Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > EIM Configuration File > Defining EIM Configuration File Parameters >

Process Section Parameters Generic to All EIM Processes

This section contains general process parameters generic to all EIM processes that appear in the process section of the EIM configuration file. Table 5 provides descriptions of these parameters.

NOTE:  If your configuration file has more than one process section and you want a certain parameter to act on more than one process, you must include the parameter setting within each of the process sections that correspond to the processes on which you intend for the parameter to act.

Table 5. General Process Parameters for the EIM Configuration File


Required. Specifies a required batch number for the process to be run. Use this batch number to identify the set of rows to load from the EIM tables for this specific process. This batch number corresponds to the value in the interface column IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM and must be a positive integer between 0 and 2147483647 (no commas). To specify multiple batches, use a range or list of batch numbers.

To specify a range of batches, use the first_batch-last_batch format as shown in this example:


To list batches, use the comma-delimited format as shown in this example:



Optional. Commit after each EIM pass; default is TRUE.

NOTE:  It is best not to use this parameter in delete processes. This is because if a commit occurs after each table or each pass in a delete process, then in case of errors causing exit from the process, you can be left with orphan records and dangling references. If the commit occurs for the whole batch, then in case of errors, you can roll back other table deletes.


Optional. Commit after each base table; default is TRUE.

NOTE:  It is best not to use this parameter in delete processes. This is because if a commit occurs after each table or each pass in a delete process, then in case of errors causing exit from the process, you can be left with orphan records and dangling references. If the commit occurs for the whole batch, then in case of errors, you can roll back other table deletes.


Optional. Do not process these tables.


Optional. Subprocess to execute.

NOTE:  This parameter can be used only in shell processes. A shell process uses the INCLUDE statement to invoke a sequence of processes in a single run.

INCLUDE names a process to be included as part of this process. More than one process may be included in another process. All included processes execute before the process itself.


Optional. Default value depends on system preference.

Use this parameter to control the logging mode. If this parameter is set to TRUE, EIM logs changes when mobile clients synchronize. If this parameter is set to FALSE, changes are not logged. In general, when you load data into the HQ database for the first time, this parameter should be set to FALSE.

LOG TRANSACTIONS = TRUE operates in row-by-row mode. LOG TRANSACTIONS = FALSE operates in set-based mode.


Optional. Process only base tables.


Optional. Error rollback behavior; default is FALSE.


Optional. Specifies a user-defined SQL statement to be sent to the database server before other SQL statements for this process. This string is sent directly to the database and must be a single SQL statement suitable for immediate processing.

You can use the SESSION SQL parameter to set tracing for performance analysis. Only one SESSION SQL parameter can be used in each process section.

NOTE:  This parameter cannot be used to insert or update data in Siebel base tables. EIM sends the SQL statement directly to the database and may cause data loss for Siebel Remote and Siebel Replication Manager.


Optional. Specifies whether the virtual null key is to be skipped for the BU_ID column. The default value is FALSE.

Virtual null key sets the BU_ID column value to the default value defined in the repository. To use the default value defined in the repository for the BU_ID column, set this parameter to FALSE (the default). To skip the virtual null key and not use the default value defined in the repository for the BU_ID column, set this parameter to TRUE. This parameter applies to import, delete, and merge processes because the foreign key must be resolved before these processes can run.


Required. Specifies the name of an EIM table used in this process. Multiple TABLE parameters may be used to define a process using more than one table.



BATCH = 101



NOTE:  For performance reasons, you should limit the number of tables to export or merge in a single process section to five tables or fewer.


Optional. Post-commit SQL statement. Specifies a user-defined SQL statement to be sent to the database before other SQL statements, and immediately after each commit or rollback operation during the process (including subprocesses). For more information about this parameter, see TRANSACTION SQL Parameter.


Required. This parameter specifies the type of process being defined (possible values are IMPORT, EXPORT, DELETE, MERGE, SHELL). A shell process uses the INCLUDE statement to invoke a sequence of processes in a single run.


Optional. For DB2 databases only. Controls whether EIM dynamically updates the statistics of EIM tables. The default value is TRUE.

For example, if you are running EIM on a DB2 database, the account under which EIM runs must have the DB2 CONTROL table privilege on the EIM tables. The database installer automatically grants this privilege when creating the tables. However, it may be necessary to regrant this privilege if the EIM tables have been modified or recreated. To regrant the CONTROL privilege, use the script named grantstat.sql in the database installer directory.

NOTE:  If you plan to run EIM processes in parallel on a DB2 database, this may cause a deadlock when multiple EIM processes access the same EIM table simultaneously. To avoid this potential problem, set the UPDATE STATISTICS parameter to FALSE.


Optional. For MS SQL Server and Oracle databases only. The default value is TRUE. This parameter enables a subset of index hints for MS SQL Server.


Optional. For Oracle databases only. Controls whether EIM issues optimizer hints to the underlying database to improve performance and throughput. The default value is FALSE.


Optional. Controls the queries of account synonyms during import processing. When set to FALSE, this parameter saves processing time because queries that look up synonyms are not used. The default value is TRUE.

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