Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Installing Data Quality Products > Process of Installing the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server >

Initial Loading of Siebel Data into Oracle Data Quality Matching Server Tables

To initially load your Siebel application data into Oracle Data Quality Matching Server (Informatica Identity Resolution) tables, complete the steps in the following procedure. This procedure uses SQL scripts and is for large implementations where, for example, the database is too large to use an XML file import or export to initially load Siebel application data into Oracle Data Quality Matching Server tables.

CAUTION:  Before proceeding any further, you must read, understand, and follow the following guidelines:

  • It is highly recommended that data is directly loaded from source tables into Oracle Data Quality Matching Server tables.

    The sample system definition file (SiebelDQ.sdf) includes appropriate sections to load data directly from source tables into Oracle Data Quality Matching Server tables.

    NOTE:  For an example SDF file, see Sample SiebelDQ.sdf File.

  • The system definition file includes information about the matching criteria for various entities.

    As part of the initial analysis, it is essential that you review the sample system definition file (SiebelDQ.sdf) and make appropriate changes to it, before creating any new systems in Informatica Identity Resolution.

  • The sample system definition file (SiebelDQ.sdf) is not a preconfigured configuration file; it serves as a sample for you to start with.
  • Make sure that the entries in the system definition file are in sync with the data quality configuration settings that you set up in your Siebel application (in Administration - Data Quality screen, Third Party Administration view).
  • Make sure that the user properties that you set up in Siebel Tools for the business service are in sync with the entries in your system definition file.

NOTE:  If you encounter errors when trying to initially load a high volume of data (greater than 10,000 records), then set the system environment variable SSAOCI_IGNORE_UCS2_BYTES to one, and restart the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server server and client. Also, adding zeros when setting the SSA_XML_SIZE parameter can help when initially loading large files. For example: set SSA_XML_SIZE to 8000000.

This task is a step in Process of Installing the Oracle Data Quality Matching Server.

To initially load Siebel application data into Oracle Data Quality Matching Server tables

  1. Start the Informatica Identity Resolution Server by navigating to, for example, the following:

    Programs, Informatica, Identity Resolution, v2.8.07 (InformaticaIR), Informatica Identity Resolution, Informatica IR Server - Start(Configure Mode)

  2. Start the Informatica Identity Resolution Console Client (in Admin Mode) by navigating to:

    Programs, Informatica, Identity Resolution, v2.8.07(InformaticaIR), Informatica Identity Resolution, Informatica IR Console Client - Start(Configure Mode)

  3. If not already done so, create a new system in Informatica Identity Resolution using the appropriate System Definition file that you have reviewed and modified using the sample SiebelDQ.sdf file as a starting point. Or, if a system already exists, select it and refresh it by clicking the System/Refresh button.

    The system that you create in Informatica Identity Resolution (Console Client, Admin Mode) will hold all the IDT and IDX database tables. For more information about creating a new system in Informatica Identity Resolution, see the relevant documentation included in Siebel Business Applications Third-Party Bookshelf in the product media pack on Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

    NOTE:  If you want to run Informatica Identity Resolution against only a single entity (for example, Accounts) as opposed to multiple entities (Accounts, Contacts, and Prospects), then you must alter the definitions within the SiebelDQ.sdf file to include only the one entity that you want as otherwise the synchronizer fails to run. In this example, you must remove the definitions for Contacts and Prospects.

  4. Run the IDS_IDT_<ENTITY TO BE LOADED>_STG.sql script to take a snapshot of records in the Siebel application. For example, for account initial load, execute the following script from the SQL prompt as user SSA_SRC:


    Depending on project requirements, Informatica Identity Resolution configuration, and data quality configuration, you must modify sample scripts provided with the software accordingly.

    NOTE:  It is not mandatory to always load the data incrementally. If the initial volume of data to load is not high, then you can load the data directly from source tables to Informatica Identity Resolution tables in one go.

  5. Run the IDS_IDT_CURRENT_BATCH_<ENTITY TO BE LOADED>.sql script to create the dynamic view to load the snapshot created in Step 4. For example, for account initial load, execute the following script from the SQL prompt as user SSA_SRC:


    To be in sync with the snapshot created in Step 4 and the SDF file used for system creation in Step 3, you must modify the sample scripts provided with the software according to project requirements, Informatica Identity Resolution configuration, and data quality configuration. Also, use a batch size that is appropriate to your project needs, initial data load volume, and any other project specific needs.

  6. Run the following SQL script to create the database table to store the current batch number being loaded:


  7. Load Informatica Identity Resolution with data from the Siebel application by clicking the System/Load IDT button.

    Make sure to select the All_load option from the Loader Definition menu in the dialog that displays. This process loads records with batch number 1 from the snapshot created earlier. Validate the data to make sure that all the records with batch number 1 are correctly loaded.

  8. Open a command window and navigate to the directory where the initial load scripts were copied during product installation.
  9. Execute the initial load process by entering the following command at the command line:

    IDS_IDT_LOAD_ANY_ENTITY.CMD <Entity> <System> <Work Directory>

    For example, for account initial load, execute the following script:

    IDS_IDT_LOAD_ANY_ENTITY.CMD Account c:/initialLoad/logs

    This loads data in batches from the snapshot created in Step 4. The log files and error files recording the outcome of each batch load are stored in the C:/InitialLoad/logs directory.

  10. Examine the log files and error files to identify any batch that failed to load. Use the information in the log and error files to determine the root cause for any failure and fix the underlying issue.
  11. Incrementally load the failed batches individually using the following script from the command line:


    For example, to load batch 33 of account, execute the following script from the command line:

    IDS_IDT_LOADBATCH_ANY_ENTITY.CMD Account SiebelDQ c:/initialLoad/logs 33

  12. Examine the log files and error files to ensure that the (failed) batches successfully loaded. In case of errors, use the information in the log and error files to determine the root cause for the failure and fix the underlying issue. Repeat Step 11 until all the batches have successfully loaded.
  13. Repeat this process to load other entities such as contacts and prospects.
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