Siebel Dealer Administration Guide > Managing Warranty Claims > Process of Creating a Warranty Claim >

Entering Warranty Claim Repair Line Items

Each repair performed for an asset under warranty is captured in a warranty claim as a separate line entry. Within each repair line, you must list all or as much of the detail to support the work performed and to process the approval. For example, for each repair line, you must specify the operation code, claim type, policy number, and causal part number.

This task is a step in Process of Creating a Warranty Claim.

To enter warranty claim repair line items

  1. Navigate to the Warranty Claims screen, then Claims List view.
  2. Select a warranty claim number.

    The Claim Entry Details screen appears.

  3. In the Line Items view tab, click New to create a repair claim line.

    The Repair Line List screen appears.

  4. In the Repair Line List region of the Line Items view tab, enter the details for the repair claim lines as described in the following table.

    Work Order Line Number

    Select a work order line number.

    Operation Code

    Select the repair operation code for the repair work that was performed on the asset.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is populated automatically to what is defined for the work order line.

    Operation Code Description

    After you select an operation code, the Operation Code Description field automatically displays the predefined description for the repair operation code by default.

    Causal Part Number

    Select the causal part number for the part that is the reason for the repair work.

    NOTE:  Alternately, when you choose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.


    The subassembly entry that is defined for the operation code is automatically displayed in this field.

    Claim Type

    Enter the type of claim for the repair line. You can choose from:

    • Extended
    • Good Will
    • PDI
    • Parts Warranty
    • Product Update Campaign
    • Recall
    • Standard
    • Transportation

    NOTE:  Alternately, when you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

    Policy Number

    Enter the policy number for the repair line item. The warranty policy number can be entered only if the Claim Type is Standard or Extended.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

  5. In the Parts region of the Line Items view tab, click New.
  6. Enter the details for the replacement parts as described in following table.

    Part Name

    Enter the replacement part name for the repair line item.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

    Part Number

    The predefined part number for the selected replacement part is automatically displayed in the field.

    Part Serial Number

    If a serial number is defined for the replacement part, it is automatically displayed when you select a replacement part name.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

    Part Price

    Enter the replacement part price.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.


    Enter the quantity of replacement parts used for the repair line item.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

    Total Price

    The total price of the replacement part is calculated by multiplying the part price by the quantity.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

    RMA Required

    Select this field if the return material authorization is required for the replacement part.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

  7. In the Line Item Details view tab, enter the repair line details for the claim as described in the following table.


    Select this option if the repair of the asset will be carried out by a third-party vendor.

    NOTE:  Alternately, if you chose a work order line number to associate with the warranty claim, the value in this field is autopopulated with the number specified for the work order line.

    Force Office Referral

    Select this check box if you want to send the Warranty Claim line item for manual review. After it is submitted, the status changes to Office Referral.

    Part Invoice Number

    Enter the invoice number for the part.

    NOTE:  This field is available only in the form.

    Part Installed Date

    Enter the date on which the part was installed.

    Part Installed Mileage

    Enter the mileage for the asset when the part was installed.

    Fault Code

    Select the fault code for the claim line that represents the cause of the problem that is being reported, repaired, or replaced. For example, a window regulator is defective.

    NOTE:  Fault codes are linked to trouble codes and repair operation codes. Multiple fault codes might be linked to a repair operation code or conversely, more than one repair operation code might be linked to a fault code.


    The description associated with the fault code is displayed in this field.

    Trouble Code

    Select the trouble code for the claim line that represents the problem that is being reported, repaired, or replaced. For example, a passenger window cannot be raised or lowered.

    NOTE:  Trouble codes are linked to fault codes. Multiple trouble codes might be linked to a fault code or conversely, more than one fault code might be linked to a trouble code.


    Describe the repair to the asset.

  8. In the Operation Code Details area of the Repair Line Details form, enter the estimate for the repair work as described in the following table.

    Requested Time

    Enter the number of labor hours required to repair the asset.

    Requested Amount

    The amount displayed is calculated by multiplying the number of labor hours by the operation rate.

  9. In the Others and Sublets area of the Repair Line Details form, enter the details for the third-party vendor as described in following table.

    NOTE:  You can enter third-party vendor information only if you selected the Sublet option.


    Invoice Number

    Enter the third-party invoice number.


    Enter the third-party service, for example, air conditioning, adjustment, alignment, or rental.

    Requested Amount

    Enter the amount that is to be paid to the third-party vendor.

    NOTE:  The amount entered in this field is a manual entry and not a calculated amount.

    Approved Amount

    The amount that is approved will be displayed in this field.


    Describe the work that was performed.

  10. In the Repair Line Amounts area of the Repair Line Details form, enter the details for the repair as described in following table.

    Labor Amount

    Enter the percentage of the repair total for which the customer is responsible, for example, 50 percent.

    Total Parts

    Enter the percentage of the repair total for which the customer is responsible, for example, 50 percent.

  11. Click Verify and then Submit.
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