Siebel Events Management Guide > Defining an Event > Administrator Setup Procedures for Defining an Event >

Updating Lookup Tables

You can enter and maintain some values through LOVs, but you must create other values through tables. The advantage of using tables to enter values is that each company can establish a unique hierarchy and define appropriate values for its business processes.

Populating tables in your Siebel application is a consistent process when setting up Regions, Product Lines, and Session templates, which are described in this section. You can update event-related tables from the Administration - Application screen.

Region Administration

Because Siebel Events Management is only one of many parts of your Siebel application that uses the concept of region, you need to define a regional hierarchy appropriate for your overall business.

There are two region-related fields in Siebel Events Management:

  • The Region field indicates the region in which the Event takes place.
  • The Region Origin field indicates the Region from which the Event's featured investment comes.

Other parts of the Siebel application use region to indicate the investment focus of your salesmen and their coverage regarding your client companies. Therefore, it is important that you select a region hierarchy that is generic enough to describe event regions, coverage regions, and investment product regions in a single table.

For global or multinational companies, you need to define regional hierarchies that relate to the geographical areas your business serves and in which you conduct events. Application Administrators can manage region hierarchies by performing the following procedure.

To define regional hierarchies

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Locations > Regions view.
  2. In the Parent Region list, define the region, for example, North America, Asia, and so on.
  3. In the Child Region list, you can then define subsets of the Parent Regions. For example, your Child Regions could be the individual countries that are associated with the highlighted record in the Parent Region list.

    Alternatively, you many choose to use individual cities that are associated with the highlighted Parent Region. If two levels of region hierarchies are not sufficient for your company's business requirements, the Siebel data model allows a database administrator to create additional levels. You will however, have to configure the user interface to allow users to define this hierarchy.

The following list illustrates how multiple regions and areas within regions can be set up in the Region table. For example, your financial institution may define geographies in the following major regions and then areas within a region:

  • Asia-Pacific
    • Japan
    • China
    • Singapore
    • Malaysia
    • Indonesia
    • Australia
  • Europe
    • United Kingdom
    • France
    • Spain
    • Italy
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • South America

For more information on working with regions, see Siebel Finance Guide.

Period Administration

While some organizations use standard calendar reporting periods, other organizations use fiscal reporting periods. Siebel Business Applications provide flexibility in this area, so organizations can set up periods that make sense for them. For information about period administration, see Siebel Forecasting Guide.

Product Lines for Financial Services Customers

If you are a financial services customer, Siebel Events Management uses the Product Line table to store Asset Classes. You will want to add a row to the table for each relevant asset class associated with a product line from the Product Line Fee view of the Administration - Application screen.

For example, your financial institution may define the following four types of Asset Classes within a Product Line:

  • Derivative
  • Equity
  • Fixed Income
  • Mutual Fund

For information on Product Administration, see Siebel Product Administration Guide.

Adding Session Templates

Siebel Events Management uses Session Templates to store templates for groups of sessions that are similar. For example, all events that take place in London may follow the same sequence of sessions, including the same start times and end times. In this case, you may want to save a London template that contains the same sequence of sessions, which you can reuse each time you host a London event.

Session templates may be used in more than one region, area, or location. You can manage session templates by navigating to the Marketing Templates screen and choosing Session Templates. For more information, see Event Management Process Phases.

The following steps describe a recommended workflow for setting up session templates and the events and sessions that define them.

  1. Create the template. An Administrator creates a Session Template and adds session details including City, Country, and Start Time.
  2. Add sessions to the template. The administrator then adds sessions to the template, specifying name, start date, end date, and format.
  3. Save the template. Siebel Events Management saves the session template, which allows you to add, change, or delete sessions associated with it.

Table 4 displays sample line items in a session template. For example, your company may define the following one-day event in London as part of a session template.

Table 4. Sample Session Template Line Items
Session Line Items




United Kingdom

Start Time

9:00 A.M.

After you have created an outline for a London session template, you can add typical sessions that occur during your London-based events. Table 5 displays sample sessions within the London session template.

Table 5. Sample London Sessions
Sample Sessions


8:00 A.M.-8:30 A.M.


8:30 A.M.-9:00 A.M.

Opening Presentation

9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.

Featured Presentation

10:00 A.M.-11:30 A.M.

Breakout Session

11:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M.


12:30 P.M.-2:00 P.M.

One-on-One Analysis

2:00 P.M.-3:30 P.M.

Roundtable 2

3:30 P.M.-5:00 P.M.

Group Report Out

5:00 P.M.-5:45 P.M.

Concluding Remarks

5:45 P.M.-6:00 P.M.

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