10 Managed Cloud Services

This document contains the following topics:

10.1 Managed Cloud Services

10.1.1 What is the Managed Cloud tab?

The Managed Cloud tab enables Oracle Managed Cloud customers to track their services and requests for changes (RFCs).

10.1.2 Who can see the Managed Cloud tab?

The Managed Cloud tab is visible to customers with at least one Managed Cloud Support ID (SI).

10.1.3 Should I use PowerView with the Managed Cloud tab?

Yes. PowerView enables you to filter information for specific SIs. To use the Managed Cloud tab, you must use PowerView to select the SIs associated with a single customer. An error occurs if you have SIs associated with more than one customer and you do not use PowerView to filter for a single customer. See the Getting Started help for information about creating PowerViews.

10.2 Managed Cloud Home

10.2.1 What is the Managed Cloud Home page?

The Managed Cloud Home page provides general announcements, pending requests, information about planned changes (RFC's), and service requests (SRs) associated with your SIs.

10.2.2 What is the Announcements region?

The Announcements region contains information about My Oracle Support for Managed Cloud Services users. Click each title to view information about the different topics. A yellow triangle with an exclamation mark (!) appears next to the title if it contains important news. The date represents the date that this announcement was posted.

10.2.3 What is the Pending Requests region?

The Pending Requests region lists RFCs waiting approval. Click an RFC link to view the RFC.

10.2.4 What is the Planned Changes region?

The Planned Changes region lists planned RFCs for your SIs. How do I search for an RFC?


To display or search for closed RFCs, select Include Closed RFCs above the search box. This option slows the search, so only use it when you want to search for closed RFCs. To view only RFCs created by you, select My RFCs.

To search for an RFC:

  1. Select RFC Number, Target, RFC Type, Summary, Contact Last Name, or Status from the list next to the search box. The default category is RFC Number.

  2. Enter search criteria in the search box, then click the search icon. My Oracle Support searches all RFCs for which you have an SI.


Search is case sensitive and finds matches based on the first few characters entered. For RFCs or partial RFCs, use the format Y-XXXXXX, where Y is a number and X is an alphanumeric character. How do I create an RFC?


Only users with the Create RFC privilege have the option to create an RFC.

To create an RFC:

  1. In the Planned Changes region, click Create RFC. The Create RFC wizard appears.

  2. Complete the steps in the Create RFC wizard.

  3. On the Details page, make the appropriate changes, then click Submit. The RFC will appear in the Planned Changes region, depending on the filters you have selected. How do I view my RFCs?

To view an RFC, click the RFC in the Planned Changes region. How do I update an RFC?

To update an RFC that you created:

  1. Click the RFC in the Planned Changes region. The page for the selected RFC appears.

  2. Choose one of the provided buttons to perform the update. How do I close an RFC?

You can close RFCs that you created. To close an RFC:


You can only close RFCs that you created.

  1. Click the RFC that you want to close in the Planned Changes region. The page for the selected RFC appears.

  2. Click Close. The Close RFC page appears.

  3. Enter comments, if desired, then click OK. How do I cancel an RFC?

To cancel an RFC:

  1. Click the RFC that you want to cancel in the Planned Changes region. The page for the selected RFC appears.

  2. Select Cancel from the Actions menu. The Cancel RFC page appears.

  3. Enter comments, if desired, then click Cancel RFC.

10.2.5 What is the Service Requests region?

The Service Requests region lists SRs for your Managed Cloud Services SIs. If you have PowerView turned on, the SRs listed will be for the SIs specified by PowerView.

You can resize columns in the region, sort the region by clicking on the triangles next to the column names, and add, hide or rearrange columns by clicking Columns, then selecting Mange Columns in the View menu.

Select Detach to expand the Service Requests region. How do I search for an SR?

To search for an SR, select the search criteria from the list next to the search box, enter text in the search box, then click the search arrow.


