Siebel Dealer Administration Guide > Managing Warranty Claims >

About Supplier Recovery Claims

Although Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) sell final products to customers and offer warranty coverage for the product, the warranty defects might have originated from a third party. For example, a supplier might have manufactured a defective product and might therefore be responsible for a warranty failure. In such cases, the OEM's dealer replaces the failed part under warranty and claims a warranty claim expense from the OEM.

Because the defect originated with the supplier, the OEM wants to recover the warranty claim expense from the supplier, which is a supplier recovery claim. Supplier recovery claims made by OEMs can be evaluated, then accepted or rejected using Siebel Dealer. For information about creating and editing supplier recovery claims, see Siebel Automotive Guide.

For information about reviewing and submitting decisions for a supplier recovery claim, see Process of Reviewing and Submitting Decisions for Supplier Recovery Claims.

Supplier Recovery Claim Status

This topic describes the values that are assigned to the recovery claim status and provides instructions about listing all of the supplier recovery claims that are pending decisions.

Supplier recovery claims have Claim Status fields that indicate the overall status of the supplier recovery claim. Table 5 describes the meaning of the statuses for recovery line items

Table 5. Status of Supplier Recovery Claim
Supplier Recovery Claim Status


At least one line item of the supplier recovery claim is set to Submitted, and no line items are set to Rejected.


All line items of the supplier recovery claim are set to Approved.


At least one line item of the supplier recovery claim is set to Rejected.

Payment Request Sent

A payment request has been sent to financial.

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