Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications > Configuring the House and Opportunity Entities > Process of Configuring the Opportunity Details View >

Examining Business Requirements for the Opportunity Details View

This task is a step in Process of Configuring the Opportunity Details View.

To allow partner agents to enter and display information about opportunities, NREC uses the predefined Opportunity Details view in the Partner Portal application. Many of the attributes that NREC must track for each opportunity are not part of the predefined Siebel data model. For example, the data model does not include the number of bedrooms or bathrooms in which a potential buyer might be interested. This information must include the following items:

  • Agent
  • Number of Bathrooms
  • Number of Bedrooms
  • Price Range
  • Square Feet

To add these items, you perform work that is similar to configuring the Houses entity, such as adding columns to the base table and then modifying the objects at the business logic layer and the user interface layer.

Figure 13 illustrates a mock-up of the Opportunity Detail View that NREC requires.

Figure 13. Mock-Up of the Opportunity Detail View

The Opportunity Detail view is the default view for the Opportunities screen. It includes the following applets:

  • The Opportunity List Applet is the master applet.
  • The Opportunity Form applet is the detail applet.
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