Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


%methodName% request, sample outbound DTDs   1

%methodName% response, sample inbound DTDs   1

* (asterisk), using as querying wildcard   1

Back to top


activating fields, about   1

AllowedIntObjects business service user property   1


external application, about setting up   1


Init method, XML Gateway business service   1

IsPrimaryMVG   1

AssocFieldName user property

associations with   1

Association user property

associations with   1

association, defined   1

Back to top


base object types, for integration components (table)   1

base table, using Mod Id   1

body data, contents of   1

buscomp Id tag   1

Business Component Id argument, XML Gateway method   1

Business Component Name argument, XML Gateway method   1

business components

association, role of   1

integration restrictions   1

linking   1

multivalue field example   1

multivalue group example   1

relation to business services   1

specialized   1

business objects

business service methods, as arguments to   1

EAI Siebel Adapter business service, role of   1

external data, creating from   1

integration object maintenance, about   1

relation to business services   1

structure of   1

user key requirement   1

business service methods

arguments, defining   1

business objects as arguments   1

defining   1

described   1

Business Service Methods screen, using   1

business service methods, custom

about   1

common input parameters (table)   1

connecting methods, list of   1

Delete method, example   1

Error Return property set, example   1

Init method, example   1

Insert method, example   1

output parameters (table)   1

PreInsert method, example   1

Query method, example   1

Update method, example   1

Business Service Simulator, running   1

business services

accessing using Siebel eScript or Siebel VB   1

argument types   1

customized business services, type of   1

defined   1

deploying as Web services   1

deploying to run-time database from WSDL Import Wizard   1

EAI MIME Hierarchy Converter, creating inbound workflow (example)   1

EAI MIME Hierarchy Converter, creating outbound workflow (example)   1

EAI Siebel Adapter, about   1

EAI Siebel Wizard, about   1

EAI UI Data Adapter, about   1

general uses   1

importing and exporting in Siebel Tools   1

importing into the Siebel application   1

predefined business services, table of   1

property set code example   1

property sets, about and role of   1

scripts, writing   1

Siebel Business Application, creating in   1

Siebel Tools, creating process overview   1

Siebel Tools, defining in   1

Specialized Business Services, about   1

testing   1

user properties, defining   1

XML Gateway   1

BusObjCacheSize argument, about   1 ,  2 ,  3

Back to top


calculated fields   1

CamelCase, choosing naming convention   1

child integration components

about   1

structure example   1

child property sets, about   1


associated with predefined EAI business services (table)   1

CSSBCVExtern   1


CSSEAIDTEScriptService   1

components, defined   1

concurrency control

about support for   1

Account_Organization integration component example   1

configuring   1

configuring example   1

Modification IDs, using   1

Modification Key, about   1

ContentId property, value and description   1

ContentSubType property   1

ContentType property   1

CSEEAISiebelAdapterService class   1

CSSBCVExtern class   1

CSSBCVXMLExten class   1

CSSBeginEndTransactionService class   1

CSSDataTransformationEngine class   1

CSSDllTransService class   1

CSSEAIBtsComService class   1

CSSEAIDispatchService class   1

CSSEAIDTEScriptService class   1

CSSEAIImportExportService class   1

CSSEAIIntObjHierCnvService class   1

CSSEAIMimePropSetService class   1

CSSEAIMimeService class   1

CSSEAINullEnvelopeService class   1

CSSEAIQuerySpecService class   1

CSSEAISiebelAdapterService class   1

CSSEAISMEnvelopeService class   1

CSSEAIUDAdapterService class   1

CSSEAIXMLCnvService class   1

