Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > Web Services >

Enabling Web Services Tracing

You can enable Web services tracing on the Siebel Server to write all inbound and outbound SOAP documents to a log file.

To enable Web services tracing

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Servers view.

    The view that appears displays three different list applets. The top applet lists the Siebel Servers for the enterprise. The middle applet has three tabs: Components, Parameters and Events. The bottom applet has two tabs: Events and Parameters.

  2. In the top list applet, select the Siebel Server that you want to configure.
  3. In the middle applet, click the Components tab.

    This list applet contains the components for the Siebel Server selected in the top applet.

    Choose the relevant application object manager.

  4. In the bottom applet, click the Parameters tab.

    This list applet contains the parameters for the Component selected in the middle applet.

  5. Set the Log Level to 4 for any or all of the following Event Types.
    Event Type

    Web Service Performance


    Web Service Performance Event Type

    Used for performance logging

    Web Service Outbound Argument Tracing


    Web Service Outbound Run-time Argument Tracing

    Used for logging arguments to the outbound dispatcher

    Web Service Outbound


    Web Service Outbound Run-time Event Type

    Used for run-time logging of outbound Web services

    Web Service Loading


    Web Service Configuration Loading Event Type

    Used for logging of the loading of Web services

    Web Service Inbound Argument Tracing


    Web Service Inbound Run-time Argument Tracing

    Used for logging arguments to the inbound dispatcher

    Web Service Inbound


    Web Service Inbound Run-time Event Type

    Used for logging at Web service inbound run time. Information is logged to the inbound dispatcher

    Web Service Design


    Web Service Design-time Event Type

    Used for logging at Web service design time. For example, at the time of WSDL import and generation

  6. In the middle applet, click the Components tab.
  7. Select the EAI Object Manager component, and then click the Parameters tab.

    The Component Parameters list appears.

  8. Click Advanced to see the advanced parameters. (Click Reset to hide them again.)
  9. Query for Enable Business Service Argument Tracing.
  10. Set its Value and Value on Restart fields to True.
  11. Restart or reconfigure the server component.

    For information on restarting server components and on advanced and hidden parameters, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

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