To display or search for closed SRs, select Include Closed SRs above the search box. This option slows the search, so only use it when you want to search for closed SRs. To view only SRs created by you, select SRs Created by Me. How do I create an SR?

To create an SR, click Create SR in the Service Request region.


For information about creating a Managed Cloud Services SR, see the How do I create a Managed Cloud Services SR? section of the Service Requests help. How do I view SRs?

To view an SR, click the SR link in the Service Requests region. How do I update an SR?

To update an SR, click the SR link, click Add Update, enter information in the Update Details box, then click Post Update. How do I close an SR?

To close an SR, click the SR link, click Close SR, select a reason for closing from the list, enter information in the Update Detail box (optional), then click Post Update.

10.3 Services

The Services page displays your environments sorted by the services that they are attached to. Click an environment to view basic information about that environment, for example the go-live date and type of environment.

10.4 Requests

10.4.1 What is the Managed Cloud Services Requests page?

The Managed Cloud Services Requests page provides information about planned changes (RFCs) and SRs.

10.4.2 What is the Changes page?

The Changes page provides information about planned changes and RFC profiles. What is the Planned Changes region?

The Planned Changes region lists Requests for Changes (RFCs) for your SIs. See the Managed Cloud Home help for more information about the Planned Changes region. What is the RFC Profiles region?

Profiles include header information for RFCs, for example instance name, contact information, and the type of RFC. You can use profiles to save time and effort when creating an RFC. For example, you can create a profile to use when you want to create an RFC to refresh a Development environment from a Production environment.

To create an RFC profile:

  1. If necessary, click the arrow next to the RFC Profile region title to expand the region.

  2. Click Create RFC Profile, enter profile details, then click Create Profile.

    The new profile appears in the RFC Profiles region.

To view or delete an RFC profile:

  1. If necessary, click the arrow next to the RFC Profile region title to expand the region.

  2. Click a profile link in the Profile Name column, edit profile details as required, then click Update Profile or Delete Profile.

10.4.3 What is the Incidents page?

The Managed Cloud Incidents page provides information about SRs. To view the Incidents page if you are viewing the Changes page, click Incidents above Cloud Services Requests - Changes. What is the Service Requests region?

Service requests (SRs) are either technical or Contact Us SRs (non-technical SRs). Submit a technical SR to receive product support related to hardware and software products. The Service Requests region displays the most recent technical service requests for your Support Identifiers (SIs), with the most recently updated SR listed first. When you click an SR link, the SR opens in a new tab or window depending on your browser and configuration settings. How do I create a Managed Cloud Services SR?

For information about creating a Managed Cloud Services SR, see the "How do I create a Managed Cloud Services SR?" in the Service Requests help. What is the Contact Us Service Requests region?

A Contact Us SR is related to issues other than product support. Use a Contact Us SR for help concerning your account, permissions, issues with the web site, license and entitlement, sign in issues, ordering physical media, or if you are having issues filing a technical SR. Both primary and alternate contacts listed in the service request can edit a Contact Us SR.

The Service Requests region displays technical SRs. The Contact Us Service Requests region displays Contact Us SRs. What is the Auto Generated Service Requests region?

The Auto Generated Service Requests region lists SRs that are automatically generated for your Managed Cloud Services environments, for example by Oracle Enterprise Manager. You can perform the same actions with Auto SRs that you can with manually created SRs. For information about managing SRs, see the "Managed Cloud Home" page help. What is the Draft SRs region?

When you create an SR, you can choose to save it as a draft before you submit it. The Draft SRs region lists any draft SRs associated with the visible SIs. After you click Submit in the Service Requests wizard, the SR is moved to the Service Requests region.

10.5 Outages

10.5.1 What is the Managed Cloud Services Outages page?

The Managed Cloud Outages page provides information about service outages related to environments listed under your Power View SI in the past 365 days.

10.5.2 How do I filter the outages displayed?

By default, the Outages region displays all outage types. Click the arrow next to the Show menu then select New, Planned, or Unplanned to view other types of outages.To view more information about an outage, click an environment name link.

