Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Business Services > Creating Business Services in Siebel Tools >

Defining a Business Service in Siebel Tools

You declaratively define the business service in Siebel Tools, and then add your scripts to the business service in the Siebel Script Editor within Siebel Tools.

To define a business service in Siebel Tools

  1. In Siebel Tools, select and lock the project with which you want to associate your business service.

    NOTE:  Each business service must belong to a project, and the project must be locked. For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

  2. Select the Business Services object in the Tools Object Explorer.

    The list of predefined business services appears in the right panel.

  3. Right-click, and then choose New Record.
  4. Type a name in the Name field of the new business service.
  5. From the pull-down menu in the Project field, pick the project you locked in Step 1.
  6. Choose the appropriate class for your business service from the Class picklist:
    • Data transformation business services must use the CSSEAIDTEScriptService class.
    • Other business services will typically use the CSSService class.
  7. Step off the current record to save your changes.
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