Siebel Events Management Guide > Registration Business Service Methods > Descriptions of Business Services Methods >

SessionRegistrationService Business Service Methods

This topic describes the SessionRegistrationService business services methods.

EnrollAdmin Method

This method is used to register one or more individuals. Input property set is a nested property set where each row is an input contact or prospect. This method is invoked from the RegisterAll button, where all dummy records in the current context are registered. See Table 22 for a description of EnrollAdmin Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 22. EnrollAdmin Method Properties


Input Property - Event Row Id.

Session Id

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by the Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.


Input Property - Always set to "SESSION."

Dummy Id (Dummy regn Id)

Input Property - Dummy registration record Id.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Shopping Flag (YES or "")

Output Property - Determines whether the Shopping Cart process is required. "YES" or Null.

Error Regn (A grouped error message if applicable)

Output Property - Cumulative error message with additional information.

EnrollEndUser Method

This method is used for multi-session registration for a contact or a prospect. Check for time overlaps between selected sessions and existing session registrations. Uses a nested property set. See Table 23 for a description of EnrollEndUser Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 23. EnrollEndUser Method Properties

Event Id*

Input Property - Event Row Id.

Session Id

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign executions.

Type ('SESSION')

Input Property - Always set to "SESSION."

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Reg Id (Empty)

Input Property - Registration or attendee row Id. Not used.

Status (Empty)

Input Property - Registration or attendee status. Not used.

Registration Date (Empty)

Input Property - Registration date. Not used.

Parent Registration Id (Empty)

Input Property - Registration or attendee row Id for the session's parent event. Not used.

Start Date*

Input Property - Start Date and Time of the session.

End Date*

Input Property - End Date and Time of the session.


Input Property - Name of the session (used for error messaging).

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error Regn (A grouped error message if applicable)

Output Property - Cumulative error message with additional information.

Shopping Flag ("YES" or "")

Output Property - Determines whether the Shopping Cart process is required. "YES" or Null.

Parent Reg Id

Output Property - Registration or attendee row Id for the session's parent event.

CheckOverlaps Method

This method is used to determine if any of the sessions selected for registration within the event have time overlaps or conflict with prior registered sessions for the attendee. Uses a nested property set. See Table 24 for a description of CheckOverlaps Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 24. CheckOverlaps Method Properties

Event Id*

Input Property - Event Row Id.

Session Id

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign executions.

Type ('SESSION')

Input Property - Always set to "SESSION."

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Reg Id (Empty)

Input Property - Registration or attendee row Id. Not used.

Status (Empty)

Input Property - Registration or attendee status. Not used.

Registration Date (Empty)

Input Property - Registration date. Note used.

Parent Registration Id (Empty)

Input Property - Registration or attendee row Id for the session's parent event. Not used.

Start Date*

Input Property - Start Date and Time of the session.

End Date*

Input Property - End Date and Time of the session.


Input Property - Name of the session (used for error messaging).

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Session Id)

Output Property - Event Id

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Reg Id

Output Property - Attendee Id.

Shopping Flag ("Y" or "")

Output Property - Determines whether the Shopping Cart process is required. "YES" or Null.

EnrollUser Method

This method is used to register a single contact or prospect. See Table 25 for a description of EnrollUser Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 25. EnrollUser Method Properties

Event Id*

Input Property - Event Row Id.

Session Id

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign executions.

Type ('SESSION')

Input Property - Always set to "SESSION."


Input Property - Registration or attendee status. Not used.

Reg Id (Empty)

Input Property - Registration or attendee row Id. Not used.

Parent Registration Id*

Input Property - Registration or attendee row Id for the sessions' parent event.

Registration Date

Input Property - Registration date. (Only required if multiple registration records exist for the same contact.)

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Reg Id (RegistrationId)

Output Property - Attendee Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Shopping Flag (YES or "")

Output Property - Determines whether the Shopping Cart process is required. "YES" or Null.

CheckPreviousRegn Method

This method is used to determine if a previous registration or attendee record exists. See Table 26 for a description of CheckPreviousRegn Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 26. CheckPreviousRegn Method Properties

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Reg Id (Old regn if it it exists)

Output Property - Attendee Id.

Regn Status (Status of the old regn)

Output Property - Status of previous attendees record.

Parent Reg Id

Output Property - Registration or attendee row Id for the session's parent event.