10.6 Access Control

Use the Access Control page to change passwords for and request access to your Managed Cloud environments.

10.6.1 What is the Authorized Approvers page?

The Authorized Approvers page contains the Authorized Approvers region that lists the approvers and their privileges for the selected SI.

To change the SI, select a different SI from the Support Identifier menu.

To add an approver click Add, enter details on the Add Authorized Approvers screen, then click OK.

10.6.2 What is the Environments page?

The Environments region lists the Managed Cloud environments associated with the SIs listed in your profile. To view the Environments page if you are viewing the Authorized Approvers page, click Environments above Cloud Services: Access Control - Environments. From the Actions menu you can:

  • Save an environment alias.

  • Reset the password for all host (Production) accounts.

  • Reset the access policy for all accounts.

  • View your access request history.

You can also select Reset Access Policy for All Accounts. Do this to synchronize with Oracle's Access Provisioning System when users roles have been added or revoked.

10.7 Reports

10.7.1 What is the Managed Cloud Reports page?

The Managed Cloud Reports page contains the following interactive reports:

  • Change Request report

  • Availability report

  • Assessments report

  • Security Scorecard

  • Exadata report

Click a report name in the Reports page to view that report.

10.7.2 What are Change Request reports?

The Change Request Report page displays information about all work which is scheduled for execution or has been executed already.

To generate a change request report:

  • Select and RFC Status. All is selected by default.

  • Choose to search by creation date or planned start date.

  • Select a date range for all changes that started within that range.

  • From the Configurations option, select all configurations or select service types or instances to view the changes associated with those configurations.

  • Click Get Report.

10.7.3 What are Availability reports?

The Availability report page provides reports about unplanned outage events and service interruption events at the environment level.

To generate an availability report:

  1. Select a report type.

  2. Select an environment.

  3. Specify a time period.

  4. Click Get Report.

10.7.4 What are Assessments reports?

The Assessments reports page provides information about production assessments. Production assessment occurs throughout the lifecycle of each customer project. Oracle Managed Cloud schedules production assessment checklists automatically based on the customer implementation type, modules implemented, service offering, and the planned go-live date.

From the Assessments reports page, you can do the following:

  • View the checklist area, the checklist name, the assessed instance, who initiates the assessment, and who reviews the assessment.

  • Click Export to download the checklist file and the execution process.

  • Check the deployments and implementations to which the assessment applies.

10.7.5 What are Security Scorecard reports?

The Security Scorecard shows any security scorecards that have been uploaded. The scorecards are also visible under Documents in the Security Scorecard subfolder.

10.7.6 What is the Exadata report?


The Exadata report is visible to customers who have an SI associated with an Exadata service.

The Exadata report page, also known as the Exadata Dashboard, displays information about your Exadata Cloud including:

  • Basic service information

  • Status by instance, host, and storage cell

  • System metrics

The Exadata report is organized into four parts:

  • Overview - includes general information about the Exadata service.

  • Overall Statistics -includes the average number of transactions per second and the average response time.

  • Servers - includes servers associated with the instance specified in the Overview section.

  • Storage Cells - includes storage cells associated with the instance specified in the Overview section.

10.8 Documents

10.8.1 What is the Managed Cloud Documents page?

On the Managed Cloud Documents page you can view and manage documents that relate to the customer that you are viewing.

10.8.2 How do I expand the folder tree?

When you view the Documents page, the folder tree may be collapsed. To expand the folder tree, click the arrow next to the ROOT folder. You will see any sub folders that have been added.

10.8.3 How do I add a new folder?

Note: This is section is for Customer User Administrators (CUAs) only.

To add a new folder:

  1. Select the folder under which you want to add the new folder.

  2. Click Actions, then select New Folder from the list.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, enter a name for the folder then click OK.

