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Setting Options in Siebel Tools

To customize how Siebel Tools behaves, you can set options in Siebel Tools.

To set options in Siebel Tools

  1. In Siebel Tools, choose the View menu, and then the Options menu item.
  2. Choose one of the following tabs, make your adjustments, and then click OK:
    • Language Settings. For more information, see Setting Language Options.
    • Check In/Out. Specifies the development server database and the local client database that Siebel Tools uses to check in and check out objects.
    • Web Template Editor. Specifies the default Web template editor. To use a default editor to open a Web template, you can click Edit Template in the Controls/Column window when the Web Layout Editor is open.

Setting Language Options

An object can include properties that are specific to a locale. For example, you can define a text string in several languages, such as an applet title. The Language Mode determines how Siebel Tools handles this locale data in the following situations:

  • Data displayed in Siebel Tools
  • Data available to edit
  • Data compiled to the SRF file
  • Data transferred to and from the Siebel Server during the check-in and check-out process

Siebel Tools displays the current Language Mode in the status bar located in the lower right corner of the Siebel Tools interface.

For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

To set language options

  1. In Siebel Tools, choose the View menu, and then the Options menu item.
  2. Click the Language Settings tab.
  3. In the language list, choose a language.
  4. (Optional) To edit locale attributes, make sure the Enable and Use Language Override option contains a check mark.

    If the Enable and Use Language Override option contains a check mark, then you can switch between the following modes:

    • Base. Siebel Tools stores changes you make to locale-specific attributes in the base table. Siebel Tools applies these changes to every language.
    • Language Override. Siebel Tools stores changes you make to locale-specific attributes in a child locale table. Siebel Tools overwrites the attribute for the current language.

      If the Enable and Use Language Override option does not contain a check mark, then you can work only in Base model.

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