.17 How do I create a link to a Knowledge article or bug on My Oracle Support?

To create a link to a Knowledge article, use the format Note XXXXXX.X where XXXXXX.X is the Knowledge article number.

To create a link to a bug, use the format Bug XXXXXX where XXXXXX is the bug number.

7.18 What are Advisor Webcasts?

Advisor Webcasts offer a convenient way for you to interact with professional, technical, and application experts regarding topics to help you get the most from their support services. Our support experts will present information such as troubleshooting tips, best practices, new release information, and so on. Included with your premier support agreement, each webcast is delivered using Oracle Web Conferencing technology and includes a live Q&A session. Advisor Webcasts are offered regularly and are recorded for on demand viewing anytime, anywhere. Take advantage of this beneficial resource and attend a session today. For a dates and times of the Advisor Webcasts:

  1. Logon to My Oracle Support.

  2. Select the Knowledge tab

  3. Select Tools and Training from the Knowledge Links region.

  4. Select Training (Web Seminars).

7.19 What browsers are officially supported?

My Oracle Support Community runs on the Jive Engage platform, version 7.0. Jive works with most current web browsers, however, see the following URL for a list of supported browsers:


Other browsers may work however, if you encounter any unusual behavior use one of the supported browsers.

7.20 I do not see any community related to my areas of interest. How can I get that added?

Please post your request in the Community Suggestions subspace with as much detail as possible.

7.21 What is the User Reputation Model and Rewards & Recognition Program?

For information about this program, review Oracle's Rewards & Recognition Program, found in the Getting Started region of the My Oracle Support Community home page.

7.22 How can I change my username and setup my profile and preferences?

To change your username and setup your profile and preferences:

  1. Log in to https://community.oracle.com/community/support.

  2. Click the arrow beside your username at the top right corner of the page.

  3. Select Edit Profile then select the Your Profile tab.

  4. To change your handle/username, on the Edit Profile tab click Edit next to your username, update your handle name, then click Save.

  5. Scroll down on the page to enter your new Public Display name under the OTN Community Display Name section.


    The box next to Oracle Technology Network, under the My Community Memberships section, must be selected.

  6. Click Confirm.

  7. Log out, then repeat steps 1 to 3 to confirm your new handle/username.

  8. In the Edit Profile tab, update your profile information as desired, then click Save.

  9. Click the Privacy Settings tab, update your profile sharing preferences as desired, then click Save.

7.23 Can I attach or upload images into a discussion thread to illustrate an issue that I'm having?

Yes. Threads (discussions or questions) and their replies now support the ability for a user to upload video (50MB maximum), documents, and pictures. You can drag and drop images from your Windows Explorer window in to the editor window or you can attach images using the icons in the editor.

7.24 What do the different colors represent in a reply to a question thread?

A gold (or yellow) border indicates a helpful answer which is also indicated by a gold (or yellow) star. A green border indicates a correct answer which is also indicated by a green star.

7.25 What is featured content?

Featured content consists of discussion threads or documents that are relevant to the community. It is displayed in the featured content region.

7.26 What should I do if I am experiencing a technical issue?

If you are experiencing technical issues in the My Oracle Support Community website, send an e-mail to Oracle_Support_Community_ww@oracle.com or post a thread in the Using My Oracle Support or Community Suggestions community.

7.27 Video Training

For more information about My Oracle Support Community, including video training, see Knowledge Document 1616733.1, "My Oracle Support Community":