CSSEAIXMLPrtService class   1

CSSHTTPTransService class   1

CSSMqSrvTransService class   1

CSSMsmqTransService class   1

CSSXMLCnvService class

XML Converter business service   1

XML Hierarchy Converted business service   1

CSSXSLTService class   1

custom business service

Delete method, example   1

sample code, eScript   1

sample code, VB   1

Back to top


data and arguments, contrasted   1

data definition language (DDL) file, creating an external table definition   1

Data Type Definitions

See About Integration Object Wizards


access, controlling   1

multivalued attributes   1

Delete business service method

custom business service example   1

DTD example   1

overview   1

XML code example   1

Delete Response method, DTD example   1

DeleteByUserKey argument, about   1 ,  2

DeleteLeaves method, EAI UI Data Adapter business service   1

Display Name field   1

docking, restrictions on   1

DOC-literal support   1


Integration Object Builder wizard, about   1

sample inbound DTDs   1

sample outbound DTDs   1

Back to top


EAI BTS COM Transport business service   1

EAI Data Mapping Engine business service   1

EAI Design project, editing integration objects, caution   1

EAI Dispatch Service business service   1

EAI DLL Transport business service   1

EAI file streaming

about   1

criteria   1

enabling   1 ,  2

inbound requests   1

outbound responses   1

EAI HTTP Transport

business service, description   1

XML Gateway business service, configuring for use by   1

EAI Import Export business service   1

EAI Integration Object to XML Hierarchy Converter business service   1

EAI MIME Doc Converter business service   1

EAI MIME Hierarchy Converter business service   1

EAI MQSeries Server Transport business service   1

EAI MQSeries Transport, configuring for use by XML Gateway business service   1

EAI MSMQ Transport business service   1

EAI MSMQ Transport, configuring for use by XML Gateway business service   1

EAI Query Spec Service business service   1

EAI Siebel Adapter business service

about   1

concurrency control, about support for   1

database access, controlling   1

Delete method   1

Execute method, overview   1

Insert method, overview   1

IsPrimaryMVG argument   1

language-independent code, using   1

method arguments (table)   1

methods, list of   1

Modification IDs, using   1

Modification Key, about   1

multivalue groups   1

predefined EAI business services, table of   1

QueryPage method, overview   1

run-time events, about using   1

Synchronize method, overview   1

Update method, overview   1

Upsert method, overview   1

XML code example   1

EAI Siebel Wizard business service

about   1

integration objects, creating   1

EAI Transaction Service business service   1

EAI UI Data Adapter business service

about   1

DeleteLeaves method   1

Execute method   1

InitLeaves method   1

InsertLeaves method   1

method arguments (table)   1

method arguments, table of   1

methods, list of   1

predefined EAI business services, table of   1

QueryPage method   1

Update Leaves method   1

EAI XML Converter business service   1

EAI XML Read from File business service   1

EAI XML Write to File business service   1

EAI XSLT Service business service   1

EnableExtServiceOnly parameter, eapps.cfg file   1

Error Return property set example   1

ErrorOnNonExistingDelete argument, about   1 ,  2

error-text tag   1


See Writing Business Service Scripts

Execute business service method

EAI UI Data Adapter business service   1

overview   1

Execute method

operations (table)   1

specifying and supported parent and child components (table)   1

ExecutionMode argument

about   1

ExecutionMode argument, about   1 ,  2

Extensible Markup Language (XML) standard   1

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) standard   1

Extension property, value and description   1

extension table, using Mod Id   1

external application

sample inbound DTDs   1

sample outbound DTDs   1

setting up, about   1

external business components (EBCs)

