Siebel Events Management Guide > Preparing for an Event > End-User Procedures for Preparing for an Event >

Inviting Contacts and Prospects to an Event

This section provides an introduction to inviting prospective attendees. However, prior to inviting attendees, it is recommended that you read Self-Registering to Attend an Event.

You can invite prospective attendees to an event by adding an individual attendee or a list of attendees for the event and setting the Registration Status to Invited, which triggers an automatic email to the invitee or invitees. If the registration status is set to Invited when an invitee logs in to your Siebel Events Web site, then the invitee sees the event listed when he or she clicks the View My Open Invitations link on the home page.

You can also register prospective attendees directly for events and sessions. For information about registration, including important descriptions of registration workflow rules, see Self-Registering to Attend an Event.

For financial services customer, if an attendee is registered at the event or session level, an autoregistration process is triggered that registers the attendee's employing company for the event with a registration status of Restricted Invite.

An attendee's registration status effects whether the attendee can:

  • See the event listed on the Events home page
  • View the event details
  • See nothing at all

If the registration status is set to Invited when an invitee logs in to your Siebel Events Web site, then the invitee sees the event listed on the Events home page. If an account's registration status is set to Invited, all employees of that company see that event listed, and all employees can view the event details.

Inviting a Contact to an Event

The following procedures describes how to invite a contact to an event.

Inviting a contact

  1. Navigate to the Site Map > Events > Event view.
  2. In the Events list, select and drill down on the event for which you want to invite the contact.
  3. Click the Participants view tab, and then click Registration.
  4. In the Registration list, click Add Attendee.
  5. In the Registration list, click Invite.

    NOTE:  After the attendee is invited, you can view the attendee by clicking the Participants view tab.

Inviting a List of Contacts to an Event

The following procedures describes how to invite a group of people to an event.

To invite a list of contacts

  1. Navigate to the Site Map > Events > Event view.
  2. In the Events list, select and drill down on the Event.
  3. Click the Participants view tab, and then click Registration.
  4. In the Registration list, click Add List.
  5. In the Add Attendee List dialog box, select a list or create a new record, and then click OK.
  6. In the Registration list, click Invite all.

    NOTE:  After the list is invited, you can view the invited attendees by clicking the Participants view tab.

Inviting Contacts and Prospects to an Event Using Siebel Marketing

Customers who have purchased the required license options for Siebel Marketing, can invite contacts or prospects to an event through an email marketing campaign. This involves creating a target segment or list of invitees, associating a related event to a campaign and email offer, and executing the campaign to send out email invitations with an embedded Event Web site URL. During execution, campaigns that have a related event automatically add the campaign contacts or prospects to the event as attendees, with a Registration Status of Invited.

Unlike contacts, prospects are not required to log in to the Events Web site in order to register for an event. This method for inviting prospects may be particularly useful in the case where third-party prospect lists are imported and not promoted to contacts. Invited prospects are shown in the Events screen, Attendees subview. For more information on Email Offers and Campaigns, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

After you invite the attendees, you can register them using the Events screen, Participants view. For more information on how to register invited attendees, see Registering for an Event.

Entering and Tracking Travel Arrangements

As attendees, speakers, and staff are confirmed, travel arrangements for each can be entered using the Participants view tab. Also, multiple travelers, such as the speakers and staff for a multicity event, can be added to a single travel arrangement.

Travel arrangements can be associated with all three levels of events—event plans, events, and sessions. For example, a staff member may involved in a one-day event, in another city, of a week-long event. In this case, you can enter the travel arrangements using the Events screen.

The following procedures involve travel arrangements for an event using the Events screen. You may find it helpful to reference the Calendar screen when scheduling event travel arrangements.

To enter travel arrangements

  1. Navigate to the Site Map > Events > Event view.
  2. In the Events list, select and drill down on the event for which you wish to enter travel arrangements.
  3. Click the Participants view tab, and then click Travel.
  4. In the Travel list, create a new record.
  5. In the Travel Type field, select a travel type from the drop-down list.

    After you enter the travel type and move to another field, the Travel Detail form refreshes and show fields specific to the travel type you selected.

  6. Fill in the remaining fields as needed.
  7. Scroll down to the Air Travel Detail form, and fill in the fields as needed.
  8. In the Attendees list, create a new record to add attendees to this travel arrangement.

    NOTE:  For Finance customers, you can only add people registered for the event, not staff or employees.

  9. In the Attendees list, select the event attendees (press CTRL to select multiple attendees), and then click OK.

    The Company Name field is autopopulated. The Confirmation Number and Comments fields are optional.

You can track travel arrangements using the All Travel list in the Travel view. The All Travel list is a read-only list and is for informational viewing purposes only.

To track travel arrangements

  1. Navigate to the Site Map > Events > Event Plans view.
  2. In the Event Plans list, select and drill down on the event you wish to track.
  3. Click the Participants view tab, and then click All Travel.

    A summary of all travel arrangements for the event, including travel arrangements associated with events and sessions, is displayed.

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