Siebel Briefings Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Briefings >

Predefined Queries for Briefings

Siebel Briefings includes several predefined queries (PDQs) that determine the search specification and the sort order for sections on Briefing pages that retrieve data from the Siebel database.

  • Sort specification is a conditional expression that determines the sort order of retrieved records.
  • Search specification is a conditional expression that determines the set of records retrieved.

There is one predefined query for each of the main business objects in Siebel Briefings. The names of the PDQs and the corresponding Briefing pages are included in Table 6.

See Using Siebel Tools for more information about search and sort specifications.

Table 6. Siebel Briefings Predefined Queries
PDQ Name
Business Object


Account Briefing

ePortal Account


Competitor Briefing

ePortal Competitor

My Briefing

My Briefing

SI Employee

The following example PDQ is for My Briefing. Notice there are entries for each Siebel data section on the Account Briefing.

'Contact'.Search = "[Row Status]='Y' and [Created]>=(Today()-365)"
'Contact'.Sort = "Last Name, First Name"
'Account'.Search = "[Row Status]='Y' and [Created]>=(Today()-1000)"
'Opportunity'.Search = "[Created]>=(Today()-365) and ([Opportunity Sales Status]='Open' or [Opportunity Sales Status] IS NULL)"
'Opportunity'.Sort = "Row Status (DESC), Revenue (DESC)"
'SI Service Request'.Search = "([Status]<>'Closed' and [Status]<>'Cancelled') and [Created]>=(Today()-365)"
'SI Service Request'.Sort = "Status, Severity"
'SI Broadcast Message'.Search = "([Activation Date/Time] is null or [Activation Date/Time] <= Timestamp()) and ([Expiration Date/Time] is null or [Expiration Date/Time] >= Timestamp()) and ([All]='Y' or ([Msg Postn Id] = PositionId()) or ([Bcast Postn Id]=PositionId())) and [Via Interactive]='Y'"
'SI Broadcast Message'.Sort = "Created (DESC), Abstract"
'ePortal Literature 1'.Sort = "Sequence"
'ePortal Literature 2'.Sort = "Sequence"
'ePortal Literature 3'.Sort = "Sequence"
'Expense'.Search = "([Status] = LookupValue('EXP_STATUS','In Progress')) or ([Status] = LookupValue('EXP_STATUS','Accepted')) or ([Status] = LookupValue('EXP_STATUS','Submitted')) or ([Status] = LookupValue('EXP_STATUS','Approved')) or ([Status] = LookupValue('EXP_STATUS','Rejected')) or ([Status] = LookupValue('EXP_STATUS','Next Approved'))"
'Expense'.Sort = "Submitted Date (DESCENDING)"

You can modify PDQs using the Administration - Application screen, then the Predefined Queries view.

NOTE:  Modifying a PDQ in the Predefined Queries view changes the query for all users.

Be sure to make a backup copy of the original predefined query that comes with Siebel Briefings. For more information about creating and modifying PDQs, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide. For information about search and sort syntax, see the appendix about operators, expressions, and conditions in Siebel Developer's Reference.

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