configuration process   1

configuring   1

creating external table definition   1

distributed joins   1 ,  2

distributed joins, configuring   1

distributed joins, usage and restrictions   1

joins to tables in external data sources   1

overriding connection parameters for the data source   1

troubleshooting   1

usage and restrictions   1

using specialized business component methods   1

using with Siebel Web Client   1

external data source, specifying   1

External Name user property   1

External Table Schema Import Wizard, creating external table definitions   1

Back to top


faults, SOAP   1

field dependencies, defining   1


activating and inactivating   1

calculated   1

definition   1

integration component fields, viewing   1

multivalue groups, working with   1

picklist, validating and example   1

property set fields   1

user keys, about   1

file attachments

about and using   1

message types   1

file streaming

about   1

criteria   1

enabling   1 ,  2

inbound requests   1

outbound responses   1

force active fields, performance considerations   1

function code sample   1

Back to top


header data, contents of   1

hierarchy parent key, about and example   1

hierarchy root key, about and example   1

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard   1

Back to top


inactivating fields, about   1

incoming XML format, tags and descriptions (table)   1

Init method, DTD example   1

Init property set example   1

Init Response method, DTD example   1

InitLeaves business service method

EAI UI Data Adapter business service   1

inline XML attachments

about   1

using   1

inner joins, and integration components   1

input parameters, common (table)   1

Input/Output type   1

Insert business service method

EAI Siebel Adapter business service   1

Insert business service method, DTD example   1

Insert property set example   1

InsertLeaves business service method

EAI UI Data Adapter business service   1

instance, defined   1

integration component fields

custom   1

defined   1

field names, assigning   1

multivalue groups, working with   1

user properties   1 ,  2

integration component keys

See User Keys

integration component user properties

as operation controls   1

REPOBJ user property   1

integration components

activating   1

component fields, viewing   1

defined   1

deleting during synchronization   1

guidelines and scenarios   1

inner joins   1

multivalue groups, working with   1

operation controls   1

selecting   1

user properties   1

integration messages

body data   1

defined   1

header data   1

Integration Object Builder wizard

about   1

Code Generator wizard   1

EAI Siebel Wizard   1

Generate XML Schema wizard   1

integration components, selecting   1

integration objects, creating   1

user keys, about building   1

user keys, validating   1

integration object instance

actual data, about and diagram   1

defined   1

integration objects

about   1

base object types (table)   1

calculated fields   1

child integration components   1

Container Naming Convention menu   1

creating   1

creating programmatically   1

creating, based on another root business component   1

creating, with many-to-many business component   1

defined   1

deploying to run-time database from EAI Siebel Wizard   1

deploying to run-time database from Siebel Tools   1

deploying to run-time database from WSDL Import Wizard   1

EAI Design project, editing caution   1

external data, creating from   1

fine-tuning practices, list of   1

in-memory updating   1

instance example   1

integration components, deleting during synchronization   1

Lower CamelCase for XML tags check box   1

maintaining, about   1

metadata, about synchronizing   1

metadata, relation to   1

MIME message objects, creating   1

passing custom attributes   1

performance considerations   1

picklist, validating and example   1

primaries, about setting   1

property set representation   1

removing from run-time database   1

schema, generating   1

simple hierarchy example   1

structure example   1

synchronizing with business objects   1

System fields, about treatment of   1

terminology   1

testing newly created integration object   1

undeploying from run-time database   1

updating   1

UseFormattedValues user property   1

validating   1

wizards process diagram   1

integration projects

integration objects, use described   1

