Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Web Services > Consuming External Web Services Using Siebel Web Services >

Integration Objects as Input Arguments to Outbound Web Services

It is recommended that the property set used as an input argument to the outbound Web service have the same name as the input argument's outbound Web service proxy.

You can do this using one of the following options:

  • Change the output from all your business services that provide the input to the outbound Web service from SiebelMessage to the actual outbound Web service argument name specified in Siebel Tools.

    Change the output from your business services in Siebel Tools, as well as the name of the property set child that contains the integration object instance.

  • Change the property set type name from SiebelMessage to the actual outbound Web service argument name by using Siebel eScript on a business service before calling the outbound Web service.

The following Siebel eScript example shows how to pass an integration object and a session token to a proxy business service using the integration object as an input argument. The script is written on the Service_PreInvokeMethod event of the proxy business service.

function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs) {

var childPS;

var newInputPS;

var svc;

for (var i = 0; i < Inputs.GetChildCount(); i++) {

  if(Inputs.GetChild(i).GetType() == "SiebelMessage") {

childPS = Inputs.GetChild(i);




newInputPS = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

newInputPS.SetProperty("myBusSvcMethod:sessionToken:string", Inputs.GetProperty("token"));


svc = TheApplication().GetService("myBusSvc");

svc.InvokeMethod("myBusSvcMethod", newInputPS, Outputs);

return (CancelOperation); // must use CancelOperation with custom methods


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