Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Defining Custom Workflow Policies > Examples of Configuring Workflow Policies >

Examples of Configuring a Workflow Policy Action

This topic describes examples that use to configure a workflow policy action. It includes the following topics:

You can use these examples as the basis for defining your own workflow policy actions.

Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Sends a Page

The example in this topic includes a workflow policy action that sends a page. If the priority for a service request is very high, and if the service request is not assigned to anyone, then Siebel CRM sends a page to a support manager.

To configure a workflow policy action that sends a page

  1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Actions view.
  2. In the Actions list, add a new record using values from the following table.


    Page Support Manager when SR request changes.


    Send SR Page

    Workflow Object

    Service Request

    If a workflow policy object is defined in the Workflow Policy Program field, then Siebel CRM updates the Workflow Object field. If necessary, you can choose a workflow policy object from the drop-down list.

  3. In the Send Page Arguments form, define the argument using values from the following table.

    Alpha Message Template

    The [SR Status] of [SR Number] was changed.

    You use the Numeric Message Template for numeric paging and the Alphanumeric Message Template for alphanumeric paging. The pager type in the employee table determines the type of paging to use. You can copy and paste fields that are available from the Available Substitutions window.

    You can copy and paste fields that are available from the Available Substitutions window.

  4. In the Recipients list, add a new record using values from the following table.


    Send to Position


    Support Manager

    You can now use this action in a workflow policy.

  5. Navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Policies view.
  6. Query the Workflow Object field for Service Request.

    This query returns a list of policies that you can use with the action that you finished defining in Step 4.

  7. In the Name column, choose a Workflow policy, such as Page SR Owner (Gold).
  8. In the Actions list, create a new record, and then locate the Page Support Manager When SR Request Changes, which is the action you defined in step Step 2.
  9. Examine the Send Page Arguments form.

    Siebel CRM uses the information you define in this topic to update information in the Send Page Arguments form.

Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Sends an Email with a Repeating Message

The example in this topic uses a workflow policy action to send an email that includes a repeating message. Siebel CRM must notify the vice president of sales only after a specific number of deals fail to close. It uses this action with a workflow policy that uses the Batch feature. You enter relevant information in the Repeating Message field of the Send Message Arguments form. This configuration makes sure that the recipient receives one email that includes a consolidated list of information about each deal. If you do not configure a Repeating Message, then the email might not contain meaningful information.

To configure a workflow policy action that sends an email with a repeating message

  1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Actions view.
  2. In the Actions list, create a new record using values from the following table.


    Excellent Quality Opportunity


    Send Opportunity Email

    Workflow Object



    Send an email to the VP of Sales when deals are not closing.

  3. In the Send Message Arguments form, define the argument using values from the following table.


    Opportunities not Closing

    Message Template

    Meet with [Last User First Name] [Last User Last Name] about [Opportunity] for [Account]

    Repeating Message

    Meet with [Last User First Name] [Last User Last Name] about [Opportunity] for [Account]

  4. In the Recipients list, create a new record using values from the following table.


    Send to Position


    VP Sales

    You can now use this action in a workflow policy.

  5. Navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Policies view.
  6. Query the Workflow Object field for Opportunity.

    This query returns a list of policies that you can use with the action that you finished defining in Step 4.

  7. In the Name column, choose a Workflow policy, such as New Opportunity.
  8. In the Actions list, create a new record, and then locate Excellent Quality Opportunity, which is the action you finished defining in Step 2.
  9. Examine the Send Page Arguments form.

    Siebel CRM uses the information you define in this topic to update information in the Send Page Arguments form.

  10. In the list for the Policies List, make sure the Batch Mode field contains a check mark.

Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Sends a Broadcast Message

The example in this topic configures a workflow policy action to send a broadcast message. In this example, a service department must automate a notification policy for open service requests when there are at least 20 open requests for one service representative.

To configure a workflow policy action that sends a broadcast message

  1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Actions view.
  2. In the Actions list, add a new record using values from the following table.


    Alert Representative of Open SRs


    Send SR Message Broadcast

    Workflow Object

    Service Request

  3. In the Send Message Broadcast Arguments form, define the argument using values from the following table.


    You own over 20 Service Requests.

    Message Template

    You own over 20 service requests. Please review your service request queue.

  4. In the Recipients list, add a new record using values from the following table.


    Send to Relative


    SR Owner

You can now use this action in a workflow policy. For information about how to add an action to a workflow policy, see Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Sends a Page.

Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Runs a Database Operation

The example in this topic uses a workflow policy action to run a database operation. If the user changes the Severity of a service request to Critical, then Siebel CRM changes the value of the Priority field to Very High. A workflow policy can do the following types of database operations:

  • Insert. Inserts a table in the Siebel database.
  • Update. Updates one or more columns in an existing record in the Siebel database.

To configure a workflow policy action that runs a database operation

  1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Actions view.
  2. In the Actions list, add a new record using values from the following table.


    Update SR Priority to Very High


    Change SR Priority

    Workflow Object

    Service Request

  3. In the Arguments form, define the argument using values from the following table.


    New Priority



You can now use this action in a workflow policy. For information about how to add an action to a workflow policy, see Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Sends a Page.

Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Runs an External Program

The example in this topic uses a workflow policy action to run an external program. To define an action that runs an external program, you can use Run External Program in Siebel Workflow. For example, you can write a custom executable that calculates the quality of a new lead. If the parameters to calculate the lead changes, then a workflow process can call this executable. You can use a program named leadcalc.exe in the following directory and an Action to call and run Run External Program:


To configure a workflow policy action that runs an external program

  1. In the Siebel client, navigate to the Administration-Business Process screen, and then the Actions view.
  2. In the Actions list, add a new record using values from the following table.


    Run Lead Calculation Program


    Run External Program

    Workflow Object

    Define the workflow object involved in this action, such as Account.

    If a workflow policy object is already defined for the chosen workflow policy program, then Siebel CRM updates the Workflow Object field. If necessary, you can choose a workflow policy object. You cannot modify the Workflow Object field after you step off the record.

  3. In the External Program Arguments form, define fields using values from the following table.

    Executable Name


    Command Line

    Enter the command line parameters that Siebel CRM must pass to the executable.

    Execute Type

    Choose an execute type.

    Available Substitutions

    Choose the appropriate dynamic fields.

  4. In the Recipients list, create a new record using values from the following table.


    Send to Position


    Support manager

You can now use this action in a workflow policy. For information about how to add an action to a workflow policy, see Configuring a Workflow Policy Action That Sends a Page.

Configuring an External Program to Run on UNIX

This topic describes how to configure an external program to run on UNIX. The predefined Run External Program workflow policy program does not support UNIX.

To configure an external program to run on UNIX

  1. Define a business service that runs an external program:
    1. Navigate to the Business Service Administration screen, and then the Business Service Methods view.
    2. Add a new business service.

      For example, Run Program.

    3. Add a new method.

      For example, Run.

    4. Add a new method argument.

      For example, Program.

    5. Select Proc: Service_PreInvokeMethod.
    6. Call Clib.system in the function.

      For example:

    var program = Inputs.GetProperty ("Program")
    if (program)
    return (CancelOperation);

  2. Define a workflow process that calls the business service that you defined in Step 1:
    1. Add a start step, a business service step, and an end step.
    2. Connect the steps.
    3. For the business service step, define Run Program and Run.
    4. For the input argument for Program, define the external program you must run.

      For example, you can define letter.txt that exists in the following directory:

    /bin/mail /home/users/hkim/letter.txt

  3. Run your workflow process.
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