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Inner Joins and Integration Components

When inner joins are used, records for which the inner joined field is not set are not returned in any query. By default the wizard inactivates such fields. If your business needs require these fields, activate them.

NOTE:  If the inner join has a join specification that is based on a required field, then the wizard does not inactivate the fields that are using that particular join.

For example, assume that Account business component has an inner join to the S_PROJ table, with Project Id field being the source field in the join specification, and the Project Name field being based on that join.

If an integration component, with an active Project Name field is mapped to the Account business component, then when this integration component is queried only accounts with Project Id field populated will be considered.

Because Project Id is not a required field in the Account business component, not every account in the Siebel Database is associated with a project. So, having Project Name active in the integration component limits the scope of the integration component to only accounts associated with a project. This typically is not desirable, so the wizard inactivates the Project Name field in this example.

If the business requirement is to include the Project Name field, but not to limit the integration component's scope to only accounts with the project, then you can change the join to S_PROJ in the Account business component to an outer join. For information on joins, see Using Siebel Tools.

NOTE:  Activating an inner join can cause a query on that integration component not to find existing rows.

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