Siebel Events Management Guide > Preparing for an Event > End-User Procedures for Preparing for an Event >

Preparing Event Status Reports

Throughout the event preparations, you may want to use the preconfigured event status report to summarize current information about registrations, budget, and revenue. The following procedure describes how to produce an event status report.

The event status report uses the Registration Status field to summarize response rate and interest levels among the invitees.

NOTE:  Report parameters must be configured before you can select the Reports view. For information about setting report parameters, see Siebel Reports Guide.

To prepare an event status (snapshot) report

  1. Navigate to the Site Map > Events > Event view.
  2. In the Event Plans list, select and drill down on the event for which you wish to prepare a report.
  3. Click the Reports button.
  4. In the Select a Report field, select Event Snapshot.

    The event snapshot report appears in a new window.

    NOTE:  Reports are currently not available at the Session or Event Plan level.

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