Siebel Financial Services Connector for ACORD P&C and Surety Guide > Siebel Connector for ACORD XML > FINS ACORD XML Data Transformation Engine (DTE) >

DTE Methods and Arguments

The FINS ACORD XML DTE methods and arguments are described in the following tables. Table 7 describes the DTE methods.

Table 7. FINS ACORD XML DTE Methods
Display Name


Transform To External Hierarchy

Transforms a Siebel hierarchy into an external hierarchy.


Transform To Siebel Hierarchy

Transforms an external hierarchy into a Siebel hierarchy.

Table 8 describes the arguments for the DTE methods.

Table 8. Method Arguments for the FINS ACORD XML DTE Methods


XML Property Set

For ToExternal, takes as input the output of the Execute outbound method of the transaction manager. Sends an output hierarchy that contains the XML document in Siebel external integration object format.

For ToInternal, takes as input the output of the XMLPropetySetToPropertySet method of the converter. Sends an output hierarchy that contains the ACORD document in Siebel internal integration object format.



Run-time input arguments that can be used by DTE maps when a map is called from a workflow. See the explanation in the following section.

Table 9 provides specifications for the ToExternal method argument.

Table 9. Argument for ToExternal Method
Display Name
Data Type


XML Property Set


Input or Output


Table 10 provides specifications for the ToInternal method argument.

Table 10. Argument for ToInternal Method
Display Name
Data Type


XML Property Set




Using <MapArgs>

<MapArgs> is a runtime input argument used by the DTE map to match an integration map argument of an integration object map. The FINS ACORD XML DTE can take as many <MapArgs> as needed as long as each name is unique among all the <MapArgs> that are passed to the FINS ACORD XML DTE at the same time.

For example, suppose that the output integration object instance has some fields mapping to a workflow process property, such as an ID field.

  1. Using the Data Map view, select the integration map to edit in the Integration Object Map applet.
  2. In the Integration Map Argument applet, create the map and set the following values:
    • Name = CompId
    • Data Type = "DTYPE_TEXT"
    • Display Name = Component ID
  3. In the Integration Field Map applet, set the following values:
    • Target Field Name = [Id]
    • Source Expression = [&CompId]
  4. In the workflow, set the data transformation engine input argument as follows:
    • Input Argument = CompId
    • Type = Process Property
    • Property Name = Object Id

At runtime, the DTE replaces [&CompId] with the value of the Object ID.

For some mappings, if the DTE cannot find the source field value, the DTE creates empty tags by default. To remove the empty tags, add IgnoreEmptyTag as the map argument.

For complete information, see Business Processes and Rules: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

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