planning   1

IntObjectName argument

described   1

locating arguments for   1

IsPrimaryMVG argument   1

Back to top


Java class files, generating   1

Java container

configuring   1

Java Web Container Server   1

joined table, using Mod Id   1

Back to top


language-independent code

list of values, types of   1

outbound and inbound direction, about using   1

LargeFileChunkingEnabled parameter, eapps.cfg file   1 ,  2

LastPage argument, about   1 ,  2


associations, and   1

between business components   1

local business services

about and using   1

script example   1

using in outbound Web service   1

LOVLanguageMode argument, about   1

LOVs, language-independent code translation   1

Back to top


many-to-many relationships, virtual business components   1

MessageId argument

described   1

locating arguments for   1


defined   1

integration objects, updating   1

processing example   1

relation to integration objects   1

synchronizing, integration objects, about   1

method arguments

EAI Siebel Adapter business service (table)   1

EAI UI Data Adapter business service (table)   1


business objects as arguments   1

business service method arguments, defining   1

business service method arguments, types of   1

business services methods, about   1

business services methods, defining   1

EAI Siebel Adapter business service, supported methods   1

EAI UI Data Adapter business service, supported methods   1

incoming XML tags by method   1

outgoing XML tags by method   1

XML Gateway business service method arguments (table)   1

XML Gateway business service methods, listed   1


about   1

EAI MIME Doc Converter properties (table)   1

inbound workflow, creating (example)   1

integration objects, creating   1

messages and hierarchies   1

MIME hierarchy, converting to   1

outbound workflow, creating (example)   1

workflow process properties, creating an inbound workflow   1

workflow process properties, creating an outbound workflow   1

MIME Doc Converter

about   1

converting hierarchy to document   1

converting to a hierarchy   1

EAI MIME Doc Converter properties (table)   1

properties   1

MIME hierarchy

converting hierarchy to document   1

converting to a hierarchy   1

EAI MIME Doc Converter properties (table)   1

inbound transformation   1

integration object, converting to MIME hierarchy   1

MIME Doc Converter   1

outbound transformation   1

property sets   1

MIME Hierarchy Converter

business service, creating inbound workflow (example)   1

business service, creating outbound workflow (example)   1

inbound transformation   1

outbound transformation   1

mobile users and virtual business components   1

Modification Key

about   1

Account_Organization integration component example   1

Mod Id field, using for tables   1

MVG and MVGAssociation integration components, configuring   1

MVG and MVGAssociation integration components, configuring example   1

Multi Value Link field   1

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

See Exchanging Attachments with External Applications

multivalue groups

EAI Siebel Adapter business service, overview   1

example   1

field names, assigning   1

integration components, creating   1

mapping to separate integration objects   1

multiple fields   1

primary record, setting   1

types of   1

virtual business components, restriction   1

multivalue links, setting primaries   1

multivalued attributes   1


See Multivalue Groups Within Business Components

MVG integration components

Account_Organization integration component example   1

configuring for concurrency control   1

example   1

MVGAssociation integration components

Account_Organization integration component example   1

configuring for concurrency control   1

example   1

MVGAssociation user property

about   1

MVG, creating a Siebel integration component to represent   1

Back to top


Named subsystem

configuring   1

parameters   1

NamedSearchSpec argument, about   1

name-value pairs

concatenating   1

role in property sets   1

NewQuery argument   1

NewQuery argument, about   1

No envelope business service   1

None session type, SOAP header examples   1

NumOutputObjects argument

described   1

locating arguments for   1

NumOutputObjects argument, about   1

Back to top


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source, creating an external table definition   1

