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Defining Presentation Template Sections

After you create the Microsoft PowerPoint slides and a record for the template, define the structure of the presentation template. A presentation is made up of sections that divide and subdivide the presentation. A single section might contain multiple components or a single component.

The type of a section depends on the nature of the data it contains. For example, file sections contain slides, chart sections reference Siebel charts, and so on.

You define the structure of the presentation template by creating sections in the Presentation Templates view of the Administration - Document screen. Sections are associated with the Template record you create for the template. You must create top-level sections. Optionally, you can add subsections to these sections. The presentation structure can include multiple levels of sections because a subsection can contain other subsections.

This task is a step in Process of Creating Presentation Templates.

Creating Top-Level Sections for Presentation Templates

You must create top-level sections to insert into presentation templates.

To create a top-level section

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Presentation Templates view.
  2. Navigate to the Sections list by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Template explorer, click the arrow icon next to the template name folder.
    2. Click the arrow icon next to the Sections folder under the template name folder.
  3. In the Sections list, create a new record, and complete the fields described in the following table.


    Type the name of the section. The section name is the title of the slide for some section types, such as Bullet Slide.


    Type a number to indicate the order in which the section appears in the presentation.

  4. In the Section Type field, select the type of section.

    The available section types are described in the following table.


    Bullet Slide

    Creates a slide and inserts a list of Siebel data in bullet format. This section name is used as the slide title.


    Creates a slide and inserts a Siebel chart. The chart is automatically centered, and you can change x, y, and z axes in the chart.


    Inserts the content of files in PPT, DOC, or TXT format if you use Microsoft PowerPoint. For text, creates a slide and inserts the text.


    Inserts slides or text (PPT slides or TXT files) from the Siebel Encyclopedia. The Add Sales Tools dialog box displays the content in the Siebel Encyclopedia. For more information, see Adding Components to Presentation Template Sections.

    For example, Siebel Presentations can dynamically insert slides from the Siebel Encyclopedia that relate to the products of interest for an opportunity. If you want the to dynamically insert slides related to the products for the opportunity, use a locator section type. The file types must be PPT, TXT, or RTF. If more than one slide meets the locator criteria you specify, Siebel Presentations inserts each slide.

    Organization Chart

    Creates a slide and inserts organization charts for the account or opportunity associated with the template. Charts are automatically centered in the presentation.


    Creates a slide and inserts Siebel application data into a table format. You select fields to include, the sequence of the fields, and the column lengths. Tables are automatically centered in the presentation. For a table section type, you can also create a related table section. For more information, see Adding Related Table Subsections to Presentation Templates.

    Two-Column Slide

    Creates a slide that inserts two subsections next to each other. For example, you can show a list of key product features (a Bullet Slide section) next to a picture of the product (a File section). The two subsections can be any of the other section types.

    For this section type, you create two subsections under the section. For each subsection, complete the fields appropriate for that type of section. For example, if you want to show a Chart section next to a Table section, create a subsection of the Chart section type (and complete the Chart-related fields) and create a subsection of the Table type (and complete the Table-related fields).

  5. Complete the fields applicable to the section type.

    For the Bullet Slide section type, complete the field described in the following table.



    Type the condition, if any, to apply to the section. For information about conditions, see Using Conditions in Presentation Templates.

    Business Object

    Select the Siebel business object from which the bullet slide information is taken. The Business Objects dialog box shows all available Siebel business objects. For example, to include a bullet list of products with the quantity and ship date for an opportunity, select Opportunity.

    For the Chart section type, complete the fields described in the following table.



    Type the condition, if any, to apply to the section. For information about conditions, see Using Conditions in Presentation Templates.

    Business Object

    Select the Siebel business object from which the chart information is taken. The Business Object list shows all available Siebel business objects. For example, select Opportunity.

    Chart or Table Name

    Select the name of the chart applet. For example, select Opportunity Chart Applet - Current Opportunity Analysis.

    To display records from a multi-value group (MVG), select a list applet, not an MVG applet. If the list applet that you want is not available, use Siebel Tools to create the list applet for the child business component in the MVG. You do not need to associate this new list applet with a view.

    Search Spec

    Type the search criteria to use to restrict data for the chart. For example, if you want to include revenue greater then $500,000, type Revenue > 500000.


    Type the option to use for the X-axis in charts that provide multiple X-axis options. For example, in the Lead Analysis by Rep chart, type Sales Representative or Quality.


    Type the option to use for the Y-axis in charts that provide multiple Y-axis options. For example, in the Lead Analysis by Rep chart, type Number of Opportunities, Opportunity Revenue, or Average Opportunity Revenue.


