Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide > Using Predefined Workflow Policies > Types of Predefined Workflow Policy Programs >

Workflow Policy Programs That Run a Database Operation

Table 47 describes arguments and values for the Database Operation workflow policy program type. Siebel CRM comes predefined with a number of database operation programs. If you choose a Database Operation type of workflow policy program in the Actions list, such as Create Opportunity Activity, then Siebel CRM displays the Arguments list. You can add these arguments.

Table 47. Arguments for the Database Operation Workflow Policy Program Type


Specifies the name of the column that Siebel CRM updates.


Indicates that the argument is required.


Specifies the updated value of the column. If you define a substitution in the program, then you can use a substitution in the value. To add a substitution to the value, you use square brackets that enclose the variable. For example:

[SR Num]

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