operations, relationship to Web service port types   1

outgoing XML format, tags and descriptions (table)   1

Output Integration Object Name argument, about   1

output parameters, (table)   1

Output type   1

OutputIntObjectName argument, about   1 ,  2

Back to top



EAI Siebel Adapter business service method argument   1

locating arguments for   1


common input parameters (table)   1

output parameters (table)   1

Parameters argument, XML Gateway method   1

parent business component

multivalue group example   1

multivalue group field names, assigning   1

parent integration component

about   1

identifying   1

structure example   1


force-active fields, considerations   1

integration object considerations   1

picklist considerations   1


performance considerations   1

validating, about and example   1

port types, relationship to Web service operations   1

PreInsert method, DTD example   1

PreInsert property set example   1

PreInsert Response method, DTD example   1

primaries, about setting   1

primary business component   1

primary integration component

See About the Structure of Integration Objects

PrimaryRowId argument

described   1

locating arguments for   1

property sets

about   1

about and role of   1

child   1

code sample   1

Delete method example   1

Display Name field   1

EAI MIME Doc Converter properties (table)   1

Error Return example   1

fields   1

hierarchy example   1

Init example   1

Insert example   1

integration objects, and   1

MIME hierarchy   1

nodes types (table)   1

PreInsert example   1

Query example   1

Update example   1

Proxy Configuration for Java Web Container   1

Proxy server

See Proxy Configuration for Java Web Container

Back to top


Query method

business component records, about querying all   1

DTD example   1

wildcard querying, about using asterisk (*)   1

query operation

integration component keys, role of   1

role in integration projects   1

Query property set example   1

Query Response method, DTD example   1

QueryByUserKey argument, about   1 ,  2

QueryPage method

EAI UI Data Adapter business service   1

overview   1

Back to top


Remote Source argument, XML Gateway method   1

Remote Source user property

virtual business component   1

XML Gateway business service   1

repository objects, REPOBJ user property   1


root component

See About the Structure of Integration Objects

row tag   1

RPC-literal support   1

run-time database

deploying business services to   1

deploying integration objects to   1 ,  2 ,  3

run-time events, about using   1

Back to top



Generate XML wizard   1

generating   1


business service, attaching to   1

business service, using to access   1

SearchSpec argument

described   1

locating arguments for   1

ServerDetermine session type, about   1

Service Name user property

virtual business component   1

XML Gateway business service   1

Service Parameters user properties, table of   1

Service Parameters user property

virtual business component   1

XML Gateway business service   1

session timeout parameters

about and table   1

SessionTimeout   1

SessionTokenMaxAge   1

SessionTokenTimeout   1

SHA2 Support for Outbound Web Service   1

Siebel Business Application, defining business services   1

Siebel business component, defined   1

Siebel business objects

defined   1

structure of   1

Siebel Developer Web Client, invoking Web services   1

Siebel EAI

See About Integration Objects

Siebel eScript

using to access a business service   1

using to invoke Web services   1

Siebel integration components

See About Integration Object Terminology

Siebel integration objects

See About Integration Objects

Siebel Message envelope business service   1

Siebel Message object

See About the Difference Between Integration Objects and Integration Object Instances

