Siebel Dealer Administration Guide > Managing Warranty Claims >

Roadmap for Creating and Managing Warranty Claims

The life cycle of a warranty claim for an asset consists of the many life cycles and actions.

To create and manage warranty claims, perform the following tasks and processes:

  1. Verifying Warranty Entitlement and Coverage.
  2. Process of Creating a Prewarranty Authorization.
  3. Process of Creating a Work Order.
  4. Process of Creating a Warranty Claim.
  5. Updating a Warranty Claim.

Figure 1 shows the workflow for warranty claims. The vertical division represents the entities that are performing actions at different points in the cycle. These entities include the following:

  • Customer
  • Channel partner or service organization
  • OEM
  • Supplier

Arrows indicate the flow of information that triggers different actions. Some of the actions include the following:

  • Verifying the coverage of the asset policy
  • Creating and approving prewarranty authorizations
  • Creating work orders
  • Creating and approving claims
Figure 1. Workflow for Managing Warranty Claims
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