  4. Click Actions, then select Refresh from the list.

10.8.4 How do I upload a file?

To upload a file:

  1. Select the folder under which you want to add the file.

  2. Click Actions, then select Upload File from the list. In the dialog box that appears, click Browse... to locate the file.

  3. If desired, enter a description of the file, then click Upload.

  4. Click Actions, then select Refresh from the list.

10.8.5 How do I view a file?

To view a file, click the link in the File Name column.

10.8.6 How do I rename a file or folder?

To rename a file or folder:

  1. Select the file or folder.

  2. Click Actions, then select Rename from the list.

  3. Enter a new name, then click Rename.

10.8.7 How do I delete a file or folder?

Note: This is section is for CUAs only.

To delete a file or folder:

  1. Select the file or folder.

  2. Click Actions, then select Delete from the list.

  3. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

10.8.8 How do I refresh the page?

To be sure you are viewing the most recent changes, click the browser's refresh button.

10.9 Calendar

10.9.1 What is the Managed Cloud Calendar?

The Managed Cloud Calendar displays all scheduled RFCs for selected Oracle SIs and gives you the ability to create your own calendar entries. You can view calendar entries from November 2009 to one year from the current calendar date. The Managed Cloud Calendar is available to users with View or Create & Update change request privileges. Manual calendar entries can only be made by authorized approvers for a specified environment. You must select a time zone to see your calendar entries.

10.9.2 How do I change the calendar time zone?

To change the time zone, select a different time zone from the Time Zone menu.

10.9.3 Can I view data for a specific environment?

Yes. By default, the calendar displays data for all of the environments associated with the specified Oracle SI. To view data for one environment, select the environment from the Environment menu.

10.9.4 How do I manually add a calendar entry?

When planning changes, you might want to manually create a calendar entry and add RFCs to the entry to enable you to preschedule or prioritize changes.


Only users that are authorized approvers for a specified environment can create or edit manual calendar entries for that environment.

To manually add a calendar entry:

  1. Select a time zone.

  2. Click an empty space on the Calendar page or right click, then click Create Event. The Create Event dialog box opens.

  3. Enter the required information.


    Only environments for which you are an authorized approver appear in the Environment menu.

  4. If desired, enter an RFC or a comma-separated list of RFCs in the RFCs to schedule box. A list of RFCs appears.

  5. Click the RFC numbers in the list to add them to the RFC to Schedule box.

  6. Click OK. The entry appears on the calendar.


    RFCs entered in the RFC to Schedule box are not validated against the SI associated with the manual entry.

10.9.5 How do I delete or edit a manual entry?

To manually delete a calendar entry, right click the entry in the calendar, select Delete Event, then click OK.

To manually edit a calendar entry, right click the entry in the calendar, then select Update Event or click on the calendar entry. Edit the information in the window that appears, then click OK.

10.10 Organization

10.10.1 What is the Organization page?

On the Managed Cloud Organization page you can view information about the companies, Managed Cloud services, and Oracle contacts related to the SI that you are viewing.

10.10.2 What is the Contacts region?

The Contacts region list all contacts associated with the SI you are viewing. Contacts are maintained by a Service Delivery Manager (SDM).

10.10.3 What is the Locations region?

The Locations region lists the addresses for the company associated with an SI you are viewing.

10.10.4 What is the Customer Management Team region?

The Customer Management Team region lists all Oracle contacts associated with the SI that you are viewing. Contacts are maintained by a Service Delivery Manager (SDM).

10.11 Policies

10.11.1 What is the Policies page?

The Policies page provides links to Managed Cloud policies and reference documents.

The link About My Oracle Support for Managed Cloud Services (MOS-MCS) navigates to MOS-MCS specific release notes and to more detailed process documentation about MOS-MCS.

10.12 CEMLI

Oracle CEMLI Services enables you to manage configurations/customization, extension, modification, localization, and integration (CEMLI) of your Oracle E-Business Suite deployment.

Click Help Contents on the left side of the CEMLI page to view the CEMLI help.