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Siebel CRM Assignment Manager Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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Associating Skills with Employees, Positions, and Organizations

You use skills to find the best matching candidates to assign to assignment objects. Skills can be associated with individual employees, positions, or organizations. During the assignment process, Siebel Assignment Manager identifies candidates that have the relevant skills for assignment to a particular item. For example, a service request requiring an agent who has expertise for a particular product is routed to someone who has that product expertise as a part of his or her skill set.

This task is a step in "Process of Defining Assignment Rules".

You enable and configure skills at the criteria level by using Siebel Tools. For more information about defining criteria for skills, see "Process of Defining Criteria Values as Skills with Expertise Codes and Weighting Factors".


Assignment Manager caches employee, position, and organization skills when the Siebel Server is started. Every time rules are released, employee, position, and organization skills are updated and cached. If you want to automatically refresh employee, position, and organization skills at a periodic interval, then set the value of Refresh people skills interval (the MaxSkillsAge parameter for the Assignment Manager component) to the desired interval of update.

Associating Skills with an Employee

Use the following procedure to associate skills with an employee.

To associate skills with an employee

  1. Navigate to the Administration - User screen, and then the Employees view.

  2. In the Employees list, drill down on the employee for whom you want to define skills, and then click the Assignment Skills tab.

  3. In the Assignment Skills list, click New to add a new record.

  4. In the Skill field, select a skill from the drop-down list.

  5. In the Assignment Skill Items list, click New to add a new record, and then complete the necessary fields.

    The columns that display in the Employee Skill Items list depend on the skill chosen from the drop-down list in the Assignment Skills list.


Employees can also track and update their own skill profiles in the User Preferences Profile view (navigate to the User Preferences screen, then User Profile, and then Assignment Skills).

Associating Skills with a Position

Use the following procedure to associate skills with a position.

To associate skills with a position

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Group screen, and then the Positions view.

  2. In the Positions list, drill down on the position for which you want to associate skills.

  3. In the Assignment Skills list, click New.

  4. In the Item field, select a skill from the drop-down list.

  5. Scroll down to the Position Skill Items list, click New to add a new record, and then complete the necessary fields.


The columns that display in the Position Skill Items list depend on the skill chosen from the drop-down list in the Assignment Skills list.

Associating Skills with an Organization

Use the following procedure to associate skills with an organization.

To associate skills with an organization

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Group screen, and then the Organizations view.

  2. In the Organizations list, drill down on the organization for which you want to associate skills.

  3. In the Assignment Skills list, click New.

  4. In the Item field, select a skill from the drop-down list.

  5. Scroll down to the Organization Skill Items list, click New to add a new record, and then complete the necessary fields.


The columns that display in the Organization Skill Items list depend on the skill chosen from the drop-down list in the Assignment Skills list.