CheckParentRegn Method

This method determines if the attendee is registered for the session's parent event. See Table 27 for a description of CheckParentRegn Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 27. CheckParentRegn Method Properties

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Event Id*

Input Property - Event Row Id.

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Parent Reg Id

Output Property - Registration or attendee row Id for the session's parent event.

Parent Status

Output Property - Status of the session's parent event.

CheckSpace Method

This method checks if there is capacity for registration. See Table 28 for a description of CheckSpace Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 28. CheckSpace Method Properties

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

CleanSpace Method

This method removes any old pending registration or attendee records that do not belong to the current user, to free up capacity. The Business Component User Property "Reservation Time Out Hour" determines how long these records exist before being deleted. See Table 29 for a description of CleanSpace Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 29. CleanSpace Method Properties

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

CreateRegistration Method

This method calls the UpdateSpace method to create a registration and seat count. Then it calls CheckQuote to determine if a quote needs to be created. See Table 30 for a description of CreateRegistration Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 30. CreateRegistration Method Properties

Event Id

Input Property - Event Row Id.

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Parent Registration Id

Input Property - Registration or attendee Id of the parent event.


Input Property - Dummy Registration Id.

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Quote Item Id

Output Property - Quote Item Row Id.

Reg Id

Output Property - Attendee Id.

Shopping Flag ('Y" or "")

Output Property - Determines whether the Shopping Cart process is required. "YES" or Null.

UpdateRegistration Method

This method is called when a pending registration or attendee already exists. Completes the registration by calling other methods as necessary. See Table 31 for a description of UpdateRegistration Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 31. UpdateRegistration Method Properties

Event Id

Input Property - Event Row Id.

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.


Input Property - Status for the registration.

Registration Date

Input Property - Date of the registration.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Reg Id*

Input Property

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Quote Item Id

Output Property - Quote Item Row Id.

Shopping Flag ('Y" or "")

Output Property - Determines whether the Shopping Cart process is required. "YES" or Null.

Reg Id

Output Property - Registration or attendee Id.

UpdateSpace Method

This method creates or updates a regn and updates event counts within a Lock to ensure transaction integrity. See Table 32 for a description of UpdateSpace Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 32. UpdateSpace Method Properties

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Parent Registration Id

Input Property - Registration/attendee Id of the parent event.

Action* (Mode of operation to be performed - create regn, update regn)

Input Property - Operation can be performed.

Increase count: Enroll an attendee

Drop from enroll: Drop an attendee (no functionality present for this currently)

Drop from waiting: Drop an WL attendee (no functionality present for this currently)

Drop from invited: Drop an invitee (no functionality present for this currently)

Waiting to enroll: Enroll an existing attendee (called from Update Regn)

Invitee to enroll: Enroll an invitee (called from Update Regn)

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Reg Id

Output Property - Registration or attendee Id.

CheckQuote Method

This method determines whether the current user needs to be charged. See Table 33 for a description of CheckQuote Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 33. CheckQuote Method Properties

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Reg Id*

Input Property - Registration or attendee row Id.

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

AddToShoppingCart Method

This method invokes the shopping service to create a quote item. See Table 34 for a description of AddToShoppingCart Method properties.

NOTE:  Input Properties marked by an asterisk(*) indicate a required field.

Table 34. AddToShoppingCart Method Properties

Prospect Id

Input Property - Row Id of the prospect being registered. This property is used by Siebel Marketing Server during campaign execution.

Contact Id

Input Property - Row Id of the contact being registered.

User Type* (Contact or Prospect)

Input Property - Type of individual being registered. "Contact" or "Prospect."

Reg Id*

Input Property - Registration/attendee row Id.

Session Id*

Input Property - Session Row Id.

Return Val* (Success or Failure)

Output Property - "Success" or "Failure."

Output Type* (Info on the return value)

Output Property - Further information on the result.

Error String (Contains Event Id)

Output Property - Event Id.

Error Message (Error encountered)

Output Property - Description of any error encountered.

Error Param (User Id)

Output Property - Contact or Prospect Id.

Error Code (Contains Error Identifier)

Output Property - Siebel Error Id.

Quote Id

Output Property - Quote Row Id. (Returns a quote Id if a new quote is created)

Quote Item Id

Output Property - Quote Item Row Id. (Returns a quote item Id if the quote item already exists in the same Web session.)

Shopping Flag ('Y" or "")

Output Property - Determines whether the Shopping Cart process is required. "YES" or Null.

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