Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Developing Workflow Processes > Process of Planning Workflow Processes >

Determining the Decision Logic That the Workflow Process Uses

This task is a step in Process of Planning Workflow Processes.

You can determine the decision logic that guides the flow of control in a workflow process. For more information, see Configuring a Decision Condition for a Workflow Process.

To determine the decision logic that the workflow process uses

  1. To determine if the business process requires decision conditions, examine the business analysis work you have completed.

    For more information, see Objects That Siebel Workflow Uses.

  2. Map the requirements to the workflow process decision logic.

    For more information, see Configurations That Use Decision Logic in a Workflow Process.

Configurations That Use Decision Logic in a Workflow Process

Table 8 describes some of the configurations that use decision logic in a workflow process.

Table 8. Configurations That Use Decision Logic in a Workflow Process

Decision point in workflow process

A workflow process step that determines the flow between alternative branches in the workflow process.

Use a decision point in workflow process if you require a simple decision that uses one or more alternative branches in a workflow process.

Each connector that emanates from a decision point can contain one or more decision conditions. If the conditions evaluate to TRUE for the connector, then flow proceeds down the branch that the connector represents.

A conditional expression does not support the following operators:

  • AND
  • OR
  • Order of precedence, as determined by parentheses in an equation

Scripted Business Service

A script in a business service action step that evaluates a potentially complex set of inputs and returns a simplified output that a decision point can evaluate.

Use a scripted business service if a decision point cannot meet the decision logic that your business requires.

Reduces readability and increases complexity because decision logic resides a script.

Wait Step

Allows you to pause a workflow process for an amount of time or until an event occurs.

Use a wait step if you must support an escalation that depends on time or a long-running workflow process that can last for days or weeks. For example, waiting for a customer reply.

The Object Manager must call the releasing event.

Other Specialized Decision Frameworks

A workflow process can directly or indirectly use other decision frameworks. For example, personalization rules, assignment rules, or EAI Dispatch Service.

Use other specialized decision frameworks if a specialized decision framework is required. For example, if Siebel CRM must assign work to a person according to the expertise that this person possesses.

Limitations vary depending on the decision framework.

Using Decision Conditions with the Decision Point

You can use a decision condition to determine the flow that Siebel CRM must take on a branch in a workflow process. A decision point can exist with multiple connectors where each connector represents a logical branch. Siebel CRM can evaluate a decision condition for each connector that provides branching. A decision condition can make a comparison between two of the following items:

  • Process properties
  • Business component fields
  • Literal values

A comparison can include the following terms:

  • Two values that are equivalent.
  • One value exists among a series of other values. For example, child record values, One Must Match, or All Must Match.
  • Greater than (>) or less than (<).
  • Between or Not Between.
  • Null or Not Null.

For an example that uses the Compose Condition Criteria dialog box, see Defining a Decision Condition for the Decision Point. For a description of properties that the Compose Condition Criteria dialog box displays, see Creating a Decision Condition on a Branch Connector.

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