Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Administering a Workflow Process > Process of Deploying a Workflow Process >

Preparing the Run-Time Environment

This task is a step in Process of Deploying a Workflow Process.

This topic describes how to prepare the run-time environment to that it run a workflow process. It includes the following topics:

Although it is not required that you perform these topics in the order listed, you must consider each topic to determine if it applies to the workflow process you are deploying.

Making Sure the Objects That the Workflow Process References Are Available

If the workflow process you are deploying contains a sub process step, or if it references a new repository object, such as a business component, business service, or view, then you must make sure the workflow process that you are deploying can access this sub process step or repository object.

To make sure the objects that the workflow process references are available

  • Do one of the following:
    • Workflow process references a sub process. Deploy the sub process before you deploy the workflow process that calls the sub process.
    • Workflow process references new repository objects. Compile the new repository objects before you deploy the workflow process.

Activating a Field That a Workflow Process Uses

If the Object Manager does not activate a field, and if a workflow process references this field, then you must activate it:

  • If Siebel CRM displays a field in the Siebel client, then the Object Manager activates it and a workflow process that runs in the Object Manager that references this field can run properly.
  • If Siebel CRM does not display a field in the Siebel client, then the Object Manager does not activate it and a workflow process that runs in the Object Manager cannot use this field. If Siebel CRM attempts to use this field then, then it creates an error.

To activate a field that a workflow process uses

  • Do one of the following:
    • Activate the field programmatically:
      • Open Siebel Tools.
      • Locate the field in the Fields list.
      • Set the Force Active property of the field to TRUE.
      • Display the field in the Siebel client.
    • Use a script to activate the field, such as a script on a business service that activates the field before the workflow process uses it.

Deploying a Workflow Process to the Siebel Mobile Web Client

The Replication field in the Workflow Deployment view allows you to configure Siebel CRM to route a workflow process to the Siebel Mobile Web Client. Routing only the workflow process that the Siebel Mobile Web Client requires allows you to reduce the amount of data that the local database stores.

To deploy a workflow process to the Siebel Mobile Web Client

  1. Navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, Workflow Deployment, and then the Active Workflow Processes view.
  2. Define the Replication field using values from the following table.


    Siebel CRM routes the workflow process to Siebel Mobile Web Clients and regional nodes. Changing the value in the Replication field from None to All adds the workflow process and related records to the Siebel Mobile Web Client or regional node when it synchronizes with the Siebel Server.


    Siebel CRM routes the workflow process to the regional nodes only.


    Siebel CRM does not route the workflow process to the Siebel Mobile Web Client or the regional nodes.

For more information, see Deploying a Workflow Process on a Regional Node.

Testing Routing Behavior with Full Copy Nodes

If Siebel CRM extracts a regional node with the routing group set to FULL COPY, then it routes a workflow process with Replication set to None to the Siebel Mobile Web Client.

To test routing behavior with full copy nodes

  1. Modify two existing or define two new workflow processes, one with Replication set to All and the other with Replication set to None.
  2. Extract a regional node with the routing group set to FULL COPY.
  3. Examine the dx file in the outbox of the regional node to make sure that Siebel CRM routed each workflow process.
Using a Run-Time Event with a Mobile Client

Some variation exists in the way a run-time event performs in a Siebel Mobile Web Client when compared with other Siebel client types. If you configure Siebel CRM to use a run-time event with a mobile client, then it is recommended that you set the processing mode to Local Synchronous or Remote Asynchronous. If Siebel CRM uses Remote Asynchronous for a mobile client, then it starts the workflow process after it synchronizes with the Siebel Server. For more information, see Remote Synchronous Processing.

Notifying Mobile Users Who Are Not Synchronized

You can define a workflow process that sends a notification email to mobile users who are not synchronized. For more information, see 476188.1 (Article ID) or 476275.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support.

Deploying a Workflow Process on a Regional Node

Siebel CRM can run a workflow process on a regional node. It can call a workflow process from a script or from a run-time event.

To deploy a workflow process on a regional node

  • Make sure the workflow process resides on the regional node. Siebel CRM must replicate all settings and the environment on this node. The objects that the workflow references must be available on this node.

Deploying a Workflow Process in a Multilingual Environment

A workflow process that Siebel CRM deploys from the Object Manager for a language is not available in the Object Manager for another language until after a restart occurs. If Siebel CRM must deploy a workflow process in a multiple language environment, then it must restart the Object Managers for each language.

For example, assume you do the following work:

  1. Define a workflow process that the following event calls for a business component through scripting:


  2. Publish and activate this workflow process.

    For more information, see Process of Deploying a Workflow Process.

  3. Restart the Siebel Servers.
  4. You realize that callcenter_enu and callcenter_esn call this workflow process.
  5. You revise and publish this workflow process from Siebel Tools.
  6. In callcenter_enu, you activate this workflow process.
  7. You realize that callcenter_enu uses the revised workflow process but callcenter_esn does not.
  8. You activate this workflow process in callcenter_esn but an error results.

To get the new workflow process to work correctly, you must restart the callcenter_esn Object Manager. For more information, see Revising a Workflow Process.

Deploying a Workflow Process as a Web Service

You can deploy a workflow process as a Web service.

To deploy a workflow process as a Web service

  1. Open Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Workflow Designer, examine definitions in the Multi-Value Property Window to determine if the Data Type field for a process property is set to Integration Object. If so, make sure a value is defined in the Integration Object field for each of these process properties.

    If the workflow process uses hierarchical data in a business service, then you must set Data Type for the process property to Integration Object, and then define an integration object in the Integration Object field. If no integration object is defined, then an error that is similar to the following occurs:

    The selected workflow process contains hierarchy type process properties without having the integration object name defined.

    For more information, see Using Process Properties.

  3. Make sure the workflow process you must deploy is published and activated.

    For more information, see Publishing a Workflow Process.

  4. Locate the workflow process that you must modify.

    For more information, see Locating a Workflow Process in the Workflow Processes List.

  5. Right-click the workflow process, and then click Deploy as Web Service.
  6. In the top window of the Expose Workflow Process as Web Service dialog box, define the operation name for the new web service.

    You can define the underlying method name of the business service without spaces, such as CreateAccount. Use a business service method that is defined in the workflow process.

  7. In the bottom window of the dialog box, define the URL that identifies the address for the Web service. Replace webserver with a valid host name and lang with a valid language code, such as enu.
  8. Optional. To create a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file, click the Generate WSDL check box, and then specify a location to save the WSDL file.
  9. Click Finish.

    Siebel Tools creates the Web service.

  10. To view the Web service, do the following:
    1. Compile your changes.
    2. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration-Web Services screen, and then the Inbound Web Services view.
    3. Query the Name column in the Inbound Web Services list for the workflow process name you clicked in Step 5.

      To display Web services that Siebel CRM creates from workflow processes and business services, query the Namespace column for the following value:

For more information, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

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