    Type the option to use for the Z-axis in charts that provide multiple Z-axis options.

    For the File section type, complete the field described in the following table.



    Type the condition, if any, to apply to the section. For information about conditions, see Using Conditions in Presentation Templates.

    For the Locator section type, complete the fields described in the following table.



    Type the condition, if any, to apply to the section. For information about conditions, see Using Conditions in Presentation Templates.

    Information Retrieval Method

    Select the relationship to use to find the literature. For example, select Oppty Competitor Literature for the literature about competitors associated with an opportunity.

    To associate literature with a product, competitor, or partner, use the Literature view of the Administration - Document screen (or the Decision Issues, Competitors, and Administration - Product screens). For more information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

    Retrieved Literature Category

    Select the type of literature (for example, brochures or specification sheets) to filter the slides from the Siebel Encyclopedia that you want to include in the presentation.

    For the Organization Chart section type, complete the fields described in the following table.



    Type the condition, if any, to apply to the section. For information about conditions, see Using Conditions in Presentation Templates.

    Business Object

    Select the Siebel business object from which the organization chart information is taken. The Business Objects dialog box shows all available business objects.

    Chart or Table Name

    Select the name of the applet that contains the organization chart data. For example, select Opportunity Organization Analysis Applet.

    For the Table section type, complete the fields described in the following table.



    Type the condition, if any, to apply to the section. For information about conditions, see Using Conditions in Presentation Templates.

    Business Object

    Select the Siebel business object from which the table information is taken. The Business Objects dialog box shows all available business objects. For example, if you want to include a table of products with the quantity and ship date for an opportunity, select Opportunity.

    Chart or Table Name

    Select the name of the applet that contains the table data. For example, if you want to include the products in an opportunity, select Opportunity Product Applet.

    Table Fields

    Click the select button to open the Table Fields dialog box. For each table field, add a new record, and complete the following fields for the record:

    • Field Name. Type the field name of the field. For example, type Product.
    • Sequence. Type the sequence in which you want the field to appear in the table.
    • Width. Type the width of the field column in the table. Column width is measured in pixels. The default (and minimum) width is 100 pixels. You can also define column width by a percentage of the table width. When you enter a value for table width, column width equates to a percentage of total table width. For example, if there are three fields in a table, and the table width is 100, field widths of 25, 65, and 35 equate to 25%, 65%, and 35% of the total table width. If the table width is blank, the field widths equate to 25, 65, and 35 pixels.
    • Alignment. Select the alignment of the data in the field. For example, select Left, Center, or Right.

Adding Subsections to Presentation Templates

After adding top-level sections, you can add subsections to them.

To add subsections to an existing section

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Presentation Templates view.
  2. Navigate to the Sections list for subsections by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Template explorer, click the arrow icon next to the template name folder.
    2. Click the arrow icon next to the Sections folder under the template name folder.
    3. Click the arrow icon next to the section name folder under the Sections folder.
    4. Click the arrow icon next to the Sections folder under the section name folder.
  3. In the Sections list, add subsections in the same way that you add top-level sections.

    For more information, see Creating Top-Level Sections for Presentation Templates.

    NOTE:  When a presentation is generated, a section is generated before any of its subsections and appears before subsections in the finished presentation.

Adding Related Table Subsections to Presentation Templates

After adding a Table Name subsection, you can add related tables that provide detailed information for the table. For example, if the tables subsection contains a quote record, the related table can contain the quote line items. The relationship between the information is essentially a parent-child-grandchild relationship; the opportunity is the parent, the quote table is the child, and the related table containing the quote line items is the grandchild.

To add a related table subsection

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Presentation Templates view.
  2. Navigate to the Sections list by completing the following steps:
    1. In the Templates explorer, click the arrow icon next to the template name folder.
    2. Click the arrow icon next to the Sections folder. under the template name folder.
    3. Click the arrow icon next to the section name folder under the Sections folder.
  3. In the Sections list, make sure that the Section Type field for the selected section has a value of Table and that the Chart or Table Name field for the selected section has a table name.
  4. In the Templates explorer, click the arrow icon next to the Related Table folder under the section name folder.

    NOTE:  The Related Table folder in the Template explorer applies to only the Table section type. You can add related tables only for the Table section type.

  5. In the Related Table form, create a new record, and complete the fields described in the following table.

    Business Object

    Select the Siebel object to which this table is related.

    Table Name

    Select the name of the related table applet.

    Field Name

    Select the fields to appear in the table. If you select no fields, all fields appear.

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