Siebel Mobile Web Client, invoking Web services   1

Siebel Tools

business services, creating process overview   1

business services, defining   1

integration objects, creating   1

user key, identifying   1

virtual business component, creating   1

Siebel VB, using to access a business service   1

Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)   1 ,  2

enabling Session Management   1

SWSE Plug-in   1 ,  2

SiebelMessage argument

EAI Siebel Adapter business service method argument   1

locating arguments for   1

SiebelMessage argument, about   1

siebel-xmlext-fields-req tag   1

siebel-xmlext-fields-ret tag   1

siebel-xmlext-Insert-req tag   1

siebel-xmlext-insert-ret tag   1

siebel-xmlext-preinsert-req tag   1

siebel-xmlext-preinsert-ret tag   1

siebel-xmlext-query-req tag   1

siebel-xmlext-query-ret tag   1

siebel-xmlext-status tag   1

siebel-xmlext-Update-req tag   1

siebel-xmlext-Update-ret tag   1

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

about   1

custom filters   1

header examples   1

Siebel Authentication and Session Management headers (table)   1

standard   1

simulation, business service   1

SOAP faults

handling in Siebel Business Applications   1

schema support   1

SortSpec argument

EAI Siebel Adapter business service method argument   1

locating arguments for   1

Specialized Business Services, about   1

StartRowNum argument

EAI Siebel Adapter business service method argument   1

locating arguments for   1

Stateful session type, SOAP header example   1

Stateless session type, SOAP header example   1

status keys, about and example   1

status-code tag   1

StatusObject argument

described   1

locating arguments for   1


See About Siebel Authentication and Session Management SOAP Headers

synchronization process

about   1

in-memory updating   1

integration object components, deleting   1

integration objects, updating   1

role in integration projects   1

update rules, about   1

Synchronize business service method, overview   1

System fields, about treatment of   1

Back to top


tables, using Mod Id   1

testing business services   1

transports, used with XML Gateway   1

Back to top


Update business service method, overview   1

Update Leaves business service method, EAI UI Data Adapter business service   1

Update method, DTD example   1

Update property set example   1

Update Response method, DTD example   1

Upsert business service method

overview   1

XML code example   1

UseFormattedValues integration object user property   1

user keys

building and validating, example   1

defined   1

definitions, confirming after integration object creation   1

field in Siebel Tools   1

hierarchy parent key, about and example   1

hierarchy root key, about and example   1

inactivating, caution   1

Integration Component key   1

locating in Tables screen   1

Object Builder wizard, about building with   1

status keys, about and example   1

validity, checking   1

user properties

AssocFieldName   1

Association   1

business service user properties, defining   1

External Name   1

MVGAssociation   1

UseFormattedValues   1

virtual business components (table)   1

virtual business components, defining for   1

Back to top


value tag   1

VBC Compatibility Mode user property   1 ,  2


See About Virtual Business Components

ViewMode argument

EAI Siebel Adapter business service method argument   1

locating arguments for   1

ViewMode argument, about   1

ViewMode integration object user property   1

virtual business components

about   1

custom code example, eScript   1

custom code example, VB   1

docking restrictions   1

external application setup, about   1

incoming XML format, tags and descriptions (table)   1

mobile users, restriction   1

MQSeries, implementing with   1

multivalue groups   1

new virtual business component, creating   1

outgoing XML format, tags and descriptions (table)   1

specialized business components, restriction   1

user properties (table)   1

user properties, defining   1

XML Gateway business service, configuring   1

virtual business components, methods

Delete method example   1

Error Return property set, example   1

Init method, example   1

Insert method, example   1

PreInsert property set, example   1

Query property set, example   1

Update property set, example   1

virtual business services

See Custom Business Service Methods

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Web services

about   1

cache refresh   1

consuming external Web services   1

custom SOAP filters   1 ,  2

defining Web Service Inbound Dispatcher   1

deploying business services as   1

DOC-literal support   1

EAI file streaming   1

enabling tracing   1

Extensible Markup Language (XML) standard   1

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) standard   1

generating a WSDL file   1

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard   1

inbound, about port types and operations   1

invoking on the Siebel Developer Web Client   1

invoking on the Siebel Mobile Web Client   1

invoking using an external system   1

invoking, examples of   1 ,  2

Local Business Service   1

one-way operations   1

outbound, creating based on WSDL file   1

outbound, creating manually   1

outbound, importing run-time data   1

outbound, integration objects as input arguments   1

outbound, using local business service   1

publishing inbound   1

RPC-literal support   1

security support   1

Session Management SOAP headers (table)   1

Siebel Authentication   1

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) standard   1

single sign-on authentication   1

SOAP fault message example   1

SOAP fault schema support   1

support for transport headers   1

support for transport parameters   1

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) standard   1

Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) standard   1

Web Services Security (WS-Security) standard   1

XML Schema standard   1

XML schema support for the xsd:any tag   1

Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

about   1

consuming an external Web service using the WSDL Import Wizard   1

generating a WSDL file   1

importing a WSDL file   1

invoking an external Web service   1

standard   1

Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) standard   1

Web Services Security (WS-Security) standard

about and reference   1

support for UserName Token mechanism   1

white space, handling in XML documents   1


inbound MIME request   1

outbound MIME request   1

policies, about using   1

WSDL Import Wizard

deploying business services   1

deploying integration objects   1

invoking an external Web service   1

using to consume an external Web service   1

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attribute-named operation, specifying   1

business services, importing and exporting   1

Generate XML Schema wizard   1

handling white space   1

inline XML attachments   1 ,  2

metadata example   1

upsert and delete code example   1

XML Converter business service   1

XML format

incoming tags and descriptions (table)   1

outgoing tags and descriptions (table)   1

XML Gateway business service

about   1

configuring   1

incoming XML tags and descriptions   1

init method arguments   1

methods (table)   1

methods arguments (table)   1

name-value pairs, concatenating   1

outgoing XML tags and descriptions   1

sample inbound DTDs   1

sample outbound DTDs   1

Virtual Business Component, implementing with MQSeries   1

XML Hierarchy Converter business service   1

XML Schema standard   1

XSD container elements, choosing naming convention   1

xsd:any tag, XML schema support   1

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